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Module 4 Music Born in America.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 4 Music Born in America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 4 Music Born in America

2 Reading and Vocabulary

3 Contents Lead-in Skimming Scanning Careful Reading Post Reading
Language Points




7 Look at the pictures and answer the questions:
1. What are they doing? 2. Do you know what kind of dance do they dance? They are dancing. It’s hip-hop.

8 Look at some other pictures about hip-hop.
DJ breakdancing

9 breakdancing

10 rap artists

11 graffiti art

12 Skimming Read the passage quickly and try to catch the main idea of each part. Part 1: Hip hop is an American cultural movement which started in the 1970s at block parties in New York, especially in a district called the Bronx.

13 Part 2: MCs, another style of music
known as rap was born. Part 3: There are two main reasons for the success of hip hop. Part 4: How did rap singers record their songs?

14 Scanning Read the passage and check the true statements. His hop is the result of a combination of North American and Caribbean influences. Jamacian DJs continued to play reggage music even thought the audiences didn’t like it. T F

15 3. Hip hop was successful because it doesn't cost a lot of money to do it.
4. After the early recordings, rap artists changed the way they recorded their songs. 5. Hip hop music is only produced in the United States. T T F

16 Careful Reading Read part 1 and find words which mean: local street
block local street the mic (microphone) controller when you can only hear the drummer a typical kind of music from the Caribbean when you play records fro dancers an island in the Caribbean Sea fast dancing which can include spinning on your head DJ percussion reggae DJ-ing Jamaica breakdancing

17 h. paintings on walls, for example talking to a rhythmic music backing
j. a combination of rhythm and blues, gospei music and pop graffiti rapping soul music

18 Read part 2 of the passage again and answer the questions.
1. Why did DJ Herc stop playing reggae music? Because he noticed that people didn’t like it.

19 2. How did the DJs make the percussion breaks in the songs longer?
3. What were DJs who shouted during the songs called? By using two records on two turntables. MCs

20 4. How long were the performances of the shouting DJs?
5. Apart from the DJs, what else happened at block parties? Hours Breakdancing

21 Read parts 3 and 4 of the passage again
Read parts 3 and 4 of the passage again. Look at the words and phrases and choose the correct meanings. 1 in decline (a) becoming more popular (b) becoming less popular 2 took advantage of (a) used (b) didn’t use b a

22 (a) The people who followed immediately (b) people 20 years later
3 the next generation (a) The people who followed immediately (b) people 20 years later 4 spread (a) went to other places (b) stayed in the same place 5 strongly influenced (by) (a) affected a lot (b) didn’t affect at all 6 emerged (a) disappeared (b) appeared a a a b

23 How did rap singers record their songs?
The first time that rap artists recorded their music, ________ recorded the backing _____ (the music without the singing) in the ______ and the rappers added their ______ later. The next generation of ________ recorded their vocals at the same time as the musicians. musicians tracks studio vocals rappers

24 You can use these questions:
Work in groups of four. Read the following comments about hip hop music and answer the question. You can use these questions: 1. What did you know about hip hop before you read the article on Pages 44 and 45? 2. Do you know the names of any rap artists?

25 3. Have you ever seen a rap artist or a breakdancer
3. Have you ever seen a rap artist or a breakdancer? If you have, what were your impressions? 4. If you have heard rap music and hip hop, which of the opinions above do you agree or disagree with?

26 Discussion: Do you like hip hop? And why? Anyone can do it. It’s cheap and easy. It’s exciting. You can make up your own words. Breakdancing is interesting to watch.

27 Graffiti art looks terrible.
Some of the words of rap songs are very aggressive. Breakdancing is dangerous. It sounds terrible. Rap is boring.

28 The words of early blues songs often
consisted of a single line repeated two or three times before changing. 早期的蓝调歌曲通常包含一句要反复 唱两三遍才换的歌词。 consist of无被动态, 类似用法的词组还有: belong to, take place, happen, come true, come out, break out, etc.

29 【例】This is a charity committee ___
ten members. A. consists of B. consist of C. consisted of D. consisting of

30 2. …, but Herc and other DJs made them
longer by using two records on two turntables, side by side. side by side 肩并肩, 相互扶持 e.g. ① Two children are walking side by side. ② We stand side by side with you in this competition.

31 ※【拓展】类似的短语还有: neck and neck 并驾齐驱地 head to head 交头接耳地 hand in hand 手牵手 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 heart to heart 心心相印

32 3. They experiment with different vocal and rhythmic approaches.
他们尝试用不同的发声和奏乐方法。 ◆ experiment with… 用……做实验 e.g. They are experimenting with new methods of teaching. ※【拓展】experiment的其他用法: make/do/carry out/perform /try an experiment on/upon/in/ with 做实验(试 验),对……做实验(试验)

33 by experiment通过实验 e.g. They find out what foods the baby likes by experiment. ◆ approach用作动词,表示“(在空间或时间上)接近,靠近(某人/某事物)”;approach用作名词,表示“接近,道路,方法(后跟介词to)”。

34 e.g. ① The time is approaching when we must leave. (vi.来临) ② As you approach the town the first building you see is the church. (vt.走近) ③ His work is approaching perfection. (vt. 近似,接近)

35 ④ Did he approach you about lending him some money? (vt.找……商量)
⑤ He approached the difficulty with great thought. (vt.着手) ⑥ Our approach drove away the wild animals. (n.走近) ⑦ All the approaches to the town were blocked (n.通路) ⑧ That professor’s new approach to language teaching was considered better than anyone else’s. (n.方法,手段)

36 【考例1】_____ the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height. 
A. Approaching            B. Approached C. To approach            D. To be approached 【点拨】选_____。approach在此意为“接近”,与句子主语we之间是逻辑上的主动关系,且与谓语动词saw表示的动作同时发生,故应用其-ing形式。 A

37 【考例2】At the meeting they discussed three different _____ to the study of mathematics.
A. approaches             B. means C. methods                  D. ways 【点拨】选_____。题意:在会议上他们讨论了三种不同的学习数学的方法。approach to ... 做……的方法,符合题意。means与method常与介词of连用;way常用于the way to do sth.或the way of doing sth.结构。 A

38 4. Disco music and rock music were both
in decline in the mid-1970s. 阅读下列各句,并试着总结decline在 句中的含义及用法。 1) Mary declined a hot drink and went to her room. decline作动词, 婉言拒绝,不肯接 受,后跟名词或代词

39 2) The minister declined to comment
about the progress of the peace talks. decline作动词, 后跟_____________ 3) She declined going camping with us this Saturday. decline作动词, 偶跟动词-ing形式 4) I invited her to join us, but she declined. decline作动词, 不跟特别结构 动词不定式

40 5) The number of tourists visiting the
scenic spot declined by 10% last year. decline作动词, 下降 6) I wondered how long it would be before the fever began to decline. decline作动词, 减弱,衰退

41 7) An increase in cars has resulted in the
decline of public transport. 8) Industry in Britain has been on the / in decline since the 1970s. decline作名词,意为“下降,衰退,衰弱”,如句7和句8,构成固定短语: _______________ 在衰退中, 在减少中,如句8。 on the / in decline

42 用decline 及其短语翻译下列句子。 1. 她谢绝了和我们一起吃午饭。 2. 我们谢绝了他让我们搭车的邀请。 3. 最近,她的健康状况越来越糟。 She declined having / to have lunch with us. We declined his offer of a lift. Recently, her health has been declining. = Recently, her health has been on the / in decline.

43 According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to _____ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. (浙江2012) A. differ     B. shrink     C. fail    D. decline 【点拨】选D。题意:据科学家称,我们的脑力在22岁达到最高水平后,从27岁开始衰退。differ不同,有区别;shrink收缩,萎缩;fail失败。

44 5. Hip hop took advantage of that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco.
阅读下列句子,注意take advantage of的意思及用法。 1) I took advantage of the fine weather today to play tennis. take advantage of 意为“利用(机会、 时机等)

45 2) He took advantage of her lack of business knowledge and cheated her.
利用(某人的处境、弱点等) 有关advantage的短语: have an advantage of 有……的优势;have / give sb. an advantage over (使某人)在……方面有优势; to one’s advantage 对某人有利; gain an advantage 取得优势; hold an advantage 占有优势

46 汉译英。 他总是充分利用对手所犯的错误。 2. 与Sophia相比,他有优势,他懂得该国的语言。 3. 出国学习将对你有利。 He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made by his competitors. He has one advantage over Sophia. He knows the language of that country. It will be to your advantage to study abroad.

47 6. The new style soon spread to other parts
of the United States. 这种风格很快就传到了美国的其它地 方。 spread to + n. ……传到了……地方 e.g. That the news spread to his home is not a good business.

48 spread解释为“传播”的意思时可与其它的介词连用:
spread through / across / from … to e.g. ① The illness spread through the whole village. 疾病蔓延了整个村子。 ② The fire spread from the factory the houses nearby. 大火从房子附近的工厂蔓延开来。

49 7. Songs that are spoken rather than sung… (P46)
如……”,它连接的两个部分结构往往 是相同的。 阅读下列句子,注意rather than的意思 及用法。 1) She is a teacher rather than an artist. rather than后可接______或代词 名词

50 2. They were screaming rather than
singing. rather than后可接非谓语动词,如:动 词-ing形式 3. He prefers to rent a car rather than (to) have one of his own. rather than后可接动词不定式,______ 可以省略 to

51 4. I’d prefer to read in the library rather
than at home. rather than后可接介词短语 5. She left rather than stayed in the office. rather than后可接实义动词 6. We should know what he meant rather than what he said. rather than后可接从句等。

52 汉译英。 1. 该负责任的是你,而不是他。 2. 与其说他个是学生,不如说他是个工人。 3. 比起呆在家里,我更愿意出去看电影。 You are to blame rather than him. / It is you who are to blame rather than him. He is a worker rather than a student. I prefer to go out to see a film rather than (to) stay at home.

53 练一练 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 这本书共有几章? How many chapters does the book
______ ___? 2. 厌倦了电脑游戏, 他开始认真学习了。 _____ _____ computer games, he put his heart into study. consist of Bored with

54 3. 英国工业自20世纪70年代以来一直在 走下坡路。 Industry in Britain has been _____ _______ since the 1970s. 4.我们充分利用了现代化的教学设施来 学习。 We ____ ___ ________ ___ the modern teaching facilities to study. in decline take full advantage of

55 5. 两个瓶子并排放在桌子上。 The two bottles stood ___ __ ___ on the table. side by side

56 Write a short passage about hip hop and
show your opinions about it.

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