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2 LESSON 7 Business s

3 In this lesson, you will learn about . . .
Business s Checklist In this lesson, you will learn about . . . Writing to a supplier Replying to an and giving a quotation Asking about payment and delivery Answering customer questions

4 Business s Get Ready 1. Have you ever written an in English before? Who did you write to? Key words/phrases: I wrote an to ___(name)___ about ___(topic)___.

5 Business s 2. What is the best form of communication to use when contacting a company? Key words/phrases: phone call meet face-to-face the company’s Web site 5

6 3. What would you do if a company didn’t respond to your questions?
Business s 3. What would you do if a company didn’t respond to your questions? Key words/phrases: / call again try a different method of communication take one’s business elsewhere 6

7 Part A: An Inquiry


9 詢問信 Part A: An Inquiry 收件者 主旨:要求最近的型錄 敬啟者:
我的名字是坎黛兒‧史東,我任職於曼德蓮企業。我們希望找到一家新的公司來購買辦公室用品。我們聽說過很多關於「辦公用品王」的好評價。我來信的目的是為了詢問您是否能提供你們最新的型錄以及價目表。我們手上的資料至少是兩年前的,所以我不認為那是正確的。若您也能告知可以多快交貨,將不勝感激。最後,回覆信件時能否請您附上一份各分店地點總表及其營業時間?非常謝謝您的幫忙。 謹致, 坎黛兒‧史東 辦公室經理 曼德蓮企業 緬因街5420號 北卡羅萊納州,詹姆森頓城 27282

Part A: An Inquiry LANGUAGE NOTES: Word Bank 1. request [r6`kw5st] v. 請求;要求 I requested more information from the bank about their accounts. 我要求銀行給我更多關於帳戶的資訊。 2. catalog [`k1t4l7g] n. 目錄;型錄(= catalogue) I looked through the catalog, but I couldn’t find anything I liked. 我瀏覽了型錄,但找不到任何我喜歡的東西。 3. inquire [6n`kwa6r] v. 詢問;打聽(= enquire) I wrote an to Kirk to inquire about the new project. 我寫了一封電子郵件問柯克新專案的事。

11 Part A: An Inquiry 4. price list [pra6s] [l6st] 價目表
Please send us your newest catalog as well as your current price list. 請將貴公司最新的型錄和價目表寄給我們。 5. information [~6nf0`me]4n] n. 資訊;消息 Ryan asked me for more information about the job opening at my company. 萊恩向我詢問我公司那份職缺的更多訊息。 6. deliver [d6`l6v0] v. 傳送;運送(delivery n. 交貨) The products must be delivered before 4:00 p.m. 商品一定要在下午四點之前交貨。

12 Part A: An Inquiry Extension
On-time delivery is one of their selling points! 即時配送是他們的賣點之一! 7. location [lo`ke]4n] n. 位置;所在地(locate v. 座落於) Melissa was excited about the location of her new shop. 梅麗莎對她新店舖的地點很興奮。 The new museum is located downtown. 那間新的博物館位於市中心。 8. opening hours [`op4n6;] [a8rs] 營業時間 The store’s opening hours are 11 to 9. 該店的營業時間是十一點至九點。

13 Part A: An Inquiry LANGUAGE NOTES: Sentence Patterns
I’m writing to + V. 我寫信來是要…… I’m writing to let you know that I won’t be at the meeting on Thursday. 我寫信來是要讓你知道我週四不會出席會議。 I/We would appreciate it if + S. + V. 若……我/我們會很感激 I would appreciate it if you could come in early tomorrow to help me. 如果你明天能夠早點來幫我,我會很感激。

14 Part A: An Inquiry ENGLISH CORNER c e a f d b

15 Part A: An Inquiry

16 Part A: An Inquiry Sample Dialogue
A: Hey, Vance. I can’t believe I ran into you! I just sent you an . B: Oh? What did you write to me about? A: I’m interested in finding out more about your company’s product, so I sent you a few questions. B: OK. I’ll check your as soon as I get back to the office and then send you a reply. A: Great! I look forward to hearing from you. Sample Dialogue

17 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
Read the following and select the correct word or phrase for each blank. READING COMPREHENSION b b d

18 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
c c

19 回覆詢問 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry 收件者
主旨:回覆詢問 親愛的史東小姐: 謝謝您給我們機會為您服務。按照您的要求,我已郵寄文件至您電子郵件中的地址。如果您想在文件送達之前就獲知訊息,我將樂意針對您所需要的品項為您報價。有關您對於交貨時間的問題,交貨須花一至四週的時間。那取決於您要的貨品為何及該貨品存貨的地點。按照您的需求,附檔為各分店地點及其營業時間。我們在您的城市裡設有分店。賴瑞‧斯帝爾為該分店的業務主管。他應該能協助您所有的採購事宜。如果您還有任何問題,請讓我知道或直接連絡賴瑞。 謹致, 勞夫‧威德斯 辦公用品王業務經理 第一大道7883號B室 馬里蘭州,北灘 20714

Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry LANGUAGE NOTES: Word Bank 1. opportunity [~3p0`tjun4t6] n. 機會 Being able to work in a foreign country is a great opportunity. 能夠在國外工作是一個很棒的機會。 2. document [`d3kj4m4nt] n. 文件 I left the document I needed on my desk. 我把我需要的文件忘在桌上了。 3. address [`1dr5s] n. 地址 I just need your address, and then I can send you the letter. 我只需要你的地址,以便能寄信給你。

21 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
4. arrive [4`ra6v] v. 抵達 Jon arrived late to the meeting. 喬恩開會遲到了。 5. quote [kwot] n. 報價;開價 The quote the salesman gave us was way too high! 那名業務員給我們的報價太高了! 6. item [`a6t4m] n. 項目;細目 I’m sorry, but we don’t have any more of that item available. 我很抱歉,但這個品項我們已經沒有貨了。 7. store [stor] v. 儲存 Let’s store the old computers in the break room for now. 我們目前可以把舊電腦存放在休息室。

22 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
8. attach [4`t1t]] v. 附屬;附上 You must attach your resume to the before you send it. 你在寄出履歷表之前,應該要將履歷表夾帶為附加檔案。 9. purchase [`p-t]4s] n./v. 所購之物;購買 I hope you are happy with your purchase. 我希望您對購買的產品感到滿意。 We need to purchase a new computer. 我們需要買一台新電腦。 10. directly [d4`r5ktl6] adv. 直接地 I wasn’t directly involved with the problem. 我和那個問題沒有直接的關係。

Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry LANGUAGE NOTES: Phrases in regard to 關於 In regard to the message you left for me, I will be able to meet you on Thursday. 關於你留給我的留言,我星期四可以和你見面。 depend on 取決於;依靠 How much this will cost depends on how many you will buy. 這項產品的售價將取決於您購買的數量。

24 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
LANGUAGE NOTES: Usage Tips per 按照;根據 per 為介系詞,在此指「按照;根據」。常見寫法還有: per your requirement「按照您的要求」、per your instructions「按照您的指示」等。 Per your request, attached is our latest price list. 按照你的需求,附加檔是我們最新的價目表。 The size of the photo is two inches as per your requirement. 相片的尺寸依照您的需求為兩吋。

25 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
ENGLISH CORNER regard depends arrive document attach

26 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
purchases store quote directly

27 Part B: A Reply to an Inquiry
(Possible Answers) you have a branch near my office will my order be delivered should I contact if I have questions can I purchase your item will I have to pay for this product

28 Part C: Placing the Order

29 Part C: Placing the Order

30 訂購下單 Part C: Placing the Order 緬因街5420號 北卡羅萊納州,詹姆森頓城 27282
主旨:訂購下單 親愛的斯帝爾先生: 我的名字是坎黛兒‧史東,我任職於曼德蓮企業。您總公司的勞夫‧威德斯先生給了我您的聯絡方式。我的公司一直在找一家新的辦公用品公司,而我們對貴公司販售的產品感到滿意。附件是幾個我們想要購買的品項,但我有一些問題想請教您。首先,你們接受哪些付款方式呢?我們一定要一次付清全額嗎?或者可以分多筆支付?另外,您提供什麼樣的運輸方式?威德斯先生告訴我交貨時間最長會長達四週,但我們在三號之前就需要所訂購的產品。那離現在只有一週的時間了。謝謝您的幫忙。期待您的回應。 謹致, 坎黛兒‧史東 辦公室經理 曼德蓮企業 緬因街5420號 北卡羅萊納州,詹姆森頓城 27282

Part C: Placing the Order LANGUAGE NOTES: Word Bank 1. head office [h5d] [`7f6s] 總部 I hope to work at my company’s head office someday. 我希望有一天能在我公司的總部工作。 2. carry [`k1r6] v.(商店)備有(貨品) My manager said that we would start to carry many new items next week. 經理說下週我們將開始販售多項新款商品。 3. payment [`pem4nt] n. 支付的款項 Payment must be made before we will ship an order. 款項支付後我們才會出貨。

32 Part C: Placing the Order
4. accept [4k`s5pt] v. 接受 The store doesn’t accept credit cards, so I need to get some cash. 那家商店不接受信用卡,所以我必須帶些現金。 Extension acceptance n. 接受;承認 Jeff feels his entire future is riding on his acceptance to the best school. 傑夫覺得他整個未來就看是否能申請到最好的學校。 5. full amount [f8l] [4`ma8nt] n. 全額;總額 The full amount must be paid by the 23rd. 須在二十三日前支付全額。

33 Part C: Placing the Order
6. shipping method [`]6p6;] [`m5q4d] 運輸方式 I want to use the shipping method that is the fastest. 我想要用最快速的運輸方式。 7. offer [`7f0] v. 提供 I offered to deliver the item for free, but he still didn’t want to buy it. 我提供免運費的優惠,但他還是不想買。

Part C: Placing the Order LANGUAGE NOTES: Phrases place an order 訂購 If you place an order on Friday, it will be delivered the following Wednesday. 如果你在週五訂購,下週三就能交貨。 up to 高達 We can hire up to three new people for this department. 我們可以為這個部門雇用多達三名新人。

35 Part C: Placing the Order

36 Part C: Placing the Order
b f c e

37 Part C: Placing the Order
A: I was wondering how long it would take to receive my order. B: Well, we offer a few different shipping methods. If you use the fastest one, your order should arrive in four days. A: Great! Now, what payment methods do you accept? B: You can pay by check or with a credit card. Sample Dialogue

38 Part D: Confirming the Order

39 Part D: Confirming the Order

40 確認訂單 Part D: Confirming the Order 收件者
主旨:確認您的訂單 親愛的史東小姐: 感謝您針對與「辦公用品王」的訂購事宜聯絡我。我很開心能夠幫到您的忙。關於您對於付款的問題,我們接受支票與信用卡。我們能夠將您的款項總額分成月繳,但您支付的頭期款必須為一百美元。剩餘的款項須於一年之內繳清。 我們目前提供兩種運輸方式。一般運輸方式要價二十美元,耗時四週。另一種運輸方式為快遞。高於一千美元的訂單將免費提供快遞運送,低於一千美元的訂單則收取五十美元運費。若以快遞方式運送,您將在三天之內收到產品。我想這對您而言是最好的選擇。

41 Part D: Confirming the Order
我想要確認您欲採取的付款方式及是否以快遞運送。一旦我收到您的消息,便會立即填寫您的訂單。 謹致, 賴瑞‧斯帝爾 辦公用品王業務主管 西第五大道2293號 北卡羅萊納州,詹姆斯頓城 27282

Part D: Confirming the Order LANGUAGE NOTES: Word Bank 1. pleased [plizd] adj. 愉快的;滿意的 We’re pleased to be doing business with you. 我們很開心能和您做生意。 2. divide [d4`va6d] v. 劃分;分割 Our boss divided us into two teams. 我老闆將我們分成兩個團隊。 3. monthly [`m9nql6] adj. 每月的;每月一次的 Everyone in the office has to go to the monthly meetings. 公司每個人都必須出席每月例行會議。

43 Part D: Confirming the Order
4. down payment [da8n] [`pem4nt] 頭期款 The down payment was due by the end of the week. 頭期款的繳交期限是這星期結束前。 5. balance [`b1l4ns] n. 剩餘部分 I ed the company to inquire what our balance was. 我寄電子郵件給公司詢問我們的結餘。 6. currently [`k-4ntl6] adv. 目前 (current adj. 現今的;目前的) Ethan is currently looking for a new job. 伊森目前正在找新工作。 Extension Our current share of the market is twenty percent. 我們目前的市占率為 20%。

44 Part D: Confirming the Order
7. express [6k`spr5s] adj. 快遞的;快運的 If we send it by express mail, it will arrive in two days. 如果我們以快遞寄送,兩天之內就會送達。 8. option [`3p]4n] n. 選擇 What options do we have for payment? 關於付款方式我們有什麼樣的選擇呢? 9. confirm [k4n`f-m] v. 確認;證實 Sharon confirmed our Tuesday meeting on Monday. 雪倫週一確認了我們星期二的會議。 Extension confirmation n. 確認 Paula just received the confirmation of her trip itinerary. 寶拉剛收到旅遊行程的確認。

Part D: Confirming the Order 10. fill [f6l] v. 填寫;填滿 The company will fill your order as soon as you pay. 您一付款公司就會馬上填寫您的訂單。 (be) able to 能夠 Marie was able to work with Dave on the project. 瑪麗能和戴夫合作該項專案。 as soon as 一……就…… I got a job as soon as I finished school. 我一畢業就找到工作了。 LANGUAGE NOTES: Phrases

46 Part D: Confirming the Order
LANGUAGE NOTES: Usage Tips as to 關於…… 表「關於……方面;有關……之事」,可置於句中或句 首。as to + N. 引出的內容常是之前曾提到過或談話雙方都有所了解的。 Please advise us as to your minimum order that qualifies for free delivery. 請告知符合免運費訂單的最低訂購數量。

47 Part D: Confirming the Order

48 Part D: Confirming the Order

49 Part D: Confirming the Order
Audio Transcripts Dana: Hi, Roger. This is Dana. I’m calling you to confirm my order. Roger: Great. So, you said that you needed five black office chairs, right? Dana: Actually, I need to change that to six. Roger: OK. Do you still want to use our express delivery option? Dana: Yes, I do. Roger: All right. And how about the monthly payments? Dana: Yeah, I still want to do that instead of paying for the whole order at one time. Roger: OK. Just give me your credit card number for the down payment, and then you’ll be all set.

50 C C REVIEW Part A: Photographs
Listen and choose the sentence that best describes the photo. C (A) The man is packing items in the box. (B) The man and woman are talking in the delivery room. (C) The woman has just had a package delivered. (D) The man has just come from a package store. C (A) A person’s interest rates have been cut. (B) Someone is cutting some business cards. (C) A credit card is being destroyed. (D) Someone is making a purchase online.

51 REVIEW Part B: Incomplete Sentences D B C B A C A

52 REVIEW Part C: Reading Comprehension
Read the passage and answer the questions.


54 LESSON 7 Business E-mails
-The End-

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