-----Reading: ZhongGuanCun

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1 -----Reading: ZhongGuanCun
Scientific Achievements -----Reading: ZhongGuanCun Senior English for China Student’s Book 2B (高二下) 外语组:翁梅清

2 教材分析 本单元围绕“Scientific achievements”这一中心话题,从科学家、科学假说、科学理论、科学探索等方面设计听、说、读、写等一系列教学活动。 “Reading”部分是一篇关于中关村科技园的介绍的文章。通过对文章的理解,学习中关村人的创业精神。

3 1.Target Language (语言目标)
教学目标 1.Target Language (语言目标) Learn and master useful words, phrases and sentence structures. (重点词汇、短语、句型、表达) 2.Ability Goals (能力目标) Train the students reading ability.(训练学生的阅读能力) Get the students to learn about ZhongGuanCun---- China’s Silicon Valley.(了解中国的硅谷--中关村) 3.Emotional Goals (情感目标) Get the students to learn to be involved, co-operate and solve problems. (培养学生参与,合作,解决问题的能力;并学习中关村人的创业精神;激发学生热爱科学、投身科学研究的热情。)

4 Teaching Important Points (教学重点)
教学重难点 Teaching Important Points (教学重点) The development of ZhongGuanCun and great achievements China has made in recent years. (了解中关村的发展和中国近年来的科学成就) Teaching Difficult Points (教学难点) How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of text. (分析理解文章,并了解文章的大意)

5 教法 1. 速读法:根据高中英语教材侧重阅读理解这一特点,让学 生快速阅读,以尽快了解文章的大意. 2. 问答法:帮助学生理解文章的细节. 3. 翻译法:适当地运用翻译可帮助学生理解文章的难点. 4. 讨论交流法:通过Pair work, Group work,让学生都得到一次口语训练的机会. 5. 快乐教学法:即教师在教学过程中,要尽可能地利用多媒体技术、图片、课件等刺激学生的感官系统,创造一种和谐的学习氛围,让老师教得开心,学生学得开心.

6 探索 巧用英文报刊 优化阅读教学 课前阅读 模式:猜--摘--仿

7 1.Pre-reading (读前) 开放性问题
教学程序 开放性问题 1.Are scientific achievements important? How do they improve our daily life? How do they improve society? 2. How much do you know about ZhongGuanCun? 学法:通过讨论和小组活动 ,加强同学间的了解, 培养团结合作精神,增加学习乐趣。

8 Educational institutions
2. Fast reading (速读) 教学程序 理念:建立思维空间站,培养学生正确的阅读思维习惯 阅读模式: -- --创新 Task1: Read the text quickly and try to find information about Zhongguancun to finish the chart below.(输入阶段) 学法:Cooperative learning (Pairs work to discuss and work in groups of four.) (合作学习,小组学习 ) 阅读 交流 Item Zhongguancun Locating Brief history Spirit/culture Educational institutions Hi-tech companies

9 理念:建立思维空间站,培养学生正确的阅读思维习惯
3. Careful reading (查读) 教学程序 理念:建立思维空间站,培养学生正确的阅读思维习惯 阅读模式: -- --创新 Task 2: Get to know detailed information 1.Why did Xiang Yufang study abroad and work abroad for a few years? 2.What made it possible for Xiang Yufang to return to China? 3.How does Zhongguancun affect business? 4..What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park? 学法:在活动中学习使用语言,增加语言的输入和输出量; 巩固语言知识,提高语言表达能力。 阅读 交流

10 理念:建立写作空间站,展示学生个性 4. Post-reading (读后) 创新 阅读模式:阅读--交流--
教学程序 理念:建立写作空间站,展示学生个性 阅读模式:阅读--交流-- Task 3 ( output 输出阶段) As is known to us, scientific achievements can not only make our life better, but also promote the development of mankind and society. So I want to run a hi-tech company, what should I arrange for? What kind of support and environment would I need? (提示:自创一个高科技公司,要研究的项目,所需的 筹备,如,设备、环境、支持等) 创新

11 The end Thanks The end Thanks

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