08 年高考英语试题评讲 广东卷. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. C 指前文的 fairies, 和下文的 they 一致。 B 跟 friendly 相对,当然是残酷无情。 A 由后文 changed so much 可知, 且与 pale 并列。


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Presentation transcript:

08 年高考英语试题评讲 广东卷

C 指前文的 fairies, 和下文的 they 一致。 B 跟 friendly 相对,当然是残酷无情。 A 由后文 changed so much 可知, 且与 pale 并列。 D 由 changed so much 可知。 A 把自己的孩子换走,当然害怕。 C 搭配, replace…with…. D 由后文 ways 可知。 B 根据前文逻辑关系可知 。 D 把自己真正的孩子换回来 。 C 固定搭配,把 Changeling 放在火上

31. behind/In 指 “ 在中国的这些成语故事的背 后 ” ,表示 “ 在 …… 之后 ” ,用介词 behind ;也 可理解为 “ 在这些成语故事里 ” ,所以也可以 用介词 In 。 32. to help 不定式做目的状语。 33. his 由上文中的 a crop 和下文中的 his crop, the crop 等可知,此处填限定词;这 个急性子人当然是急于使他自己的禾苗长得 快,故填 his 。 34. it/this 代替前文中的 (how) to help his crop grow up quickly 。 35. that 同位语从句。

36. after /from 他感到很累应是在他做了一 整天事之后,表示 “ 在 …… 之后 ” ,动名词前面 用介词 after ;另外, be tired from doing sth. 是固定搭配,意为 “ 因做某事而累 ” 。 37. but 根据逻辑关系应该用转折语气。 38. higher 和拔苗之前比较更高。 39. natural 词性变化,应该用形容词。 40. results Being too anxious to help an event develop 做主语,谓语用单数;客观 真理用一般现在时

阅读理解 词义推测题。由上文 ( 特别是 gap) 和下句 ( 特别是 separate orbits) 可知,上几代的父母与 他们的小孩不只是在音乐爱好方面有 “ 差异 ” ,而 且有从发型、衣着,到活动、期望等各方面,都 有很大的差异。 归纳判断题。由第 1 段首句 dress alike, listen to the same music, 及段中的 talk about interests both enjoy 等可知,父母与孩子有更多 的共同兴趣,表明代沟在渐渐消失。 42. D 细节理解题。第 6 段第 1 句中的 the new equality 就是上文所说的父母与孩子关系的变化。 43. B 41.C

细节理解题。结合上一段可知, today’s parents 就是 60 年代后的父母,他们与孩子有更 多的交流,更加民主,他们应当是顺应这种变化 趋势的。 推断写作目的。由全文内容可知,特别是 由 the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow 等关键词句,进行时就 是一个过程,可见本文主要是讨论父母与孩子之 间的关系的发展过程。 44. A 45. B

细节理解题。本题题眼在第 1 段最后一句。 关键是理解 If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge , “ 当你觉得自信是一种挑战时 ” , 也就是 “ 当你不够自信时 ” 。 46. C 细节理解题。由第 4 段最后一句和第 5 段第 一句可知。 47. B 细节理解题。由第 2 段最后一句 Thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world. 可知。 48. D

主旨大意题。第 1 段最后一句中有 build a positive self-image ,第 3 段首句的 the best way to defeat a passive self-image is to… ,最后一 段的首句 The best way to get rid of a negative serf-image is to… 都是说明如何肯定自我形象的。 49. C 推理判断题。由第 1 段第 4 句中 we’re the apple of our parents’ eyes…our Grandmas think we’re… 等可知,本文应当是写给青少年阅 读的。 50. B

细节理解题。由第 1 段第 4 句 The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoy’s description--it seems not that far off from historical accounts but his choice of facts… 关 键句式 not…but…( 不是 …… 而是 ……) ,关键词是 该句中的 choice 与选项中的 selection 。 51. C 细节理解题。由第 2 段中的 He, not the Tsar, is the one to make the terms. 可知。 52. A 推理判断题。由第 3 段的倒数第 2 句可推知, 他认为他轻轻地拉了沙皇代表的耳朵,沙皇代表应 当感到最大的光荣和受宠;由该段第后一句 “Well, well, why don’t you say anything?’’ 可推断,他 是希望沙皇代表赞美他。 53. D

推理判断题。第 2 段第 1 句 “ 小说家运用精 选某些事实来描写某一人物是表现人物的道德本性 的一种手法 ” ,接下来的本段和下段,作者用会见 沙皇这件事来说明,分别说明拿破仑渴望 power 和 respect 。 54. D 推断隐含意义。其它选项推理过度。 55. A

56. F 关键词是 issue 。 58. D 关键词是 this fully updated book … 60. A 关键词是 volume 。 57. E 关键词是 times 。 59. B 关键词是 directory 。 【信息匹配】

Shooting Shooting, simply a means of making a living, developed into a kind of sport at the end of the 19th century. Shooting first appeared in the 1896 Olympic Games. Having been canceled in 1904 and in 1928, the sport returned to the Olympics in It was not until 1968 that women were first allowed to compete in Olympic shooting. Now, with its steady development, shooting includes 17 events, while only 3 in 1896.

读写任务 ( 参考范文 ) Mike’s mother did almost everything for him when in high school, which brought him a hard time adjusting to the first-year college life. However, afterwards he got accustomed to it because of the academic atmosphere and colorful activities there. As for me, what I do everyday is to study hard to enter a famous university, which is always the expectations of my parents and teachers. So traveling among classroom, dormitory and canteen is the

routine work. Seldom do I have the time to do some activities. Anyway, unlike you, I have learned how to be independent in a boarding school, which is beneficial to adjust to the college life. It seems to me the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally , and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

As we all know , college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood , but also the ivory tower to the real society. So an active part in activities , associations , as well as some romances are three keys to achieving my ideal college life.