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青藏之旅 TIBET.

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1 青藏之旅 TIBET

2 紅線是路途的全程 從西寧開始 直到珠峰大本營
The Red Line is the route traveled from Xi-Ning, Qinghai to Mount Everest base-camp in Tibet 紅線是路途的全程 從西寧開始 直到珠峰大本營

3 The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
With its glacier-covered mountains seen here from the plane, it is often called the Roof of the World due to its high altitude (average 4,000 m or 12,000 ft.) 鳥瞰冰川縱橫的 青藏高原 (平均海拔四千米 有世界屋脊之稱)

4 Mountain roads are usually winding along hillsides

5 as if you were flying in mid air 天塹險路
View while driving as if you were flying in mid air 天塹險路 Scary if you look down 胆小的不要往下看

6 Improvised traffic sign
(reads “blow horn”) 最原始的交通標誌

7 Where bridges are not sturdy enough for cars …
這橋絕對無法行車 …

8 … the only way to cross the river is …
那… 就祗能這樣過河….

9 Of course not every attempt was successful

10 Even paved roads can be hazardous

11 You are sharing the road with
everyone and everything 公路當然是公共的

12 小心別撞到沿途叩拜的信徒 including these pilgrims who prostrate themselves all the
way to their sacred destinations 小心別撞到沿途叩拜的信徒

13 This vast grassland called Kekexilli along Kunlun Mountain is home to
these Tibetan antelopes almost poached to extinction for their luxurious fur 崑崙山旁的可可西里大草原是藏羚羊出沒的地方

14 My close encounter with
a Tibetan antelope 與我近距離的藏羚羊

15 Tibetan gazelle 羊羚 (當地人叫白屁股,不同藏羚羊)

16 Tibetan eagle 藏鷹

17 Qinghai Lake – the largest lake in China
青海湖是中國最大的湖 (水是咸的 - 我嚐過)

18 Blossom along the shore of Qinghai Lake

19 Tanggula Pass (altitude 5,200 m or 15,600 ft)
at the border between Qinghai and Tibet 越過這唐古拉山口(海拔五千两百米) 就從青海跨進了西藏

20 This is the land of big sky, mountains and lakes
這 里 天 寬 地 闊

21 Sometimes it is hard to tell where land ends and sky begins

22 Lake Nam Co (altitude 4,700 m or 14,100 ft) 納木錯湖 (海拔四千七百米) 是西藏最大的聖湖
is the largest sacred lake in Tibet 納木錯湖 (海拔四千七百米) 是西藏最大的聖湖

23 Lake Yamzho Yumco (altitude 4,440 m or 13,320 ft)
is another beautiful sacred lake 羊卓雍錯湖 (海拔四千四百米) 是另外一個美麗的聖湖

24 This part of the Himalayas
looks like the rain forest 這里有點像熱帶雨林

25 Nyingchi area is particularly lush
shown here along Nyang River - a tributary of Yarlungzangbo 林芝地區(尼洋河畔 - 雅魯藏布江的支流)号稱西藏的江南

26 The mighty Yarlungzangbo River nourishes the northern slope of the Himalayas
沿喜馬拉雅山脈北麓的 雅鲁藏布江

27 Yarlungzangbo Canyon (seen here from the plane), the deepest land canyon on earth,
remains largely inaccessible. Through this canyon, the Yarlungzangbo River flows south to become the Bramaputra River in India 雅鲁藏布大峽谷是世界陸上最深的峽谷 (要走進去談何容易) 雅鲁藏布江水從這里向南流進印度

28 China’s mighty Yangtze River originates from glacial melt
similar to this one in the Qinghai – Tibetan Plateau 長江源於青海的冰川

29 So does Lancang River (the source of the Mekong River)
seen here flowing by the city of Qamdo 瀾滄江源於青藏. 它穿過昌都城向南流去成為了湄公河的上游

30 … and Nu River (the source of the Salween River which empties into
the Indian Ocean through Myanmar) seen here in eastern Tibet 怒江 也是源於青藏. 它流經缅甸進入印度洋

31 Mount Everest - local name Qumolangma 我终於看到了珠峰 (峰頂海拔 8,848米)
Finally a clear view (summit altitude 8,848 m or 26,500 ft) 我终於看到了珠峰 (峰頂海拔 8,848米)

32 當地人民的文化, 生活 Highland barley is the main crop grown here 當地主要種植的糧食是 青稞麥

33 Beautiful barley fields in Denqen, eastern Tibet

34 August is harvest time Winter starts early in Tibet
八月是收割季節 這里冬季漫長

35 Nomads like to live close to a river

36 牧民的 耗牛毛藏包(相當保暖) 和藏獒(非常忠心, 凶猛)
Nomad’s tent (this one woven with yak fur) and his dog (Tibetan Mastiff ) 牧民的 耗牛毛藏包(相當保暖) 和藏獒(非常忠心, 凶猛)

37 Some go solar 野外的太陽能電源

38 Yaks are the only beasts of burden which can tolerate
the high altitude and freezing weather 耗牛是唯一能在這低氧, 低温環境下生存的勞動力

39 White yak is a symbol of luck

40 Yaks are raised also for meat and milk …

41 … milk for making the popular salty milk tea 當地的奶茶是咸的
The sign reads “tea house”, in both Tibetan (top) and Chinese (bottom)

42 Yak dung is burned as fuel

43 Green pastures are abundant in Qinghai (the name means green sea)
Ideal grazing ground for yaks, horses … 青海草原是名副其實的牛馬的天堂

44 … and sheep 還有绵羊

45 Typical homes of the peasants 藏式的農舍


47 Friendly smiles 笑容可掬的面孔

48 The young 年輕人

49 Students walking to school
徒步上學的孩子們 Curious 好奇

50 强烈的高原紫外線给人臉上刻上了歲月的滄桑
Strong ultra-violet at high altitude takes a toll on their skin 强烈的高原紫外線给人臉上刻上了歲月的滄桑

51 Tibetan Medicine traditionally relies heavily on pulses for diagnosis

52 Tibetan medicine 藏藥

53 Images of Buddha are everywhere 佛像在西藏很普遍

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