Stop Hiring Under-Performing Experienced Sales People, and Start Developing Competent Ones that Deliver Results 停止聘用有经验但表现差劲的销售人员,开始发展能够创造业绩的销售能人.


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Presentation transcript:

Stop Hiring Under-Performing Experienced Sales People, and Start Developing Competent Ones that Deliver Results 停止聘用有经验但表现差劲的销售人员,开始发展能够创造业绩的销售能人

Hiring High Performing Sales People 招聘高效销售能人 What is the percentage of high-performers do you have for your new sales hires? 你所招聘的销售人员大概有多少百分比属于高效销售能人? What are some of the ways that you think you can improve your chances of hiring competent high performers? 你该如何提升你招募到高效销售能人的概率?

Myths in Hiring Sales People 招聘销售人员的误区 Experience 有经验 Good communicator 能言善道 Self-motivated 自我激励

如果经验与业绩都无法判断下手人员将来的表现,什么才能够给我们正确的信息呢? If Experience and Track Record are Not Good Indicators of Future Success, What is? 如果经验与业绩都无法判断下手人员将来的表现,什么才能够给我们正确的信息呢?

Look for the Sales Competencies that Drive Sales Results 找寻能够创造业绩的销售能力

What are sales competencies? 什么是销售能力? Critical habits and behaviours that are crucial to driving sales results 能够创造业绩的关键的习惯与行为

The Critical Behaviours that Drive Sales 创造业绩的关键行为 Constant prospecting to fill up the pipeline 不断地开拓新客户,确保销售“管道”保持饱满 Constantly finding customers' problems, and help solve them 不断地挖掘客户所面临的问题所在,并且积极地帮他们解决

The Critical Behaviours that Drive Sales 创造业绩的关键行为 Making sure that the relationship with the customer are developed with all major key influencers, rather than relying on one single contact 确保和所有关键影响人都建立好关系, 而不是仅仅依赖于与某一个人 Learning from mistakes and customer rejections so as to do better next time 从错误以及顾客的回绝中学习,力求下一次的进步

Winning Ways of Winning Sales People 成功销售人员的制胜法则 They ask questions regarding their customers problems, implications and "what will happen if those problems are solved" 他们针对顾客所面临的问题、问题产生的影响以及“如果那些问题能够被解决会发生什么?”来进行提问 They are personally accountable for customers' results and understand customers' businesses 他们会为客户所想达到的结果负责到底,并深入了解客户的商务情况

Winning Ways of Winning Sales People 成功销售人员的制胜法则 They match their sales process with their customers' buying process 他们会把注意力放在顾客的采购步骤,并将自身的销售流程配合客户的采购步骤 They seek to build a relationship with no agenda first, rather than aiming the customers' pockets everytime 他们在初期与客户建立关系的时侯不期待任何销售结果,而是围绕顾客自身的情况开始谈话

Challenges in Sales Management 销售管理遇到的挑战 Only 19% of effective new business developers are effective at maintaining long-term customer relationship 只有19%的新客户开拓人员能够与客户保持长远良好关系 Less than 15% of key account managers are comfortable developing new businesses 只有15%的客户经理对发展新客户感到适意

Challenges in Sales Management 销售管理遇到的挑战 Nearly 65% of salespeople who fail could have succeeded in the right type of sales position for their skills 将近65%的表现欠佳的业务员能在更合适的销售岗位上创造更优越的业绩 Nearly 70% of strong customer support and service staff are able to maintain customer relationships 将近70%的客服人员能够与客户保持良好长久关系 60% of sales position failures are related to individuals with the wrong skills for the position 60%的销售人员无法胜任其职是因为个人技能与岗位不匹配

So how can you tell if the candidate has the right competencies 那你怎么知道应聘者具备相关的销售能力?

What you can do when interviewing sales people 你在面试销售员时所能做的试探 Do a role play, and also ask the candidate what is his usual modus operandi 进行一个角色扮演,同时问问这个候选人通常他/她一贯的做法是什么 Ask him why some of his customers buy from him, while others don't? 问他为什有些客户会跟他购买,而其他的不会?

What you can do when interviewing sales people 你在面试销售员时所能做的试探 Get the candidate to draw his customer's organisation chart 让他将客户的组织结构图画出来 Ask him if he has lost some sales that he almost closed, and if there's any lesson to learn from 问他可否曾失去一笔快到手的订单,并可否从中学习到什么? Ask him if he has to give up or walk away from a certain sale 问他是否曾主动放弃对某些客户的跟进

39%的顾客是因为销售人员的表现而决定购买的 39% of a customer’s decision to buy from your company is based on the effectiveness of the sales representative 39%的顾客是因为销售人员的表现而决定购买的

如果你的销售团队拥有与其他销售团队截然不同的销售能力,那该怎么做呢? What if our sales team has very unique competencies different from others? 如果你的销售团队拥有与其他销售团队截然不同的销售能力,那该怎么做呢?

What if none of those candidates passed your interviews? 如果所有应聘者都没法通过你的面试,怎么办?

Developing Your Unique Sales Competencies 发展你的独特销售能力 Compare the best performing sales person(s) with the rest (the middle and worst performing) in your company 在公司内部将业绩最好的销售人员(们)与其他销售人员(业绩平平或最差的销售人员)进行比较 Find out what are the qualities or behaviours that are ONLY present in the best people, which the rest are not doing 找出前者身上独有的(或后者身上缺乏的)素质或工作方法

Developing Your Unique Sales Competencies 发展你的独特销售能力 Structure the interview processes where you look for past performance whereby the candidate has demonstrated such ideal qualities or behaviours 回顾在过去的招聘过程中能够显示应聘者此类优秀素质或工作方法的环节,并对其进行强化 If the qualities or behaviours can be learnt, structure your sales training such that everyone on your team can learn and internalise them 如果这些优秀素质或工作方法可以通过学习来获得,那么强化销售培训,使得团队每个成员都掌握它们

The R4 of the Customer's Experience 客户购买经历的R4 Reliability 可靠性 Relationship 交情与关系 Responsiveness 积极性 Resourcefulness 资源整合

行千里而不劳者,行于无人之地也 If you can march 1,000 miles and not feel tired, you will be undefeatable

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