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The Participial Phrase

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1 The Participial Phrase
Participial phrases, mostly acting as adjectives, begin with a participle and end with an object or with a modifier. EX: The girl sitting on the sofa is my sister. (from “ The girl who is sitting on the sofa is my sister.) EX: Sitting on the sofa, the girl remained silent. (from “ The girl sat on the sofa and remained silent.”) Participial phrase as ADJ

2 EX: That car standing there costs a great deal.
Present participles end in ing; past participles generally have the same ending as the past tense of the verb (in many cases, ed). EX: That car standing there costs a great deal. EX: Walking quietly, they avoided being heard. EX: Amazed (by the judge’s decision), the lawyer turned around. Participial phrase as ADJ Gerund phrase as N Participial phrase as ADJ Participial phrase as ADJ with a prepositional phrase inside Page 9

3 Application 2-2 Place parentheses around the participial phrases in sentence 1-5. Those people applying late were turned down. Beginning tomorrow, deliveries will be made on Tuesdays. ( ) ( ) Page 10

4 All buildings requiring paint are located in the north part of town.
Needed immediately, she wasted no time getting there. We ate every hamburger served on a fresh bun. ( ) ( ) ( )

5 How to reduce clauses to participial phrases- 1
1. The car which is standing there costs a great deal. ->That car (standing there) costs a great deal. 將形容詞子句省略 which與 Be 動詞,因為是主動句,留 下以V-ing開頭的分詞片語,為限定的形容詞片語,限定 that car是特定的某部車,所以不用逗點。 2. The man who stole the bike ran away. -> The man ( stealing the bike ) ran away. 將主動句的形容詞子句省略who,stole改成 stealing 開 頭的分詞片語

6 How to reduce clauses to participial phrases- 1
3. Her brother, who lives in Taipei, will be back home next Sunday. -> Her brother, ( living in Taipei ), will be back home next Sunday. 非限定的形容詞子句改成分詞片語,此片語在句中,所以兩個逗點需保留。 此片語補充說明 Her brother,可見弟弟只有一個,所以沒有限定是哪一個。

7 Exercise 1 1. People who enjoy classical music do not know the pleasure of  pop music. ->People enjoying classical music do not know the pleasure of  pop music. 2. The tunnel which joins the two towns is shut down. -> The tunnel joining the two towns is shut down. 3. The police officers who are investigating the murder are looking for two suspects. ->The police officers investigating the murder are looking for two suspects.

8 How to reduce clauses to participial phrases- 2
Joe got a pair of boots which are made in China.” ->Joe got a pair of boots made in China. 形容詞子句的被動式中,把which以及BE動詞省略,留下過 去分詞made開頭的分詞片語 2. None of the people who have been invited to the party can come. -> None of the people invited to the party can come. 把who、助動詞have 以及BE動詞省略,留下過去分詞 invited開頭的分詞片語

9 Exercise 2 1. The man who had been injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. ->The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. 2. The money which was stolen in the robbery was never found. ->The money stolen in the robbery was never found. 3. Most of the goods which/that are made in this factory are exported. ->Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.

10 4. 被樹絆倒的那個人已經回家了。 The man tripped over by a tree has gone back home.  5. 他們住在1980年建造的舊公寓裡 They live in an old apartment built in 1980. 

11 How to reduce clauses to participial phrases- 3
You can reduce a subordinate or coordinate clause to a participial phrase. EX: Because I felt tired, I went to bed early. -> Feeling tired, I went to bed early. 把表原因之副詞子句中的連接詞because 省略,然後把 I 也省略(與主要子句同樣的主詞) ,因為是主動句,所以 把動詞felt 改為feeling的分詞片語,後面的逗點保留。 EX: Betty 在購物中心逛街時候碰到了Ann。 -> When Betty went shopping in a mall, she ran into Ann. ->Going shopping in a mall, Betty ran into Ann. 

12 簡化被動句的子句時,省略了連接詞與主詞後,留下過去分詞開頭的分詞片語,而主要子句則不變。放在句首的分詞片語後面必須有一逗點。
EX: As Peter was hit by a car, he was sent to the hospital right away. -> Hit by a car, Peter was sent to the hospital right away. EX: Since the letter is written in Spanish, it is not readable to any of us. -> Written in Spanish, the letter is not readable to any of us.

13 Exercise 3 1. Because she is out of work, she has no money to pay her bills. -> Being out of work, she has no money to pay her bills. 2. I didn’t know her address, so I couldn’t contact her. -> Not knowing her address, I couldn’t contact her.

14 3. 舞會過後,他就開車回家了。 The party being over, he drove back home.  4. Peter走了,留下來一堆債務。 Peter left, leaving lots of debts.  5. 看見媽媽小男孩就哭了。 Seeing his mother, the little boy cried.  6. 這些人突然靜下來,他們怕得發抖 These people, trembling with fear, became silent all of a sudden. 

15 More Exercise Cars that were made in China are unsafe.
->Cars made in China are unsafe. Cars that contribute to pollution should be banned. ->Cars contributing to pollution should be banned. 3. Jerry hid by the trees and he waited to scare Mark. ->Hiding by the trees, Jerry waited to scare Mark. 4. As Ellen has been a cheerleader for two years, she knows the school song by heart. -> Being/Having been a cheerleader for two years, Ellen knows the school song by heart.

16 分詞片語(Participial Phrase)的標點方式
1. 非限定分詞片語的標點方式︰ (1)非限定分詞片語︰分詞片語是用來補充說明特定對象或整句所指之事或情境,即使該分詞片語不存在,亦不影響全句意義,不會令人對主要表達之意有所誤解或產生模糊不清之意。

17 The blue book borrowed from Lisa is very interesting.

18 (2)非限定分詞片語置於句中,其前後均必須加上“,”。
Mammoth (長毛象), Yukagir (尤卡基爾)and Oymiakon(歐米亞空), found in Siberia(西伯利亞), has been exhibited in Chiang Kai Shek (C.K.S.) Memorial Hall from July 11 to November 4, 2008. (3)非限定分詞片語置於句尾,其前面必須加上“,”之後再加“‧” She is a productive writer, amounting on an average to ten million words a year.

19 2. 分詞片語置於句首,其後必須加上“,”再加主要子句,此時的分詞片語是代替合句(Compound Sentence)。合句(Compound Sentence)中同一主詞同時發生二個動作,其中任一動作均可改分詞片語,主動的用現在分詞片語,被動的用過去分詞片語,此乃為增加文章裡句型的變化。

20 Looking at her son, she asked why the mirror was broken.
=She looked at her son, and asked why the mirror was broken. =She looked at her son, asking why the mirror was broken.

21 《註》句尾的分詞片語不一定是非限定分詞片語或由合句(二動作同時發生)改變而來,有時也為第一個動作的結果(此狀況通常將第二個動作改為分詞片語)。
The policeman fired, killed the robber. (殺了搶匪是開槍的結果)

22 More to Learn Infinitive Phrases Writing Assignment

23 Thank You

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