Contents Active Reading 1. Contents Active Reading 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Active Reading 1

Watch the movie clip and do group discussion. Warming Up Watch the movie clip and do group discussion.

1. Do you think it is a touching story? Why or Why not? Warming Up Group discussion 1. Do you think it is a touching story? Why or Why not? 2. Do you think Hachi is a hero? In what sense? 3. What do you think of the relationship between Hachi and the professor? And what do you think should be the sound attitude towards animals? 4. Do you keep a pet dog (pet cat, etc)? Do you have the similar touching story between you and your pet? Share the story with us. 5. What are some characteristics of dogs?

Some proverbs about “dog”: Warming Up Some proverbs about “dog”: 1. A good dog deserves a good bone. 好狗应啃好骨头,有功者受赏。 2. A living dog is better than a dead lion. 好死不如赖活。 3. An old dog will learn no new tricks. 老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。 4. Barking dogs seldom bite. 爱叫的狗 不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。 5. Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日。

爱屋及乌。 别多事,别惹麻烦。 急不暇择,饥不择食。 重犯旧日罪恶。 6. Love me, love my dog. Warming Up 6. Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 7. It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. 别多事,别惹麻烦。 8. Scornful (Hungry) dogs will eat dirty puddings. 急不暇择,饥不择食。 9. The dog returns to his vomit. 重犯旧日罪恶。 10. Beware of a silent dog and still water. 提防不吠的狗,小心静止的水。

Text About the author Go to the text

Background information Text Background information Margot Lasher, the author of And the Animals Will Teach You, is a qualified clinical psychologist with a doctoral degree, who has specialized in studying the relationship between people and dogs. In her book, she uses her own dog stories to show how animals can teach humans to deal with different situations based on their instincts and how they adjust their behaviour according to their relationships. The title of the book comes from a verse in the Christian Bible, which says animals will teach us, birds will report to us, the earth will teach us, and fish will tell us … Text

Protection W carpentry, he asked if Hogahn, who was Text Protection 1 hen Soren was leaving for Japan to study carpentry, he asked if Hogahn, who was his dog originally, could live with me. “Of course," I said, "he'll protect me." There had been robberies in the neighborhood recently, and my house in Massachusetts was surrounded by a pond and woods to the north and west, so that someone could easily approach after dark without being seen. W

came, he would probably lick him." Text 2 Soren laughed. "Hogahn doesn't exactly bark when someone comes to the door," he said. "If a burglar came, he would probably lick him."

I faced dangers that Soren and Hogahn did not have Text 3 But Hogahn sensed that his connection to me was different from his connection to Soren. Soren, who is strong and relatively fearless, did not need much protection. When Soren was in a hurry, he would lift Hogahn like a small child into the bed of the pickup. I could not lift him. We were just about the same weight, and Hogahn was younger and stronger. As a woman, I faced dangers that Soren and Hogahn did not have to know about. After a week of living with me, Hogahn was barking at anyone who came near the house.

Text 4 Our protecting relationship began early, with me as the initial protector. Hogahn was a puppy, about seven months old, when Soren left him with me for the first time, only for a weekend. It was a cold, late November morning and the water in the pond was just beginning to freeze. A thin layer of ice held blowing leaves and light branches, but was much too tenuous for animal paws.

a long clothesline which stretched from the giant oak Text 5 I was hanging up the laundry in the backyard on a long clothesline which stretched from the giant oak tree next to the house to the spruce at the edge of the water. A light blue sheet was lifting itself with the wind and was trying to sail off over the pond to join the sky. As I struggled to trap it with a clothespin, Hogahn was panting warm clouds of air at my feet, lifting and dropping a two-foot oak branch that had fallen into his loving possession.

Text 6 Focused on capturing the sheet so that it draped evenly over the line, I distractedly picked up the stick and tossed it down the hill toward the fence that separated the yard from the water.

Text 7 I had tossed sticks for him before and knew the approximate distance they would go, depending upon their weight and my motion. This stick, however, caught a gust and, flying where the sheet wanted to go, sailed across the yard, over the fence, and, with a fine skater's touch, glided onto the pond. As I looked up, I saw Hogahn racing through the gate and, with a magnificent leap, crashing through the ice just short of the stick and into the water.

Soren has given me this child to watch over. He is my Text 8 Time froze as I stood at the clothesline. I thought: Soren has given me this child to watch over. He is my first grandchild. I have to save him. I was penetratingly aware of the dangers of the pond in November. I had fallen through once and saved myself because I had stayed very calm and moved very slowly. I knew that Hogahn could claw at me in his panic, pulling me down, and we could both go under.

Text 9 The next moment I was standing in the water and Hogahn was swimming toward me, breaking the ice with his front paws. He seemed a little startled by the intrusion of the ice in his path, but definitely in control. I went as far as I could until the pond bottom sank down under my weight and the ice water penetrated my jacket, and I stood and waited. He swam into my neck, and I lifted his puppy-body and carried him out of the water.

Text He seemed to acknowledge that there had been some danger. He stayed quietly in my arms as we went across the yard and into the house, not squirming in his usual way to get free. Inside, I rubbed him for a long time with a towel. Afterward, he went over and examined my wet clothes, which I had thrown in a pile on the floor; he liked the fact that my clothes smelled of the pond, that we both had that swamp smell.

Text 保 护 1 瑟伦要去日本学木工手艺,临走前他问我能否收留他的狗霍根。我说:“当然可以,它可以保护我。”最近我们家附近常有抢劫案发生,我在马萨诸塞州的房子北面靠湖,西面被树林环绕,晚上坏人可以神不知鬼不觉地溜进来。

Text 2 瑟伦哈哈大笑。他说:“有陌生人进门时,霍根也不一定会叫。如果来了个夜贼,他或许还会去舔他。”

Text 3 不过,霍根感觉到他跟我的关系与他跟瑟伦的关系有所不同。瑟伦体格强壮,而且相对来说比较勇敢,他并不需要太多的保护。匆忙赶路时,瑟伦会像抱小孩那样一下子把霍根抱到皮卡的货箱上。我可抱不动他,我的体重和霍根差不多,而且他还比我年轻力壮。作为女人,我所面临的危险是瑟伦和霍根根本不可能知道的。在我这里生活了一周之后,只要一有陌生人靠近家门,霍根就开始吠叫。

Text 4 我们间的保护关系其实早就存在了,起初我是保护者。瑟伦第一次把霍根托付给我看管时,他还只是一只七个月大的小狗,他只在我家里过了一个周末。那是11月底一个寒冷的早晨,湖水刚开始结冰。湖面上的一层薄冰能托得住吹落的树叶和细小的树枝,但是还太脆弱,远不能承受动物的爪子。

Text 5 那时我正在后院晾衣服,长长的晒衣绳拴在房子旁的一棵参天橡树和湖边的一棵云杉之间。一条淡蓝色的床单随风飘起,眼看着就要掠过湖面飞上天空。当我奋力地用衣服夹子夹床单时,霍根正在我腿边玩得气喘嘘嘘,一段两英尺长的橡树枝成了他的宝贝,被他叼来叼去。

6 由于一心只想着揪住床单,让它平整伏贴地悬挂在晒衣绳上,我心不在焉地捡起那段树枝,朝山坡下将我们家院子与湖水隔开的围栏方向扔了过去。 Text 6 由于一心只想着揪住床单,让它平整伏贴地悬挂在晒衣绳上,我心不在焉地捡起那段树枝,朝山坡下将我们家院子与湖水隔开的围栏方向扔了过去。

Text 7 我以前也经常这样为他扔木头。根据木头的重量和我动作的大小,我知道它们大概能飞多远。但这块木头赶上了一阵疾风,朝着床单想去的方向飞过了院子,越过了围栏,最后以溜冰高手般的优美动作滑进湖水里。我抬头一看,只见霍根飞速穿过院门,以一个漂亮的飞跃撞破薄冰落入水中,他差一点就够得着那段木头了。

Text 8 时间凝固了,我站在晒衣绳边,心想:瑟伦把这孩子交给我看管,他可是我的第一个孙子,我必须救他。我深知11月的湖水的危险性:我曾经掉进那水里,当时是靠着镇定和缓慢移动才逃过了一劫。我知道在惊恐中霍根很可能会用爪子抓我,把我拖进水里,我们俩可能会因此一同葬身湖底。

Text 9 接下来的一瞬间我已经站在水里,霍根用前爪破冰朝我游过来。一路上冰块的侵扰似乎让他受了些惊吓,但他绝对能控制得住自己。我尽量向前趟,直到我的双脚陷进湖底的烂泥,冰冷的湖水浸透了我的夹克。我站在那儿等着。他游到我身边,抓住我的脖子,我把小狗的身体托起来,带他离开了湖水。

Text 他好像知道了刚才的危险。当我们穿过院子进屋时,他一直静静地呆在我臂弯里,而不像平常那样扭动着身体想挣脱。在屋里我用毛巾在他身上揉擦了很长时间,后来他跑到我扔在地板上的那堆湿衣服旁边察看,他喜欢我的衣服带有湖水的气味,喜欢我们俩身上都有那种沼泽气味。

carpentry paw distractedly originally backyard approximate robbery Words & Phrases carpentry paw distractedly originally backyard approximate robbery clothesline motion burglar giant gust lick oak glide fearless spruce magnificent protector clothespin leap puppy pant penetrate layer drape penetratingly tenuous evenly intrusion

Words & Phrases squirm swamp

Words & Phrases just about hang up next to watch over go under

Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州(美国州名) Words & Phrases Soren 瑟伦(人名) Hogahn 霍根(本文指狗名) Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州(美国州名)

Words & Phrases carpentry n. [U] the activity of making things from wood, or repairing things that are made of wood 木匠活 e.g. Writing is a craft, like carpentry. Some people are naturally better at it than others. But anyone can get better at it by devoting enough time and effort. 写作就像木工,也是个工艺活。有些人天生地比另一些人写得好。但是,任何人只要肯花时间和精力,就一定能在这上面取得进步。 Word family: carpenter n.

originally ad. at first 起初,原来 Words & Phrases originally ad. at first 起初,原来 e.g. 1. Originally, it was a beautiful story. However, the cruel reality makes it a regret. 最初,那是一个美丽的故事;然而,残酷的现实把它变成遗憾。 2. Coke was originally made from a syrup of coca leaves and cola nuts and sold as a medicine. 可口可乐最初是用古柯树叶和可乐果做成的一种糖浆,作为药品出售。

Word family: origin n. 起源;原点;出身;开端 vt. 引起;创作 Words & Phrases Word family: origin n. 起源;原点;出身;开端 original adj. 原始的;最初的;新颖的;独创的 n. 原物;原作;原型;原件 originate vi. 发源;发生;起航 vt. 引起;创作

Words & Phrases robbery n. [C, U] the crime of taking money or property illegally, often by using threats or violence 抢劫罪 e.g. 1. After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance against further losses. 在发生抢劫后,这家商店安装了一套精密的报警系统预防进一步损失。 2. His account of the bank robbery was completely fictitious. 他叙述的抢劫银行事件完全是虚假的。 Word family: rob v. robber n.

Words & Phrases burglar n. [C] someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal things 窃贼 e.g. 1. Burglar alarms going off at any time of the day or night serve only to annoy passers-by and actually assist burglars to burgle. 防盗警报器在白天和黑夜的任何时候都会响起来,它的作用只是骚扰过路行人,而实际上却帮助窃贼入室行窃。 2. Police are hunting burglars who stole property worth £3500. 警方正在追捕一个盗窃了价值3500英镑财物的盗贼。

Words & Phrases lick v. move your tongue across sth., especially in order to eat it, clean it, or make it wet 舔, 舔吃 e.g. 1. He licked the postage stamp and stuck it on the envelope. 他舔了舔邮票,把它贴在信封上。 2. In the fireplace, the flames of fire are licking the logs. 在壁炉里,火焰正吞噬着干柴。 3. The dog licked the plate very clean. 狗把盘子舐得很干净。

Words & Phrases fearless a. not afraid of anyone or anything. This word shows that you admire people like this 无畏的;不怕的 e.g. 1. The appearances of the strong do not give you the courage to let you fearless; you have to have a brave heart. 再强大的外表都不会给你勇气,能够让你无畏的是;你要拥有一颗勇敢的心。 2. Courage does not mean being fearless. 勇气并不是意味着毫无畏惧。 Antonym: fearful

大白熊对小孩有特别的爱心,因此只要对它进行训练和社会化调教,它们会是一个很好的同伴和保护者。 Words & Phrases protector n. [C] someone or something that protects a person or thing 保护人;保护物 e.g. 1. The white bear has a special love of small children and makes for an excellent companion and protector if properly trained and socialized. 大白熊对小孩有特别的爱心,因此只要对它进行训练和社会化调教,它们会是一个很好的同伴和保护者。 2. Wear protective gloves and eye protectors to prevent exposure to cutting dust or mist. 请戴保护手套和眼睛防护装置,以避免曝露在切割的灰尘与烟雾之中。

protect v. protection n. protective a. e.g. Words & Phrases Word family: protect v. protection n. protective a. e.g. 1. She bought a cream that helps to protect her skin against the sun 她买了一种防止皮肤晒伤的乳霜。 2. The protection of the country is the duty of everyone. 保卫国家是每个人的责任。 3. A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 做母亲的天生要保护自己的孩子。

puppy n. [C] a very young dog 小狗;幼犬 Words & Phrases puppy n. [C] a very young dog 小狗;幼犬 e.g. He dangled the bone in front of the puppy. 他晃动着骨头逗小狗。

Words & Phrases layer n. [C] an amount or sheet of a substance that covers a surface or that lies between two things or two other substances 层;叠层 e.g. Scientists and politicians worldwide are working to slow the destruction of the ozone layer. 全世界的科学家和政治家正在努力减缓臭氧层的破坏。

Translate the following sentences into Chinese: Words & Phrases Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1. Luckily the little girl was wearing several layers of warm clothing. 幸运的是,那个小女孩穿了好几层衣服,很暖和。 2. There was a thin layer of ice on the pavements. 人行道上有一层薄冰。 3. I can see a thick layer of moisture in his eyes. 我能看见他的眼里有泪光。

tenuous a. weak and likely to change 脆弱的;不坚固的 Words & Phrases tenuous a. weak and likely to change 脆弱的;不坚固的 e.g. 1. And it shows that supply lines remain tenuous, under threat from aftershocks, landslides and heavy rains. 这也显示出供应线依然脆弱,随时面临着余震、山体滑坡和暴雨的威胁。 2. In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far tenuous than we might think. 尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、长生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱。

paw n. [C] the foot of some animals such as cats, dogs, and bears 爪子 Words & Phrases paw n. [C] the foot of some animals such as cats, dogs, and bears 爪子 e.g. 1. The dog pressed his paw on the latch to let himself in. 那狗用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。 2. The dog gave a yelp when I trod on its paw. 我踩了那狗的爪子,它嚎叫了一声。

backyard n. [C] 1) (AmE) a garden behind a house 后花园 Words & Phrases backyard n. [C] 1) (AmE) a garden behind a house 后花园 e.g. They planted some garden balsams in the backyard. 他们在后花园里种了些凤仙花。

在后院玩游戏能帮助父母和孩子强健身体,一起度过珍贵的时光。 Words & Phrases 2) (BrE) an area behind a house covered with a hard brick or stone surface 后院 e.g. Playing a game in the backyard will help parents and children get fit and spend some quality time with each other. 在后院玩游戏能帮助父母和孩子强健身体,一起度过珍贵的时光。

Words & Phrases clothesline n. [C] (AmE) a cord on which clothes are hung to dry (室外)晒衣绳 e.g. She propped the clothesline with a stick. 她用一根棍子将晒衣绳撑起来。

Words & Phrases giant 1) a. used in the names of some animals and plants that are much larger than others of the same type 巨型的(用在动植物名称前) e.g. 1. The giant panda is native to China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。 2. This part of Europe was overgrown by giant pine trees. 欧洲的这一地区长满了参天大松树。

Words & Phrases 2) n. [C] sth. or sb. that is much taller and stronger than most 巨人;伟人;巨物 e.g. Russia ended the war as a military and industrial giant and Stalin imposed his economic system on half of Europe. 作为一个军事和工业大国,俄国结束了这场战争,斯大林把他的经济制度强加给了半个欧洲。

Words & Phrases oak n. [C] a large tree that can live for a very long time and produces small hard fruits called acorns 栎树;橡树 e.g. Oak is a good type of wood for making furniture. 橡木是制作家具的好材料。

Words & Phrases spruce n. [C] a tall tree that has thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter and produces hard brown fruits called cones 云杉 e.g. Spruces and pines are evergreen trees. 云杉和松树都是常绿树木。

Words & Phrases clothespin n. [C] (AmE) wood or plastic fastener; for holding clothes on a clothesline(晾衣用的)衣夹 e.g. I went down to the local Kmart and looked for a clothesline and clothespins. 我来到本地的凯马特百货商店,想要买晾衣绳和夹子。 Sentence

pant 因为天热这只狗不停地喘气。 1) vt. say sth. breathlessly 气喘吁吁地说 Words & Phrases pant 1) vt. say sth. breathlessly 气喘吁吁地说 e.g. She panted, “I can’t run any farther.” 她气喘吁吁地说:“我跑不动了。” 2) vi. breathe with short, quick breaths, typically from exertion or excitement 喘气 e.g. 1. The dog was panting because of the hot weather. 因为天热这只狗不停地喘气。 2. The little boy was panting after the others. 小男孩气喘吁吁地跟在别人后头。 Sentence

drape vt. 1) put sth. made of cloth over or around sth. 将……挂 / 放在某处 Words & Phrases drape vt. 1) put sth. made of cloth over or around sth. 将……挂 / 放在某处 e.g. The dustsheets were draped over the furniture. 家具上盖着防尘布。 2) cover or decorate sth. with a cloth(把织物)披在……上 e.g. Drape this coat around your shoulders to keep warm. 把这件大衣披在肩上保暖些。

Words & Phrases evenly ad. in equal amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way 均匀地;平均地 e.g. 1. Baggage loaded onto an aircraft must be evenly distributed. 飞机载运的行李应均匀放置在各个部位。 2. This new machine distributes seed evenly and quickly. 这台新机器播种播得又快又均。

distractedly ad. in a distracted manner 注意力分散地;思想不集中地 Words & Phrases distractedly ad. in a distracted manner 注意力分散地;思想不集中地 e.g. Here's a scene that you see almost every day: a car being driven erratically by a driver talking distractedly into his mobile phone. 这是你几乎每天都会碰到的情景:一个司机一边漫不经心地打着手机一边歪歪斜斜地开着车。 Word family: distracted a. distract v. e.g. She seemed slightly distracted, as if something was worrying her. 她似乎有点心不在焉,好像有什么事困扰着她。

Words & Phrases approximate a. not exact, but close to an exact amount, number, time etc. 大约的;大概的 e.g. 1. The approximate time of the accident was seven o'clock this morning. 事故的大约时间是今天早上七点。 2. We should like to know the approximate quantity you may sell in the coming year. 我们想要知道的是下一年你们大约可以销售的数量。

如果能量停止运转,我们的整个宇宙以及生命就会消失。 Words & Phrases motion n. 1) [U] the process or action of moving 动作;运动 e.g. Special instruments record the speed and motion of the atoms. 有专门的仪器记录原子的速度和运动。 in motion 在开动中,在运转中 e.g. If energy stopped being in motion, our entire universe and all life would vanish. 如果能量停止运转,我们的整个宇宙以及生命就会消失。

Words & Phrases 2) [C] a formal proposal that people discuss and then vote on in a meeting or debate 动议;提议 Word family: move v. e.g. 1. The Committee will debate the motion today. 委员会今天将就这一提议进行辩论。 2. The Trade Union Congress, predominantly male, has proposed a motion arguing that high heels are demeaning to women while they also contribute to long term injuries. 英国工会同盟在一项提议中表示,高跟鞋是对女性人格的贬低,而且会对身体造成永久性的伤害。该同盟的大部分成员都为男性。

gust n. [C] 1) a sudden strong wind 一阵狂风;一阵强风 Words & Phrases gust n. [C] 1) a sudden strong wind 一阵狂风;一阵强风 e.g. A sudden gust of wind wafted the papers off her desk. 忽然刮来一阵风把她桌上的文件吹落到地上。 2) a sudden strong feeling or expression of emotion(感 情等的)猛烈迸发 e.g. A gust of happiness swept through her. 一股幸福的暖流流遍她的全身。

glide vi. 1) move in a smooth and easy way with no noise 滑行;滑动 Words & Phrases glide vi. 1) move in a smooth and easy way with no noise 滑行;滑动 e.g. The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field. 驾驶员关闭了发动机,滑行降落到机场。 2) fly without using power, carried by the wind 滑翔 e.g. Birds can flap their wings, soar, glide or hover. 鸟儿能振动翅膀、高飞、滑翔和盘旋。

海岸提供了许多优美的海滨景色,丰富了地域景观。 Words & Phrases magnificent a. very impressive and beautiful, good, or skilful 宏伟的;壮观的;娴熟的 e.g. 1. The seashore offers magnificent views of the sea enriches the local landscape. 海岸提供了许多优美的海滨景色,丰富了地域景观。 2. Here to show you the most beautiful places in China. They are highly representative, magnificent mountains, beautiful villages, each of which is the Holy Land of the travel-loving minds! 在这里向你展示中国最美的地方:它们都极具代表性,壮丽 的山川,优美的村庄,这也是每个爱好旅游的人心目中的圣 地! Word family: magnificence n. Sentence

leap 1) n. [C] a jump, especially one that is long or high 跳,跳跃 Words & Phrases leap 1) n. [C] a jump, especially one that is long or high 跳,跳跃 e.g. He took a leap over an obstacle. 他跃过障碍物。 2) vi. jump e.g. Learn to creep before you leap. 先学爬,后学跳。(循序渐进)

网络内容剧增是当前互联网的最大变化之一。 Words & Phrases 2) a sudden increase or improvement 激增;突飞猛进 e.g. 1. The network content leap is one of the biggest change of current Internet. 网络内容剧增是当前互联网的最大变化之一。 2. Because of the population leap and the soil erosion, the per capita growth of a rural area is slow. 由于人口剧增和土壤侵蚀,农村地区的人均收入增长缓慢。

Related phrases: 1. by leaps and bounds 急速地;飞跃地;突飞猛进地 2. in one leap Words & Phrases Related phrases: 1. by leaps and bounds 急速地;飞跃地;突飞猛进地 2. in one leap 一跃 3. with leaps and bounds 迅速地;飞跃地 4. leap to conclusion 匆忙下结论 Sentence

Words & Phrases penetrate v. 1) get inside an object or body by getting through sth. 刺入;穿透 e.g. A bullet can penetrate this board, or two inches into that wall. 子弹能穿过这片木板,或穿过那面墙壁二英寸。 2) get through something into a place and be heard, seen, or felt by people in it(声音等)穿透,透过 e.g. Her voice does not penetrate. 她的声音不够响亮。 See also: penetratingly ad.

Words & Phrases penetratingly ad. in a manner of being intelligent and quick to solve problems or to understand something complicated 洞察地;明察秋毫地 e.g. 1. The author treats his subject penetratingly. 作者对于他的主题理解得深入。 2. This paper discusses the subject of city managing penetratingly, and analyzes some disputes on the concept of city managing. 本文对城市经营的对象作了深入的论述,并对有关城市经营概念的一些争议作了辨析。 See also: penetrate v.

Words & Phrases intrusion n. [C, U] sth. that interrupts a peaceful situation or a private event 闯入;打扰;侵扰 e.g. 1. I have so many intrusions on my time that it is difficult to get my work done. 我的时间常常受到干扰,致使我难以完成我的工作。 2. With the development of network intrusion technology, singular and isolated security technologies like Internet firewalls or intrusion detection systems can no longer secure networks. 随着网络入侵技术的发展,单独的防火墙、入侵检测系统等 安全技术不再能够保证网络的安全。 Word family: intrude v.

但是他被抓得紧紧的,甚至不能自由地蠕动。 Words & Phrases squirm vi. 1) move by twisting and turning in a small space 蠕动; 扭动 e.g. But he was held fast and couldn't squirm free. 但是他被抓得紧紧的,甚至不能自由地蠕动。 2) look or feel embarrassed and uncomfortable 局促不 安;扭捏 e.g. Questioned persistently by the teacher, he squirmed. 在老师不断地盘问下,他有些局促不安。

Words & Phrases swamp n. [C, U] an area of land covered by water where trees and plants grow 沼泽;沼泽地 e.g. 1. In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes. 我们在沼泽地受到蚊子的围攻。 2. The heavy rain turned the small garden into a swamp. 大雨使这小花园变成了一块沼泽地。

just about: very nearly 差不多;几乎 Words & Phrases just about: very nearly 差不多;几乎 e.g. 1. Just about every piece of furniture in my house was bought from a consignment store. 几乎我家里的所有的家具都是从旧物寄卖店买来的。 2. He was just about my age. 他和我年龄差不多。 3. The accident just about finished him as a footballer. 那事故几乎结束了他足球运动员的生涯。

hang up: hang a piece of clothing on something 把……挂起来 Words & Phrases hang up: hang a piece of clothing on something 把……挂起来 e.g. 1. Will you please hang up my coat in the closet? 请把我的外套挂到壁橱里好吗? 2. It's reported the Juventus hero will hang up his boots. 据报道这位尤文图斯英雄可能会选择挂靴。

Words & Phrases next to: beside or very near to someone or something with no other person or thing in between 贴近;接近 e.g. 1. The woman nest to Bill can speak three languages. 比尔旁边的女士会说三种语言。 2. May I bring my chair next to yours? 我可以把我的椅子移到你的旁边吗?

Words & Phrases watch over: guard, protect, or be in charge of someone or something 守护;保护;看管 e.g. 1. It's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep. 那正像托狼看守绵羊;那就等于引狼入室。 2. The soldiers watched closely over the enemies. 士兵们严密注意着敌人的行动。

go under: 1) sink below the surface of the water 下沉 Words & Phrases go under: 1) sink below the surface of the water 下沉 e.g. The ship hit an iceberg and went under. 这条船撞上冰山后沉没了。 2) have serious problems and fail 倒闭、破产、垮掉 e.g. His business went under because of competition from the large corporations. 由于大公司的竞争,他的生意垮掉了。

Language Points As I struggled to trap it with a clothespin, Hogahn was panting warm clouds of air at my feet, … “panting warm clouds of air” here is an exaggerative expression, indicating the dog was playing with the stick so joyfully and cheerfully that it panted a lot. 当我奋力地用衣服夹子夹床单时,霍根正在我腿边玩得 气喘嘘嘘…… 翻译:

e.g. Our car broke down two miles short of the town. Language Points I saw Hogahn racing through the gate and, with a magnificent leap, crashing through the ice just short of the stick and into the water. “… short of the stick” here actually means Hogahn almost caught the stick. 我抬头一看,只见霍根飞速穿过院门,以一个漂亮的飞跃撞破薄冰落入水中,他差一点就够得着那段木头了。 short of: having not quite reached sth. or a place one is trying to get (to) 距离……还差…… e.g. Our car broke down two miles short of the town. 我们的车在离城两英里处出了故障。 翻译:

Language Points I went as far as I could until the pond bottom sank down under my weight and the ice water penetrated my jacket, and I stood and waited. “… the pond bottom sank down under my weight” is an exaggeration here, which means “the mud under my feet gave way to my weight”. 我尽量向前趟,直到我的双脚陷进湖底的烂泥,冰冷的 湖水浸透了我的夹克。我站在那儿等着。 翻译:

Reading and understanding Exercises Reading and understanding Dealing with unfamiliar words Reading and interpreting Developing critical thinking

Reading and understanding Exercises Reading and understanding 2. Check (√) the true sentences. 3. Number the events in the order they happen.

☐ 1 Soren thinks Hogahn will make a good guard dog. Exercises 2. Check (√) the true sentences. ☐ 1 Soren thinks Hogahn will make a good guard dog. ☐ 2 Hogahn barked at people who came to Soren’s mother’s house. ☐ 3 Soren’s mother thinks of the puppy as a child. ☐ 4 Soren’s mother threw other sticks for Hogahn. √ √ √

Exercises ☐ 5 The stick went further than Soren’s mother expected. ☐ 6 The stick broke the ice on the pond. ☐ 7 Soren’s mother fell into the icy pond before she looked after the puppy. ☐ 8 The puppy clawed at Soren’s mother and pulled her under the water. √ √

☐ Soren goes to study carpentry in Japan. Exercises 3. Number the events in the order they happen. ☐ Soren goes to study carpentry in Japan. ☐ Hogahn starts barking at people who approach the house. ☐ Soren’s mother hangs out the washing. ☐ Soren’s mother remembers an occasion when she fell into the icy pond. ☐ Soren’s mother rescues Hogahn from the pond. ☐ Soren gets a puppy. ☐ Soren’s mother looks after Hogahn for a weekend. ☐ Hogahn falls into the icy pond. ☐ There are robberies in the neighbourhood of Soren’s mother’s house. 8 9 3 5 6 1 2 4 7

Dealing with unfamiliar words Exercises Dealing with unfamiliar words 4. Match the words in the box with their definitions. 5. Answer the questions about the words.

approximate giant layer leap lick magnificent motion paw penetrate Exercises 4. Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 very impressive and beautiful, good, or skillful ( ) 2 a long, high jump ( ) 3 to get inside an object or body by getting through something ( ) 4 not exact or accurate, but good enough to be useful ( ) approximate giant layer leap lick magnificent motion paw penetrate magnificent leap penetrate approximate

5 a movement that someone or something makes ( ) Exercises 5 a movement that someone or something makes ( ) 6 to move your tongue across something ( ) 7 extremely large ( ) 8 the foot of some animals such as cats, dogs ( ) 9 an amount or sheet of a substance that covers a surface ( ) approximate giant layer leap lick magnificent motion paw penetrate motion lick giant paw layer

5. Answer the questions about the words. Exercises 1 Is something tenuous (a) firm and strong, or (b) weak and likely to change? 5. Answer the questions about the words. 1 Is something tenuous (a) firm and strong, or (b) weak and likely to change?

Exercises 2 Does a person or animal that pants (a) breathe loudly with their mouth open, or (b) cry because they are so tired? 2 Does a person or animal that pants (a) breathe loudly with their mouth open, or (b) cry because they are so tired?

Exercises 3 Does something that drapes (a) hang over something, or (b) fall on the floor? 3 Does something that drapes (a) hang over something, or (b) fall on the floor?

Exercises 4 If you divide something evenly, is there (a) the same amount in each part, or (b) much more in one part than the other? 4 If you divide something evenly, is there (a) the same amount in each part, or (b) much more in one part than the other?

5 If you do something distractedly, are you (a) paying Exercises 5 If you do something distractedly, are you (a) paying careful attention, or (b) thinking about something else? 5 If you do something distractedly, are you (a) paying careful attention, or (b) thinking about something else?

Exercises 6 Is a gust of wind (a) a pleasant, gentle wind, or (b) a sudden, strong wind? 6 Is a gust of wind (a) a pleasant, gentle wind, or (b) a sudden, strong wind?

Exercises Exercises 7 Does something that glides move (a) in a clumsy, heavy way, or (b) smoothly and evenly, carried by the wind? 7 Does something that glides move (a) in a clumsy, heavy way, or (b) smoothly and evenly, carried by the wind?

Exercises 8 Is an intrusion (a) something that you hope for and want to happen, or (b) something unexpected and unpleasant? 8 Is an intrusion (a) something that you hope for and want to happen, or (b) something unexpected and unpleasant?

Exercises 9 Is a swamp (a) an area of a land covered by water where plants grow, or (b) a hot, dry place? 9 Is a swamp (a) an area of a land covered by water where plants grow, or (b) a hot, dry place?

Reading and interpreting Exercises Reading and interpreting 6. Read the passage again and choose the best answer to the questions. 7. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.

6. Read the passage again and choose the best answer to the questions. Exercises 6. Read the passage again and choose the best answer to the questions. 1 Who does the writer usually live with? (a) Soren and his wife and child. (b) Her husband and children. (c) Her parents. (d) No one, she lives alone.

Exercises 2 How would you describe Soren? (a) A small, frightened boy. (b) A strong, young man. (c) A middle-aged man. (d) A weak, old man.

Exercises 3 How would you describe the writer? (a) A small, slim woman. (b) A tall, strong woman. (c) A tall, fat woman. (d) A short, strong woman.

Exercises 4 How would you describe Hogahn? (a) A small, lazy dog. (b) A big, old friendly dog. (c) A small, timid dog. (d) A big, strong dog.

Exercises 5 How do you think the writer feels about having Hogahn live with her? (a) She’s afraid he’ll drown in the pond. (b) She’s afraid that Soren will miss him. (c) She’s pleased because he will protect her. (d) She doesn’t want Hogahn to live with her.

7. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions. Exercises 7. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions. 1 If a burglar came, he would probably lick him. What does this tell us about the dog’s personality? The dog was gentle and not aggressive.

Exercises 2 As a woman, I faced dangers that Soren and Hogahn did not have to know about. What kind of dangers do you think the writer is referring to? The writer was vulnerable to intruders or attackers.

Exercises 3 Hogahn was panting warm clouds of air at my feet, lifting and dropping a two-foot oak branch that had fallen into his loving possession. What was the dog doing while the writer was hanging out washing? Hogahn was playing with a branch and having fun.

Exercises 4 Soren has given me this child to watch over. He is my first grandchild. Why do you think the writer refer to the dog as her first grandchild? We can assume that Soren is her son who doesn’t yet have any children.

Exercises 5 … he liked the fact that my clothes smelled of the pond, that we both had that swamp smell. Why do you think the dog liked this? Because it showed they had shared a dramatic / important experience together.

Developing critical thinking Exercises Developing critical thinking 8. Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Do you think this is a true story? Why / Why not? Yes, because it seems likely to happen. Fiction would probably be more dramatic or exaggerated.

Exercises 2 Do you think the writer was brave? Yes, because she knows the dangers of drowning in the icy pond, but she still walks into it to save the dog.

Exercises 3 Is it usual for people to think of pet animals as children? It is quite common among those people who have pets but do not actually have children. However, I suppose such people wouldn’t usually want to say in public that they treat their pets like children.

Man's friend or trade interests? Extension Activities Animal protection: Man's friend or trade interests? Discuss on the the following questions: 1. What do you think causes the extinction of some animals and plants? 2. What can we do to keep the balance of nature?

Getting along with Animals Extension Activities Assignment: Write a composition with the title: Getting along with Animals

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