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Unit 2 Hey, Thanks!.

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1 Unit 2 Hey, Thanks!

2 happen表示「(偶然) 發生」, 主詞為it ,在此表示整件事情或情況。
Paragraph1:  It all happened when I was . . . happen表示「(偶然) 發生」, 主詞為it ,在此表示整件事情或情況。 人 happen to V 碰巧,恰巧  Jason happened to meet an old classmate on his way home. 事物 happen to sb/sth 遭到,遇到 Hailey didn’t go to school yesterday. Something must have happened to her. What has happened to Donna’s T-shirt? There’s a hole on it.

3 . . . he must be a nerd, because no one with a good social life would take so many books  助動詞must 後接原形動詞(be),在此表 示 對「現在事實的肯定猜測」,作「必 定」解。例:  There must be something wrong with my eyes. I can’t see things clearly

4 must + have + V-en表示對「過去事實的猜測」,意為「必定是(做了)…」。例如:  I must have gained weight. The skirt doesn’t fit me anymore.  with + N(P) 修飾名詞,表示「有…的,附帶…的」。例如a man with long hair 「長髮的男子」,a person with knowledge and courage 「兼具智慧與勇氣的人」。

5  Terry kept on asking the same question all night.
Paragraph 2:  I keep on walking. keep on後面只可接動名詞,意為「繼續做…」。  Terry kept on asking the same question all night.

6 knock + N(A) + out of + N(B)
 His glasses flew off, landing three meters away.  His glasses flew off, and it landed three meters away. 此句為分詞構句的一種︰對等連接詞連接兩個對等子句,在主詞相同的情況下,可省略連接詞和其中一個對等子句的主詞,再將動詞改為現在分詞,即形成分詞構句。

7  The boy ran off as Kyle struggled to
find . . .  as = when,表示「當…的時候」之意。  struggle + to do sth為「奮力做…」之意。  The athlete struggled for years to win a gold medal.

8  He had such a sad expression on his face that my heart . . .
such + N(P) + that-clause句型  I asked if he was all right. S + V + if-clause句型

9  . . . those boys are just mean. mean指殘忍的、不仁慈的,
反義字為 kind。  Don’t be mean to your little sister.

10 Paragraph 5:  I asked him whether he wanted to play football over the weekend.  S + V + O + whether- clause句型  over於此表示「在…期間」。

11 Paragraph 6:  I still teased him about being a nerd 因某事揶揄某人  he was so popular that so + adj. + that-clause句型

12 Paragraph 8:  the very same 正是同一個  Dora and Laura graduated on the very same day.  Kelvin wore the very same jacket as the one I bought him last winter.  the one he had given me on the first day we talked. 此句中,the one特指前面的the smile且其後省略了關係代名詞that或which。

13 Paragraph 10:  Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped  time通常作不可數名詞,但在此表示「﹙特殊的﹚時候」,為可數名詞。  those who那些…的人= the people who

14  . . . being a friend is the best gift you can give.
例如:Seeing is believing.  the best gift (that) you can give.

15 Paragraph 11:  He said he had cleaned out his locker and taken everything home so that his mom wouldn’t . . . 先發生的動作用過去完成式 had cleaned out、had taken表示。  so that 「為了…,以便…」為從屬連接 詞,引導表示「目的」的子句,亦可省略 that,如:  Speak louder so (that) all of us can hear you.

16  My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable.
 save sb from V-ing 讓某人免於(做)…  the + adj.作名詞, the unspeakable表示「不堪言的事」。 the unknown「未知的事物」、 the rich「有錢人」、 the wounded「傷者」

17  I heard a gasp going through . . .
感官動詞hear或see接現在分詞, 用於強調正在進行的動作。如:  I heard my sister singing happily in her room.

18  for the first time 第一次  At the age of ten, I traveled abroad for the first time in my life.

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