子句 Clauses 黃勇仁.

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Presentation on theme: "子句 Clauses 黃勇仁."— Presentation transcript:

1 子句 Clauses 黃勇仁

2 定義 子句是一組包含一個主詞和一個動詞的關連字
子句分為獨立子句 和從屬子句 Because she is older than her brother, she tells him  what to do. 獨立子句又稱為主要主句 ,而從屬子句又稱為附屬子句

3 定義 子句也被分為限定子句 與非限定子句 一個非限定子句對句子的意思並非必要,它可從句子中移除而不會改變句子的基本意思
非限定子句通常用一個逗點與句子的其他部分分開,或者前後各用一個逗點分開 Mr. Huang, who used to be a teacher, can type 132 words a minute.

4 定義 關係子句是由一個關係代名詞 :that, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose,  of which等所引導的附屬子句 關係子句可以是限定或非限定子句 Tom said that the plantar wart, which had been bothering him for years, had to be removed.

5 獨立子句 子句係利用三種不同的方式來結合:對等、附屬及使用分號 (;)。
對等是指以一個對等連接詞 (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so)來結合獨立子句 Ramonita thought about joining the church choir, but she  never talked to her friends about it.

6 獨立子句 附屬是指利用一個附屬連接詞 (有時稱為附屬字) 或一個關係代名詞將其中一個子句變成附屬子句。 Although Ramonita often thought about joining the choir, she never talked about to her friends about it.

7 獨立子句 分號可以在連接副詞 的協助下 連接兩個獨立子句。但分號應盡量少用,而且只有當兩個獨立子句在長度和意思上關係非常密切且具有良好的對等關係時才使用。 Ramonita has such a beautiful voice; many couples have asked her to sing at their wedding.

8 從屬子句 從屬子句不能單獨存在,可以當名詞用或當修飾語用
副詞子句 (adverb clauses) 提供有關主要子句「到底怎麼回事」的資訊:where, when, why。 "When the movie is over, we'll go downtown." 或 "John  wanted to write a book because he had so much to say about the subject." 

9 從屬子句 形容詞子句 (adjective clauses) 的功用有如多字的形容詞。 My brother, who is an engineer, figured it out for me. The bridge that collapsed in the winter storm will cost millions to replace.  

10 從屬子句 名詞子句 (noun clauses) 具備名詞的所有功能。 What he knows is no concern of mine. Do you know what he knows ? What can you tell me about what he has done this year?

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