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Lesson 9單字講解 台中市立惠文高中國中部 教師:余肇傑.

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1 Lesson 9單字講解 台中市立惠文高中國中部 教師:余肇傑

2 Lesson 9單字講解 Look at the photo. Do you remember the girl?
photo n. 相片(photos, photo album相簿) remember v. 記得 文法: (remember to +v 記得去做,表未做) 例句:你看這照片,你記得這女孩嗎? Look at the photo. Do you remember the girl? 例句:記得做作業。 Remember to do your homework.

3 Lesson 9單字講解 sweet adj. 貼心的、甜的 例句: 這些蛋糕很甜。 These cakes are sweet.
例句:你真貼心。 You are so sweet. = It is so sweet of you. (It is +品行形容詞+of人 to V)

4 Lesson 9單字講解 gate n. 大門 (golden gate bridge) still adv. 仍然
例句: 他仍然在學校大門口等你。 He is still waiting for you at the school gate.

5 Lesson 9單字講解 captain n. 隊長、(船長、機長) team n. 隊伍 (補充: teamwork)
cheerleader n. 啦啦隊員 Do you know him? He is a famous captain.

6 Lesson 9單字講解 sports field n. 運動場 playground n. 遊樂場 game n. 比賽
We have a game on the sports field/ playground.

7 Lesson 9單字講解 heavy adj. 繁忙的、重的、(雨)很大的
traffic n. 交通;車流量(traffic rules, traffic light) 例句: 現在交通很繁忙。 The traffic is heavy now. The box is heavy. The rain is heavy now

8 Lesson 9單字講解 before adv. 昔日、以前(可以單獨使用)
ago adv. ..以前(一段時間+ago,ago不可以單獨使用) then adv. 當時(=at that time,通常搭配過去式使用) 例句: 十年前(從前)那裏有一條河。 There was a river ten years ago/ before.

9 Lesson 9單字講解 star n. 明星 chubby adj. 圓胖的 Look at the chubby baby.
例句: 這位明星挺圓胖的。 The star is very chubby.

10 Lesson 9單字講解 river n. 河流(brook, waterfall) farm n. 農田
everywhere adv. 到處 例句: 你到處都可以看到農田和河流。 You can see farms and rivers everywhere.

11 Lesson 9單字講解 clean adj. 乾淨的;v 清理
dirty adj. 骯髒的(dirty joke, dirty words.) Do you clean your room? Is your room clean or dirty?

12 Lesson 9單字講解 street n. 街道 wide adj. 寬闊的(反義詞: narrow狹窄的 adj)
例句: 這街道很寬闊並不狹窄。 The street is wide not narrow.

13 Lesson 9單字講解 classroom n. 教室 library n. 圖書館 restroom n. 廁所
Where are they?

14 Lesson 9單字講解 Not any more. 再也不是了。(用在否定句) What’s up? 怎麼了? 例句: 你怎麼了呢?
例句:我再也不喜歡你了 I don’t like you any more.

15 Lesson 9單字講解 however adv. 然而 例句: 他又矮又胖,但是擁有很多朋友。
He is short and fat, but he has many friends. = He is short and fat; however he has many friends. =He is short and fat. However, he has many friends 觀察上面的句子,你發現了甚麼呢?

16 Lesson 9單字講解 live v. 居住 例句: 你住哪呢? Where do you live?
I live in Taichung.

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