拟胆碱药 Cholinomimetic drugs Cholinoceptor-Activating & Cholinesterase-Inhibiting Drugs
Cholinomimetic Agents Direct-acting Indirect-acting Muscarinic Nicotinic Choline esters Alkaloids Edrophonium (short-acting) Carbamates ( intermediate long-acting) Organophosphates (very long-acting)
完全拟胆碱药 ( M 、 N-R 均可兴奋 ) ( Acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱 可分为 Carbachol 卡巴胆碱) M-R agonist ( Pilocarpine 毛果芸香碱) §1 直接作用的拟胆碱药 Direct-acting cholinomimetic agonists They act directly at the acetylcholine receptors
Ach directly binds to and activate muscarinic or nicotinic receptors on tissues. Pharmacological effects Acetylcholine ( Ach, 乙酰胆碱) ( CH 3 ) 3 N + - CH 2 - CH 2 OCOCH 3 Pharmacokinetic Features Rapidly hydrolyzed by AChE, poor lipid solubility; duration of action for 5-30 seconds
Molecular Mechanisms of Action Tab Cholinoceptors types and their postreceptor mechanisms Receptor Type G Protein Postreceptor Mechanisms M 1 G p IP 3, DAG cascade M 2 G i cAMP production M 3 G p IP 3, DAG cascade N 1 None Na + /K + depolarizing current N 2 None Na + /K + depolarizing current
Muscarinic like actions Heart and blood vessel Smooth muscle Eye Gland Nicotinic like actions ( 1 ) Stimulating-N 1 -R ( 2 ) Stimulating- N 2 -R
( CH 3 ) 3 N + - CH 2 - CH 2 - O - CONH 2 Carbachol (卡巴胆碱) Effects (+)M and N receptors Clinical Uses: 1) glaucoma, 0.5 ~ 1.5% gutta(local); 2) Postoperative abdominal distension and urinary retention ( absorb) ( CH 3 ) 3 N + - CH 2 - CH 2 - O - COCH 3 (Ach) Features 不易被 AChE 水解,可口服,作用持久。 但不良反应多
GLAUCOMA Symptoms What is the reason for increasing intra-ocular pressure ? 眼内压力或间断或持续升高的一种眼病 Damage caused by glaucoma is irreversible.But if the condition is detected early and treated , the harmful buildup of pressure inside the eye can be prevented.
oAcute glaucoma – oChronic glaucoma oCongenital glaucoma oSecondary glaucoma —— caused by other diseases, including eye diseases, systemic diseases, and drugs such as corticosteroids.
Pilocarpine (毛果芸香碱) Muscarinic Receptor Agonist Pharmacological effects Pilocarpine directly binds to and activate muscarinic receptors and product like- muscurine effects. Question ? to stimulate receptor directly? to influence transmitters synthesis and release? to influence AChE?
1. 瞳孔缩小 (miosis): 2. 降低眼内压 (depressing intra-ocular pressure) 眼房水由睫状肌上皮细胞分泌及虹膜后房面血管渗出产生 → 由后 房经瞳孔入前房 → 到达前房角间隙 → 经滤帘流入巩膜静脉窦 → 入 眼球壁外 V Pilocarpine :使虹膜向中心拉紧 → 致虹膜根部变薄 → 前房角 间隙扩大 → 房水回流 ↑→ 眼压 ↓ 3. 睫状肌痉挛 ( cyclospasm ) :
Clinical Usages 1. 治疗青光眼 ( glaucoma ) 2. 防治虹膜睫状体炎 ( iridocyclitis) 与扩瞳药交替使用, 以散瞳为主(松弛休息), 防止虹膜与晶状体粘连 3. 抵销阿托品散瞳不良后果 压迫内眦 ( Press medial canthus) open angle glaucoma 也可用。病因:巩膜静脉窦变性、 硬化。 Pilocarpine 扩张巩膜静脉窦周围血管,收缩睫状肌, 使滤帘结构有所改变,房水循环通畅 acute closed angle glaucoma 效果好。病因 : 前房角 狭窄,房水回流受阻
MW=8 万, 酶蛋白,分子表面有两个与 Ach 结合部位 : 1 )阴离子结合部位(负电性) 2 )酯解部位(亲核性) 真性胆碱酯酶( Acetylcholinesterase ) 假性胆碱酯酶 (Pseudo-cholinesterase) §2 Cholinesterase inhibitor drugs Cholinesterase Indirect-acting cholinomimetic agonists They act indirectly through inhibition of cholinesterase
Mechanisms of action All of the cholinesterase inhibitors exert their effects by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase and thereby increasing the concentration of endogenous acetylcholine in the vicinity of cholinoceptors. Neostigmine 竞争性地与 AChE 结合,分解形成二甲 氨基甲酰化胆碱酯酶,水解较慢(为乙酰化 ChE 的 1/ ), AChE 复活时间延长, Ach 水解受阻, 作用增强,产生拟 Ach 作用 Neostigmine (新斯的明)
Pharmacological effects Neostigmine 表现为 Ach 全部作用,但有强 弱之分: 1 .对心血管、支气管平滑肌、眼、 腺体的作用类似 Ach (但较弱); 2 .兴奋胃肠道、膀胱平滑肌 ( 较强); 3 .兴奋骨骼肌(最强)
证明: 1) 用异氟磷( DFP )破坏骨骼肌中 的 AChE; 2) 或切断运动 N (前二项去除) —— 再用此药仍可引起骨骼肌收缩。 因为 1. 间接作用(抑制 Ach 水解,使 Ach ) ; 2. 促 Ach 从 N 末梢释放 ; 3. 直接作用于运动 N 终板膜上的 N 2 - R Neostigmine 兴奋骨骼肌作用最强
Myasthenia gravis ? 运动 N -肌肉传递功能障碍性疾病(突触部 位存在抗胆碱 R 的抗体,使与 Ach 结合 R 数 目下降,为自身免疫性疾病)。 1. 治疗重症肌无力( Myasthenia gravis ) Clinical Applications Symptom Cholinergic crisis
2. Postoperative abdominal distension and urinary retention ( 手术后腹气胀和尿潴留 ) 3. Rescue excessive muscular relaxants toxication ( 肌松药过量中毒解救. 注意类别 ) 4. Rescue atropine toxication ( 阿托品中毒 解救 ) Clinical Applications (cont)
Effects and Clinical Applications 1. on eyes(local effects) 滴眼剂,眼膏等。与 Pilocarpine 相似,作用更强,持 久。 Effects :缩瞳,调节痉挛,降低眼内压。 Uses ( 1 ) Glaucoma ( 2 ) recover sight after using atropine Physostigmine (毒扁豆碱) (Eserine, 依色林 )
2. Other effects (absorption effects) 1) Analeptic of scopolamine 2) Antimuscarinic drug intoxication 如何区别 Physostigmine 与 Pilocarpine ? 将动眼 N (副交感神经)所经过的睫状肌 N 节切除, 数天后节后纤维变性,该侧瞳孔括约肌无 N 支配,再 滴加本药 — 无缩瞳作用 毛果芸香碱,用药后作用不但不减,反而增强 ( 去 N 敏化 )
Clinical applications of some cholinomimetics Drug Clinical Applications Action Neostigmine Postoperative abdominal Amplifies endogenous Ach distension, urinary retention Neostigmine Amplifies endogenous Ach Pyridostigmine Myasthenia gravis skeletal muscle strength Edrophonium Pyridostigmine Glaucoma Amplifies endogenous Ach