我们在这里等候 主圣灵你的彰显 As we wait for You O Lord May Your spirit reveal to us

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Presentation on theme: "我们在这里等候 主圣灵你的彰显 As we wait for You O Lord May Your spirit reveal to us"— Presentation transcript:

1 我们在这里等候 主圣灵你的彰显 As we wait for You O Lord May Your spirit reveal to us
wo men zai zhe li deng hou As we wait for You O Lord 主圣灵你的彰显 Zhu Sheng Ling Ni de zhang xian May Your spirit reveal to us 我们在这里等候 Wo men zai zhe li deng hou 1/4

2 我们举双手敬拜 权柄荣耀全归于你 We lift our hands and worship
wo men ju shuang shou jing bai We lift our hands and worship 权柄荣耀全归于你 quan bing rong yao quan gui yu Ni All power and glory belongs to You 我们在这里等候 Wo men zai zhe li deng hou 2/4

3 主圣灵你来改变我们 全心全意为你而活 Holy Spirit come transforming us
Zhu Sheng Ling Ni lai gai bian wo men Holy Spirit come transforming us 全心全意为你而活 quan xin quan yi wei Ni er huo Let us live for You with all our hearts and souls 我们在这里等候 Wo men zai zhe li deng hou 3/4

4 主圣灵你来焚烧我们 全心全意降服于你 Holy Spirit come set our hearts on fire
Zhu Sheng Ling Ni lai fen shao wo men Holy Spirit come set our hearts on fire 全心全意降服于你 quan xin quan yi xiang fu yu Ni Surrender to You with all our hearts and souls 我们在这里等候 Wo men zai zhe li deng hou 4/4

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