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SAFETY ALERT 安全警示 Site企业名称:中蓝哈石化公司 Injury classification:受伤类型 :损失工作日

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1 SAFETY ALERT 安全警示 Site企业名称:中蓝哈石化公司 Injury classification:受伤类型 :损失工作日
Description: 事故描述 2010年6月7日上午10:00时,机修车间维修人员A先生、B先生接到拆卸安全阀(6个送至校验)的工作任务后,立即到顺酐车间检修现场由顺酐班长现场确认无异常情况后同意可拆卸安全阀。二人登上至地面4.8米高平台处拆卸最后一个9公斤蒸汽工艺管线安全阀(次管线与苯酐装置蒸汽管线相连),当拆完三个螺丝后,未见异常,拆至第四个螺丝时,突然安全阀进气法兰连接处(即螺丝连接处)喷出大量水和蒸汽,由于事发突然,还来不及躲闪,将正在作业的A先生志的腿部及右上肢烫伤,工厂立即用车送至市五院住院进行治疗。 2010年6月7日上午10:00时June AM 10:00,after maintenance workshop Mr. A and Mr. B received the work of dismantled the safety valve(6 to be calibrated) , they went to melic anhydride workshop to confirm dismantling valves . The two workers climbed 4.8 m platform dismantled the last valve of 9 kg steam line (secondary line connected to steam line of PA plant ), when dismantling the third thread , no abnormal , when the fourth thread suddenly plenty of water and steam coming out at valve flange steam inlet (thread connection ), as suddenly happened , too late to dodge , Mr. A leg and upper limb scalded , he was sent to No.5 Hospital .

2 SAFETY ALERT安全警示 Contributing Factors促成因素: 1.进行排污、排水后将排污阀门又关闭
Sewage valve was closed after sewage drainage 2.对此作业风险认识不足,没有采取可靠控制措施 Insufficient understanding of the operational risk , no reliable control measures taken . Root Causes根本原因: 1.未在界区管线进户处加设盲板 No blind plate installed at battery limit line inlet 2.对此作业未进行危险识别和控制 Did not conduct hazard identification and control 3.未有技术或管理人员将安全措施经一步复查,未对此种作业进行相应管理 No technician and management person rechecked the safety measures , no appropriate management Corrective Actions采取的措施: 1.立即将受伤员工送至哈市五院住院进行治疗 The injury worker was sent to the NO. 5 Hospital at once 2.检查此工艺管线,发现3处阀门不严,打开地点排污阀 Checked the line and found 3 valves loose , opened sewage valve. 3.在蒸汽管线进口处架设盲板 Installed blind plate at steam line inlet.

3 SAFETY ALERT安全警示 Key Learning‘s: 从中学到了什么 1.对员工工作地点进行安全评价后方可作业。
Related Photos: ( Photo of area that incident occurred, illustration on how it occurred, etc) 相关的照片:(事故发生区域的照片,解释事故是怎样发生的等) Key Learning‘s: 从中学到了什么 1.对员工工作地点进行安全评价后方可作业。 Work after safety assessment at work site 2.作业前进行危险辨识并采取相应的保护措施 Conduct risk identification and protection measures to be taken before work 3.界区内与外界相连的管线应彻底断开 Completely disconnected the line between in and out battery limit.

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