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Lecturer: Mona.

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1 Lecturer: Mona

2 Go into the United Kingdom
Evaluation system : daily performance(50%) & final examination (50%) 学分:credit:2 Write an essay about the UK

3 Self-introduction Name: Mona(陈梦纳) I graduated from
I am a _____ person. I like music, movies, traveling and so on. How to contact me? My phone: My office: 2120

4 Learning Targets Be able to master the basic information about UK;
Be able to understand the life and culture of UK; Be able to further discuss the differences and similarities between China and UK.

5 monitor group1 group2 group3 group4 Documentary 纪录片 group5 group6

6 Basic information about UK

7 The parts of the country
The Name of the country I The parts of the country II Location and Size II The importance of the country II The United Kingdom——The Land

8 1. What are the different names of the country?
The Name of the Country 1. What are the different names of the country? 2. What is the difference between UK, England and Great Britain? 3. What separate nations make up the country? 4. What is the origin of different names? The United Kingdom——The Land

9 1. What are the different names of the country?
Full / official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Abbreviated names: UK, the United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain, England 不大列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 The United Kingdom——The Land

10 2. What is the difference between UK, England and Great Britain?
Click The United Kingdom——The Land

11 3. What separate nations make up the country?
Wales England UK Northern Ireland Scotland Click The United Kingdom——The Land

12 4. What is the origin of different names? Britain: the Brython
布立吞人(从前居住在不列颠的凯尔特人). (BC 300 from Europe) England: Angla-land (安恩拉之地) (AD 5th century from northwest of Europe) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: early 1920’s The present form: from 1927 由于历史和民族等原因,由英格兰、北爱尔兰、威尔士、苏格兰四国组成联合王国,首都仍在英格兰首都伦敦,主体还是英格兰,所以习惯上称英国(本来英国专指英格兰England)。英伦三岛是指英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士,由于北爱尔兰位于爱尔兰岛,所以不包括在内。 英国现在的正式全称是“大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国” 不过英格兰与苏格兰合并1707年时候成立的是“大不列颠王国”,吞并爱尔兰后1800年改的是“大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国”(没有“北”)1922年之后才是今天这个名字 “大英帝国”和“大不列颠帝国”等可以说是通俗的叫法,但和包括“英国”在内的这个称呼,都有不科学的地方 大不列颠,我们已经知道他只是今天英国的一部分(包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士)而已。而“英”是指英格兰,也只是一部分。而且严格说,英国是个“王”国也非“帝”国。 所以,其他国家更多习惯称英国为“联合王国”,英国的简写也习惯是UK(United Kingdom联合王国) The United Kingdom——The Land

13 Location and Size 1. Where is the country located?
2. What are the neighboring countries of the country? 3. What is the size of the country? 4. What is the importance of UK in the world? The United Kingdom——The Land

14 1. Where is the country located? Western Europe The North Sea
The English Channel 50°and 60°north latitude; 2°East and 8°west longitude Latitude: n.纬度;范围;[天]黄纬 Longitude: n.经度,经线;[天]黄经 The United Kingdom——The Land 14

15 2. What are the neighboring countries of the country?
Look at the map and find out the neighboring countries of UK: MAP 1. France 2. Holland 3. Germany 4. Denmark 5. Norway 6. Belgium 7. The Irish Republic 8. Iceland The United Kingdom——The Land


17 Rather small, 242,514 square kilometers
3. What is the size of the country? Rather small, 242,514 square kilometers Less than 2% of the land of the world 75th in size among countries South—north (966 km) East—west (483 km) 浙江面积: 10.18万平方公里 The United Kingdom——The Land

18 Little size; Small population; Big role !!!
4. What is the importance of UK in the world? Little size; Small population; Big role !!! The United Kingdom——The Land

19 Colonial power “An empire on which the sun never sets”;
Spread the way of life around the global; The model system of many laws and governments; English is widely spoken. The United Kingdom——The Land

20 European and international affairs
NATO 北大西洋公约组织 a. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization b. An intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on April 4, 1949. The United Kingdom——The Land

21 There are currently 192 member states.
UN 联合国 the United Nations It was founded in 1945. There are currently 192 member states. an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international affairs and the achieving of world peace 联合国常任理事国: 中(共),美,法,英,俄 The United Kingdom——The Land

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