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Keng qiu tian shang de fu

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Presentation on theme: "Keng qiu tian shang de fu"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keng qiu tian shang de fu
Verse 1 恳求天上的父 Keng qiu tian shang de fu Our Heavenly Father 怜悯医治你的子民 Lian mian yi zhi Ni de zhi ming Have mercy and heal your people 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

2 Shen ling chong man zhe di
Verse 1 圣灵充满这地 Shen ling chong man zhe di Holy Spirit fill us 赐下合而为一的心 Lian mian yi zhi Ni de zhi ming Grant us all a heart of oneness 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

3 耶稣圣洁羔羊 为了你和我献上生命 Ye shu shen jie gao yang Jesus the Lamb of God
Verse 2 耶稣圣洁羔羊 Ye shu shen jie gao yang Jesus the Lamb of God 为了你和我献上生命 Wei le NI wo xian shang wo de sheng ming Who offers His life for you and me 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

4 You bring us together as one
Verse 2 我们因你合而为一 Wo men yin NI he er wei yi You bring us together as one 同心敬拜宣扬你名 Tong xin jing bai xan yang NI ming To worship and proclaim your name 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

5 你国度降临 你荣耀充满这地 Ni guo du xiang ling May you Kingdom come
Chorus 你国度降临 Ni guo du xiang ling May you Kingdom come 你荣耀充满这地 Ni rong yao tong man zhe di Your glory fills this nation 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

6 Ni de chi ai Yong bu zhi xi
Chorus 你的慈爱 永不止息 Ni de chi ai Yong bu zhi xi Your loving kindness It never ends 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

7 万国归向你 万民要俯伏敬拜 Wan guo gui xiang Ni All nations turn to you
Chorus 万国归向你 Wan guo gui xiang Ni All nations turn to you 万民要俯伏敬拜 Wan ming yao fu fu jin bai All people humbly worship 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

8 Almighty God We worship you in oneness
Chorus 全能主 我们合一敬拜你 Quan neng zhu Wo men hi yi jing bai NI Almighty God We worship you in oneness 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

9 Angels bow down before You
Bridge 天使都要跪拜你 Tian shi dou yao gui bai NI Angels bow down before You 万物欢呼称颂你 Wan wu huan hu cheng song NI All creations exalt You 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

10 All nations bow and turn to you
Bridge 列国列邦都归向你 Lie guo lie bang fou hui xiang Ni All nations bow and turn to you 以心灵诚实敬拜你 Yi xing ling cheng shi jing bai Ni Worship in Spirit and in truth 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

11 All nations bow and turn to you
Bridge 我们 合一敬拜 Wo men He yi jing bai All nations bow and turn to you 合一敬拜 He yi jing bai /11

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