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fù習 / fù习 Dì一kè (課/课) -- Dì十六kè (課/课)

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Presentation on theme: "fù習 / fù习 Dì一kè (課/课) -- Dì十六kè (課/课)"— Presentation transcript:

1 fù習 / fù习 Dì一kè (課/课) -- Dì十六kè (課/课)

2 Bié (neg.) don’t… Bié hē了!Don’t drink any more!
(Sentence final 了is required when someone is in the middle of doing something and you ask him to stop) Please stop the teacher … Bié hē 了! vs. Bié hē!

3 Bié (neg.) don’t… Little Wang broke up with his girlfriend and drank 10 bottles of beer. What can you say to stop him from drinking any more? Bié hē 了! Right before Snow White bites the poison apple, what can you say to stop her? Bié 吃!

4 Situations: A student is chatting in English in Chinese class, and the his classmates may say: Don’t speak English in Chinese class any more. Bié在中文kè說美國話了。 Bié在中文kè说美国话了。 A new girl just arrives at Little Li’s high school, and Little Li warns her: Don’t arrive late for class. 上課bié晚到! 上课bié晚到!

5 Situations: A telemarketer has been calling Little Ye for a week to sell a bike. What can she say on the phone to stop him doing this any more? Bié給我打電話了。/ Bié给我打电话了。 Your grandma goes to bed every day early. Mom tells you not to call her after 8: 八點以後,bié給她打電話。 八点以后,bié给她打电话。

6 Completed action: ActV + 了
V了O VO了 我hē了一bēi kāfēi。 我昨天看書了。 我昨天看书了。 我買了那本書。 我买了那本书。 我昨天晚上xǐzǎo了。 我買了王老師的書。 我买了王老师的书。 我六點zhōng吃飯了。 我六点zhōng吃饭了。 我wàng了幾個字。 我wàng了几个字。

7 Completed action: ActV + 了
V了O VO了 V了[Num.+classifier+O.] 我hē了一bēi kāfēi。 Phrase-a general event 我昨天看書了。 我昨天看书了。 V了[这(這)/那+classifier+O.] 我買了那本書。 我买了那本书。 Object-no meaning 我昨天晚上xǐzǎo了。 V了[description+O.] 我買了王老師的書。 我买了王老师的书。 Object-a category 我六點zhōng吃飯了。 我六点zhōng吃饭了。 Verb -performed/completed 我wàng了幾個字。 我wàng了几个字。

8 Asking and answering what has happened before
你吃早飯了嗎?/ 你吃早饭了吗? 你吃早飯了沒有?/ 你吃早饭了没有? Have you eaten breakfast? 吃了。Yes. (I have eaten it.) 沒吃。/ 没吃。No. (I have not.) 還沒有。/ 还没有。Not yet.

9 問問你的tóng學 / 问问你的tóng 学 Pair up with partner and find out if your partner did the following things in the summer break (shǔ期). VO了 V了O sing dance make money travel go back home study eat Chinese food read French movies books watch many American movies

10 The duration of a situation: (V +O) V + duration
(when the action is completed: 了) V+O+V(了)+duration (when there is an object) Why do we need to repeat the verb when there is an object?

11 The duration of a situation: (V +O) V + duration
坐一個zhōngtóu 坐一个zhōngtóu (ride for an hour) shuì了很cháng 時jiān shuì了很cháng 时jiān (slept for a long time) 坐地tiě 坐了半個 zhōngtóu 坐地tiě 坐了半个 zhōngtóu (took the subway for half an hour)

12 The duration of a situation: (V +O) V + (了) + duration
Verb (V+O structure) fàngjià have a break 開車 (开车) drive fàngjià fàng了二十天 fàng了二十天 (had a break for 20 days) 開車開 (开车开)一个zhōngtóu 開 (开)一个zhōngtóu (drive for an hour)

13 The duration of a situation: (V +O) V + (了) + duration
shuì覺 (shui觉) sleep xǐzǎo shower slept for two days shuì覺 (觉)shuì了兩 (两)天 shuì了兩 (两)天 shower for an hour xǐzǎo xǐ一个zhōngtóu xǐ一个zhōngtóu

14 Four prepositions: 從/从from, 到to, 在at/in/on, 往toward
從(从) location1 到 location2 from location1 to location2 從(从)我的sùshè到你家 from my dorm to your house 從(从)大學 (学)到fēijīchǎng from the university to the airport

15 The duration of a situation: 要多久? (V +O) 要 V + duration
three hours by car NiǔYuē 從這兒到NiǔYuē開車要開三個zhōngtóu。 从这儿到NiǔYuē开车要开三个zhōngtóu。 It takes three hours to drive from here to NYC.

16 The duration of a situation: 要多久? (V +O) 要 V + duration
one and a half hour by air NiǔYuē 從這兒到NiǔYuē坐fēijī要坐一個半zhōngtóu。 从这儿到NiǔYuē坐fēijī要坐一个半zhōngtóu。 It takes one and a half hour to fly from here to NYC.

17 The duration of a situation: 要多久? (V +O) 要 V + duration
How many hours by car? How many hours by air? parent’s house 問問你的tóng學 / 问问你的tóng学: 從這兒到你fùmǔ家開車要開幾個zhōngtóu? 从这儿到你fùmǔ家开车要开几个zhōngtóu? 從這兒到你fùmǔ家坐fēijī要坐幾個zhōngtóu? 从这儿到你fùmǔ家坐fēijī要坐几个zhōngtóu?

18 Four prepositions: 從/从from, 到to, 在at/in/on, 往toward
在 location + ActV study in the library 在圖書館學習 在图书馆学习 study at home 在家學習 在家学习 study at the café 在kāfēi館學習 在kāfēi馆学习 wait at the bus stop 在車站děng 在车站děng do something at somewhere 問問你的tóng學: 问问你的tóng学: 你喜歡在哪兒學習? 你喜欢在哪儿学习? Where do you like to study?

19 Four prepositions: 從/从from, 到to, 在at/in/on, 往toward
往direction 往東(东) toward the east 往南 toward the south 往西 toward the west 往北 toward the north toward a direction 東(东)南 southeast 東(东)北 northeast 西南 southwest 西北 northwest

20 Four prepositions: 從/从from, 到to, 在at/in/on, 往toward
How do I take (the subway) from the university to the airport? 從大學到fēijīchǎng怎麼坐? 从大学到fēijīchǎng怎么坐? Get on the number 2 line at the University. 在大學 (学)坐二號(号)xiàn。 Take (the subway) toward the east. 往東 (东)坐。 Subway Line 2 在 location+ActV 往 direction+ActV

21 Giving direction by subway
How to take (the subway) from the airport to the university and then take (the subway) to the train station? 從 fēijīchǎng 到大學怎麼坐?再到 huǒ車站怎麼坐? 从 fēijīchǎng 到大学怎么坐?再到 huǒ车站怎么坐? How to take (the subway) fromthe Karaoke to the American restaurant? 從 kǎlāOK 到美國飯館怎麼坐? 从 kǎlāOK 到美国饭馆怎么坐? How to take (the subway) from your friend’s place to the university? 從你朋友家到大學怎麼坐? 从你朋友家到大学怎么坐?

22 Giving direction by subway
How to take (the subway) from your older sister’s place to the coffee shop? 從你 jiějie家到 kāfēi館怎麼坐? 从你 jiějie家到 kāfēi馆怎么坐? How to take (the subway) fromthe bank to the university and then take (the subway) to the bookstore? 從 yínháng到大學怎麼坐?再到書店怎麼坐? 从 yínháng到大学怎么坐?再到书店怎么坐? How to take (the subway) from the coffee shop to the park? 從kāfēi館到公園怎麼坐? 从kāfēi馆到公园怎么坐?

23 Giving direction by subway
You are not very familiar with the subway in Beijing, and always ask your local friends: How to take (the subway) from the university to the city center? 從大學到shì中xīn怎麼坐? 从大学到shì中xīn怎么坐? Get on the No. 10 Line at the University stop . 在大學站坐10號xiàn。 在大学站坐10号xiàn。

24 Giving direction by subway
Take (the subway) toward the East; take (the subway) for one stop. 往東坐,坐一站。/ 往东坐,坐一站。 Get off the subway; change to Line No. 5. 下車,huàn 5號xiàn。/ 下车,huàn5 号xiàn。Take (the subway) toward the South; take (the subway) for two stops. 往南坐,坐兩站。/ 往南坐,坐两站。 Get off the subway at the City Center stop. 在 shì中xīn下車。/ 在 shì中xīn下车。

25 fù習 / fù习 hóng-lǜdēng traffic light dì一個(个) hóng-lǜdēng
the first traffic light 十字路口 street intersection dì二個(个)十字路口 the second intersection

26 fù習 / fù习: two meanings of 過/过
過馬路 / 过马路 cross the street 過 (过)hóng-lǜdēng pass the traffic light after passing the traffic light 過(过)了hóng-lǜdēng以後(后) The house is right on your left. 房子就在你的zuǒbiān。

27 Giving street direction
You are at the university right now and you want to go to the Chinese restaurant to meet your friends. How do you walk from university to the Chinese restaurant? 從大學到中國飯館怎麼走? 从大学到中国饭馆怎么走? Walk toward the south from the university. 從大學往南走。/ 从大学往南走。 Turn west at ZhongshanRoad. 在Zhōngshān路往西guǎi。

28 Giving street direction
Keep walking toward the west. 一zhí往西走。 After passing the first traffic light, the Chinese restaurant is right on your left. 過了dì一個hóng-lǜdēng以後,中國飯館就在你的zuǒbiān。 过了dì一个hóng-lǜdēng以后,中国饭馆就在你的zuǒbiān。

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