Unit 2 Romantic Poems Module 3 Renaissance History of English Literature 主讲教师:姚丽教授 沈阳理工大学
Romantic Poems George Gordon Byron Percy Bysshe Shelley John Keats
George Gordon Byron Life ( ) Son of a Captain of the Guards Educated at Harrow and Cambridge Publishing Hours of Idleness at the age of 19 Beginning a tour of Europe and the East in 1809 Making acquaintance with Shelly Died of a fever at the age of 36
George Gordon Byron Features of Poetic works Novelty of the subject matter Exotic descriptions of oriental scenery Byronic Hero: lonely, rebellious, and brooding
George Gordon Byron Three periods of Poetic Works Before 1811 Hours of Idleness Childe Harold ’ s Pilgrimage From 1812 to 1816 Oriental Tales From 1816 to 1824 Don Juan 《唐璜》
George Gordon Byron Don Juan A great epic of the early 19 th century 16 cantos Iambic tetrameter ( 四音部诗) with a rhyme scheme of ababcc
George Gordon Byron Don Juan The opening canto : romantic passion and youthful enthusiasm The central canto: violence and atrocity of war The last cantos: anger to the selfish hypocrisy of the English patrician
Excerpt from Don Juan I want a hero: an uncommon want, 我苦于没有英雄可写 When every year and month sends forth a new one, 尽管当今之世,英雄迭出不穷, Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant, 年年有,月月有,报刊上连编累牍 The age discovers he is not the true one; 而后才有发现:他算不得真英雄
Excerpt from Don Juan Of such as these I should not care to vaunt, 因此,对这些我就不人云亦云了 I'll therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan 而想把我们的老友唐璜来传颂 We all have seen him, in the pantomime, 我们都看过他的戏,他够短寿 Sent to the devil somewhat ere his time. 似乎未及天年就被小鬼给带走
Who said so? If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? Percy Shelly
Percy Bysshe Shelly Life ( ) Born in Sussex Expelled from the University of Oxford Married Harriet Westbrook at 19 Publishing Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem in1813 Drowned in a storm while sailing in 1822
Percy Bysshe Shelly Poetic works The Early period ( ) Queen Mab 《仙后》 The Revolt of Islam The Italian period ( ) Prometheus Unbound The Mask of Anarchy
Song to the Men of England 致英格兰人 Sow seed, — but let no tyrant reap 播种吧—但不让暴君收; Find wealth, — let no imposter heap; 发现财富—不准骗子们占有; Weave robes, — let not the idle wear; 制作衣袍—不让懒汉穿; Forge arms, — in your defense to bear. 锻造武器—为了自卫握在手。
Byron VS. Shelly Byron Attacking political tyranny Believing in the power of individual heroes Shelly Revealing the cruel relations of economic exploitation in the feudal-bourgeois world Believing in the collective strength of the people
John Keats Life ( ) Born in London A licensed druggist in 1816 Publishing Poems by John Keats in 1817 Contracting tuberculosis in 1820 Died in Rome in 1821
John Keats Poetic works Before 1818 O n First Looking into Chapman ’ s Homer From 1819 to 1820 Eve of St. Mark
John Keats Major Odes Ode on a Grecian Urn Ode to a Nightingale Ode to Autumn Ode on Melancholy Theme of the Odes: beautiful nature, wonderful imagination and irremediable misery
John Keats Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂 My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains 我的心在痛,困顿和麻木 My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk… 刺进了感官,有如饮过毒鸠 Was it a vision, or a waking dream? 噫,这是个幻觉,还是梦寐 Fled is that music: — Do I wake or sleep? 那歌声去了,我是睡?是醒?
John Keats Significance The never-give-up attitude toward reactionary criticism The sympathy for the poor and the miserable Dedication to the welfare of the people
Summary George Gordon Byron Percy Bysshe Shelley John Keats
Love's Philosophy 爱的哲理 The fountains mingle with the river 泉水注入江河 And the rivers with the ocean, 江河汇入大海, The winds of heaven mix for ever 习习微风吹来 With a sweet emotion; 温柔甜美情怀;
Love's Philosophy 爱的哲理 Nothing in the world is single, 万物从不孤独, All things by a law divine 遵循神圣法度 In one another ’ s being mingle— 它们亲密共处— Why not I with thine? 我们形同陌路?
Love's Philosophy 爱的哲理 See the mountains kiss high heaven, 高山亲吻天空, And the waves clasp one another; 浪花比肩接踵, No sister-flower would be forgiven 并蒂花开正浓, If it disdain'd its brother; 彼此热情相拥;
Love's Philosophy 爱的哲理 And the sunlight clasps the earth, 日光普照大地 And the moonbeams kiss the sea— 月色倒影海里, What is all this sweet work worth 若是你无情意 If thou kiss not me? 美景有何意义?