Unit title: 假期 – Holiday

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1 Unit title: 假期 – Holiday
Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Environment The different environments of different countries are in some way responsible for the way the residents of that country conduct their daily lives. The physical environment that you live in can affect the way you live your life. People from different countries spend holiday time in different ways. MYP unit question How does the climate of the country you live in affect your lifestyle?

2 Transport LO: List means of transport

3 huǒ​chē 火车

4 qì​chē 汽车

5 gōng​gòng ​qì​chē​ 公共汽车

6 chū​zū​chē 出租车

7 zì​xíng​chē 自行车

8 fēi​jī 飞机

9 chuán


11 自行车

12 飞机


14 火车

15 公共汽车

16 出租车

17 汽车

18 zì​xíng​chē 自行车

19 fēi​jī 飞机

20 chuán

21 公共汽车 自行车 出租车 汽车 飞机 火车

22 Stick the character sheet into your books and practise the characters – 十 分钟

23 Battleships Pick three modes of transport and put in order of 1-3.
Take it in turns to guess which transport is no. 1, then no. 2, then no. 3. If you get it right, continue guessing; if wrong then swap turns.

24 听力 第八页 – 练习一 Listen and note down the letter of the correct picture.
第八页 – 练习二 Listen and note down the letter of the correct picture 对不对

25 Strip bingo 出租车 船 火车 汽车 坐 飞机 自行车 骑 公共汽车
Choose any 5 and put in any order on bingo card. RULE – You can’t choose the same one 5 times there has to be a mixture. 出租车 公共汽车 火车 汽车 飞机 自行车

26 Hunt the treasure: A B C D E F G Extra Q Free Go

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