生动 易学 详细 人教版初二上unit3 育英科技 王衡老师.


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Presentation transcript:

生动 易学 详细 人教版初二上unit3 育英科技 王衡老师

What are you doing for vacation? unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

词 汇

Future (n; a) In future Vacation (n) Take vacation For vacation 未来 In future 在将来 Vacation (n) 假期 Take vacation 度假 For vacation For a week 持续一周 babysit (v) 照顾婴儿 camp (v) 野营 sound (n; v) 听; 声音 nice (a) 好的 It sounds nice! 听起来很好 parents (n) 父母 visit (v) 拜访 Go hiking 远足 mountain (n) 山 How long 多久 Have a good time! 玩得高兴 send (v) 发送 Postcard (n) 明信片 sure (a) 确信 get back 回来 dream (n; v) 梦 Famous (a) 著名的 decide (v) 决定 decide on… leave (v) 离开 Europe (n) 欧洲 different (a) 不同的

until (prep) plan (n; v) Plan to do… Believe (v) relax (v) 直到… plan (n; v) 计划 Plan to do… 计划做.. Believe (v) 相信 relax (v) 放松 relaxing (a) 放松的 a relaxing vacation spend (v) spent 花费 countryside (n) 农村 nature (n) 自然 hope (v) 希望 forget (v) 遗忘 problem (n) 问题 rent (v; n) 租; 租金 wait (v) 等候 Wait for… sleep (v) slept 睡觉 Go fishing 钓鱼 Go hiking 远足 Go swimming 游泳

一 般 将 来 时

一般将来时(时): 表示以现在为起点,将要发生的事情. He will go swimming tomorrow.他准备明天游泳 He is going to go swimming tomorrow. They will go swimming tomorrow他们准备明天游泳 They are going to go swimming tomorrow.

A: (态) B: 主+will + V原 +… He will go home after class下课后他准备回家 1 2 He will go home after class下课后他准备回家 一般将来时 两种 常用表达方式 They will go home after class下课后他们准备回家 (态) 主+be going to + V原 +… B: 1 2 He is going to go home. They are going to go home.

一般将来时(态) 陈述句 主+will + V原+… 疑问句 will+主+ V原 +…? 否定句 主+ will not+ V原 +… 1 2 He will go home.他准备回家 疑问句 will+主+ V原 +…? 一般将来时(态) 1 2 Will he go home? 他准备回家吗? 否定句 主+ will not+ V原 +… 1 2 He will not go home. 他不准备回家

一般将来时(态) 陈述句 主+be going to+ V原+… 疑问句 Be +主+going to+ V原 +…? 否定句 1 2 He is going to go home.他准备回家 疑问句 Be +主+going to+ V原 +…? 一般将来时(态) 1 2 Is he going to go home? 他准备回家吗? 否定句 主+ be not going to + V原 +… 1 2 He is not going to go home. 他不准备回家

现在进行时的特殊用法 现在进行时表示将来 当进行时用的是瞬间动词时,可以表示将来 He is calling you in a minute.很快他就会给你打电话 易错点: He is going to school与 He is going to go to school. He is going fishing.

I will go to Beijing. I am going to go to Beijing. I am going to Beijing. They will visit Bush. They are going to visit Bush. They are visiting Bush. He will leave. He is going to leave. He is leaving.

练习:将下列句子改为将来时, 相应地更改或增添时间状语 例:I write to him once a month. I will write to him tomorrow. He is working very hard. At what time do you have dinner? Do you play football on Sunday? Do you go to work by bus?

练习 I am a teacher.--- I will be a teacher. I play the game– I will play the game. 他以前是士兵soldier ,现在是军官officer,将来想做将军general They go to see the film. They are going to see the film They are going to go to see the film

Xiao xin ___ his grandparents. Is visit / is visiting/ will visiting/ visit They are __ the zoo. Going/ go to/ going to/ to 难点: Be going to +动原 与 sb go to…混淆 They are going to go to the zoo.标准的将来时 They are going to the zoo.现在进行时

生动 易学 详细 人教版初二上unit3 育英科技 王衡老师

词 汇 解 析

1.你打算如何度假?(三种常用方式) Take a vacation What will you take a vacation in the summer holiday? Spend a vacation What are you going to spend a vacation in the summer holiday? For vacation What are you doing for vacation in the summer holiday?

2.think的搭配 Think (thought; thought)想(即: 仅仅是 “思考”这个动作,不要和汉语中的 “考虑”; “想起来”等词混淆) Think of想起来了 Think about考虑;思考 Think over仔细考虑 Think out想出

3. decide(常考词组)—decision决心,决定 Decide on sth Decide to do sth决定做某事 I always decide to study hard from tomorrow. I always decide on studying hard from tomorrow.我总是决定从明天好好学习

4.Leave (left) 常考词 Leave 离开某地 他昨天离开了开封 He left K. F. yesterday. Leave for someplace 去某地 他昨天去了郑州 He left for Z. Z. yesterday. Leave…for… 离开某地去某地 他昨天离开了开封去了郑州 He left K.F. for Z.Z. yesterday

Leave--forget 把…拉在了某地…leave 物 in/behind 地方 He left his wallet behind the bus. He left his books home.

5.How about you?(补全对话) How about you?= what about you?= and you? 常用于句尾 常用于说话人事情说完后,问对方 “你怎么样?” 我明天去游泳,你干嘛?/你怎么样? I am going swimming tomorrow, how about you?(

6.Not …until…直到…才…(用否定句表示汉语中陈述句意思) 我昨天晚上直到三点才睡觉 我不睡觉直到三点昨天晚上 I did not sleep until 3 clock last night 直到2004年开封才有肯得基 There wasn’t KFC until 2004 in KF.

7.声音 Sounds泛指各种各样的声音 Noise噪音/不可数—noisy (adj)嘈杂的;吵闹的 Voices 嗓音 世界上充满了各种各样的声音 All kinds of sounds are full of the world There are all kinds of sounds in the world There __ noisy noise and sounds outside when trucks go past Be/ were/ being/ will be The music sounds very __. Well/ noise/ comfortable/ easily

8.sure sb be sure of… 只加+that从句,一定不用 if/whether是否 例:你确定吗? Are you sure? I am sure of it. 我不确定李宇春是否是女的 I am not sure that LYC is a girl or a boy Are you sure __ HJT will join us? how/where/不填/when

9. Famous著名的 Famous= well-known (adj) Be famous for…(for在此词组中,表因为)因…而著名 Be famous as…( as此词组中,表作为)作为…而著名 老子---<道德经> Lao Zi was famous for the book.老子因这本书而闻名 Lao Zi was famous as ph….老子作为哲学家而著名

生动 易学 详细 人教版初二上unit3 育英科技 王衡老师

课 文

What are you doing for vacation? That sounds interesting! What are you doing there? I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong. Just for four days. I don’t like going away for too long. Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school. I am going to Tibet for a week. I’m going hiking in the mountains. How about you. Tony? What are you doing for vacation? Oh yeah? How long are you staying? Well, have a good time! Send me a postcard from Hong Kong.

Ben Lambert, the famous French singer, is taking a long vacation this summer! He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. “ I always take vacations in Europe,” he said. “ this time I want to do something different. I heard that Canada is beautiful, and I know there are many people there who speak French.” Ben is going to Canada’s Great Lakes. He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. “ I am taking walks, and going bike riding. I’m planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. I love nature. I hope I can forget all my problems! At night, I am renting videos and sleeping a lot… a great vacation! I can’t wait!”

练习 要求:用进行时;将来时(2)造句 他们准备去海南度假. 他们打算明天游泳. They are going to HN for vacation. They are going to go to HN for vacation. They will go to HN for vacation. They are going swimming tomorrow. They are going to go swimming tomorrow. They will go swimming tomorrow.

spend He spent a whole night (in) finishing the job. Sb spend time (in) doing sth花时间 Sb spent money (on) doing sth.花钱 你花了多久到那儿的? How long did you spend to there? I spent 2 days in getting to there. How long did you spend in getting to there?

花费时间 一堂课2小时. One class is for 2 hours. It takes us 2 hours to have a class. We spend 2 hours in having a class. Sth is for时间 It takes/took sb sometime to do… Sb spend time in doing …

1__ is the distance from the mount to the river? How far/ how soon/ how often/ how long 2__ do you exercise in a week? How long/ how far/ how to/ how often 3__ will you go back from Hong Kong? -- in 3 days. How long/ how far/ how soon/ how often 4.--__ will you stay there? --- a week.

5Would you like to go with me next Sunday? Sorry, ___. I am not sure/ I am not certain/ certainly/ sure 6Do you mind smoking in the public?(多) __ Of course/ certain/ certainly/ I am sure 7He didn’t give me __ time when we would meet next time. certainly./ sure/ surely/ certain

8. The postman __ the mails to her. Brings/ takes/ carries/ sends 解析 邮寄,双宾语动词 send sb sth---send sth to sb 考点,双宾语,上述四个易混词 9.after he __ home, he took a bath. Went back to/ come back to/ go back/ went back 10. tomorrow, they will __ Hangzhou Leave to/ leave for/ left 解析: leave for地点,去某地…leave…for…离开某地,去某地

11. John will __ one year __ the plan. Take; finish/ spend ; finishing/ spend, finish/ use, to finish 解析: 人 spend 时间 in doing… 12. John will __ one year __ the plan. take; finish/ took ; finishing/ take, to finish/ 13. __ will take John one year to finish the plan. Tom/ she/ it/ who 解析: It takes sb some time to do…花某人…时间做… 14. one day, he __ to be a star. Will wish/ will want/ will hope/ hopes 15. He __ his baby to be a kind man in the future. Wishes/ hopes/ thinks/ likes 解析: wish sb to do…, 不能用hope sb to do…

16. The girl forgot __ the light when she left the room. To turn off/ turning off/ off/ to close 解析: 电器类只用turn on/ turn off Forget to do…忘记去做… Forget doing…做过,但是忘了 17. I may __ my bag on the bus Leave/ forget/ not take away 解析: 汉语把某物拉到某地,只能用leave,

18.There are all kinds of __ in the world. Sounds/ voices/ noisy/ noises. 解析: sound 各种声音的统称;voice嗓音; noise噪音, noisy(adj) 嘈杂的 19.--How do you feel the music? --it __ wonderful. Sounds/ is sounding/ is sound 20.The pop song sounds __. Good/ well/ beautifully/ nicely 解析: sound做动词时,只做系动词,其后只能用形容词