Task 2 En Route. Practice After-class Task In-Class Activities General Objectives Pre-Activity En Route.


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Presentation transcript:

Task 2 En Route

Practice After-class Task In-Class Activities General Objectives Pre-Activity En Route

General Objectives 2. to get acquainted with skills that needed in conducting a tour from the airport (railway station or port) to the city (hotel), including introducing the main building, attractions, scenes and views along the way. 3. to practice what has been learned in oral practice and role play according to the given situation.  The students will learn: 1. to master some new active words and useful expressions in this unit.

Pre-Activity 1.What do you want to know most about a place when you first arrive there? 2.What impressed you most in Guangdong? 3.What do you think is most important for a professional guide? 4.Have you ever shown a friend or relative around your city? What were some of the problems you came across?

In-Class Activities Warm-up No. 1 Questions No. 3 Attention No. 2

Warm-up:  Imagine you are conducting a tour from the airport (railway station or port) to the city (hotel), what will you do?

 Introducing the main building, attractions, scenes and views along the way;  Telling them something about the climate, culture, customs here;  Giving some information about the hotel;  ……

Attention:  This is very important to give the tourist a favorable impression and foster amiable relationship with them.

Questions  Which city is it about?  Xi’an  Beijing  Not familiar?

 How about Guangdong, your hometown?

How to organize your introduction on the way to the hotel?  (1)attracting the tourists’ attention;  (2)giving the necessary information about your name, the driver and the bus number;  (3)introducing something about the city, such as scenic spots, climate, culture, customs, etc;  (4)telling the tourists something about the hotel where they are to stay, mentioning the name of the hotel, its rating, location and any other distinctive features.

Practice Oral Practice Role- Play

Oral Practice  According to the organization and the sample introduction of Xi’an and Beijing in the textbook, how will you introduce Guangzhou to the tourists?  Several students will be chosen to act as the guide without bring any reference material.

Hints to practice in detail:  广州位于广东省中部、珠江三角洲北缘,是广东省省会, 全省政治、经济、科技、教育和文化中心。辖越秀、东山、 海株、荔湾、天河、白云、黄埔、芳村、花都、番禺 10 个区,代管从化、增城 2 个县级市,总面积 平方 公里,人口 万。广州是我国南方的交通、通讯枢 纽和贸易口岸,历来是我国对外交往的重要门户,是海上 丝绸之路的发祥地,素有中国 “ 南大门 ” 之称。

 广州有着 2200 多年历史,是国务院颁布的全国第一批历 史文化名城之一。广州最早称 “ 楚庭 ” ,又称羊城、穗城,相 传古代有 5 位仙人,骑五色羊,羊衔谷穗,降临 “ 楚庭 ” ,把 谷穗赠与百姓,祝福此地五谷丰登,永无饥荒。广州是中 国近现代革命史的策源地,著名的三元里抗英斗争、黄花 岗起义、广州起义均发生在广州。

 广州还是我国重要的旅游城币,终年常绿、四时花 开,有 “ 花城 ” 美誉。文物古迹众多,有国家、省、 市三级文物保护单位共 120 多处。南越王墓、光 孝寺、六榕寺、怀圣寺等都有 1000 多年的历史。 此外,还有建于隋朝的南海神庙,明朝的五仙观、 镇海楼、莲花塔,清朝的陈家祠、余荫山房;和近 代革命历史纪念地有孙中山先生创办的黄埔军校、 毛泽东同志主办的农民运动讲习所旧址、广州起义 烈士陵园、黄花岗七十二烈士墓。中山纪念堂等。

 改革开放以来,广州市国民经济持续快速健康发展,一跃 成为全国经济最发达的特大城市之一。对外开放形成全方 位、多层次、宽领域格局;外向型经济发展进入新阶段。 城市建设步伐不断加快,市容市貌日新月异。广州作为华 南地区中心城市的吸引力、辐射力和综台服务功能不断增 强,不仅成为全国具有较强活力的特大城市;而且也带动 了珠江三角洲工业化发展和城市群的迅速崛起。

Role-Play  Situation 1:  At a travel agency  To get some information in order to plan your trip in summer vacation.

 Situation 2:  To take a foreign visitor for a tour in your city (your hometown). You should introduce places of interest to him/her, and tell him anything he is curious about.

After-class Task  More practice after class about general introduction of a city.  Preparation for presentation during the next session.