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新课改背景下 高中英语教学漫谈 苏州市教科院 胡 明 2007年8月16日.

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1 新课改背景下 高中英语教学漫谈 苏州市教科院 胡 明 2007年8月16日

2 三个要求 三种关系 三个转变

3 对英语教师的总体要求 领会课标精神、积极投身教改 把握学科重点、吃透教材要点 提高教学质量、促进学生发展

4 对英语课的总体要求 Get students interested Get students involved Get students focused

5 对教师课堂行为的具体要求 The teacher provides opportunities for students to work in small groups/pairs The teacher encourages individual students to speak English The teacher has a logical, well-thought out lesson plan The teacher tries to appeal to different learning styles of the students

6 对教师课堂行为的具体要求 The teacher speaks English clearly
The teacher uses English for most of the lesson The teacher encourages students to take risks with English (experiment with the language without fear of making mistakes)

7 三个要求 三种关系 三个转变

8 教师 学生 教学 测试 教材 其他资源

9 平等的师生关系是促进学生积极主动学习的基础。 学生来信见word文档

10 未测试到的部分 测试到的部分 考生未见过

11 课堂教学不是为了测试 课堂教学搞好了,学生测试成绩不会差 测试应该服务于课堂教学 课堂教学围着测试转,学生测试成绩不一定好 新课程的理念已经体现在近年的高考题中了

12 从传统观念出发,认定只有考生见过既定的语词搭配才属于应测试的范围,那么,高考试卷上的有些语词搭配可以被视为“考生未见过”。但是,如果我们规定只有课本上见过的搭配才可能检测,那么,高考的检测目标就不可能涉及知识的灵活运用。

13 其他资源 教材

14 6.利用现代教学技术,拓宽学习和运用英语的渠道
教师要充分利用现代教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生的学习方式,提高学生的学习效率。在条件许可的情况下,教师应充分利用各种听觉和视觉手段,例如:挂图、音像等,丰富教学内容和形式,促进学生课堂学习;要利用计算机和多媒体教学软件,探索新的教学模式,促进学生的个性化学习;要开发和利用广播电视、英语报刊、图书馆和网络等多种资源,为学生创造自主学习的条件。 教师要努力学习现代教育技术,开发并合理利用以现代信息技术为载体的英语教学资源,实现现代信息技术与英语教学的整合。


16 Useful websites

17 教材 其他资源 近年来的试卷(真题) 牛津教材workbook中的语篇 其他课标教材中的语篇 报刊杂志上的时文

18 三个要求 三种关系 三个转变

19 教育观念上的转变 聚焦部分精英 >>>>> 关注每一位学生
重在认知过程 >>>>> 关注学生的情感 传授书本知识 >>>>> 关注学生的人格

20 教学方法上的转变 讲解语言知识 >>>>> 培养语用能力
操练语法词汇 >>>>> 组织教学活动 研究教好课本 >>>>> 指导学生学习

21 教师行为上的转变 注重巩固练习 >>>>> 加强预习作业
注重终结评价 >>>>> 加强过程管理 注重输入数量 >>>>> 加强输出质量

22 情感态度 文化意识 学习策略 语言技能 语言知识 情感态度 学习策略 文化意识 综合语言运用能力 综合语言运用能力 语言技能 语言知识
国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机 国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机 文化意识 学习策略 学习策略 文化意识 意识和能力跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识 交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略 交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略 跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识 综合语言运用能力 综合语言运用能力 语言技能 语言知识 语言技能 语言知识 话题功能语法词汇语音 写读说听 话题功能语法词汇语音 写读说听

23 Four Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing

24 Input Output Listening Reading Speaking Writing Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Spelling Function Topic

25 How to meet the requirements?

26 How to meet the requirements?
What should we do to meet the requirements? Study Research Practise

27 How to meet the requirements?
What to Study? What kind of Research? How to Practise? ….???

28 Lexical Approach A way of analysing language that is based on lexical items such as words, multi-word units, collocations and fixed expressions.

29 Lexical Antonym & synonym Collocation Compounds Homophone
Words similar in form Idiom Multi-word verb = phrasal verb Fixed expressions Lexical set Part of speech Prefix & suffix See excel word-card for reference

30 如何解决词汇学习的难题? There is no short cut but rules. The thing is whether you can discover the rules together with your students. Work language out

31 Active or passive? 感悟微观语言规律 work language out
I’m sure that your dream will come true. I’m sure that your dream will be realized. The new textbook will come out next month. The new textbook will be published next month. Do you know where the meeting will take place? Do you know where the meeting will be held? Housing price won’t rise this year. Housing price won’t be raised this year.

32 Transitive or intransitive?
感悟微观语言规律 work language out Transitive or intransitive? Please turn it up so that the people sitting at the back can hear it. I don’t think she will turn up. He took off his hat the moment he stepped in. The plane took off 10 minutes ago. The seawater can’t break down the plastics. My bus broke down on my way home yesterday evening.

33 Present simple or continuous?
感悟微观语言规律 work language out Present simple or continuous? The ring road is under construction at the moment. The ring road is being constructed. I’m afraid that the VCR is under repair. I’m afraid that the VCR is being repaired. The situation in Iraq is not under control at all. The situation in Iraq is not being controlled at all.

34 词汇学习原则 Form 单词拼写,词型变化,词性转化,习惯用法 Meaning 一词多义 Use 单句中,对话中,语篇中

35 词汇学习 日积月累,贵在坚持 不断整理,发现规律 头脑风暴,经常使用 结合句型,提高效率 反复检测,熟能生巧

36 Vocabulary is possibly the single most important area in language learning.
Most research suggests that it is far easier to learn vocabulary in ‘chunks’ of meaning than isolated words.

37 Example 1 What was your junior school life like? It was great. interesting boring busy exciting nervous terrible

38 Example 1 What do you hope your senior school life will be like?
I hope it will be meaningful. challenging What do you think your senior school life will be like? I think it will be busier. harder

39 Example 2 achieve prepare introduce develop donate inform select
require What do these words have in common? They are all verbs? Which of these are irregular verbs? None. Can you try to turn them into nouns by adding –tion or -ment? Please select 5 words to make sentences. You may turn to a dictionary for help.

40 Example 3 mad hard rude boring silly valuable
What do these words have in common? Do you know a word that has more or less the same meaning? Do you know a word that has the opposite meaning? Please practise writing a few sentences with at lease 4 of the words. Use a dictionary to help you. mad hard rude boring silly valuable

41 如何加强学生写的能力? two main roles for writing in language teaching
The first is as a goal of learning. It is important for students to develop the writing skill in order to express themselves in written English in letters, messages, stories, and so on.

42 如何加强学生写的能力? two main roles for writing in language teaching The second role, however, is as a means of learning. Writing can provide further sources of practice and can help the students remember the words, phrases, grammar, etc. that they are learning. By working on writing tasks, students can become closely involved with the language and, in doing so, develop their general language proficiency. Writing can thus form a very important element in the course.

43 如何加强学生写的能力? 教师对学生练笔应有量的要求(内容和形式上可以给学生一定的选择余地)
教师对学生写作应有一定的指导(sample: summary) 教师对学生作业应有及时的反馈 教师对学生错误应有一定的研究(关注母语副作用现象)

44 关于任意选修课

45 建议: 顺序选修课尽量开到模块10 四星级学校尽量开到模块11 任意选修课的开设由学校定 课时安排应做加法不做减法 课程内容应该有利学生发展
英语语法精讲 英语写作指导 英语时文阅读 英语词汇突破 英语听力提高 西方文化漫谈

46 There will be problems. It’s no use just complaining. Work out a solution. Where there is a will, there is a way. Tomorrow is another day.

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