In Memory of 悼念 Mr Yap Kow Ngee 叶高义先生 31st October 2001 2001年10月31日.


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Presentation transcript:

In Memory of 悼念 Mr Yap Kow Ngee 叶高义先生 31st October 2001 2001年10月31日

Date of Birth: 28-1-1912 Place of Birth: Hainan, China

祖籍中国 海南省 琼海市 九曲江乡 星池管区 礼照村

家父从小离乡背井到新加坡来谋生,吃尽苦头,做过各种行业。由于刻苦耐劳,最后终于成为南洋商报电版部主任至退休。 他是一位尽职的好父亲,任劳任怨,为的是提供子女三餐温饱,接受良好的教育。

记得小时候,父亲早出晚归忙着工作,有时他放工回来,还未休息,报馆就因偶发事件,派人来叫家父回去工作到凌晨才回来。 他也很孝顺祖母,定时汇款给在海南岛的祖母,建屋买田,照顾在那儿的大女儿俊兰与二叔家人。一直到去世前,还不时寄钱去给侄儿俊鸿。 记得小时候,父亲早出晚归忙着工作,有时他放工回来,还未休息,报馆就因偶发事件,派人来叫家父回去工作到凌晨才回来。

当他在晚上加班后,便会买一包炒米粉回来,叫醒我们这些孩子起来分享夜宵。可见他多么疼爱我们。 家父是一位工作态度认真,照顾家庭的好父亲。当儿女有什么病痛或有麻烦时,他都会因担忧而失眠。

虽然他的表情严肃,不拘言笑,但我们都能感受到他的关怀与爱心。 俊来

A tribute to my Daddy: When I was about two years old, as a little boy staying in Choon Guan Street in one crammed room with six other siblings, two elder brothers, three elder sisters and one younger sister.

Daddy was innovative, got a carpenter and custom-made another upper deck so that we all, together with both our parents, could stay under one roof with double the area per person.

He was a no-nonsense man He was a no-nonsense man. I remember when he asked my second elder brother to do little errand and refused, he was caned immediately.

I saw the caning and I “kaput” and reluctantly took over the errand lest I faced the same wrath. One night while sleeping on one side, turned over and stretched my left arm and accidentally toppled a hot iron when my sister was

ironing some clothes next to me and scarred my left palm ironing some clothes next to me and scarred my left palm. I was rushed to a Chinese “sinseh” and a concoction of medical herbs was applied to relieve my excruciating pain.

Today I am still bearing that scar mark and remember the other softer side of him as a caring father, blowing my left palm to sooth my pain when I showed him my scar. Love, David Yap

致亲爱的父亲, 爸爸,您每天工作从早到晚,都是为了这个家。您每晚工作回来,都会打包夜宵给我们兄弟姐妹,每晚都叫醒我们起来吃夜宵!


妈妈病重时,他会自己编中药给妈妈治疗。妈妈去世刚好120天,现在他也跟着去了,因为他们是一对恩爱夫妻,他去世很安详! 俊镁

Whenever I see rubber bands, I will always remember my grandfather because he always used the rubber band to shoot me when I was naughty. As time goes by, when I grew older, Ahgong did not do such things anymore. My communication with Ahgong had also lessened as I had not spoken Hainanese for a long time, but Ahgong would still try to talk to me.

Whenever I came to visit him, looking at him changing so much from the past, from a big tummy man to a very skinny man made me realised that time had passed so fast. Now, after so much suffering, he is at last gone but still, I will always remember him as a great grandfather who taught me to be good. Love, Leong Leong

致我最亲爱的爸爸: 我还记得小时候,妈妈煮好了晚餐,准备从老远的厨房拿到家里给我们吃,很不幸地跌倒,伤了膝盖,我就一直哭个不停,爸爸只好给我一些零钱,哄我安静。

我拿了爸爸给我的五角、两角,暂时停止了哭泣,但是久久想了又想,又再哭。 爸爸为了要我停止哭泣,一直拿了不少钱给我,结果我满手都是爸爸给我的钱。还有一次,我生病发烧,也不断哭泣,爸爸为了安慰我,就抱着我在家里走来走去!从这些看出父爱的伟大!


永别了,爸爸,我最亲爱的爸爸!愿您在天之灵,能和妈妈在一起,双宿双栖,保佑我们子子孙孙代代平安,身体健康,事事如意。 Love, Doreen

Through the fourteen years, I know myself, I have not been close to Ahgong. Due to the fact that I could not speak Hainanese, there is a big communication breakdown between us. Now that he has gone to rest, I just pray that he will rest in peace. Angela

I wasn’t taught Hainanese when I was born I wasn’t taught Hainanese when I was born. Communication between Ahgong and I was a problem. I remember when I was younger, Ahgong tried asking me whether I’ve eaten. I did not understand. Only until Ahgong showed me a hand sign then I understood and nodded. You’d never cherish a person only after he’s gone. After I knew that he had passed away, I regretted not spending more time with him.

There was this time in school when my whole mind was filled with Ahgong. I was having my Higher Chinese lessons when my teacher over-shot the time. My mother and my sister called me on my handphone urgently because my sister was going to have tuition later. Suddenly, all I could think of was, “Is Ahgong okay? Is anything concerning him?” I couldn’t pick up the phone because my teacher was still babbling about the worksheets. Later on, I found out that Ahgong was still fine.

The day when I had my last paper, mother had dressed up to rush to the hospital with the news that Ahgong was in a serious condition. I went home after school and the last minute before leaving the house, I was given the shock that Ahgong had passed away. How I wish Ahgong would rest in peace and receive the houses we will burn to him. I love him forever. Love, Eliza

Dearest Ahgong, You always looked stern. However, when you were telling us about the story of yourself in China, you were always so excited and keen to tell us every detail. You did not talk to us often, but we knew that you cared for all of us in action instead of in words.

I will remember every single detail of what you told us I will remember every single detail of what you told us. I will remember you forever. May your next life be filled with happiness! Love, Jenny (盛芳)

Ahgong, The values and stories that you told me will always be remembered. Goodbye Ahgong! Wai Sung (维盛)

公公, 您的故事永远 明记在心。 国盛

Tribute to my dearest Ahgong: My mum always tells me that although Ahgong may look very stern, he is actually very caring and kind deep in his heart. I fully agree with her. Ahgong worked hard and took great care for his family, both in Singapore and Hainan, all these years. He made sure that everyone in the family had a good education and a good life.

Despite his lack of education, he still managed to learn to read Chinese on his own, allowing him to read newspapers and be in touch with worldly affairs. He also learnt Chinese medicine just by reading some books that my brother brought back from Taiwan. Through his hard work and intelligence, he cured the illnesses of lots of family members and friends. They are all very grateful to him.

Ahgong, I will always cherish the fond memories that we share: my childhood days in Toa Payoh, the countless birthdays and festival celebrations that we enjoyed, and the numerous stories that you and Popo shared with us. May you be together with Popo again in your wonderful next life. Love always, Kai Kai (昌锴)

敬爱的父亲: 妈妈刚过完她的百日忌辰不久,您也跟着撒手尘寰,这使我觉得好悲伤。但是转念一想,您这一去对您来讲是一种解脱。我就不那么难过了。


我又劝您如果难忍病痛,最好是住宿医院,因为医院有各种设施可减轻您的痛苦。 在您进医院的两个星期前,我去探望您时,就觉察到您与往日不同,您多数时间在睡,而且也不愿多讲话。那时我就有预感您的日子不多了。

所以在医院时,我叫医生尽量减轻您的病痛,给您吃安眠药与打止痛针,幸好医生都照做了。 爸爸,我觉得安慰的是您不必经过痛苦的挣扎而去世,而是安详的解脱。我想您一定是在去世之前就觉悟了人生的真相,所以您火化之后有很多舍利花,我觉得很安慰。



爸爸,请您放心地在天界修行,我们兄弟姐妹一定会永远相亲相爱,互相照顾的。 俊志上

亲爱的阿公, 您会永远的留在 我们的怀念中。 炳文

亲爱的阿公, 我会永远怀念您的。 耀文

My sweet memories of Ahgong stretched way back to my childhood days My sweet memories of Ahgong stretched way back to my childhood days! Ahgong often brought me along when he visited the barber, Chinese medical hall, market, etc. We would take a bus there and I would tell him my ambitions along the journey. I almost always came back with a toy car and a bunch of bananas (my favourite fruit).

As I grew older, our favourite topic revolved around Ahgong Popo’s younger days. Popo often joined in our conversation too and Ahgong would tell me how he came to Singapore from Hainan Island to earn a living as an apprentice in a colour printing house; life during the Japanese occupation when Ahgong Popo set up a business to manufacture brooch (Japanese flag);

selling drinks as a hawker at the bridge across the Singapore River; trading medical and chemical products with the Japanese Army; then back to colour printing house for the Japanese newspaper; continued career as a supervisor in the colour printing industry post war.

Ahgong was very interested in Chinese medicine in his later years Ahgong was very interested in Chinese medicine in his later years. I once gave him a medical book from 观音庙 in Taiwan and he used it to save many people from illnesses with it, including himself, Popo, family members and even many old neighbours in Tampines.

I am thankful to Ahgong for all the love and advice that he had given me and I think I am going to miss calling “Ahgong Popo”! Kee Kee

岳父的长影不易消失 岳父享年九十岁,大部分时间在维持家计和为儿女的前程而操劳。我结识他长达38年之久,对他的行为和思维有相当的了解和认识,他给我留下的是温馨的回忆和深刻良好的印象。














我仅将此文献给岳父,因为我觉得岳父一生的为人有不少方面,可供子孙参照学习。 大女婿余永华写, 是用岳父的圆珠笔写的。 2001年11月3日

妻:莫泽今(金)(已故) 孝男:叶俊才 孝媳:陈秋枫 孝男:叶俊嶙 孙男:叶维盛 孙男:叶国盛 孙女:叶盛芳

孝男:叶俊桂 孝女:叶俊来 孝婿:余永华 孝女:叶俊镁 孝婿:万俊邦 外孙男:余昌奇 外孙媳:杨蕴菁 外孙男:余昌锴 外孙男:万德良

孝女:叶俊志 孝婿:麦俊国 孝女:叶俊庄 孝婿:李达君 谊女:郑美珠 外孙男:麦炳文 外孙男:麦耀文 外孙女:李慧明 外孙女:李美璇

Wife: Boh Chek Kim (belated) Sons: Yap Toon Sai, Lawrence Yap Toon Lim, Desmond Yap Choon Kwee, David Daughter-in-law: Tan Chew Hong, Nancy

Daughters: Yap Soon Lye Yap Toon Muay, Margaret Yap Toon Chee Yap Choon Chuan, Doreen Sons-in-law: Er Yong Hua Wan Chin Pong, Peter Bek Choon Kok Lee Tat Wan, Augustine

Granddaughter-in-law: Yeo Wan Cheng Grandsons: Yap Wai Sung Yap Kwok Sung Er Chiang Kee Er Chiang Kai Wan Teck Leong, Clarke Bek Peng Boon Bek Yao Boon

Granddaughters: Yap Sung Fung, Jenny Lee Hui Ming, Angela Lee Mei Xuan, Eliza

Initiated by: David Yap Produced by: Er Chiang Kai Contributions from: Yap Soon Lye Margaret Yap Yap Toon Chee Doreen Yap Er Yong Hua Er Chiang Kee Clarke Wan Jenny Yap Yap Wai Sung Yap Kwok Sung Angela Lee Eliza Lee Bek Peng Boon Bek Yao Boon