Rhythm Unit 4.

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1 Rhythm Unit 4

2 判断口语好坏的标准 语音好 能够很好的掌握英语的节奏 能够说正规英语 能够说地道的英语

3 掌握英语节奏的重要性 学英语的人在下功夫学习语音的时候,也要努力学习并掌握英语的节奏 误解:英语说得好就是说得快

4 What is rhythm 话语节奏:重读音节和非重读音节交替出现的现象。英语的节奏规律是以重音定时的,即重读音节彼此距离相等。 Eg: bread and milk (O o O) 和 some bread and some milk (o O o o O),两者的重读音节数相同,因此朗读两者的时间大致相等。

5 英语节奏的特征 英语的节奏主要是靠重音来控制的 长短分明 轻重分明

6 写: Birds eat worms. Birds have eaten worms. Birds should have eaten worms. 读: Birds eat worms. Birds have eaten worms. Birds should have eaten worms.

7 句中重读音节出现频率高时,通常语速会慢一些,音节听起来自然也清楚些
重读音节之间拥挤着出现的非重读音节听起来轻快而含糊 说一个句子所需的时间长短不取决于句中的单词数或音节数,更重要的是取决于句中有多少个重读音节

8 节奏的类型及训练 A A Not me! So what? Why not? Good luck! A a A Try again.
What is more. Write it down. Put it there.

9 节奏 O O O O 'time’s 'up 'make 'haste 'next 'week 'what’s 'this 'work 'hard 'well 'done 'all 'right 'quite 'good 'Yes, 'please 'hold 'on 'that’s 'true 'too 'bad 'good 'news 'this 'month 'not 'yet 'come 'in

10 a A a I hope so. Of course not. Excuse me. With pleasure. a A a a A friend of mine It’s possible. I’m used to it. He thinks he did. a A a a A I want you to know. She’s gone to the film. I made a mistake. He told me he would.

11 O o O O o O 'never 'mind 'wait and 'see 'leave at 'once 'word by 'word 'let me 'see 'thanks a 'lot 'out of 'date 'quite a 'lot 'try it 'out 'good i'dea 'come a'long 'far and 'wide 'time and 'tide 'little 'girl 'what a 'day

12 O o O o O o O o 'wait a 'moment 'give me 'this one 'let’s get 'started 'spring is 'coming 'Merry 'Christmas. 'come and 'help me 'glad to 'see you 'very 'funny 'let me 'help you 'who can 'help me 'quite a 'lot of 'rather 'boring 'go and 'get it 'when to 'do it 'just ‘imagine 'time is 'precious

13 o O o O o O o O the 'latest 'news a 'waste of 'time he’s 'late for 'class she’s 'gone 'away a 'lot of 'noise I’d 'like to 'come it 'doesn’t 'work we’d 'better 'go a 'sign of 'smoke he 'always 'sings it’s 'time for 'lunch I’ll 'see you 'off it’s 'hard to 'say a 'day of 'work I’ve 'no 'idea I’m 'sure you 'will

14 'bring along your 'friend
O o o O 'lots to be 'done 'lend me a 'hand 'get in the 'crops 'nothing at 'all 'bring him 'along 'send it by 'mail 'not in the 'least 'clear it 'away 'once in a 'while O o o o O 'carry it 'away 'follow my 'advice 'see you in a 'week 'try to be in 'time 'come and have a 'look 'leave it on the 'desk 'cut it with a 'knife 'everything is 'clear 'bring along your 'friend

15 o O o O o I’m 'glad to 'see you. You’re 'always 'welcome
o O o O o I’m 'glad to 'see you. You’re 'always 'welcome. I 'hope you 'like it. I’d 'like to 'hear it. I 'beg your 'pardon. You’d 'better 'hurry. I’m 'very 'sorry. It doesn’t 'matter. He’s 'rather 'funny.

16 在实际语言中,节奏的样式复杂的多,但无非是有些非重读音节多一些,有些则少一些,这就要求我们在说话时调整好。
A a A a A A a a A School begins at this time of the year. a A a a a a a A a a A a It seems that no one is against the suggestion. a a a a A a a A a a A a Have you ever thought of becoming a teacher?

17 a A a A a A I can’t afford a car. I’d like a piece of bread. It’s all the same to me. They played the game at night. a A a a a A I wanted you to know. I got there after dark. He didn’t tell me that! We all wished him success.

18 o O o o O o o I’ll 'borrow a'nother one. You’ll 'get it on 'Saturday
o O o o O o o I’ll 'borrow a'nother one. You’ll 'get it on 'Saturday. Per'haps you’ve 'heard of it. They’ve 'all gone on 'holiday. It’s 'very un'fortunate. Let’s 'open the 'other one.

19 a A a a A a a I never expected so. He wanted to go with you. They started to laugh at him. The theater is far from here. a A a a a A a a a Will Jack go there together with him? Forget what you have heard from that guy. This isn’t quite the moment for it. He called when I was writing something.

20 a A a a A a a A He wanted to go for a walk. It seems that you don’t want to go. He usually goes there by bus. Is that what you asked him to do? A a a a a a A When will you come here again? Tell them we’ll have an exam. Where do you want them to start? Whom are you going to meet?

21 a A a a a A a a a A I think you have to do it by yourself. He told me that he took it by mistake. I’d like a lump of sugar in my tea. The man who is now speaking is our boss. a A a a A a a A a a His brother is writing for Hollywood. I’ve always been thinking of going there. The ambulance took him to hospital. Whatever the causes, a change took place.

22 a A a A a A a A I’ll leave no matter what you say. He’s learned the trick of making bread. He left the room without a word. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. a A a a A a a A a a A I’m sure that the boys can complete it in time. Wherever you go you must keep it in mind. They questioned him if there was anything wrong. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

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