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Correction Pages(line) Error Correction P68(10)

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1 Correction Pages(line) Error Correction P68(10)
过渡性修复(provisional restoration or transitory restomtion) 过渡性修复(transitional restoration or treatment restoration) P71(7) ,或前天性牙列不齐 ,或先天性牙列不齐 P85(4) 部分冠(parlial crown) 部分冠(partial crown) P86(1) …(axial proximal groove groove prearation) …(axial proximal groove preparation)

2 Temporary/Provisional Restoration and Transitional/Treatment Restoration
暂时性修复和过渡性修复 Department of Prosthodontics, Shanghai Ninth People’s Affiliated Hospital of College of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Y. Li

3 Definition Temporary restoration A prosthesis or restoration placed for a limited period, from several days to several months, which is designed to seal the tooth and maintain its position until a permanent restoration will replace it. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) 暂时性修复: 从牙体预备取模后到最终修复体完成期间的临时修复体。

4 Definition Transitional restoration(过渡性修复) Help make a diagnosis
Diagnostic restoration Aesthetic changes Occlusal changes Periodontal changes Temporary restoration Treatment restoration Help make the best treatment plan

5 What’s the differents? ? RCT+crown:pulp devitalization
subfissure teeth, no spontaneous pain Crown:endodontitis /apical paradentitis spontaneous pain: RCT OB half a year/ one year Temporary crown no spontaneous pain: permanent crown Provisional restoration 暂时性修复(时间角度) Treatment restoration 过渡性修复(作用角度)

6 Temporary restoration
Transitional restoration Requirements Classifications Temporary restoration Functions 通过前一实验,认识到溶胶凝胶工艺参数会影响薄膜的附着,这些参数包括: Fabrications Cases

7 Functions Esthetics 恢复外形,美容修复 Masticatory function 恢复咀嚼功能 保护牙髓,防止过敏
Comfort/tooth vitality 保护牙髓,防止过敏 Occlusion and positional stability 维持与稳定作用   Gingival health and contour 保护软组织(牙龈)健康  Diagnosis 诊断信息作用 Confidence 增强患者信心 

8 Functions

9 Functions

10 Functions

11 Requirements Fit closely Occlusal contacts Proximal contacts
就位良好 Occlusal contacts 良好的咬 关系 Proximal contacts 合适的邻接关系 Adequate esthetics 足够的美观   Proper contours 合适的外形凸度  Enough strength 足够的强度 Easy to fabricate and modify 易于修改和制作 

12 Not achieved the requirments
Don’t fit closely Overextended margins Not esthetics Without proximal contacts

13 Achieved the requirments

14 Classifications Direct Metal Non-metal Indirect Direct-indirect
Materials Methods Types Provisional fixed denture Direct Metal Non-metal Temporary PRD Indirect Immediate complete denture Transitional splint Direct-indirect Interim Phase in implant

15 Materials Metal: Non-metal:
Metal Preformed Crowns:Tin Silver PC(锡银预成冠) Aluminum Shell Crowns(铝预成冠) cast metal:stainless steel/ nickel chromium/ scrap gold Non-metal: Self cured resins:(shrinkage, exotherm, Free monomer) Neotype self cured resins : Polyethyl methacrylate (eg Snap, Trim) Bis acryl composite (eg Protemp, Quicktemp) light cured resins: Urethane dimethacrylate (eg Provipont DC) heat cured acrylic: Laboratory

16 Fabrications Direct Method: Indirect Method :
Direct syringing, Pre-formed crowns/facing, Impression matrices  Indirect Method : indirectly on a cast/ In Lab. Indirect - direct Method : Vacuum formed matrices

17 Direct Method Direct syringing

18 Direct Method Pre-formed facing成品牙面法

19 Direct Method Pre-formed facing成品牙面法

20 Direct Method Pre-formed facing成品牙面法

21 Direct Method Pre-formed facing成品牙面法

22 Direct Method Pre-formed facing成品牙面法

23 Direct Method Pre-formed crowns成品冠法 Proprietary celluloid
Polycarbonate Crown Proprietary metal shells Tin Silver preformed crowns Pre-formed crowns成品冠法

24 Impression matrices印模成形法
Direct Method Impression matrices印模成形法

25 Vacuum formed matrices真空薄膜印模成形法
Indirect-direct Method Vacuum formed matrices真空薄膜印模成形法

26 Vacuum formed matrices真空薄膜印模成形法
Indirect-direct Method Vacuum formed matrices真空薄膜印模成形法

27 Classifications Direct Metal Non-metal Indirect Direct-indirect
Materials Methods Types Provisional fixed denture Direct Metal Non-metal Temporary PRD Indirect Immediate complete denture Transitional splint Direct-indirect Interim Phase in implant

28 1、Provisional fixed denture
After the preparation / before laboratory procedures completely Need OB for long time: Bad periodontal conditions Long span bridges Pulling out adjacent teeth

29 1、Provisional fixed denture

30 2、Temporary PRD TMD Immediate dentrue (即刻义齿):
To impress before tooth extraction To impress after tooth extraction Transitional occlusal pad(过渡性He垫): TMD Severe abrasion

31 2、Temporary PRD


33 3、Immediate complete denture
To impress before tooth extraction Record original occlusion To impress after tooth extraction TMD

34 4、Transitional splint Deligation Splint 结扎夹板法
Continual band clamp splint 连续带环夹板法 Etching composite resin splint 酸蚀复合树脂夹板法

35 4、Transitional splint

36 5、Transitional restoration in implant
Single unit immediate implant Totally Edentulous Arches immediate implant Interim Phase in implant Dentistry

37 Single unit immediate implant

38 Totally Edentulous Arches immediate implant

39 Totally Edentulous Arches implant

40 To fabricate surgical drilling guide
Totally Edentulous Arches implant To fabricate surgical drilling guide

41 Temporary restoration , Interim denture
暂时性修复 Provisional restoration, (Transitory restoration) 临时性修复 Transitional restoration, Diagnostic restoration, Treatment restoration 过渡性修复 Immediate dentrue 即刻义齿

42 部分冠 (Partial crowns) PARTIAL VENEER CROWNS

43 定 义 (Definition) 覆盖于部分牙体表面的固定修复体 只能用金属制作 保留完整的唇颊面
(PARTIAL-COVERAGE RESTORATIONS) 只能用金属制作 保留完整的唇颊面 An extracoronal metal restoration that covers only part of the clinical crown is considered to be a par- tial veneer crown. It can also be referred to as a partial-coverage restoration.

44 发展过程 美观 烤瓷修复应用前 保留唇颊面 部分冠 烤瓷修复广泛应用后 使用减少 使用增多 非金属材料使用 保留舌侧面或远中面


46 工艺流程 定义 牙备 分类 我的课题重点研究氧化锆,下面就将相关研究背景简要回顾一下。 禁忌证 适应证

47 分 类 (Classifications) 前牙: 后牙: 改良四分之三冠( Modified three-quarter crowns)
针道固位冠 (Pinledges) 后牙: 改良四分之三冠( Modified three-quarter crowns) 八分之七冠 (seven-eighths crowns)


49 定义 分类 工艺流程 适应证 我的课题重点研究氧化锆,下面就将相关研究背景简要回顾一下。 牙备 禁忌证

50 Indications To restore teeth that have lost moderate amounts of tooth structure, provided the buccal wall is intact Teeth with sufficient bulk because they can accommodate the necessary retentive features As retainers for a fixed partial denture To reestablish anterior guidance, and to splint teeth






56 分类 适应证 定义 禁忌证 我的课题重点研究氧化锆,下面就将相关研究背景简要回顾一下。 工艺流程 牙备

57 Contraindications) Teeth have a short clinical crown
As retainers for long-span FPDs endodontically treated teeth dentitions with active caries or periodontal disease

58 适应证 禁忌证 分类 牙备 我的课题重点研究氧化锆,下面就将相关研究背景简要回顾一下。 定义 工艺流程‘

59 1.Three-quarter Crown

60 1.Three-quarter Crown

61 2.Molar Three-quarter & Seven-eighths Crown

62 3.Canine Three-quarter Crown


64 4. Modified Three-quarter Crown

65 5. pinledge



68 禁忌证 牙备 适应证 工艺流程 我的课题重点研究氧化锆,下面就将相关研究背景简要回顾一下。 分类 定义

69 技工室工艺流程 1. 修整模型 5. 分割模型 9. 安插铸道 2. 打孔 6. 修整代模 10. 包埋 3. 插代型针 7. 涂间隙剂
1. 修整模型 5. 分割模型 9. 安插铸道 2. 打孔 6. 修整代模 10. 包埋 3. 插代型针 7. 涂间隙剂 11. 失蜡铸造 要用溶胶凝胶法对四方氧化锆进行表面改性,首先就应找到合适的SiO2溶胶。本实验将用俄歇能谱仪观察和表征溶胶凝胶法制备的SiO2薄膜,以筛选合适的SiO2溶胶配方。 4. 灌制底座 8. 制作蜡型 12. 打磨完成

70 谢谢

71 思考题 简述暂时性修复的作用和要求 简述暂时性修复的分类和制作 简述部分冠的种类、适应证和牙备要求

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