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国际私法 PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW By Professor Zeng Erxiu [BA; LLB; LLM; PhD] TEL: 2018/11/12

2 If You Think If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't; If you'd like to win, but you think you can't, It's almost certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you’ve lost; For out in the world you'll find Things begin with your will; It's all in the state of your mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise; You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. 2018/11/12

3 1.杨文珍财产继承案 广州日报2012年8月22日A16版:粤版“小甜甜”争产案再审
港籍女婿有5个亿身家,已经91岁和80岁的岳父母如今要向其讨要6000万亡女遗产 2011年1月26日,汕头市中院一审判决两位老人可继承的遗产为266万元。 …… 2018/11/12

4 1992年,张荣新移民香港,1996年杨文珍也取得香港居民身份。
张荣新与杨文珍于1980年结婚。 1992年,张荣新移民香港,1996年杨文珍也取得香港居民身份。 杨文珍生前最后一次离开香港进入汕头市是2004年6月14日,在汕头市医院去世的时间是2005年7月1日。 2018/11/12

5 2.“影子丈夫”欲再分前妻财产 广东省广州市中级人民法院 民 事 判 决 书 (200 )穗中法民一终字第 号
2.“影子丈夫”欲再分前妻财产 广东省广州市中级人民法院 民 事 判 决 书 (200 )穗中法民一终字第 号 关某(男)与萧某(女) 1961年2月在广州市荔湾区登记结婚 1962年关某到香港定居, 1971年萧女士也到港定居 2004年,萧女士在香港提出离婚,2006年7月双方签订协议解除婚姻,并对夫妻名下的财产进行估算分配,萧女士一次性支付了港币85万元给关某。香港法院据双方协议做出了离婚判决。关某再婚。 2008年关某回到广州,以在内地未解除婚姻关系之名,向荔湾区法院提出离婚诉讼,要与萧女士再离一次婚,分割本属于她在广州的一处市值约130万元的房产。 2018/11/12

6 3.意大利人广州离婚案 意大利男 广州女 2007年广州登记结婚 广州女前往意大利罗马与丈夫一同生活
意大利男 广州女 2007年广州登记结婚 广州女前往意大利罗马与丈夫一同生活 2008年 意大利男来到广州起诉离婚;广州女提管辖权异议,并在意大利提起分居之诉。 2018/11/12

7 Divorce Case in Guangzhou
An Italian man H and a Cantonese woman W got married in Guangzhou in July 2007, but they lived together in Rome. In May 2008, H decided to sue for a divorce in Guangzhou Haizhu District Court. W opposed to the exercise of jurisdiction by Haizhu District Court and took proceedings for separation in an Italian court. Why did H sue in Guangzhou? Why did W sue in Italy? 2018/11/12

8 2018/11/12

9 4.包头空难案:包头空难美国诉讼? 2004年11月21日包头飞上海东航小型客机MU5210航班坠毁,造成55人遇难,包括47名乘客和6名机组人员,以及2名地面人员。遇难乘客中,除1名为印度尼西亚籍,其余均为中国公民。 空难发生后一周,东航公布了赔偿方案——对每名遇难者全部赔偿额21.1万元人民币。 2005年8月17日,部分遇难者家属委托美国律师向美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶郡高级法院提交诉状,以“幸存及非法死亡之诉”起诉通用电气公司、庞巴迪公司,以及中国东方航空公司。 2018/11/12

10 MU 5210 Baotou Case On November 21, 2004, a small passenger jet MU5210 of the China Eastern Airlines took off for Shanghai from the city of Baotou. The aircraft plunged into a park shortly after takeoff, killing 55 people, including two on the ground. A week after the accident, China Eastern Airlines announced a victims’ compensation package totaling 211,000 yuan (US$ 27,400) per person. But most of the victims’ relatives complained about the low payout. Ten months later, a group of relatives filed a lawsuit at Los Angeles Superior Court, named as defendants not only China Eastern Airlines but also two of the ill-fated aircraft’s manufacturers -- U.S.-based General Electric and Canada’s Bombardier.  The air carrier argued against U.S. jurisdiction and wanted the case transferred to China. Why did the plaintiff take trouble to sue at a U.S. trial court? 2018/11/12

11 al., Defendants and Respondents. B201016 c/w B201021, B201023, B201212
1 of 2 DOCUMENTS ZHANG GUIMEI et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. et al., Defendants and Respondents. B c/w B201021, B201023, B201212 COURT OF APPEAL OF CALIFORNIA, SECOND APPELLATE DISTRICT, DIVISION SEVEN 172 Cal. App. 4th 689; 91 Cal. Rptr. 3d 178; 2009 Cal. App. LEXIS 427; CCH Prod. Liab. Rep. P18,199 February 26, 2009, Filed 2018/11/12

12 包头空难案今在美国开庭审理东航管辖权问题 U.S. “Long Arm” Law Reaches Chinese Air Crash
包头空难案媒体报道(部分) 事发8年后 包头空难案终于开庭 包头空难案今在美国开庭审理东航管辖权问题 U.S. “Long Arm” Law Reaches Chinese Air Crash 2018/11/12

13 1.为什么中国当事人不到中国法院起诉?为什么外国人跑到中国法院起诉?【挑选法院现象forum shopping】
讨论: 1.为什么中国当事人不到中国法院起诉?为什么外国人跑到中国法院起诉?【挑选法院现象forum shopping】 2. 这些案件有什么特殊性(案件的性质与特点)?【涉外性with foreign element、民事性civil case】 涉及到哪些法律问题?【管辖权jurisdiction、法律适用choice of law、判决的承认(与执行)recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment;国籍nationality、外国人的法律地位status of foreign persons等】 3. 英语在这些案件的处理中有什么作用?【与外国当事人交流,查询了解外国法律或与外国律师合作】 2018/11/12

14 Relevant Issues Civil Cases with foreign elements Jurisdiction
Governing Law Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgement Other issues: nationality, domicile etc. A court will sometimes apply foreign law in cases with foreign element. Why? 2018/11/12

15 2. 涉外民事案件,表面上是管辖权问题,实际上更重要的是法律适用问题,还将涉及判决的承认与执行问题。
总结: 1.涉外民事案件中存在当事人挑选法院的现象。这种现象的出现,是因为案件与多个国家有联系,即案件的国际性或涉外性;各国法院平行管辖的存在;各国实体法律规定的不同;各国法律选择方法与规则不同等;也因为当事人追求对自己最有利的诉讼结果。因此,培养处理涉外案件的能力,不仅要有扎实的民商事实体法律、民事诉讼法的知识基础,还必须熟练掌握国际私法! 2. 涉外民事案件,表面上是管辖权问题,实际上更重要的是法律适用问题,还将涉及判决的承认与执行问题。 3.要学好和运用国际私法必须熟练掌握至少一门外语,不仅在诉讼案件中是必要的,在非诉讼案件中同样重要,如,涉外合同的审查。因此,国际私法课程将以双语教授,以提升同学们的英语在法律专业领域的运用能力! 2018/11/12

16 Chapter 1 Introduction to Private International Law (国际私法概论)
Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to Private International Law (国际私法概论) Chapter 2 Historical Development of Choice of Law Doctrine (法律选择理论的历史发展) Chapter 3 Conflict of Laws and Choice of Law Rules (法律冲突与法律选择规则) Chapter 4 General Issues Concerning the Choice of Law Rules(法律选择规则的一般问题) Chapter 5 Civil Persons(民事主体) Chapter 6 Marriage and Family(婚姻家庭) Chapter 7 Succession(继承) Chapter 8 Property(物权) Chapter 9 Obligations(债权) Chapter 10 International Civil Litigation(国际民事诉讼) 2018/11/12

17 Requirements 1.Preview Read statutes; analyze cases; raise questions; find information necessary to help you settle your questions; 2. Attend lectures and take notes; put forward your unsolved questions; actively participate in class discussion, if any; 3. Morning reading aloud any materials in English; write short essays regularly etc. 2018/11/12

18 Chapter 1 Introduction to Private International Law
Section 1. General Introduction (国际私法的概念) Section 2. Sources of Private International Law (国际私法的渊源) 2018/11/12

19 Section 1. General Introduction
1. What is private international law? 2. The name 2018/11/12

20 private international law 国际私法 conflict of laws 法律冲突;冲突法 parties 当事人
Keywords: private international law 国际私法 conflict of laws 法律冲突;冲突法 parties 当事人 sources 渊源 statutes 成文的立法 judicial Law, case law, judge-made law判例法 statutory Interpretation 司法解释 international convention国际公约 international customary Law国际惯例 2018/11/12

21 Private international law is a body of rules whose main purpose is to assist a court in deciding a civil case which contains a foreign element. It consists of three main topics, which concern respectively: (i) the jurisdiction of a court, in the sense of its competence to hear and determine a case; (ii) the selection of the appropriate rules of a system of law, which it should apply in deciding a case over which it has jurisdiction (the rules governing this selection are known as ‘choice of law’ rules) and (iii) the recognition and enforcement of judgements rendered by foreign courts or awards of foreign arbitrations. 2018/11/12

22 An arbitration tribunal may also need to determine the applicable law in settling a dispute with foreign element. A government agent may need to take into account the applicable law in dealing with a civil relation, e.g. the registration of marriage or divorce in a marriage with foreign element, the registration of international adoption etc.. 2018/11/12

23 What private international law covered are civil relations with foreign elements or civil actions in terms of dispute. Private international law is concerned with all of the civil and commercial relations, it is not concerned with criminal, constitutional or administrative cases. It covers family law, including marriage and divorce, guardianship and the relations of parent and child, the law of obligations, contract and tort, the law of property both immovable and movable, the law of succession, the law of intellectual property. The foreign element can be represented by the fact that the parties are of different nationality or that they domicile or reside in different countries or that they have entered into a contract concerning a transaction taking place abroad etc.. 2018/11/12

24 最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行<民法通则>若干问题的意见》(试行)第178条:“凡民事关系的一方或者双方当事人是外国人、无国籍人、外国法人的;民事关系的标的物在外国领域内的;产生、变更或者消灭民事权利义务关系的法律事实发生在外国的,均为涉外民事关系。 ” 最高人民法院《关于适用<中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>若干问题的意见》 304条:“当事人一方或双方是外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或组织,或者当事人之间民事法律关系的设立、变更、终止的法律事实发生在外国,或者诉讼标的物在外国的民事案件,为涉外民事案件。” 2018/11/12

25 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》若干问题的解释(一)
第一条 民事关系具有下列情形之一的,人民法院可以认定为涉外民事关系: (一)当事人一方或双方是外国公民、外国法人或者其他组织、无国籍人; (二)当事人一方或双方的经常居所地在中华人民共和国领域外; (三)标的物在中华人民共和国领域外; (四)产生、变更或者消灭民事关系的法律事实发生在中华人民共和国领域外; (五)可以认定为涉外民事关系的其他情形。 2018/11/12

26 (1)private international law(国际私法)
2. The name of the subject (1)private international law(国际私法) The expression "Private International Law", coined by Story in 1834, is used in most civil law countries. The chief criticism directed against its use is its tendency to confuse private international law with the law of nations or public international law, as it is usually called. 2018/11/12

27 (2) conflict of laws(冲突法)
An equally common title to describe the subject, and one generally used in the U.S.A. is "The Conflict of Laws". This is innocuous if it is taken as referring to a difference between the internal laws of two countries on the same matter. But the title is misleading if it is used to suggest that two systems of law are struggling to govern a case. In fact, the very purpose of private international law is to avoid conflicts of law. 2018/11/12

28 Section 2 Sources of Private International Law
The sources of law are the sources that the individual must consult to determine what the law is. As private international law regulates civil relations containing foreign elements, its sources include not only sources in domestic level but also sources in international level. In domestic level, the sources include statutory law and statutory interpretation and case law; in international level, the sources include international convention and international customary law. 2018/11/12

29 1. Statutory law (成文法) a. Choice of law rules
Rules for the choice of law had been developed by courts and by learned writers for many centuries before the first attempts were made to give to some of them a legislative form. This happened in the course of the movement towards codification in the second half of the 18th century, and since then such provisions have been enacted in many countries. 2018/11/12

30 . Sometimes this was and is done in a more or less systematic fashion, i.e., through a code or a set of provisions specially set aside and reserved for conflicts rules, sometimes these rules are spread over substantive enactments in a haphazard way. In some legal systems both forms of enactment can be found. 2018/11/12

31 Provisions on private international law were included in the Bavarian Codification of 1756 and in the Prussian Codification which came into force in 1794, but the most influential legislative regulation of the conflict of laws was and is that in Article 3 of the French Civil Code of The 19th and 20th centuries have seen much more elaborate codifications. 2018/11/12

32 The French Civil Code The French Civil Code shows a mixture of a set of systematic conflict rules and of relevant clauses attached to enactments mainly concerned with substantive law. In its celebrated Article 3, we find the three fundamental rules: that the laws concerning police and security bind all those who inhabit the territory, that land, even if in the possession of foreigners, is governed by French law, and that the laws concerning status and capacity apply to Frenchmen, even if they reside abroad. 2018/11/12

33 The Code however also contains a number of special provisions - genuine conflicts rules - tacked on to rules of substantive law. Thus we find in Article 170 a rule on the form of marriages celebrated outside France which gives effect to the principle locus regit actum in its permissive form, i.e., the marriage is valid if it complies with the local form. Similarly, Article 999 introduces for testamentary dispositions the same principle in its permissive form. The will is valid if it complies with the local form. 2018/11/12

34 b. Rules on jurisdiction and on the recognition and enforcement of judgments are often to be found in codes of civil procedure or their equivalents. 2018/11/12

35 This code governs, in an international context:
c. Modern codification The best example of a codification now in force which aims at systematic completeness is Switzerland's Federal Code on Private International Law of 1987, which consists of 200 articles in 13 chapters. Art.1 This code governs, in an international context: The jurisdiction of the Swiss judicial and administrative authorities; The applicable law; The conditions for the recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions; Bankruptcy and composition agreements; Artitration. International treaties take precedence. 2018/11/12

36 In China, the earliest choice of law rule is said to be found in the law of Tang Dynasty which stated, “Disputes between foreigners of the same nations should be settled in accordance with their national law; disputes between foreigners of different nations should be settled by this law”. The first systematic enactment is the Ordinance of 1918 on the Law Applicable by the Beiyang Government,which had 27 articles in 7 chapters including the law of relatives, the law of succession, the law of property, the law of legal act and supplementary provisions. 唐《永徽律》:“诸化外人同类自相犯者,各依本俗法;异类相犯者,以法律论。”其疏议称:“化外人,谓善夷之国别立君长者,各有风俗、制法不同,须问本国之制,依其俗法断之。异类相犯者,如高丽之与百济相犯之类,皆以国家法律论定刑名。” 1918年北洋政府颁布了《法律适用条例》,这是我国历史上第一次系统的国际私法立法。该条例分为总则、关于人之法律、关于亲族之法律、关于继承之法律、关于财产之法律、关于法律行为方式之法律和附则,共7章27条。 2018/11/12

37 In Mainland China since 1949,
the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Law Applicable to Civil Relations Containing Foreign Element adopted at the 17th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress on October 28, ( the first enactment on choice of law) chapter 8 of General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China of 1986, chapter 14 of Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China of 1992, chapter 14 of Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China of 1995, chapter 5 of Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China of 1995, article 126 of Contract Law of the People's Republic of China of 1999, article 36 of Law of Succession of the People's Republic of China of 1985, article 21 of Adoption Law of the People’s Republic of China of 1991. Rules on jurisdiction and on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgement are included in Civil Procedural Law of the People’s Republic of China and Special Procedural Law of the People’s Republic of China for Maritime Proceedings. 2018/11/12

38 《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系的法律适用法》 《中华人民共和国民法通则》第八章“涉外民事关系的法律适用”
冲突法: 《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系的法律适用法》 《中华人民共和国民法通则》第八章“涉外民事关系的法律适用” 《中华人民共和国海商法》第十四章“涉外关系的法律适用” 《中华人民共和国民用航空法》第十四章“涉外关系的法律适用” 《中华人民共和国票据法》第五章“涉外票据的法律适用” 《中华人民共和国继承法》第36条 《中华人民共和国合同法》第126条 《中华人民共和国收养法》第21条 管辖及判决的承认与执行: 《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》 《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》 2018/11/12

39 Our Taiwan province has her own choice of law rules contained in the Law Applicable to Civil Cases with Foreign Element enacted on June 6 of 1953 and amended on June 30 of 2008, the Ordinance on the Relations Between Persons of Taiwan District and Mainland China enacted on September 1992, and the Ordinance on the Relations with Hongkong and Macao enacted on April 1997. In Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR), the choice of law rules are provided in chapter 3 of her Code of Civil Law effective since Oct.1 of 1999. 2018/11/12

40 Judicial interpretations
are practically an important sources of choice of law in Mainland China. The Supreme People’s Court publishes periodically typical cases decided in courts of different levels, which though no binding force, will have guiding effect on lower courts in deciding similar cases. The Supreme People’s Court’s interpretation of the statutory rules is more influential . For example, to interpret article 145 of General Principles of the Civil Law and article 126 of Contract law, the People’s Supreme Court issued Regulations on Various Issues Relating to the Law Applicable to Settle Disputes of Civil or Commercial Contract Containing Foreign Element(Court Interpretation No14 of 2007)。Judicial interpretations of this kind will normally be followed by the lower courts in deciding relevant cases. [最高人民法院《关于审理涉外民事或商事合同纠纷案件法律适用若干问题的规定》(法释〔2007〕14号)] 2018/11/12

41 2. Case Law(判例法) A distinguishing feature of Anglo-American law is its reliance upon previously decided cases as a primary source of law. For many centuries judges and lawyers have looked for past similar cases to determine what the law is in a particular situation. Reliance upon judicial decisions, known as case law or common law, is based in part on the concept of stare decisis. Stare decisis(遵循先例), which is Latin for "to abide by or to adhere to decided cases," reflects the policy that, once a court applies a particular principle of law to a certain set of facts, that same legal principle will govern all future cases in which the facts are substantially the same. 2018/11/12

42 Established principle of law will sometimes be overruled and a new principle will be established, case law may also be codified in a statute or be replaced by a statute. E.g. Georgia W. Babcock, Appellant, v. Mabel B. Jackson, as Executrix of William H. Jackson, Deceased, Respondent Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 (c. 42) 2018/11/12

43 Legal writings: Legal writers attempted to set down the existing rules in a systematic fashion and to formulate a theoretical basis for them and to extract coherent principles from them, the American Story J and the British A. V. Dicey are notable examples, the former published his Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws in 1834, the latter published his Conflict of Laws in Dicey’s Conflict of Laws has been updated regularly. Writings of this sort are important references to find out the legal principles and leading cases containing these principles, they are also heavily relied on by judges when they attempt to formulate new rules and principles. 2018/11/12

44 In China, as Hongkong Specail Administrative Region (Hongkong SAR) belongs to common law system, choice of law in Hongkong is still case law. The only book by now addressing conflict of laws in Hongkong is by a English writer Graeme Johnston---the Conflict of Laws in Hongkong published by Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005, though the book cited many cases decided by the Privy Council of England which not longer have precedential effect in Hongkong, the rules formulated are still referable. 2018/11/12

45 3. International Convention
a. The choice of law rules, by helping judges choose the governing law from the various municipal laws, avoid but not solve conflict of the relevant laws. Moreover, municipal choice of law rules adopted by different sovereign states or legal regions may again conflict with one another, thus resulting in the parties’ forum shopping. International organizations have been trying to unify conflicting municipal laws in order to make international intercourse more smoothly. 2018/11/12

46 (a)United Nations (联合国) (
b. Organizations engaged in sponsoring international convention(从事国际私法统一工作的国际组织) (a)United Nations (联合国) ( The UNCITRAL (the United Nations Commission on Interantional Trade Law), the core legal body of the United Nations system in the field of international trade law is formulating modern, fair, and harmonized rules on commercial transactions, including conventions, model laws and rules which are acceptable worldwide. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) is the most influential convention sponsored by UNCITRAL. (b) Hague Conference on Private International Law(海牙国际私法会议)( Hague Convention on Private International Law devotes to harmonizaion of choice of laws, including the choice of law rules and rules on jurisdiction and recognizion of judgement, e.g. Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability of 1973, and Convention on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents of 1971. 2018/11/12

47 (c) the European Union (欧盟)(
The European Union, a special international organization, has gradually harmonized the conflict of laws of its Member States, first through Convention, e.g. Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome Convention) of 1980, then by Regulations following the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999, e.g. Regulation (EC) No 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) which replaced Rome Convention of 1980, and Regulation (EC) No 864/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II). 2018/11/12

48 c. The applicability of international convention in China (国际公约在我国的适用)
We have not yet signed or ratified any convention on conflict of laws, the conventions we ratified covered only commercial matters, say, international sale of goods, transportation and intellectual property etc.. Our 1982 Constitution say nothing about the application of international conventions. In practice the legislative approach has been to automatically incorporate international law as part of PRC law. If, however, the PRC has made a reservation to a provision of a treaty, this aspect or provision of the treaty is not implemented in the law. Article 142 of the General Principles of the Civil Law provides, “if any provision in the international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China differs from that in the civil laws of the People's Republic of China, the provision of the international treaty shall be applied, unless the provision is one the People's Republic of China has announced reservation.” This is a commonly-existed provision in our civil and commercial statutes. 2018/11/12

49 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同中华人民共和国的民事法律有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定,但中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。
《民法通则》第142条第2款: 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同中华人民共和国的民事法律有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定,但中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。 In practice, the courts, more often than not, won’t make any comparison between a treaty and relevant civil law and apply the international treaty directly once the requirements of application are met. For instance, in the case Shanghai Shangshang Stainless Steel Co.Ltd v. Salemsteelnorthamerica,the court holds, “in the present case, the dispute is an international trade dispute between the parties from China and U.S.A. As China and U.S.A are both the contracting states of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the law applicable to settle this dispute shall be this Convention” 2018/11/12

50 4. International Customary Law(国际惯例)
a. Some rules have simply been around for such a long time or are so generally accepted that they are described as customary laws. b. International custom is treated as a gap-filling source of conflict of laws in China. The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China provides, “in case the laws of the People’s Republic of China and the international treaties the People’s Republic of China concluded or acceded to lack any provision, international custom may apply”. 2018/11/12

51 中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例。”
《民法通则》第142条第3款: 中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例。” In practice, the court did find room for the application of international custom. For instance, in a case between Deep Field Technologies, Inc. and Beijing Zhongmeijincheyinggang Auto Technology Service, Inc. the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court took “the principle of the most closely connected relationship” as the custom of private international law to choose the governing law. 2018/11/12

52 1. What is private international law?
Questions 1. What is private international law? 2. What are the sources of private international law? 年司考题(第四卷):“英美法系国家实行判例法制度,法官的判决本身具有立法的意义,并对以后处理类似案件具有拘束力。我国主要以成文法律及司法解释作为审判案件的依据,同时最高人民法院也通过公布案例指导审判实践。请围绕“判例、案例与司法解释”谈谈你的看法。” 2018/11/12


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