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你用對了嗎?! 在英文學習過程中,我們會認識很多單字及片語。但有時候,中文意思相同,英文卻依場合有不同用法。由於常習慣使用英漢字典,以致於對字的本意不瞭解,而有誤用的情形,以下是幾個易混淆形容詞和拼法相似的字,來加以說明。注意囉~~~

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Presentation on theme: "你用對了嗎?! 在英文學習過程中,我們會認識很多單字及片語。但有時候,中文意思相同,英文卻依場合有不同用法。由於常習慣使用英漢字典,以致於對字的本意不瞭解,而有誤用的情形,以下是幾個易混淆形容詞和拼法相似的字,來加以說明。注意囉~~~"— Presentation transcript:

1 你用對了嗎?! 在英文學習過程中,我們會認識很多單字及片語。但有時候,中文意思相同,英文卻依場合有不同用法。由於常習慣使用英漢字典,以致於對字的本意不瞭解,而有誤用的情形,以下是幾個易混淆形容詞和拼法相似的字,來加以說明。注意囉~~~

2 not related to morality, unconcerned with morals. 與道德無關的
amoral not related to morality, unconcerned with morals. 與道德無關的 ex. It is an amoral issue, and we don’t have to discuss it. immoral contrary to morality 不道德的 ex. The court banned two immoral movies. not subject to death, everlasting 不朽的﹑ 永生的 Humans long to be immortal. In Greek mythology, all gods are immortal. immortal

3 Childish vs. Childlike *childish 小孩的/稚氣的
用於孩童,沒有貶意(of a child)。用於成年人,則有貶意,為幼稚的 (like a child) ex.Helen has a childish face and a childish voice. ex.You are fifty years old now.Don’t be so childish *childlike 天真的/純真的/孩子般的 多指孩童的可愛品行而言。用於成年人有好的意味。 ex.He is sixty now, but he is full of energy and has a childlike spirit. Uncle Wang acts with ________petulance,but with________simplicity. childish childlike

4 dis-interested 公正的∕不偏的∕無利己之心的 un-interested 冷淡的∕不關心的∕不感興趣的
disinterested—impartial or unbiased by personal interest ex.It is said that the judges of the court are all disinterested in their cases. uninterested—indifferent, without concern or unwilling to give attention to… ex.He is uninterested in homework.

5 給我做喔 ~~簡單啦 A judge should be __________ in a case he is trying, but he should not be ___________. Don’t look so ___________. The movie is not as boring as you think. disinterested uninterested uninterested

6 Economic 經濟上的∕經濟學的 Economic sanction (經濟制裁) Economic policy (經濟政策)
The Western countries are facing an economic crisis. Our economic and cultural relationships are based on trust.

7 Economical 節儉的∕節省的∕節約的 (可用來指在人力﹑物力﹑金錢的節省)
Economical device (節儉裝置) An economical stove (節省燃料的爐子) This new car is economical. She is a good wife in economical housekeeping.

8 做比較囉 The government attempts to adopt an __________method to cope with the __________problems. We are having _________problems now. Therefore, we have to be___________. economical economic economic economical

9 Enough vs. Sufficient Enough→ 足夠的,充足的。一般是指心理上的滿足(metal satisfaction)。或指數量上的足夠 。 The businessman has earned enough money for the rest of his life. Sufficient→足夠的,充足的。是指需要上的滿足(satisfaction of demands)。指程度上的足夠,比enough更為正式。 The amount of the money is sufficient for our requirements.

10 動手填填看嘛 Our military response to aggressive act was limited but_________to show our determination. There is__________food for five people. sufficient enough

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