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Unit 3.

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1 Unit 3

2 Unit 3 Travel Journal


4 To get some information about Laos.
To learn how to write an . To learn how to ask someone about his/her trip.

5 Imagine that you are a friend of Wang Kun
Imagine that you are a friend of Wang Kun. Write a short asking about Laos.

6 Capital of Laos: Vientiane(万象)

7 Glutinous rice 糯米饭


9 What is the food like in Laos?
What do you think of the country? How was your trip?

10 Choose two or three questions and use each as a new paragraph.
How was your trip? What did you do when…? Have you met …? When did you get back? What kind of things did you see? Could you give me more details about …? Could you tell me about …?


12 如何用英语发电子邮件 电子邮件( )与一般信件一样,包括信头、正文和结尾部分。

13 【写作指导】 ① 在“收信人(To)”框中输入其电子邮件的地址, ② 正文前的称呼通常按照实际情况而定。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上姓。

14 ③ 写电子邮件时,语言要简洁,意思要清楚。当然,对重点部分要作详细介绍。内容较多时可以通过附件的形式发出。
④ 视信件的内容及性质选择合适的结束语。

15 Useful expressions 开头: 1. How are you (doing)?
2. I am really delighted to receive your . 3. I have the pleasure to tell you that ... 4. I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to ...

16 结尾: 1. Please let me know if ... 2. I’m looking forward to your reply. 3. Thank you very much for ... 4. I wish you all the best! 5. We do hope something can be done to ...

17 My dear brave Wang Kun,

18 How are you these days. I keep worrying about you all the time
How are you these days? I keep worrying about you all the time. ____ was your trip? I think you must ______________. How have a great fun

19 I decide to ________ Laos next week
I decide to ________ Laos next week. So I write to you to ask some ___________ about Laos because I need to do some ____________. Could you give me ___________ about Laos? I hope you tell me something about Laos. travel in information preparations more details

20 Best wishes! Your friend forever Jack

21 注意: Do you have logical ideas (逻辑) and clear structure? Have you used some useful expressions and different sentence structures?

22 . Have you used some effective conjunctions (适当的连词)?
. Are you sure you didn’t make any spelling mistakes?

23 假设你是李华。你的外籍朋友Susan最近在杭州学习,想利用周末去旅游。请根据所给提示,给她发一封电子邮件,推荐杭州市的西湖风景区。

24 位置 位于浙江省杭州市西部 称谓 西湖又名“西子湖” 主要 特点 ① 三面环山, 面积约6.39平方千米; ② 世界文化遗产, 江南三大名湖之一; ③ 最著名的景点有雷峰塔、三潭映月和灵 隐寺; ④ 有很多关于西湖的美丽传说和诗歌。 推荐 原因 被誉为人间天堂,每年吸引成千上万的中外游客。

25 注意: 1. 词数120左右(开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数); 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯; 3. 参考词汇: 雷峰塔 Leifeng Pagoda  三潭映月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

26 From To Subject An introduction to the West Lake Dear Susan, I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to recommend the West Lake in Hangzhou. ... I wish you all the best! Yours, Li Hua


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