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The Case of Peter Pan 報告日期:2007年12月20日 報告人:湯貴婷 學號:9500108.

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Presentation on theme: "The Case of Peter Pan 報告日期:2007年12月20日 報告人:湯貴婷 學號:9500108."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Case of Peter Pan 報告日期:2007年12月20日 報告人:湯貴婷 學號:

2 不同的Peter Pan 西方文化透過不同的媒材,不斷地跨文本複製(repetition)Peter Pan 的形象 閱讀對象從成人到兒童

3 不同的Peter Pan 1902出版的成人小說, featured Peter Pan in chapters 8-13
The Little White Bird 1902出版的成人小說, featured Peter Pan in chapters 8-13

4 不同的Peter Pan Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up 1904年12月27日首度公演的舞台劇 Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens 1906年特別集結 由Arthur Rackham插畫

5 不同的Peter Pan 兒童小說Peter and Wendy 1911年根據舞台劇出版 之後標題包括:
Peter Pan and Wendy 和 Peter Pan

6 不同的Peter Pan 2006 Geraldine McCaughrean
Peter Pan續集Peter Pan in Scarlet 1953年美國迪士尼動畫

7 不同的Peter Pan 1991年由Steven Spielberg導演的Hook
2004年由P.J. Hogan導演的Peter Pan

8 Peter Pan與J.M. Barrie J.M. Barrie筆下的Peter Pan實結合兩種創作靈感
Peter是以Barrie所親近的Davies家庭中所收養的五個小 孩之一為對象 Pan則是希臘牧神潘的典型化身 Peter Pan的外型 騎著山羊、吹奏著蘆葦笛的小孩

9 ~Rudyard Kipling(1865-1936)Something of Myself: An Autobiography ~
Peter Pan與J.M. Barrie 採用精神分析biogrphy的方式,透過作品的 意象解讀作者創作的心理層面 Give me the first six years of a child’s life, and you can have the rest. ~Rudyard Kipling( )Something of Myself: An Autobiography ~

10 Peter Pan與J.M. Barrie The room was dark, and when I heard the door shut and no sound Come form the bed I was afraid, and I stood still……after a time I Heard a listlesss voice ……say ,”Is that you?”……I thought it was the dead boy she was speaking to, and I said in a little lonely voice,“No, it’s no’him , it’s just me.”

11 Fiction ‘for’ children!
If children’s fiction builds an image of the child inside the book ,it does so in order to secure the child who is outside the book , the one who does not come so easily within its grasp.(2) Jacqeline Rose認為兒童文學創作所呈現的問題並非只是成人對兒童的需求與想望,而是透過兒童小說成人利用語言建構其對兒童投射的慾望

12 Fiction ‘for’ children!
we then present the images we have constructed to children in their literature , in order to persuade them that their lives actually are as we imagine them to be…….how children should see. Lacan「mirrage stage」理論的沿用 I am that which see myself as this

13 Fiction ‘for’ children!
應用在兒童文學批評,鏡中影像可視為兒童文學文本中呈現的角色形象,鏡之影像與真實孩童的關係正如同孩童對於兒童文學中呈現兒童影像的關係,「To identify is to see oneself as something else in two sense-as being the thing seen and as being the one who does the seeing」(Nodelman,11)。所觀之物即是觀者的認同

14 逃避Peter Pan 將Peter Pan視為兒童小說考察對象
將Peter Pan視為兒童天真的具象表徵,實則暗示西方兒文長久以來對潛藏在兒童小說中問題的逃避,包括sexuality, politcs and laguage

15 對語言的規避 釐清Jacqeline使用的語言概念與範疇
language and its vicissitudes, that is , the ordering and structure of language, together with the constant movement, play and instability which underline its most basic of rules 在兒童小說的場域空間中,語言正操演著將兒童視為a pure origin概念的建構行為

16 對語言的規避 Locke和Rousseau的哲學思潮對西方兒童書寫方式的影響
提出Freud無意識的概念質疑理性時期對於語言和理解世界的自信’mastery’ 為何Jacqelin透過語言探討兒童與小說之間的關係 語言建構主體性的先天性侷限

17 參考書目與網站 Rose,Jacqeline:The Case of Peter Pan or The Impossibility of Children’s Fiction.London:Macmillan,19 FireBlade Coffeehouse: J. M. Barrie: The Little White Bird: Peter Pan: 圖片連結: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens.jpg 圖片連結:

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