冠词 ( Article ) 上海市金卫中学 俞雪斌. 一、冠词的分类: 1. 不定冠词 a /an 2. 定冠词 the 3. 零冠词 (不定冠词表示泛指,定冠词表示特指) There is a boy in the garden.


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Presentation transcript:

冠词 ( Article ) 上海市金卫中学 俞雪斌

一、冠词的分类: 1. 不定冠词 a /an 2. 定冠词 the 3. 零冠词 (不定冠词表示泛指,定冠词表示特指) There is a boy in the garden.

二、冠词的用法 1. 不定冠词 a/an 的用法 不定冠词用 a 还是 an 由后面第一个词 的首音决定。以元音开头的词前用 an, 以辅音开头的词前用 a 。 e.g. ___ hour ___ house ___ honest boy ___university ___ uncle ___ useful book an aa a

2 )表示人的身份或事物的性质: What is he? He’s an artist. 1 )表示一类人和事物: A computer works more accurately than a human brain. 3 )泛指: Give me a pen, please. 4 )表示数量,有 “ 一 ” 的意思: There is a beautiful garden behind the house. 具体用法

5 )固定搭配 如: do sb. a favour, give sb. a hand, go for a swim, go on a diet, go on a picnic, make a decision 等

【中考真题】 ( ) 1. Can I have______ look at the photo of your pen friend? (2009) A) a B) an C) / D) the ( ) 2. Linda always takes ______ active part in sports after school. (2008) A) / B) a C) an D) the ( ) 3. There is ________ report in today ’ s newspaper. It ’ s about the International Film Festivals, Shanghai. (2005) A) a B) an C) the D) / A C A

2. 定冠词 the 的用法 1) 再次提到的人或物前 I have a cat and a dog. The cat is white and the dog is brown. 2) 特指 The lady in black is our English teacher. 3) 谈话双方共指的事物 It’s very hot. Can you open the window?

4) 在形容词最高级前 The Nile is the longest river in the world. 5) 序数词前 Our classroom is on the third floor. 6) 宇宙中独一无二的事物 The sun is far bigger than the earth.

7) 江河、海洋或山脉前 The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 8) 方位前面 Pudong is in the east of Shanghai. 9) 乐器前面 I practice the piano every day. 10) 形容词前表示一类人 We should help the poor.

11) 固定搭配 如: all the same, all the time, all the way, at the moment, at the same time, by the way, for the first time, for the time being, 等

【中考真题】 ( ) 1. The old lady teaches children to play _______ piano at a weekend school. (2006) A) a B) an C) the D) / ( ) 2. The scientists from _______ United States live in _______ Ninth Street. (2002) A) the, the B) /, the C) /, / D) the, / ( ) 3. This novel can make you laugh and cry at _______ same time. (2011) A) a B) an C) the D) / C D C

1 )节日前面 December 25th is / Christmas Day. 2 )月份或星期等前面 I was born on / Saturday in / July. 3 )在 this, those, my, whose, next, last, some, any, every, each 等词前 We are going to have a picnic / this coming Saturday. 3. 零冠词的用法

4 )不可数名词,如物质名词和抽象名词前 / Snow is white. 比较: The snow on the ground is thick. 5 )一日三餐前 What do you have for / breakfast? 6 )球类运动前 We play / football after school.

7 )称呼、头衔或职务前 What can I do for you, / Grandma? This is Bob, _/_ monitor of Class One. 8 )学科名称前 We study / maths, Chinese, English and so on.

9 )固定搭配, 如: after school, at first/last, at school, at work, at/on weekends, by bus, go to college, with pleasure 等

【中考真题】 ( ) 1. My father usually reads morning papers before going to _______ work. (2007) A) the B) a C) an D) / ( ) 2. Perhaps the famous football star won ’ t play ____ any longer. (2013) A) a B) an C) the D) / D D

( ) 1. Don ’ t talk to Simon like that. He is only ______ eleven-year-old boy. A). a B). an C). the D). / ( ) Excuse me. Where is Mr.Green ’ s office? ---It ’ s on _______ floor. A). seven B). the seven C). the seventh D). seventh ( ) What about _____dictionary on the bookshelf? ---It ’ s very useful, I think. A). a B). an C). the D). / 【同步精炼】 B C C

( ) Will you get there by ____ train? A). / B). a C). an D). the ( ) 5.---What do you usually do after school? --- We usually play _____ football. A). / B). the C) a D). an ( ) Do you know _______ lady in blue? ---Yes. She is a teacher of a university. A). the B). a C). an D). / A A A 【同步精炼】

( ) 7. Put ____ waste bag in the dustbin. A) the B) a C) an D) / ( ) What would you like for______ breakfast, Mr. Scott? ---Three pieces of bread with a cup of black tea, please. A) a B) the C). an D). / A D 【同步精炼】