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Twelve Zodiac 十二生肖 Oral History Project London Chinatown.

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Presentation on theme: "Twelve Zodiac 十二生肖 Oral History Project London Chinatown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twelve Zodiac 十二生肖 Oral History Project London Chinatown

2 Do you know the animal signs in 12 zodiac?
vs. Western Star signs

3 Western Star Signs

4 The Legend of 12 zodiac Audio Story

5 Can you put them in correct order?



8 Answer Sheet

9 Use measure words 只,条,头,匹 to fill in the blanks:
1、Jerry 是一( )老鼠,而Tom 是一( )猫 。 2、农场里养了三( )牛,六( )兔子、五( )羊、十 ( )鸡和两( )猪。 3、有人说动物园跑了一( )老虎,其实不是,是跑了一 ( )猴子。 4、小王养的狗生了三( )小狗。 5、你看见山上有一( )白马吗?

10 ANSWER(答案): 1、Jerry 是一(只)老鼠,而Tom 是一(只)猫 。 2、农场里养了三(头)牛,六(只)兔子、五(只)羊、十 (只)鸡和两(头 )猪。 3、有人说动物园跑了一(只)老虎,其实不是,是跑了一 (只)猴子。 4、小王养的狗生了三( 条 / 只)小狗。 5、你看见山上有一( 匹 )白马吗?

11 善良 shàn liáng 热 情 rè qíng 威 猛 wēi měng 忠 心 zhōng xīn 冷 静 lěng jìng
老 实 lǎo shí Typical characteristics of each animal sign 机 灵 jī ling 开 朗 kāi lǎng 勤 劳 qín láo 温 顺 wēn shùn 威 风 wēifēng 灵 巧 líng qiǎo

12 Game Time

13 wáng yáng bŭ láo 亡羊补牢 A man who raised sheep once noticed there was a hole in the walls of his sheepfold. But he neglected to repair it. A few days later, several sheep were missing. His friend advised him: "It is not too late to mend the sheepfold." "Wang Yang Bu Lao" or "Mending the sheepfold after the sheep have been stolen" advises us that even though we have suffered a loss, it is never too late to take steps to prevent further losses.

14 mǎ dào chéng gōng 马 到 成 功 lóng mǎ jīng shén 龙 马 精 神

15 不但…而且… [猴子]不但[灵巧], 而且[聪明]。 [兔子]不但[善良], 而且[机灵]。
bú dàn ér qiĕ 不但…而且… hóu zi líng qiăo cōng míng [猴子]不但[灵巧], 而且[聪明]。 tù zi shàn liáng jī líng [兔子]不但[善良], 而且[机灵]。

16 Match of the 12 earthly branches and the 12 animals:

17 Twelve Earthly Branches and Ten Heavenly Stems
Twelve earthly branches and ten heavenly stems are also used to count. They can be used to measure hours of a day as well as directions.

18 我叫[海伦],[二零零三]*年出 生,生肖属[羊],今年[九]岁。 Want to know me more?
wŏ jiào hái lún ér líng líng sān nián chū 我叫[海伦],[二零零三]*年出 shēng shēngxiāo shǔ yáng jīn nián jiǔ suì 生,生肖属[羊],今年[九]岁。 * 二零零三 can be written in digital numbers as 2003

19 Acknowledgement: London Chinatown
Produced as part of the London China Town Oral History Project with materials from CMHA and Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Lesson plan designed by Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Oral History Project London Chinatown

20 THANK YOU Oral History Project London Chinatown

21 Picture References: London Chinatown
Oral History Project London Chinatown

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