Acariosis 螨病 Speaker: 梁国欢 Group members 杨彪 梁炯 罗帅 毛达龙
Introduction 疥螨科( Sarcoptidae ) 犬疥螨( Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis ) 猫背肛螨( Notoedres cati ) 痒螨科( Psoroptidae ) : 犬耳痒螨( Otodects cynotis ) 蠕形螨科( Demodicidae ) 犬蠕形螨( Demodex canis ) 猫蠕形螨( Demodex cati )
Mrophology Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis (犬疥螨) Males’ size :220um×170um Female’ size: 380um×270um Sarcoptes is round in outline and up to 0.4 mm in diameter( 直径),with short legs. Its most important characteristics are numerous transverse (横向的) ridges (脊) and triangular (三角 形的) scales (棘) on the dorsum( 背部).
Egg 150um×100um oval (椭圆形) transparent( 透明的) 虫卵 犬疥螨
Female : 170um×247um Male : 122um×147um Notoedres cati ( 猫背肛螨) Notoedres closely resembles Sarcopts (疥螨), having a circular (圆形) outline and short legs, but is distinguished by its concentric (同心) “thumb print” ( 拇指纹状) striations (条纹) and the absence of spines (棘 ).
低倍镜下的猫背肛螨成 虫、幼虫、虫卵 高倍镜下成虫,可见 退化得很短的 2 对后肢
Otodectes cynnotis( 犬耳痒螨) Male :274um×362um Female :345um×45um Oval ( 椭圆形) Four pairs of feet Conical( 圆锥形) mouthparts (口器).
Demodex canis( 犬蠕形螨 ) Male Length:220um~250um Width:45um Female Length:250um~300um Width:45um larva Spindle( 纺锤形 )
Life cycle Sarcoptidae (疥螨) :incomplete metamorphosis( 不完全变态发 育 ), all the cycle happen in the host’s body. Larva( 幼 虫 ) Nymph( 若 虫 ) Adult( 成 虫 ) Egg (卵) 3~5days In the tunnel 2~3days Crawl on to the skin surface 12~13days Moulting pockets ( 蜕皮小洞) Fertilized 受精 In the tunnel 4~5days The whole cycle:17~21 days
Psoroptidae( 耳痒螨) incomplete metamorphosis ( 不完全变态发 育) 卵( egg ) →→ 幼虫 (larva)→→ 若虫 (nymph)→→ 成虫 (adult) , It need 13~15days in the warm season and about 21days in the cold season to finish the cycle.
Demodicidae( 蠕形螨科 ) Larva (幼虫) Former nymph (前若虫) Nymph (若虫) Adult (成虫) Egg( 卵) Location: hair follicles ( 毛囊) or sebaceous glands ( 皮脂腺) 2~3days 1~2days Moult (蜕皮) 3days Moult (蜕皮) 2~3days Fertilization (受精) The whole cycle : 18~24days
Contact infection disease World-wide distribution Outbreak mainly in the cold season Source of infection (传染源): ill animals Epidemiology (流行病学)
Symptoms 1.Intense itch ( 剧痒) 2.Inflammation( 炎症 )and thickening( 增厚 ) and trichomadesis( 脱毛) of skin. 3.Emaciation (消瘦) Pathogenesis and Symptoms ( 致病作用与症状) Pathogenesis 1.Mechanical injury ( 机械性损伤) 2.Damage from toxin (毒素) and immunity (免疫 )
Diagnosis 1. Collection of scales ( 病料采集) 2.Experimental method (检查方法) 3.Differential diagnose (鉴别诊断)
Treatment 1. 大环内酯类杀虫剂 (Macrolides insecticide): 如用伊维菌素 (Ivermectin) 或多拉菌素 (Doramectin) 进行皮下或肌肉注射。 2. 甲脒杀虫剂类( Formamidine insecticide): 如用双甲脒 (Amitraz) 进行药浴或涂擦。 3. 有机磷类杀虫剂( Organophosphorus insecticide ) : 如敌百虫 (Dipterex) 、巴胺磷 (Propetamphos) 、 地亚农 (Diazinon) 等进行药浴,涂擦或喷洒 环境。 4. 拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂( Pyrethroid insectide ) : 如溴氰菊酯 (Deltamethrin) 、戊酸氰菊酯等药浴 或涂擦。 Treatment & Prevention
Comprehensive prevention 1.Improve the management and feeding,and keep the house clean 2.Regularly disinfected ( 定时消毒) 3. The new cats and dogs should be isolated and observed before entering the house Prevention
梁国欢 杨彪 梁炯 毛达龙 罗帅