Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:罗云利 工商与公共管理学院.

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Presentation on theme: "Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:罗云利 工商与公共管理学院."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospitality English 酒店商务英语 讲师:罗云利 工商与公共管理学院

2 Greeting the Guests 餐厅迎客服务 Learning Objectives
Learn how to seat walk-in guests; 学会如何接待未预订客人; Learn how to seat the guest; 学会如何为客人引座; Learn how to deal with the fully-booked. 学会如何处理餐桌已满的情况。



5 Dialogue 1 Seating a Walk-in Guest
接待未预订客人 J=Jane (Hostess)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good evening, welcome to Rongjiang Hotel. Have you made a reservation? S: No, we haven’t. J: And could you please tell how many people will attend the dinner? S: 4. J: OK, would you like to have meal in the dining hall or in a room? S: Is there any table available in the hall? If yes, then why not? J: All right. Table No is available. Is it OK? S: OK, as you say. J: Sure, this way please, sir. Have the seat. S: Thank you!

6 Dialogue 2 Seating the Dinner 引座
J=Jane (Hostess)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? S: Yes. The name is Stephen Nobel. J: Please follow me, Mr. Nobel...Your table is here. S: This table is too close to the toilet. Could we have another one? J: Would you prefer a table in the corner? S: Yes, a table in the corner would be fine. J: Please come this way. Be seated. Here is your menu. S: Good. J: Here’s a cup of tea for you. S: Well, thank you!

7 Dialogue 3 There Isn’t a Table 客满
J=Jane (Hostess)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant. S: Good evening. I’d like a table for four, please. J: Do you have a reservation, sir? S: No, we have just arrived. J: We are rather busy at the moment. I’m afraid you will have to wait for a while. S: How long will it be? J: There will be a half-an-hour wait or so. Would you care to have a drink in the lounge while you are waiting? We’ll accommodate your party as soon as possible. S: Good, thank you. (Half an hour later) J: Your table is ready, sir. This way, please. S: Thanks.


9 1. Inquiring of Guests 询问   Have you got a reservation, sir? 先生,请问您有预订吗?   Good evening, sir. How many of you, please? 先生,晚上好。请问几位?   Good evening. A table for two? 晚上好。是两位吗?   Would you prefer a table in the main hall or in a private room? 您喜欢大厅的席位,还是包间的席位?   Would you like a private room, Madam? 您要包间吗,女士?

10 2. Seating Guests 引座   Welcome, sir. Would you like to come this way? 先生,欢迎您的光临。请这边走好吗?   This way, please, Madam. 女士,请这边走。   Please step this way, Miss Wang. 王小姐,请这边走。   Go straight, please, sir. 请直走,先生。   Would you please follow me, sir? 先生,请跟我来好吗?   Will this table be all right? 这张餐桌可以吗?   Will this table be OK? 这张餐桌行吗?   We have Table No. 8 in a quiet corner. Would you take that one? 8 号桌在一个安静的角落,您要那张桌行吗?   We’ll have a window table for you. 我们会为您准备一张靠窗的餐桌。   Do you mind taking a table near the entrance, Mr. Nobel? 诺贝尔先生,您介意靠近门口的餐桌吗? 

11 1. Showing the Way for the Guest 为客人指路
  在餐厅为客人指示方向时,如果怕自己的表达不清,可以使用一些手势来辅助表达。 常见的方位表达有:


13 2. Refusing the Tips 婉拒小费   在西方国家,给服务员小费(tips)不但是一种习俗,还是对服务员工作的尊重。所以断然拒绝接受小费不但会让客人感到尴尬,甚至可能会伤他们的自尊心。如果酒店制度允许接受小费,不妨接受,并说“Thank you. It’s very nice of you.”(谢谢,您真是太好了。)如若不允许,也要有礼貌地答谢客人,并向其解释“We don’t accept tips. Thank you all the same.”(我们是不接受小费的,还是一样谢谢您。)

14 Exercise 1 Dialogue Completion
Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brackets and then read it in roles. J=Jane (Hostess)  S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) How many people are there in your party, sir J: _______________________________________________?(晚上好。请问几位?) S: Two. J: _______________________________________________?(你们想坐在哪里?) S: ________________________________________________,(我们想坐在窗户旁边,)so that we can enjoy the view of the lake. J: I’m sorry, sir. _______________________________________________________?(靠近窗户的桌子都有人了。那张怎么样?)Though it is further back, it still offers a view of the lake. S: __________________.(我想这也行。) J: That’s fine. Would you follow me, please? __________________.(这是您的桌子。)It’s Number 15 and your waiter will be here right away. Where would you prefer to sit We’d like to sit at the table near the window There is no vacant table near the window. How about that table Yes, I can accept it This is your table

15 J=Jane (Hostess) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest)
Exercise 2 Role-play   现在是晚上七点,餐厅客满,又来了4 位客人,他们没有预订。你是引座员,告诉客人要等待20 分钟,客人愿意等候,你建议他们去一楼大堂休息一下,一有空座就请他们入座。20分钟后你热情招呼他们进餐厅,为他们引座,并提供菜单及酒水单。请你就以上内容和同桌准备一个对话,并在班上表演。 J=Jane (Hostess) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: Good evening, sir. Have you got your reservation? S: I’m sorry. We don’t have. J: So sorry, the restaurant is full at this time. Would you mind waiting for 20 minutes? S: That’s all right. J: Thank you, sir. Please take a seat in the lounge at the first floor. We’ll have your seat as soon as we have a free table. S: Thank you. (After a little more than 20 minutes) J: Sir, would you come this way, please? Here is your table. Please take a seat. The waiter will be right with you to take your orders. S: Thank you very much.

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