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Vocab QUIZ: Places 1&2 Use FLASHCARDS to write down all the words in characters: Click “WRITE”, finish 100% U MUST get every single word correct to be.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab QUIZ: Places 1&2 Use FLASHCARDS to write down all the words in characters: Click “WRITE”, finish 100% U MUST get every single word correct to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab QUIZ: Places 1&2 Use FLASHCARDS to write down all the words in characters: Click “WRITE”, finish 100% U MUST get every single word correct to be considered as “finish 100%” Once you finish, you will see this: Click “MATCH”, make sure you match within 40 seconds. Click “test”, change your options to: QUESTION TYPES: START WITH: BOTH Matching Multiple choice True/False You MUST score 80% or above.

2 舅舅 姑姑 舅妈 婶婶 妈妈 弟弟 姨妈 姥姥 爷爷 奶奶 叔叔 姥爷
Do Now: Which ones are most likely females? 舅舅 姑姑 舅妈 婶婶 妈妈 弟弟 姨妈 姥姥 爷爷 奶奶 叔叔 姥爷

3 Subject + adverb + 都 + 在 + place + 过 + holiday.
Not many/much 伯伯 dad’s older brother A跟B 一起住。 A & B live together. Subject + adverb + 都 + 在 + place + 过 + holiday. 我们每年都在爷爷,奶奶家过圣诞节。 We spend time at grandma and grandpa’s house for Christmas every year.

4 TASK 1: Places 3 Use FLASHCARDS to write down all the words in characters: Click “WRITE”, finish 100% U MUST get every single word correct to be considered as “finish 100%” Once you finish, you will see this: Click “MATCH”, make sure you match within 40 seconds. Click “test”, change your options to: QUESTION TYPES: START WITH: BOTH Matching Multiple choice True/False You MUST score 80% or above.

5 Task 2: write the characters for the relatives on both sides of your family.
REFERENCE: QUIZLET Relatives Lao ye Lao lao Ye ye Nai nai Jiu jiu Ma ma Yi ma Bo bo Ba ba Shu shu Gu gu Jie jie Ge ge Mei mei Di di

6 Reference: Text 1 Reference: Text 1 Subject + year + V. + 了。
Task 3 Reference: Text 1 Subject + year + V. + 了。 Pass away Reference: Text 1 Spring festival 我不常… Meet/see Reference: Text 1

7 Task 4 EXAMPLE: 1/13 一月十三号 Friday 星期五 31天 28or 29or 30天 Today or
This month This month 15th Next month 1st Your birthday EXAMPLE: 1/13 一月十三号 Friday 星期五 You birthday this year

8 TASK 1: Places 3 Use FLASHCARDS to write down all the words in characters: Click “WRITE”, finish 100% U MUST get every single word correct to be considered as “finish 100%” Once you finish, you will see this: Click “MATCH”, make sure you match within 40 seconds. Click “test”, change your options to: QUESTION TYPES: START WITH: BOTH Matching Multiple choice True/False You MUST score 80% or above.

9 Task 2- Reading comprehension: Hints: 过圣诞节 新加坡 长大 第一次
过圣诞节 新加坡 长大 第一次 Spend Christmas time Singapore grow up first time 的儿子 的女儿 叔叔的儿子和姑姑的女儿在哪儿长大?

10 Task 3 Pass away Spring festival Meet/see

11 Task 4 31天 28or 29or 30天

12 鼓舞 P62-65

13 This will be your speaking QUIZ next class.
DO NOW: This will be your speaking QUIZ next class. 阿姨/姨妈。

14 This will be your speaking QUIZ next class.
DO NOW: This will be your speaking QUIZ next class. 阿姨/姨妈。

15 我哥哥(长得)又高又帅,但是他有点儿胖。 他有大眼睛,高鼻子和大嘴巴。
Subject + (长得) + 又adj. 1 + 又adj. 2 looks/appears My older brother is tall and handsome. 我哥哥(长得)又高又帅,但是他有点儿胖。 他有大眼睛,高鼻子和大嘴巴。 又高又帅 tall and handsome 又高又瘦 tall and skinny 又矮又胖 short and fat 但=但是=可是=but Subject + 有点儿 + adj. he is somewhat/ a little bit fat. 高tall,矮short,胖fat,瘦skinny He has big eyes, tall nose, big mouth.

16 Task 1: categorize the following 亲戚.
伯伯 姥爷

17 昨天 上个月 前年 明天 明年 去年 后年 下个月 下个星期 明天 昨天
Task 2: Fill in the blanks following the pattern. 昨天 上个月 前年 明天 明年 去年 后年 下个月 下个星期 明天 昨天

18 TASK 3: body parts Use FLASHCARDS to write down all the words in characters: Click “WRITE”, finish 100% U MUST get every single word correct to be considered as “finish 100%” Once you finish, you will see this: Click “MATCH”, make sure you match within 40 seconds. Click “test”, change your options to: QUESTION TYPES: START WITH: BOTH Matching Multiple choice True/False You MUST score 80% or above.

Task 4: Draw a person and describe it using 4 sentence structures. You MUST cover at least 4 body parts. (The chosen adjective(s) can only have 1 CHARACTER, like 长,短…) QUIZLET REFERENCE: Adjectives EXAMPLE: 她有长头发。 她的眼睛大大的。 她有一张大嘴巴。 她不高也不矮。 她的腿挺长的。

20 她特别瘦 他有圆脸 他的头发是棕色的,不短也不长 他的脚不小 他的眼睛小小的 她的脚挺大 她有小眼睛,大耳朵和小鼻子 她有点儿胖
Task 5: Match 3 parts with each person. 她特别瘦 他有圆脸 他的头发是棕色的,不短也不长 他的脚不小 他的眼睛小小的 她的脚挺大 她有小眼睛,大耳朵和小鼻子 她有点儿胖 他的腿长长的 她又瘦又高 她的头发不长,是黄色的 他长得很矮 她的头发又长又黑 他的鼻子不大也不小 他长得又高又帅 她有大大的眼睛,大大的嘴巴 他的头发有点儿长

21 鼓舞 P2-5

22 1. 她的眼睛很大。 2. 她有长长的头发。 3. 他特别瘦。 4. 冯(Feng)老师的狗又小又可爱。
DO NOW: True or false. 1. 她的眼睛很大。 2. 她有长长的头发。 3. 他特别瘦。 4. 冯(Feng)老师的狗又小又可爱。

23 SPEAKING QUIZ/DO NOW: You will be called to say 2 from each side
SPEAKING QUIZ/DO NOW: You will be called to say 2 from each side. Make sure you prepare for it. yeye laoye Nainai Laolao bobo jiujiu shushu yima 阿姨/姨妈。 gugu

24 TASK 1: Adjectives Use FLASHCARDS to write down all the words in characters: Click “WRITE”, finish 100% U MUST get every single word correct to be considered as “finish 100%” Once you finish, you will see this: Click “MATCH”, make sure you match within 40 seconds. Click “test”, change your options to: QUESTION TYPES: START WITH: BOTH Matching Multiple choice True/False You MUST score 80% or above.

25 Subject + 有点儿 a little bit + adj.
Task 2 又 adj. 又adj. or 又v. 又 v. Subject + 又 like…又 like…。 Subject + (长得) 又…又…。 Subject + 又…又…。 Subject + 又 can speak…又 can speak…。 Today 又…又…。 Task 3 Subject + 有点儿 a little bit + adj. Her hair 有点儿 short. Today 有点儿 cold. I + today + 有点儿 + not comfortable. She 有点儿 slim. This MW car 有点儿 expensive.

26 Task 4 age appearance Violin level who Yes/or sport Cousin 1 violin
handsome Yes/or sport

27 鼓舞 P6-9

28 Task 1: Match 3 parts with each person.
她特别瘦 他有圆脸 他的头发是棕色的,不短也不长 他的脚不小 他的眼睛小小的 她的脚挺大 她有小眼睛,大耳朵和小鼻子 她有点儿胖 他的腿长长的 她又瘦又高 她的头发不长,是黄色的 他长得很矮 她的头发又长又黑 他的鼻子不大也不小 他长得又高又帅 她有大大的眼睛,大大的嘴巴 他的头发有点儿长 她的脚挺大 他的鼻子不大也不小 他长得很矮 她有点儿胖 他长得又高又帅 他有圆脸 她特别瘦 她又瘦又高 她的头发不长,是黄色的 他的眼睛小小的 他的头发有点儿长 他的腿长长的 她有小眼睛,大耳朵和小鼻子 他的头发是棕色的,不短也不长 她的头发又长又黑 他的脚不小 她有大大的眼睛,大大的嘴巴 Task 1: Match 3 parts with each person.

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