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When an elephant is in trouble even a frog will kick him

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1 When an elephant is in trouble even a frog will kick him
When an elephant is in trouble even a frog will kick him. A hired horse tired never. All sunshine makes the desert. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A bad wife wishes her husband’s heel turned homewards, and not his toe. The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman. Diseases come on horseback, but steal away on foot. 虎落平阳被犬欺,龙游浅滩遭虾戏。 租来的马不累。 不忠的妻子总是希望自己的丈夫出门,而不愿意他回家。 病来如山倒,病走如抽丝。/疾病易患难愈。 过多的阳光反而形成沙漠。/过犹不及。 一天一个大苹果,医生从来不找我。 最好的医生就是饮食、宁静和快乐。

2 第九讲 分句与合句 由于英汉两种语言的差异,在英汉翻译时,分句 与合句是常用的两种翻译技巧。 所谓分句,是指把原文的一个句子分译成两个或 两个以上的句子。 所谓合句,是指原文两个或两个以上的句子合译 成汉语的一个句子。 一、分句法 可以将句中的一个词、短语或者分句分译成一个 句子。例如:

3 1、They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all
1、They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 2、Throughout our lives, we may continue our education, learning from human contacts as well as from books. 3、Through all the abuse, pain, and hunger that have ground him down, he has never totally lost hope that things would yet turn around. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 我们一生都能受到教育,我们不仅从书本中学习,而且也从与人交往中学习。 尽管他忍受了一切简直致他于死命的凌辱、苦痛和饥饿,却从不曾完全地失去希望。他坚信总有一天会苦尽甘来。

4 Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.
司法部门对此不闻不问,那就是失责。 1. In the late 14th century, Marco Polo famously made his way along trade routes from Italy to China. 十四世纪后半叶,马可•波罗从意大利沿贸易通道来到中 国,因而一举成名。 2. Their commander wisely judged to be safer in their works than in the field. 他们的指挥官认为留在战场上不如呆在工事里更安全,这 是很明智的。

5 在翻译副词修饰形容词或另一个副词的结构时,有时也不能一概译成 “……地”结构,而需要将该副词抽出来加以增益,才能说明其含义,如 :
3. Chimpanzees are the animals closest biologically to humans. 从生物学角度看,大猩猩与人的关系最亲近。 4. Tami said it was possible, just statistically unlikely. 泰米说有这样的可能,但是从统计的角度来看又不太可能。 5. The second child she dreamed of might now be medically impossible. 她本来还想要一个孩子,从医学角度来看,现在是不可能了。 6. Only 18 percent are officially unemployed. 据官方统计,只有百分之十八的人是失业者。 7. Real-estate prices in downtown Manhattan looked prohibitively expensive. 市中心曼哈顿的房地产价格贵得使人望而生畏。 8. She was remarkably silent when the others all talked and laughed. 别人有说有笑时她却沉默不语,显得很突出。

6 9. It was a vast and treacherous landscape, but breath-takingly beautiful.
这是一片广阔而变幻莫测的景致,但却美得令人惊讶。 10. A schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboy’s essay, would be justly indignant. 小学老师在学生的作文里发现这样的错误一定会生气,而生气不是没有道 理的。 11. Voters were understandably confused by the identical Caser names on the ballot, and the split vote sent the real candidate Caser down to defeat in the primary. 选举人被选票上一模一样卡瑟的名字弄糊涂,因而选票分散,导致真正的 候选人在初选时就落选,这是可以理解的。 有时候,形容词做定语或表语时,也无法用一个词将其意思充分表达出来 ,翻译这个形容词时也需要进行增益,如: 12. The sleek turbines of the American windmills made economic and ecological sense. 美国造了许多风力磨坊,这从经济和生态角度看是有道理的。

7 13. Now we stay a respectful distance him.
14. He had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases. 他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法 是很有道理的。 15. The prisoners of war are allowed to write censored letter. 战俘们可以写信,但信件要受到检查。 16. We should be very cautious when buying expensive things and ask ourselves if we are making a wise purchase. 我们在买贵重的东西时一定要小心,问问自己买这样的东西是否明智。 又如:I wouldn’t have eaten it, only I’m too ladylike to take it out of my mouth. 这一句中的ladylike很难用一个中文词来表达,其 意思是“像个有教养的女人那样”。这一句不妨译成:“我本来不想吃 ,只是觉得再从嘴里拿出来不太雅观。”

8 4、Einstein’s theory of relativity is too difficult for the average mind to understand. 5、Pressures in liquids become rapidly greater with increasing depth as anyone knows who has swum even a few feet below the surface of a lake. 6、That is a NATO matter and any comment on it should appropriately come from NATO. 爱因斯坦的相对论太难,一般人无法理解。 随着深度加大,液压迅速增加;凡是在湖面以下几英尺游过泳的人都知道这一点。 这是北约组织的问题,关于这个问题的任何意见都应由北约组织来发表,这才合适。

9 7、I passed my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch
7、I passed my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch. 8、His attitude did not incline me to help him. 9、His announcement got a mixed reaction. 我抚摸着白桦光滑的树表,久久爱不释手。 我看了他这种态度,想帮他的心都冷了。 他的声明引起了反应,不过有褒有贬。

10 10、He smiled at that, with a rueful curve of his lips, but his eyes were alight with an emotion she was afraid to identify. 11、Both peaks are majestically towering high mountains and are blessed with paradise status, or in Chinese Shangri-la. 12、What is surely and identifiably unique about the human species is not its possession of certain faculties or physical characteristics, but what it has done with them—its achievement, or history, in fact. 听了这话,他笑了,双唇合成一条曲线,露出一副悔恨的样子。但两眼仍熠熠发光,脉脉含情。这种感情她不敢认同。 两座名山都高耸入云,蔚为壮观,被誉为人间天堂,汉语里称为“香格里拉”。 可以肯定而且一致确认的是,人类的独特之处不在于它拥有某些官能或生理特征,而在于它用这些官能和特征做了些什么,即它的成就,实际上,也就是它的历史。

11 我在谈判时总有些紧张。紧张时我就吃点东西。
二、合句法 在英汉翻译时,可将两个或两个以上的单句、主从 复合句或并列复合句合译成一个单句。例如: 1、She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill. 2、When I negotiate, I get nervous. When I get nervous, I eat. 3、 From Florence the river Arno ran down to Pisa, and then it reached the sea. 她回家去照料病重的丈夫。 我在谈判时总有些紧张。紧张时我就吃点东西。 阿诺河从佛罗伦萨流经比萨入海。

12 年轻人总是不停地探索,急于实验,乐于接受新的思想。他们充满活力,永不满足,追求尽善尽美。
4、The sense of relief among these people seems to have been enormous, and they danced on through the night. 5、As he looks, he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is staring straight ahead, her muscles contracting slightly. 6、Young people don’t hesitate to attempt one thing after another. Eager to experiment, they welcome new ideas. They are restless and alive and never satisfied. They seek perfection. 这些人如释重负,翩翩起舞,通宵达旦。 正当他这样看时,他发现女主人脸色异常,两眼直楞楞地望着前方,脸上的肌肉有点抽搐。 年轻人总是不停地探索,急于实验,乐于接受新的思想。他们充满活力,永不满足,追求尽善尽美。

13 7、He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. 8、The young man was very miserable. He had no money about him. All his savings had been stolen. 他喜欢热情文雅的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。 这个年轻人很惨,已经到了身无分文的地步,因为他所有的积蓄被窃。

14 1、We will send the boy to Britain, where he can receive better education. 2、We tried in vain to persuade him to give up his wrong belief. 3、That question is too hard for me to answer. 4、Darkness fell. An explosion shook the earth. It did not shake his will to go to the front. 5、Increasing poverty has led to a situation where the poor openly admit that they cannot offer to have children. 我们要把这个孩子送到英国去接受更好的教育。 我们尽力劝说他放弃错误的信念,但没有成功。 那个问题太难了,我回答不了。 夜幕降临时,一声爆炸震动了大地, 可并没有动摇他上前线的决心。 贫穷越来越严重,以至于穷人们公开承认他们连孩子也养不起。

15 在翻译时,句中的某个词可以拆分出来单独翻 译,但不一定是单独译成句子。例如:
补充: 在翻译时,句中的某个词可以拆分出来单独翻 译,但不一定是单独译成句子。例如: 1、The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors. 2、A few of the pictures are worth mentioning both for their technical excellence and interesting content. 3、Darkness released him from his last restraints. 天寒冻峭,人人都已躲在室内。 有些照片技术高超,内容有趣,值得一提。 在黑暗中,他就再也没有什么顾忌了。

16 The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. Every tree and every branch was encrusted with bright and delicate hoarfrost, white and pure as snow, delicate and defined as carved ivory. 因为距离远,交通工具缺乏,造成了农村社会与外界的隔绝,这种隔绝,又由于信息媒介不足,而变得更加严重。 每棵树、每根枝条都包上了一层明亮精致的白霜,像雪样的洁白纯净,像象牙一样精致优美。

17 我觉得,当书本给我讲到闻所未闻、见所未见的人物、感情、思想和态度时,似乎是每一本书都在我面前打开了一扇窗户,让我看到一个不可思议的新世界。
I feel that every book opens before me a window through which I see an unthinkable new world when the book tells me about never-heard-of and never-seen characters, sentiment, ideas and attitude. Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us. Their shadows slept, or almost slept, upon the water, a gentle quivering alone showing that it was not complete sleep or if sleep, that it was sleep with dreams. 几条渔船搁浅在我们面前。渔船的阴影卧在水面,或者说犹如卧躺一般,只有一些微微的颤动,表明大海没有酣然入睡,或者说即使入睡了,也是伴随着梦境的睡眠。 远处不远,渔船三五,凝滞不前。樯影映在水面上,仿佛睡去,偶尔微见颤动,似又未尝睡熟,仿若惊梦。

18 The men and women throughout the world who think that a living future is preferable to a dead world of rocks and deserts will have to rise and demand, in tones so loud that cannot be ignored, that common sense, humanity, and the dedicates of that moral law which Mr. Dulles believes that he respects, should guide our troubled era into that happiness which only its own folly is preventing. 充满生机的未来世界胜于遍布岩石和沙漠的荒野,凡持此观点的人,都应该行动起来,用无比洪亮的声音唤醒众人:正是我们今天的愚蠢做法在阻碍着人类走向幸福,我们必须依靠理智、仁慈、以及杜勒斯先生所倡导的道义原则,来引导这个动乱的时代迈入幸福的殿堂。

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