wo men yang wang deng hou

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1 wo men yang wang deng hou
Verse 1 我们仰望 等候 wo men yang wang deng hou We look to You and wait 我们渴慕 敬拜 wo men ke mu jing bai We desire to worship 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

2 May Your will be done now here in our midst
愿你旨意行在我们这里 yuan Ni zhi yi xing zai wo men zhe li May Your will be done now here in our midst 求主听我们恳切的祷告 qiu Zhu ting wo men ken q iu de dao gao Lord may You give ear to our earnest prayer 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

3 In one heart we pray This is our prayer
Chorus 1 我们的祷告 同心祷告 wo men de dao gao tong xin dao gao In one heart we pray This is our prayer 同心合意 tong xin he yi In one accord 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

4 we pray Your kingdom come unto this land
呼求你的国度降临这地 hu qiu yi de guo du jiang lin zhe di we pray Your kingdom come unto this land 愿你旨意成全 yuan ni zhi yi cheng quan Lord may Your will be done 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

5 quan xin dao gao xian shang yi qie
Chorus 2 我们的祷告 Wo men de dao gao In one heart we pray 全心祷告 献上一切 quan xin dao gao xian shang yi qie This is our prayer We offer all 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

6 为你而活 主你的大使命 我们同心合一担当 to live for you Lord Your great commission
为你而活 主你的大使命 wei Ni er huo Zhu Ni de da shi ming to live for you Lord Your great commission 我们同心合一担当 wo men tong xin he yi dan dang We will bear it in one accord 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

7 We live for You for Your great commission we give You our whole life
Ending 为你而活 为你的大使命 wei Ni er huo wei Ni de da Shi ming We live for You for Your great commission 我们献上一生 wo men xian shang yi sheng we give You our whole life 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

8 主 只愿为你 单单讨你喜悦 Lord for You alone simply to please You
主 只愿为你 Zhu zhi yuan wei Ni Lord for You alone 单单讨你喜悦 dan dan tao ni xi yue simply to please You 我们的祷告 wo men de dao gao /8

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