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Clash of Civilizations? Cartoons and ISIS Yu-Shan Wu

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1 Clash of Civilizations? Cartoons and ISIS Yu-Shan Wu 104.6.17

2 The Beginning

3 September 11, 2001

4 Why the Twin Towers? Hate Symbols of America A Country that Threatens the Identity of the Islamic Fundamentalists: Reaction to International Cultural Challenge!

5 So Huntington is Right After All Civilizations Clash And History Does Not End More Importantly Things Began Beyond the Borders 國際環境決定論

6 The Cartoons

7 Events first erupted in September 2005, as a result of the printing of the Muhammad cartoons. In 2008, as rumors were circulated about possible assassination of the cartoonist, the Danish papers reprinted the cartoons, creating an uproar, showing the clash is as evident as three years ago, and that’s not the end.

8 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy
Sep. 30, 2005, 丹麥銷量最大的報紙 Jyllands-Posten 刊登 12 幅關於穆斯林先知穆罕默德的諷刺漫畫。 Oct. 14, 2005, 超過 3,500 人在該報社門前舉行和平示威。 Oct. 19, 2005, 十一位伊斯蘭國家駐丹麥大使約見丹麥首相 Anders Fogh Rasmussen,要求丹麥官方對漫畫之不友善言論保持距離,總理以言論自由為由拒絕會見。 Jan. 30, 2006, 編輯對使穆斯林感到不適一事表示歉意,但重申未犯法、無惡意,堅持捍衛言論自由。 Feb. 1, 2006, 漫畫經歐洲各國轉載,引發一連串抗議暴動事件。 Feb. 14, 2006, 梵蒂岡發表聲明,對歐洲傳媒刊載漫畫的行為表示譴責,指言論自由不等於「可以冒犯他人信仰的自由」。 Mar. 10, 2006, 丹麥外交部在哥本哈根主持穆斯林和基督教學者參加的會議,企圖改善與穆斯林世界的關係。

9 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy
Feb. 12, 2008, 丹麥逮補三名意圖殺害漫畫作者 Kurt Westergaard(炸彈頭)的疑犯,一名是來自摩洛哥,兩名來自土耳其。 Feb. 13, 2008, Jyllands-Posten 及其他眾多丹麥報紙再次刊登炸彈頭漫畫,宣示捍衛言論自由。再次引發穆斯林的街頭抗議事件。 2009 耶魯大學將卡通圖像從其出版書籍中除去,原因是為恐引發暴力事件,引起批評與撻伐。 Jan. 3, 2010, 一名索馬利亞男子持斧頭闖入 Kurt Westergaard 在丹麥西部的住所,企圖行兇。當時僅有畫家與五歲孫女在家,二人躲進避難室並報警,警方趕到制服兇嫌。刺客為 al-Shabab 成員。 2010/9 哥本哈根爆炸案,目標為 Jyllands-Posten。 尊重他人的宗教與言論自由之間產生了矛盾與衝突,西方和回教世界對於此二者的輕重看法不一致。

10 The most controversial image shows the Prophet Muhammad carrying a lit bomb in the shape of a turban on his head decorated with the Islamic creed. The face is angry, dangerous-looking - a stereotypical villain with heavy, dark eyebrows and whiskers

11 The cartoonist portrays Muhammad with a kind of halo around his head,
but it could be a crescent moon, or a pair of devil's horns.

12 This shows Muhammad brandishing a sword ready for a fight.
His eyes are blacked out while two women stand behind him with their Islamic dress leaving only their eyes uncovered

13 Muhammad standing on a cloud holding back a line of smouldering suicide bombers trying to get into heaven This is a reference to the supposed reward of 72 virgins in heaven for Muslim martyrs, although Islamic scholars often point out that there is no specific belief of this kind

14 Future "The editorial team of Jyllands-Posten are a bunch of reactionary provocateurs"

15 “Relax guys, it's just a drawing made by some infidel South Jutlander
(ie from the middle of nowhere),"

16 The last cartoon on the page goes back to the theme of artistic freedom:
a cartoonist draws an Arab face with headdress, inscribed "Mohammed", but he crouches over the drawing and shields it with his hand

17 Abu Ghraib, Quran Burning and Innocence of Muslims

18 Photographs from Abu Ghraib released in 2004 fueled outrage in the Arab world and within the United States. In this image, an Iraqi prisoner stands on a box with his head covered and wires attached to his hands at Abu Ghraib prison.

19 American soldiers pose behind a pyramid of naked Iraqi prisoners.

20 England holds the end of a leash attached to a prisoner.

21 Desecrating Quran 4/30, 2005: Newsweek 報導在拘禁恐怖份子的 Guantanamo Bay detention camp 偵訊人員蓄意褻瀆可蘭經(例如將其丟入馬桶中),以癱瘓被偵訊者的心防。 此一報導被巴基斯坦的政治人物 Imran Khan 大肆宣揚,立刻引起了阿富汗回教徒的暴動與死傷。 July 12, 2010: 美國佛羅里達的牧師 Terry Jones 宣稱要焚燒可蘭經,其後並在 2011, 2012, 2014 年數次實行。Jones 的活動導致回教徒的示威與衝突。

22 The End? May 2, 2011

23 Obviously NOT Innocence of Muslims: “The Real Life of Muhammad” 與 “Muhammad Movie Trailer” 在 July 2012 被放上網路 YouTube,這是反回電影Desert Warrior 的預告片。 這兩段影片一方面批判埃及的回教徒迫害基督徒,一方面描寫先知穆罕默德為身世不明、同性戀、花花公子、兒童性騷擾者等。結果引起全球回教徒的示威抗議。 較為重大的事件包括示威者衝入開羅的美國大使館,以及在利比亞的班加西(Benghazi)攻擊美國的領事館,並殺害了美國大使 J. Christopher Stevens。

24 Charlie Hebdo 死不悔改

25 Charlie Hebdo In 2006, the magazine featured Muhammed weeping with the headline “Muhammed Overwhelmed by Fundamentalism,” and the caption reading, ‘It’s hard being loved by idiots.’ This was the cover of the issue that also featured reprinted cartoons from the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten that caricatured the prophet. Jacques Chirac, French president at the time, denounced the magazine and Muslim groups sued, but courts eventually ruled in Charlie Hebdo’s favor.

26 Charlie Hebdo November 2, 2011: 該周刊出版特刊,把周刊名換成 Charia Hebdo(Charia是伊斯蘭教法沙里亞的法語,與 Charlie 的拼寫和法語發音都很相近),將先知穆罕默德列為主編,刊載穆罕默德的漫畫,他說︰「沒有笑到死的話,罰鞭刑100下。」("100 lashes if you don't die of laughter!") 《查理周刊》辦公室在出刊前一日的深夜遭汽油彈攻擊、縱火,網站也被癱瘓。

27 Charlie Hebdo In September 2012 Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of a naked Muhammed as violent protests were taking place in several countries over a low-budget film, titled “Innocence of Muslims”, which was made in the United States and insulted the prophet. Editor Stephane Charbonnier has received death threats and lives under police protection. 左圖:That film sets fire to the Muslim world. “And my ass? Do you like my ass?”

28 Charlie Hebdo The cartoon features a member of ISIS about to behead Muhammed and calling him an infidel. The caption reads, ‘If Muhammad were to return…’ 穆罕默德:混蛋! 我是穆罕默德! 蒙面人:異教徒閉嘴!

29 The Terrorists Strike Charlie Hebdo 不斷刊出對各種宗教的諷刺性漫畫,並經常針對回教、特別是先知穆罕默德大肆嘲諷,而長期飽受威脅。 January 7, 2015: 查理週刊的總部遭到兩名武裝份子攻擊,總共有12名編輯、警察被殺,包括週刊主編 Stephane Charbonnier。 事後,巴黎舉行團結大遊行,西方各國一致支持言論自由。

30 Charlie Hebdo ”Je suis Charlie”, with a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammed holding up a 'Je suis Charlie' sign under the words: 'Tout est pardonne' ('All is forgiven'). 法語中,「suis」恰巧同時是「聯繫動詞」être(「be、是」)和動詞suivre(「follow、跟隨」)的直陳式現在時第一人稱單數,因而「Je suis Charlie」,「我是查理」亦為雙關「我追隨查理」。

31 vs.

32 跨國文明衝突 Clash of Civilizations Across National Borders 時時刻刻 出現在我們的周圍

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