Unit 2 Learning objectives: learn how to State a preference. 如何谈论个人偏爱。 Talk about habits. 谈论自己的习惯。 Express anticipation. 表示对某事的期望 Talk about strengths.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Learning objectives: learn how to State a preference. 如何谈论个人偏爱。 Talk about habits. 谈论自己的习惯。 Express anticipation. 表示对某事的期望 Talk about strengths and weakness. 谈论强项和弱项。

be impressed with sth. “ 对 … 印象很深 ” Have trouble (in) doing sth: 做某事有困难,后加名词 时 have trouble with sth; 等于 have difficulty/problem (in)doing sth 或 have a hard time doing sth. eg: I have trouble learning vocabulary by heart. 我觉得 要记单词好难。 Used to do sth: 过去常常做某事, 但是现在已经不是这 样的了; be/get used to doing sth :习惯、适应做某事。 Be good at doing sth: 擅长做某事。 Be weak in doing sth: 不擅长做某事。

seem to :看起来好像是 …,seem 系动词, 后可加直接加 形容词或者动词不定式. 用法类似于 sound 。 Get along/on (well) with somebody: 跟某人相处得很好。 How do you like doing……? 用于询问别人对某事或某 物的看法或观点: like 后可接名词、代词以及动名词,也 就是动词的 -ing 形式。相当于 How was it ? How do you like it ? How do you find/think about doing…

such : “ 如此 ” , such adj. 修饰名词,注意它修饰单数 可数名词的时候,要放在不定冠词 a 或者 an 的前面, eg.she is such a beatiful girl. 她真是个漂亮的女孩子! 当修饰复数名词的时候就不必考虑和冠词的位置谁应该 在前谁应该在后了,因为是复数名词,所以不会有不定 冠词 a/an ,而且 such 这个词不能与定冠词同时使用。 eg. such long hours :多么漫长的几个小时。 So : “ 如此、非常 ” 。是个程度副词,可修饰形容词和 副词,且它修饰的形容词如果也修饰单数可数名词的时 候,用 so + adj + a/an + n 的形式,意思和 such 一样。 eg.she is so beatiful a girl = she is such a beatiful girl.

so 和 such 的区别: So 一般用来修饰、强调形容词或副词, eg.I'm so tired. such 是不可以直接修饰形容词的,它一般用来修饰 名词,但是如果名词前面有 many 或 much 这两个词时, 也只能用 so 来强调。 eg. so much food , so many people

look forward to doing sth:“ 期待、希望干某事 ” ,是表 达期望的一个固定结构。 eg. I am looking forward to hearing from you: 期待收到 你的回信。 Be worth doing sth=be worthy of doing sth.: 值得做某 事。 would rather do sth : “ 更愿意 …” 。表示偏爱的句型 eg. would you rather go swimming or stay at home? 你是去游泳还是待在家里? would just as soon do sth 表示偏爱的句型。与 would rather do something 的意思很接近。

So adv.“ 这么看来、那么 ” 。口语常用来引起对方注意, 然后再问对方一个问题。该问题可以是新问题,也可以 对说话人谈话内容的核实。 it is (not) + adj.+ to do sth. “ 做某事是(不是)很 …” 。 eg. It‘s great to hear from you. 很高兴收到你的信。 take one‘s place = take the place of somebody 或 replace somebody :代替某人的职位。 be full of = be filled with something :充满了 …… eg. Her eyes are filled with tears. 她泪水盈眶

As+ adj+ as sb/sth : “ 和 … 一样 ……”. around adv. “ 在 … 周围 ” , have sb around :有 … 在自己 身边. happen to do sth :碰巧 / 正好做某事。等于 by chance. wish 的特殊用法,在它后面的宾语从句中,可接虚拟语 气,表示一种无法实现的愿望。如果是对现在事实的虚拟, 就要用过去时,如果是对过去事实的假设,则用过去完成 时态。 eg. I wish I were a bird,then I can fly. 我希望我是一只鸟, 那么我就能飞了。 eg. I wish I had finished my homework. 多么希望我那时 已经完成了作业。

Though :虽然,尽管 ,作连词,用于引导句子用法和 although 差不多,都放在句首。但 though 还可用在句尾, 作副词, 意思为 “ 可是,不过 ” 。 keep your ears open : “ 随时注意打听 ” ,同类的用法 还有 keep one‘s eyes open :张大眼睛仔细看. hear of = hear about: 听说;得知. Hear from sb: 收到 某人的来信. somebody‘d(=had) better do sth :最好做某事 ; sb had better not do sth :最好别做某事.

Take it easy :别紧张,放轻松些. 在美国俚语中, take it easy 可用来做 “goodbye” 使用. Come up to somebody = come to somebody , up adv. 表示对方向或位置的强调 can't help doing something :忍不住干某事, eg. I can’t help laughing when I hear the funny story : 当我听到那个笑话的时候忍不住就笑了起来。 right away = right now :立刻、马上 ,也等于 at once, immediately.

1.How did Jane communicate with the Japanese mother? 2.What did Jane say about Japan's crime rate? 3.What kind of difficulties did Jane have living in Japan? 4.What did Jane think of the Japanese food in general? 5.What advice did Jane give to people who are going to go overseas for the first time? Focus Questions of lesson 14

Thank you!