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思科无线产品销售指南 零售行业 China Mobility Product Team July, 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "思科无线产品销售指南 零售行业 China Mobility Product Team July, 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 思科无线产品销售指南 零售行业 China Mobility Product Team July, 2011 1

2 零售行业移动解决方案 改善顾客 符合PCI规范的 提高商店 购物体验 安全网络 工作效率
顾客通过智能移动终端可以随时访问产品、促销和商店的信息,并能根据顾客位置信息进行定制。 保护顾客银行卡的数据安全,防止未授权的网络访问,能够追踪商店资产,维护商店的安全。 员工在和顾客一起时,能够更轻松地和同事进行协作,更容易地进行库存盘点等工作

3 DataCenter Data Traffic
思科Flex Connect 网络架构:智能数据转发 各门店/仓库 数据中心 ACS 5.2 File Server Flex 7500 ISR 3925 专线或者VPN Internet AP-2 AP-1 Control Channel Internet Traffic DataCenter Data Traffic RTP Local Server Branch Data Traffic Transcript: Moving on, so here's the branch, overall branch architecture that I have over here. Most of you guys are familiar with this. On the left-hand side we have our data center. Towards the extreme right we have our branch offices. So on the data center side if you can notice, I have my FLEX I've kept Aruba I have Motorola RS So most likely-- so we're trying to do an apples to apples comparison over here. So that's why I have it all controllers are sitting in my data center. Whereas in the branch office site, if you can note this, all I have is access point. And of course at the edge I have something known as ISR 3925 or ISR G2 as we speak about it. I'll talk about it the ISR So if you can notice, the only traffic that goes out from branch office is the control channel which is shown in red line, in red dotted line. Any other data traffic, it could be your internet traffic, data center traffic, or it could be your branch local traffic. They're all split by this controller. Aruba talks about having split channel mode. Do you really need that? You really don't need that because your ISR G2 can provide you that by just basic ACL configurations. So all your data center traffic, sorry, all your branch local data traffic can be switched from the ISR G2 box itself. Any questions on this? All right. Author’s Original Notes: Key Takeaways are the last slide you should have presented in your presentation. These Key Takeaways are critical for TOI as well as retention of material. Fill this template out by asking yourself; what are the critical main points of this session that a VT member should go and redeliver to their region/team? Those critical main points should become your key takeaway bullets on screen. The Key Takeaways you create should be related to the session objectives but much more specific, and in greater detail. Please see examples on next slide. BEST PRACTICES: Limit Key Takeaways to five to seven digestible bullets Before you show the key takeaway slide, ask the audience what they think the key takeaways are from the presentation PLEASE DELETE YELLOW TEXT BOX, and TITLE “TEMPLATE” upon completion. 控制流量和到数据中心的流量经过广域网 其他流量在本地转发 AP支持NAT/PAT方式与控制器连接

4 符合PCI(Paymend Card Industry)规范的思科无线网络
Wireless LAN Secure Voice & Data Data Wireless Secure Internet Edge Wireless

5 Clean Air技术解决干扰给传统无线网络带来的挑战和对零售关键业务的挑战
挑战#1: 有没有无线干扰? 挑战#2: 干扰有多严重? 挑战#3: 怎么自动消除干扰的影响? 一个无线摄像头就可以让客户端的无线网络连接中断,导致无线业务中断 AIR QUALITY PERFORMANCE 思科 CleanAir 技术能够侦测无线干扰,自动实现网络自愈, 消除干扰带来的影响.

6 思科Client link技术可以改善仓库商场的信号覆盖
Beam Strength 802.11a/g Beam Forming 802.11a/g 802.11n 802.11n

7 Mobile Intelligent Roaming
手持终端符合思科无线网络的CCX认证 符合思科CCX认证的无线终端包括: Motorola Intermec Honeywell LXE Unitech Mobile Intelligent Roaming CCX certified CCX certified CCX certified CCX certified CCX certified Unitech PA968 Motorola MC9090 Honeywell 9000 LXE MX7 Intermec CK3 7 7

8 在每个门店配置控制器、备份控制器在数据中心(N+1)
思科无线网络部署选择 Flex Connect 在每个门店配置控制器、备份控制器在数据中心(N+1) 全国性大型链锁门店 每个门店少于2万平方米(50个AP) 典型案例:Home Depot 多个门店 典型案例:Apple Store 在门店配置1+1无线控制器 胖AP部署方式 每个门店的销售额高,要求7X24小时无中断 典型案例:Apple Store 独立的零售商 通常小于500平方米 典型案例:麦当劳

9 思科无线网络产品部署 WAN 温度湿度要求高的产品选择外置天线3500E/3500P/1260/1240
温度湿度要求低的产品选择内置天线3502I/1140/1040 中型门店 Flexconnect Aps 或2500无线控制器+瘦AP 总部 / 数据中心 Flexconnect 7500 WCS MSE 仓库/ 配送中心 5508控制器 MSE 瘦AP 小型门店 Flexconnect Ap 或胖AP WAN 大型零售门店 瘦AP 5508无线控制器 MSE

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