Unit 8 Period III. It is January first. Revision When is New Year’s Day ( 元旦 )?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8 Period III

It is January first. Revision When is New Year’s Day ( 元旦 )?

It is March eighth. Revision When is Women’s Day ( 妇女节 )?

It is April first. Revision When is April Fool’s Day ( 愚人节 )?

It is June first. Revision When is Children’s Day( 儿童节 )?

It is September tenth. Revision When is Teachers’ Day( 教师节 )?

It is October first. Revision When is our National Day ( 国庆节 ) ?

It is December 25th. Revision When is Christmas ( 圣诞节 ) ?

art 艺术 ; 美术;艺术品 music 音乐 year 年 Festival 音乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧等之) 节;节日 Chinese (n.) 中文;中国人 (adj.) 中国的;中国人的 School Day 学校庆祝日 years old …… 岁(年龄) Words and Expressions 动画词汇

October Basketball game October 3 English speech contest October 7 Dave’s birthday party October 19 School trip October 26 Volleyball game October 30 Student A, read the schedule below. Student B, read the schedule on page 82. Then ask and answer questions to complete the schedule. 学生 A 阅读下面的日程表。学生 B 阅读第 82 页日程 表。互相提问并完成日程表。 3a

3b Imagine you are a school headmaster. Which of these events will you have at your school? Complete the chart below. Ask questions about your partner’s school. 假设你是一位校 长。你会在你的学校设立下面哪些活动? 完成下表。询问你同伴学校的情况。 YesNoMonthDay School Day Art Festival Chinese Contest Music Festival English Party

1 Check the words you know. birthdaydate FebruaryMay October SELF CHECK 在你认识的词语前打勾。 June March July NovemberDecember August monthJanuary April September

1 Check the words you know. School trip speech contest SELF CHECK 在你认识的词语前打勾。 festivalChinese partyart basketball game

Listen and Repeat

3 Look at the photos of these famous people. Try to find out their birthdays. 看看这些名 人的照片。试试查找他们的生日。 Edison Feb. 11, 1847

一、写出下列序数词。 1st ________ 2nd _________ 3rd ________ 4th _________ 5th ________ 8th ________ 9th ________ 12th ________ 20th ________ first second third fifth twentieth ninth fourth eighth twelfth Exercise

二、用月份名词填空: 1. _______ 1st is New year’s Day. 2. ______ 12th is Planting Day. ( 植树节 ) 3. _____ 1st is Fool’s Day. ( 愚人节 ) 4. ____ 1st is Labour’s Day. ( 劳动节 ) January March April May Exercise

5. ____ 1st is Children’s Day. 6. The last (最后的) three months of a year are _________________and _________. 7. New school year begins ( 新学年开 始于 ) in _________. June October, November December September Exercise

三、写出每组对话的问题: 1. Q : ____________________ A: My birthday is April 22nd. 2. Q : ________________ A: I’m sixteen. 3. Q: ____________________________ A: My brother’s birthday is May 16th. When is your birthday? How old are you? When is your brother’s birthday? Exercise

4. Q: _________________ A: The party (音乐会) is May 21st. 5. Q: _____________________ A: My mother is forty - eight. When is the party? How old is your mother? Exercise

四、将下列词连成一个完整的句子。 1.May, it, is, first 2. birthday,my,is,10 th October. 3. his, is, birthday, September, second ? It is May 1st. My birthday is October 10th. Is his birthday September 2nd? Exercise

4. your, birthday, mother’s, when, i s,? 5. old, are, how, your, parents. 6. The, speech contest, July 3 rd, is, When is your mother’s birthday? How old are your parents? The speech contest is July 3rd. Exercise

五、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Tom has _______ (12) color pens. 2. Mary’s birthday is August ______ (five). 3. Is September the ______ (9) month of a year. 4. There are ________ (40) students in our class. 5. The pants are ___________ (38) yuan. Exercise twelve fifth ninth forty thirty-eight

六、根据汉语完成句子 1. The _____________ ( 艺术节 ) is October 21st. 2. My sister likes ______________ ( 英语晚会 ). 3. The School trip is ____________ ( 六月十日 ). 4. We have an _______________________ ( 英语演讲比赛 ). 5. When is your __________________ ( 妈妈的生日 ). Exercise art festival English party June tenth English Speech Contest Mother’s birthday

七、连线 1. How do you spell it? A. He’s in the store. 2. Where’s he? B. Thank you. 3. How is your grandmother? C. S—H—O — E 4. How much are the shorts? D. She’s fine, thanks. 5. Your watch is very nice. E. $60. Exercise

Homework  Remember the words and expressions in this unit.  Do Section B 4 and write down these conversations on your exercise books.

The end of this period!