期末成绩构成 人格心理学 出勤及上课、课堂作业:20% 小组作业:20% 期末作业:10% 考试:50% 10个判断(10)


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Presentation transcript:

期末成绩构成 人格心理学 出勤及上课、课堂作业:20% 小组作业:20% 期末作业:10% 考试:50% 10个判断(10) 20个选择(40) 2个简答(20) 2个问答及分析(30)

期末作业的组员互评 1. 张三 (Member’s name) 15% (% of points) 杨的个人得分=小组成绩×(张+李……周)

Personality Theory Overview

人格理论的流派 精神分析(psychoanalytic theory) 现象学流派(phenomenological approach) 特质流派(Trait theory) 生物学流派 (进化论心理学、行为遗传学、神经心理学)evolutionary psychology and behavior genetics 行为主义和社会学习(behavioral and social leaning theory) 认知流派 (Kelly’s theory and other cognitive theories)

Alternative way to study personality theories 三种研究传统Three research traditions 临床个案Clinical Psychoanalytic, Rogers, Kelly 相关Correlational 特质流派Trait related research 实验Experimental Behavioral, cognitive research 各种研究的特点及优缺点Strengths and limitations of correlational and experimental studies

人格结构Structures 特质Trait 认知结构Cognitive structures Allport, Cattle, Eysenck, FFM 认知结构Cognitive structures 个人建构, 效能期望, 图式 Schema…

人格的动力过程Process: Motivation 推或拉Pull or push Freud S-R 公驴理论jackass theory Kelly 发展性理论developmental / Self-actualization

人格发展Development 先天或后天Nature vs. nurture 发展的过程Process of development 行为遗传学Behavioral genetics 气质研究 进化人格心理学Evolutionary personality psychology 发展的过程Process of development Freud Erikson Other research evidences on stability and change of personality and temperament

精神病理学及治疗 Psychopathology and behavior change 精神分析psychoanalytic 现象学或人本主义phenomenological 特质流派Trait 生物学流派Biological 行为主义和社会学习理论behavioral and social leaning theory 认知理论cognitive theory

一天,一咨询师俱乐部集体出游,只见前方黄沙漫漫,一群饿狗飞奔而来。 华生:“给我拿根大点的电棒来!”众狗愕然,止步。 催眠师:“你们很紧张吧,不要紧。现在跟我念:‘汪—汪—汪—’,很好……注意你们嘴部放松的感觉,汪—放松—……”。众狗昏然欲睡。 佛洛伊德:“其实,你们并不想吃人,只是想发泄俄狄浦斯期的攻击冲动,造成你们阉割焦虑的不是我们,是你们的狗爸爸,你们对我们出现了负性移情,你们的防御机制是actingout,转移,投射……总之,你们童年有创伤。”众狗闻之,凄然泪下。 系统脱敏师:“现在你们仔细的想一下,你们最愿意吃的十个人是谁,从最愿意到最不愿意,划分等级,依次排列出来。”众狗望天苦思。 罗杰斯:“我也有你们这样的感受,实际上,我和你们一样也有狗性。我不想告诉你们怎样做,我相信,人有选择自己行动的自由,啊,错了,是狗。狗有让自己人格—狗格—走向健康的能力。相信我,没错的。”(深情注视)众狗号啕大哭。 家庭治疗师:“你们中有一两个人有吃人的欲望,这实际上是你们这个家庭系统出了问题。狗老大,你对狗老二在家中的行为怎么看?狗老三,你认为狗老大和狗老二的关系 怎么样?”众狗互相咬成一团。

人格测量 Personality assessment 投射测验Projective test Q分类法Q-sort 自陈式调查表Self-report / questionnaire 观察法Observation 角色建构技能测验Rep Test 理论基础、特点、优点、局限、代表性工具…

Some research topics Unconscious Self

Learning goals Major contemporary theories of personality Important issues of each theory Assessment Application Strengths and weaknesses Understand the fundamental theoretical differences between various personality perspectives

精神分析理论 了解弗洛伊德对人格结构的基本观点(三我) 理解什么是心理防御机制并可以举例说明 知道什么是投射测验,了解应用投射测验的注意事项 知道新精神分析各代表人物理论中的重要概念

特质及生物学流派 了解特质理论的基本特征,其优势及短处 Allport, Cattel理论的主要内容 人格“大五”理论的基本内容及其应用 Eysenck人格理论的主要内容 了解进化论心理学:相关研究,如何解释研究结果及研究的局限性 遗传对人格的影响:研究方法、主要结果(如关于气质的研究)

人本主义(现象学)流派 了解人本主义流派主要观点,其优势及短处 了解罗杰斯理论的主要内容:实际自我、理想自我、心理不健康的原因、治疗方法 马斯洛需要层次理论及应用 Q分类评价方法

学习及社会学习流派 举例解释经典条件作用 举例说明什么是正负强化和惩罚 举例说明不同的强化程式 了解观察学习的过程 什么是self-efficacy?它对人的行为有何影响?受哪些因素影响? 例举应用经典条件作用,操作条件作用和观察学习进行行为改变的方法

认知流派 了解Kelly对人的看法,及个人建构理论的基本假设, 掌握角色建构库测验(Role Construct Repertory Test)的要点 自我图式(self schema)理论:反应时研究 自我差异理论(Self-discrepancy Theory)的主要内容 Eills理性情绪疗法的主要内容

综合 比较不同理论的异同 如: 如何用不同的理论解释

Examples: 1.Peter is worrying about his first dating with a girl. How can you help him increasing his self-efficacy? a. to show him other’s successful dating b.  to tell him “you can do it!” c.  to help him rehearsing d.  all above 2. According to Kelly, and similar to Jung, people see the world in terms of significant others b. unsatisfied needs c. one's ancestral past d. contrasts

3. All of the following are true regarding superego operation, except one. Which is NOT true of superego operation? a. guilt b. inhibiting sexual and aggressive needs c. seeking perfection   d. rejecting parents' renditions of society's rules 4. Attract seven new clients to the firm and receive a bonus paycheck. This is an example of a. fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement b. variable ratio schedule of reinforcement c. fixed interval schedule of reinforcement d. variable interval schedule of reinforcement

Examples: In our society, males usually display more overt aggressive behaviors than females. Consider how each of the general approaches to personality (behavioral / social learning theories, biological / evolutionary psychology theories, and cognitive theories) would explain the gender differences in aggression.

The Greek name for a butterfly is Psyche, and the same word means the soul. There is no illustration of the immortality of the soul so striking and beautiful as the butterfly, bursting on brilliant wings from the tomb in which it has lain, after a dull, grovelling, caterpillar existence, to flutter in the blaze of day and feed on the most fragrant and delicate productions of the spring. Psyche, then, is the human soul, which is purified by sufferings and misfortunes, and is thus prepared for the enjoyment of true and pure happiness.  (From Bulfinch's Mythology:  The Age of Fable,  chapter XI) 0 Psyche