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東周 諸子百家 Eastern Zhou Dynasty The Hundred Schools

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1 東周 諸子百家 Eastern Zhou Dynasty The Hundred Schools

2 時代背景 Background 春秋戰國時期,諸侯都變成了小國家,國家和國家競爭,所以出現了很多了不起的政治家、外交家、思想家。
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, the feudal lords have become small countries. Due to the competition among the states and nations, there came about a lot of great statesmen, diplomats, thinkers.

3 學術思想的黃金時代 Golden Ages of Thoughts
這個時期國家之間互相競爭,促進了人文和科技的進步,產生了許多思想家、政治家、教育家、軍事家、工程師,比如:孔子、老子、孫子、魯班、屈原等等,是中國學術思想的黃金時代。 Competition between the countries during this period, promoted the human and technological progress, and produced a number of thinkers, politicians, educators, strategists, engineers, such as: Confucius, Lao Tzu, Sun Zi, Lu Ban, Chu Yuan, etc. It was the golden age of the academic study in Chinese history.

4 科技發展 Technology Development
這個時期的科技進步,在醫藥、武器、機械、數學、土木建築、水利工程,等方面的發明非常多,包括我們熟悉的九九乘法表、象棋等。 During this period there was great scientific and technological progress in medicine, weapons, machinery, mathematics, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, and inventions in many other aspects, including the multiplication table, chess and so on.

5 有名的學派 Famous Schools 春秋戰國時代最有名的學派是儒家、道家、墨家、法家。
The most famous schools of academics during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period are Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, and Legalism.

6 儒家 Confucianism 孔子(公元前551年-公元前479年)是中國偉大的思想家及教育家,孔子思想稱為儒家思想影響了中國兩千多年。
Confucius (551 BC BC) was a great Chinese thinker and educator. His teaching was referred to as Confucianism. It influenced China for over two thousand years.

7 私人興學 Private School 孔子興辦學校,主張有教無類和因材施教,他是中國歷史上第一位職業老師,學生多達三千人。
Confucius set up schools. He advocated indiscriminated teaching and individualized teaching. He was the first professional teacher of Chinese history, with students up to three thousand.

8 至聖先師 Supreme Sage 孔子被尊為至聖先師,九月二十八日是孔子的生日,加州把這天訂為孔子日。
Confucius is revered as the Supreme Sage. September 28th is the birthday of Confucius. California set this day as the Confucius day.

9 思想中心 Center of Confucianism
孔子的思想以「仁」為中心,孔子認為“仁 ”和“禮 ”是人類行為的兩項基本準則。 The center of Confucianism is "benevolence". Confucius advocated that "benevolence" and "propriety" are the two basic principles of human behavior.

10 論語 Analects 「一日三省吾身」、「 三人行必有我師」、「己所不欲勿施於人」都是孔子的名言。孔子的思想言行都由弟子記述在《論語》這本書裡。 "Inspect self three times daily ", "Learn from everyone", "Do unto others not do to others" are famous sayings of Confucius. Words and deeds of Confucius were recorded by his disciples in the book "Analects”.

11 五倫 Five Relationships 孔子認為社會要有秩序必需提倡五倫,五倫指的是君臣, 父子, 夫婦, 兄弟, 朋友的倫常關係。
Confucius believed that social order must be promoted with five human relationships, referring to ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, brothers, and friends, five relationships.

12 春秋 Spring and Autumn 「春秋」是中國第一本按年、月、日次序記載歷史事件的史書,「春秋」是孔子編寫的。
"Spring and Autumn" is the first historical book recording historical events by the year, month, and day order. It was written by Confucius.

13 孟子 Mencius 孟子(公元前372年-公元前289年)繼承孔子的儒家思想,與孔子並稱「孔孟」。
Mencius (372 BC BC) inherited Confucian thought from Confucius. They are referred to as "Confucius and Mencius".

14 五倫 Five Relationships 孟子說的五倫,就是要做到“父子有親, 君臣有義, 夫婦有別, 長幼有序, 朋友有信” 。
Mencius said that the five relationships, is to be "father and son are close, righteousness between kings and officials, couples are different, order in seniority, and trust between friends" ".

15 孔子 孟子

16 道家 Taoism 道家的代表是老子和莊子,他們認為一切事情都要順著「自然」發展,不能勉強。
Representing Taoists are Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. They think everything should be along the "natural" development and should not be forced.

17 老子 Lao Tzu 道家的代表人物是老子, 主要的著作是道德經。
The representative figure of Taoism is Lao Tzu. His main work was the “Tao Te Ching”.

18 老子 道德經

19 法家 Legalism 法家的代表人物是韓非子, 商鞅。他們主張 中央集權, 制訂法律,以法律治國。
Han Fei and Shang Yang are the representative figures of Legalism. They advocated centralized authority, legislation, and country ruled of law.

20 商鞅 韓非子

21 墨家 Mohism 墨家的代表是墨子,他主張人們應該愛所有的人,反對浪費、反對打仗。
Mohist is represented by Mo Tzu. He argued that people should love all people, against waste, and against the war.

22 墨子,名翟 墨子

23 成語 Idioms 班門弄斧 魯班,古代的巧匠。在魯班門前舞弄斧頭,比喻在行家面前賣弄本領 。
Teach fish to swim, or teach grandmother to suck eggs. To show off skills in front of experts.

24 孫子兵法 The Art of War 「孫子兵法」是世界第一部兵書,一直流傳到現在,是各國軍事甚至企業界必讀之書。
"The Art of War" is the world's first book on military strategy. It has been passed to the present. It is a must read for the national military or even the business community.

25 孫武 Sun Wu 「孫子兵法」是論述打仗的方法,是春秋戰國軍事家孫武所著。
"The Art of War" discusses methods of war. It was written by military strategist Sun Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period.

26 孫子兵法的名言 Inside The Art of War
「善戰者不戰而屈人之兵」、「知己知彼百戰不殆」等都是孫子兵法的名言。 "Skillful strategist wins without a fight", "Know yourself, know your enemy", are the famous sayings inside “The Art of War”.

27 孫武 孫子兵法

28 問答Q&A 誰是儒家的代表人物? 1.孫子 2.老子 3.孔子 4.莊子
Who were the representatives of Confucianism?

29 問答Q&A 誰是道家的代表人物? 1.孟子2.老子 3.墨子 4.韓非子
Who were the representatives of Taoism?

30 問答Q&A 誰是法家的代表人物? 1.孟子2.老子 3.莊子 4.韓非子
Who were the representatives of Legalism?

31 問答Q&A 誰主張人們應該愛所有的人,反對浪費、反對打仗? 1.儒家2.道家3.法家4.墨家
Who advocated that people should love all people, against waste, and against the war?

32 問答Q&A 哪一本書是世界第一部兵書? Which book was the world's first book on military strategy?

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