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Self-trust is the first secret of success.

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1 Self-trust is the first secret of success.

2 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
天才就是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。 ----爱迪生

3 What is most important in learning any subject is to take interest in it.

4 勤奋使人成功 懒惰使人失败 Hard work leads to success; Idleness leads to failure.
Remember these proverbs 勤奋使人成功 懒惰使人失败 Hard work leads to success; Idleness leads to failure.

5 Remember these proverbs
Where there is a will ,there is a way. 事竞成 有志者

6 这是我送给同学们的赠言.让我们各自人生的“这一段”更加充实、温馨、美好!

7 Unit 1 Friendship Warming up

8 《魂断蓝桥》描写了英国青年军官洛伊上尉和芭蕾舞演员玛拉的爱情故事,故事发生在第一次世界大战期间。一天,英国军官洛伊为躲避空袭,在防空洞中认识了玛拉。两人一见钟情。夜渐深,酒店乐队领班向客人们宣布演奏最后一支曲子并祝人们回家时一路平安。在徐缓、优美的“Auld Lang Syne”乐曲中,大厅里的蜡烛一支支熄灭。这支曲子在影片中反复出现,始终把洛伊与玛拉的爱情连在一起。当天晚上,洛伊奉命出征。玛拉因私自离开剧团与洛伊会面而被解雇。后因贫困交加,被迫沦为妓女。一天,她正在滑铁卢桥上拉生意,不料突然看见洛伊,原来洛伊并没有阵亡。洛伊带玛拉回家,准备结婚。婚礼前夕,玛拉悄然离去,来到滑铁卢大桥上,带着美好的回忆和遗憾,投身车轮下自尽。这个善良的、不愿给洛伊家族带来耻辱、渴望幸福又不愿把不幸强加给自己心上人的姑娘,就这样结束了自己的生命。

9 Look at the two pictures. Do you know them?

10 Have you ever heard of the song Auld Lang Syne?

11 Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
老朋友怎能遗忘掉,  And never brought to mind?  永不再放心上  Should auld acquaintance be forgot.  老朋友怎能遗忘掉,  And days o‘lang syne?  还有过去的好光?  For auld lang syne, my dear,  为了过去的好时光, (亲爱的)  For auld lang syne,  为了过去的好时光, 

12 We’ll tak‘a cup o’kindness yet 
让我们干一杯友谊的酒,  For auld lang syne.  为了过去的好时光。  And here‘s a hand, my trusty fiere(friend)  老朋友,我已伸出我的手,  And gie’e a hand of thine,  请你也伸手相握,  We‘ll tak’a cup of kindness yet  让我们干一杯友谊的酒,  For auld lang syne.  为了过去的好时光。 

13 What’s the song about? Friendship.

14 Do you have any friends?

15 Is friendship important to you?

16 What kind of friend do you like?

17 What do you think a good friend should be like
What do you think a good friend should be like? List the good qualities a good friend should have.

18 Interview Name Age Gender (性别) Three qualities Student 1 Student 2
Four students in a group, each one has to interview the other group mates. Interview Name Age Gender (性别) Three qualities Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

19 I think a friend should be … A good friend is someone who …
brave kind honest patient responsible friends generous helpful humorous hard-working clever

20 What will you do to have a good friend? To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.

21 Do the survey on P1 by yourself
Do the survey on P1 by yourself. Then add up your score and see how many points you get.

22 What do you do to be a good friend?
1. You want to see a very interesting film with your friend, but your friend can’t go until he/she finishes cleaning the bicycle. You will … 2. Your friend asks to borrow your favorite camera. When he/she borrowed it last time, he/she broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired. You will …

23 3. Your friend comes to school very upset
3. Your friend comes to school very upset. The bell rings so you need to go to class. You will … 4. Your friend has gone on holiday and asked you to take care of his/her dog. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. The dog’s leg was broken. You will…

24 5. You are taking your mid-term exam
5. You are taking your mid-term exam. Your friend, who doesn’t work hard, asks you to help him cheat in the exam by looking at your paper. You will…

25 1. A1 B3 C2 2. A1 B2 C3 3. A1 B2 C3 4. A3 B2 C1 5. A0 B6 C0

26 4-7 points: You are not a good friend. You either
ignore your friend’s needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think about what a good friend needs to do. Think more about this.

27 8-12 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friend’s needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance between your friend’s needs and your own responsibilities.

28 So think about what is friendship?
13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need to balance your needs and those of your friends. Well done! So think about what is friendship?

29 A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
You can buy friendship with friendship, but never with dollars. A friend in need is a friend indeed Friends like wine ;the old, the better.

30 Language Point Warming Up 部分

31 add up 1.add up / add sth.up 加起来 把你的分数加起来。
Add your score up. / Add up your score. Add it up. (wrong: Add up it.) add up to 共计 eg. His income adds up to 8000 yuan a month. 他一个月的收入加起来有8000元。

32 Add up add up to added to add to _______ all the numbers and you will
add A to B: 增加, 添加A到B中 _______ all the numbers and you will see how much you owe me. 2) All the numbers __________ exactly 900. 3) The bad weather only _________ our difficulties. 4) Don’t ____ fuel ____ the flames. Add up add up to added to add to

33 A A 5) We have planted flowers and green trees around the buildings,
which ____ the beauty of the city. A. add to B. add up C. add up to D. are added to 6) The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather_____ the helplessness of the crew at sea. (2003上海) A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up A A

34 2. …you had to pay to get it repaired.
get sth.done=have sth.done 请人做某事(非亲自动手) 上周我去城里剪头发了。 Last week I went to the town to get/have my hair cut. 爸爸明天要去检查身体。 Tomorrow Daddy will have/ get himself examined.

35 3.Your friend comes to school very upset. upset (vt.&vi.) 打翻; 使不安; 使心烦
(upset-upset / upsetting) A strong wind upset the house. Don’t upset yourself. adj. 不安的; 心烦意乱的 He was upset at not being invited. Hearing the news, he feels upset. upset做形容词时, 通常不置于名词之前

36 be concerned about sb./sth.
Concern means worry or care about something or someone. 关心、担心 他非常关心他的同学. He is concerned about his classmates very much. We're rather concerned about Mary’s health. 我们相当担心Mary的健康。

37 4. ignore vt. 不理睬; 忽视 be ignored 不知道, 没意识到 I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely. I can’t ignore his rudeness any longer. You can’t ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison. He ________ the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking. I _____________ that the boss could be so strict. ignores was ignored

38 n. ignorance 无知, 愚昧, 不学无术 His ignorance is surprising. I was in complete ignorance of his intentions. adj. ignorant 无知识的, 不知道的, 愚昧的, 幼稚的 be ignorant of 对…无知, 不知道


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