汉译英基本技能与务实 第一节 翻译基本技巧 第二节 翻译实例评介 第三节 翻译技巧训练 练 习


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Presentation transcript:

汉译英基本技能与务实 第一节 翻译基本技巧 第二节 翻译实例评介 第三节 翻译技巧训练 练 习 人类自有语言以来,不同语言之间的翻译就扮演着日益重要的作用。国与国之间进行进行政治、经济、文化、教育、商贸等方面的交流时都离不开翻译,就是两国即将要开战,同样也离不开翻译,翻译的好坏优劣,决定着是加深国与国、人与人之间理解和友谊,还是激化相互间的仇视和误解。大家还记得,第二次世界大战中,日本不就是因为把秘密电文中一个密码翻译错误,结果惨遭美国原子弹的袭击,给日本人民带来了永远难以愈合的伤痛吗?当然,我们不是说在翻译中出现的失误和错误都会造成象原子弹爆炸那样的后果,但是,我们如果不在看似平平常常的翻译中讲求质量,很有可能就是由于一个单词,甚至一个标点符号的问题,使签订合同的某一方蒙受重大的经济损失,造成极大的负面影响。八十年代,我国在科威特的一项房建承包工程,正是由于对工程中“infrastructure”一词的解释不清,使中方由赚钱变成了赔钱。这个这方面的例证很多,在这里就不赘述了。 第一节 翻译基本技巧 第二节 翻译实例评介 第三节 翻译技巧训练 练 习

第一节 翻译基本技巧   翻译是沟通两种语言的桥梁,翻译人员把首先听到的原语表达出来的信息,通过快速(作口译时尤其如此)的思维重新组织,用译语传达给对方。由于两种语言的表达方式和用法习惯不同,为了符合译语的表达习惯,把一种语言转换成另外一种语言的时候,必须作相应的调整和改变。从事翻译的工作者,通过细心的学习和日积月累的经验,往往能够归纳总结出一些在翻译实践中得心应手的具体作法,这些作法一旦有了较为广泛的适应性和指导性,这样就形成了我们所说的翻译技巧。 翻译技巧,简言之,讲的就是翻译的具体手法。翻译技巧包括两大内涵,一是从理论角度讲的翻译技巧,也就是说翻译技巧的理论根据在哪里,有哪些;一是从实践角度讲的翻译技巧,也就是说一般都有哪些具体处理方式方法。 与翻译技巧密切相关的是翻译的基本标准问题。 我们认为,在翻译的时候,不论采用什么技巧,宗旨或者翻译的基本标准就是准确地传达原意,把原文的意义清楚明白地表达出来。倘若译文与原意相悖,无论用的是什么技巧,译文看上去再通顺,文字有多么漂亮,只能算作不成功的译文。 由于历史、地理、文化、宗教等背景的诸多不同,原语与译语的表达方式相去甚远,为了把原意表达清楚,我们建议,凡是遇到这样的情形时,首先彻底弄清原文的意思,然后站在使用译语的人的角度上,摆脱原文表达形式的局限,考虑应该怎样表达和翻译,通过这样一道转换思维的过程翻译出来的东西,既能表达出原意,又能符合译语的表达习惯,通顺易懂,使译文读者与原文读者获得大致相同的感受。 翻译理论和翻译实践经验都告诉我们,同一篇原文,不论是汉语还是英语, 出自不同的翻译者之手,由于各个译者的文化背景不尽相同,写作风格不尽相同,遣词造句的习惯不尽相同,往往会有不尽相同翻译效果,可以说,十个翻译会产生十种译本。因此,我们认为,在学习翻译的过程中,第一不要拘泥于某种单一的翻译,认为只有它才是唯一的范本;第二应该尽量广泛地学习,广泛地吸取,把一切好的翻译为我所用,并努力多实践、多运用、多感受,在实践中学习,在实践中运用,坚持不懈,持之以恒,一定会翻译出好的作品。  (一) 理论角度上的翻译技巧,一般包括对译和变通、词类的改变、用字选词、调整词序、省略、增词、重复、反译、分译、主从关系的处理、定语的翻译、逻辑顺序、减弱语气、加强语气等。

1.词类的改变: 英汉两种语言的用词特点之一是,汉语中一个词能担当的句子成分比英语中同一个词能担当的句子成分多,因此,翻译时因根据需要把原语的某个词类翻译成译语的另外一个词类。如: 1)这个问题至关重要。 This issue is of paramount importance. “重要”一词在这里时形容词,但英译时“重要”important用于介词之后,改用名词importance。 2)政府支持这个项目。 The Government is behind this project. 汉语“支持”为动词,而英语则用了介词。因为介词在英语中非常活跃,汉语中许多动词,译成英语则用含有动作意味的介词表示。 3)我们相信,在两市的共同努力下,我们两市的友好合作必定进一步发展。 We are convinced that with the joint efforts of our two cities, the friendly relation and cooperation between us will develop further. 汉语句子中“相信”为动词,英语却用了系表结构,表达同样的意思。

2.用字选词: 英汉两种语言的表达方式相异,即使是表达同一种想法,常常也是用不同的词来进行表达。如: 4)在茶壶里放一茶匙茶叶,冲上开水后待一会儿再喝。 Put a teaspoonful of tea in the pot and then you just add the boiling water to it and let it stand. Let it stand是指沏完茶以后,“稍等片刻”再喝。 5)允许一部分人先富起来。 We encourage some people to get rich first. 这里如果硬要用“allow”来表示“允许”,外国人一定会误解,为什么只允许一部分人而不是所有的人都富起来。因此,改用“encourage”一词来表示“允许”,就不容易造成误解了。 6) 和平是人类生存与发展的重要前提。 Peace is vital to human survival and development.

3.调整词序: 一个句子中词和分句的顺序,英汉两种语言的排列往往有所差别,其中最常见的如时间和地点的表达,汉语是先大后小,英语则是先小后大。如:   7)他的地址是中国四川乐山市市中区滨河路97号,邮政编码614000 His address is 97 Binhe St., City proper, Leshan city, Sichuan, PA614000, China 8)不论天晴还是下雨,你们明天都得去。 Rain or shine, you’ll have to go tomorrow. 汉语习惯上先说“天晴”后说“下雨”,英语则是相反。 9)昨天的谈判进行得很顺利。 Yesterday’s negotiation went smoothly. 按汉语习惯,表示程度和方式的副词通常放在被修饰动词的前面,也可以在该副词前面加上“得”置于动词之后。但是,就语法而言,“得”后面的成分就不再是状语而是补语。英语中表示程度和方式的副词通常放在被修饰动词的前面或后面,但不论在前还是在后,都是状语。

4.省略: 翻译时,原则上不允许随意对原文内容作任何删减或是增补。但是,由于两种语言的表达方式不相同,翻译的时候往往需要增加或减少一些词,其目的是能更好地把原文的意思传达过去,不仅不损害原意,还能使译文更加通顺,意思更清楚。如: 10)我们必须培养分析问题解决问题的能力。 We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. 汉语句子有两个“问题”,而英译时只用一个problem,减少了词的重复,更符合英语的表达习惯。 11)发达国家有四大优势:一、先进的技术;二、先进的管理经验;三、资金雄厚;四、人才丰富。 Developed countries have the edge in four areas: technology, managerial expertise, capital and experienced professionals. 英语不必一定要逐字逐句地把汉语的形容词、排比句等对译出来,这样显得文字简练,意思清楚。 12)各级领导必须坚持物质、精神文明两手抓的原则。 Leaders at all levels must always pay attention to ethical as well as material progress.

5. 增词: 汉语中没有复数的概念,动词没有时态之分,那么在翻译的时候就必要增加表复数和表时态的词。如:   13)我不爱喝饮料。 I don’t like soft drinks. 汉语“饮料”不包括含酒精的饮品,而英语drinks可以分为hard drinks(含酒精类)和soft drinks(不含酒精类)两种。原文“饮料”既然指的是不含酒精类,在英译时加上soft一词意思才清楚。 14)计划和市场都是经济手段。 Planning and market forces are both means of regulating economic activities. 这里的“经济手段”,不是经济性质的手段,而指的是调节经济活动的手段,所以,不宜简单地译成economic means. 15) 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhuge Liang the master mind. 翻译汉语成语、歇后语,常常需要有一些解释性的词语,才能把意思表达得 完整。但要注意恰如其分。

6.重复: 英语要避免重复表述,而汉语则习惯重复表述。为了避免重复,英语常常是一个动词后面可以跟几个宾语或表语;有几个相同的动词时,只需用一个动词,后面的动词都可以省略;为避免重复,使用代词替代名词。汉语却没有这种语言现象。如: 16)事实上,每条河都有上游、中游和下游。 Practically every river has an upper, a middle and a lower part. 英语只用一个中心词part统代“上、中、下”。   17)约翰既是你的朋友,也是我的朋友。 John is your friend as much as he is mine. 第二次出现“朋友”一词时,只需用一个名词性物主代词即可。 18)你什么时候有空,就什么时候过来坐一坐。 Come to my house whenever you are free. 英语用了强势关系副词联接两个分句,避免了重复。

7.反译: 尽管英汉两种语言表达习惯有差别,但是两种语言都可以从正面或反面表达同一概念。只要能使译文比较通畅明了,与原意没有什么相悖之处,就可以用正面表达原文反面的意思,或是用反面表达原文正面的意思。如:   19)只要她没有病倒,她是不会不来的。 She’ll certainly come unless he is ill. “不会不来”译成certainly come,“没有病倒”译成is ill,都是反着说。 20)她可不是说说玩的。 She is serious. 21)我一夜都没有合眼。 I lay awake all night.

8.分译: 英语是法制语言,汉语是人制语言,英语习惯于用长句表达,而汉语的句子常常比较短。因此,在汉译英的时候,通过添加必要的词语,运用语法手段,使之成为语法结构清楚,语义明了的汉语句子。如: 22) 过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一个鞭策。 It was a real challenge that those who had learned from us now excelled us. 汉语是由三个平行分句构成,而英译时分别由添加“that”和“who”把汉语的三个平行分句变成了一个主从复合句。   23)我市真诚希望并将致力于与贵市建立可持续发展的姊妹城市关系。 We sincerely hope to establish sustainable developing relations with your city and are committed to that goal. 英语句子把“致力于”放在后面译出,显得句子前后比较平衡。 24)我们希望在污水处理方面的合作取得更大进展,加强污水排放的规范化管理,进一步改善污水处理设施,提倡两市实力强、信誉好的企业建立直接而稳定的合作关系。 We hope to see greater development of bilateral cooperation in waste water treatment and other areas, standardized management of waste discharge specification, further improvement of waste water treatment facility, direct and stable cooperation between enterprises with strength and credibility. 这句话较长,翻译时分成几个短句,分开翻译时要考虑句子的内在逻辑关系,注意词语的搭配。

9.词的搭配: 词的搭配可谓翻译的难点之一,也是最容易出现问题的地方之一。学习和掌握 词的搭配是翻译的基本技巧。   25)我们尽管刚刚踏上阳光之州-昆士兰的土地,已经深深感受到了主人的诚挚深厚的友谊。 Although we have just set foot on the land of Queensland, the Sunshine State, we have already deeply felt the host’s sincere and profound friendship. “feel”是指用手可以直接触摸到的印象,而“friendship”是抽象的东西,两者搭配不当,可以考虑译成…we have been deeply touched by the host’s friendly sentiments. 26)我们领略了峨眉山迷人的风光。 We have enjoyed the fascinating scenery of Mt.Emei. “enjoy”与“scenery”搭配不恰当,可以考虑改译成:We have been impressed by the enchanting beauty of Mt.Emei. 27)我们广泛的接触了工商界人士。 We have widely met with people from the business community. “meet”这种词常常指的是一次性动作,与搭配widely不当,但与frequently倒可以搭配,因此,可以改译成:We have had extensive contacts with people from the business community.

10.主从关系的处理 从语句衔接上来看,汉语往往靠语义上的衔接,连接词使用较少,没有动词非谓语形式。因此,汉语的句子结构从形式上看并列居多。英语则相反,常使用连接词。翻译时,要对汉语进行分析,如在语义上有主次关系,可将其译为英语的主从结构。   28.采用先进科技成果能大幅度提高产品产量、质量和性能,有效地降低成本,节约能源和材料,促进出口创汇的项目。 Those projects capable, by adopting achievements in advanced science and technology, of greatly raising the output of products, improving their quality and performance, effectively reducing the cost of production, economizing on energy and materials and increasing the export of products for foreign exchanges. 29.我们完全有决心、有能力最终解决台湾问题。 With full determination, we are capable of finding a final solution to the Taiwan question. 将are capable of 作为主干结构,再将With full determination 放在从属修饰的地位。这样 ,在结构上就突出了are capable of 。 30.中国执行改革开放政策,争取在五十年到七十年间内发展起来。 By pursuing a policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China is striving to become developed within a 50—70 year period.

11.定语的翻译 现代英语追求简洁,定语发生了一些变化:1)作为前置定语的形容词常被名词替代。2)后置定语可转为前置定语。   31.乐山金融贸易区 the Leshan Finance and Trade Zone 32.上海将建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心。 Shanghai will turn into an international center of economy, finance, trade and shipping. 33.外国语言文学大楼 如果译为:The Department of Foreign Language and Literature Building 前置定语太多,可改译为the Building for the Department of Foreign Language and Literature 这样更妥 34.我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。 China has conducted fruitful bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities. 这样处理的话,定语太多太长。可将四个定语“卓有成效”、“双边”、“多边”、“外交”在翻译时考虑为两个前置,两个后置,这样才平衡。China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts.

12.逻辑顺序   35. 贪污腐化、奢侈浪费等现象仍在蔓延滋长。 Corruption, extravagance and waste are still spreading and growing. 从逻辑上看,先要滋生,然后才能蔓延。所以翻译时不能过分拘泥于汉语的词序去翻译,不然,翻译出来的东西就不合逻辑。该句可改译为:Corruption, extravagance and waste are still growing and spreading. 36.我们要靠自己来摆脱贫困,靠自己发展起来。 《北京周报》的译文是:We must rely on ourselves to get rid of poverty and develop.我们知道,先要发展起来,才有可能摆脱贫困,不能机械地按汉语的语序来进行翻译。因此,可以颠倒汉语的顺序改译为:We have to depend on ourselves to develop and lift ourselves out of poverty.

13.减弱语气 汉语中经常使用强烈、夸张的词语来加强语气,强调修辞手段的情况很普遍。而英语却相反,不提倡滥用修饰词。在翻译时应减弱语气,改用不太强烈的词汇于结构,选词特别要注意。 37.合同的基本条款和内容不完善 。 The basic clauses and contents of the contract are imperfect. 在这里使用imperfect感情色彩太强烈,可考虑改用 incomplete,语气平淡些。 The basic provisions and content of the contract are incomplete. 38.世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上说,都是因为经济上不去。 《北京周报》的译文是: Fundamentally speaking, the root cause of all problems that arise in some countries lies in their failure to boost the economy. 译文使用了语气强烈的boost,因此给读者一种错误信息:只有当经济发展达到迅猛发展(boost)的水平,国家才不会发生问题。译文经重新处理,调整为:Some countries have problems basically because they have failed to push their economy forward. 39.我们国家发展这么快,使人民高兴,世界瞩目。 The rapid development of our country has delighted the people and focused world attention. 将“使世界瞩目”译成focused world attention在英语中语气太强,显得过分而又夸张。为使译文自然,妥切,可考虑将译文改为:The rapid development of our country has delighted the people and attracted world attention.

14.加强语气 通常情况下汉语语气较之英语更为强烈。然而,翻译时要根据具体情况、根据上下文的需要加强语气。 40.鸦片战争后,中国成为半殖民地半封建国家。 翻译时,稍不注意就会把“成为”译成became,这里的“成为”具有强烈的贬义。因此,译文也应加强贬义,可考虑将句子译为:After the Opium War of 1840,China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. “成为”也可译为was degraded to, degenerated into   41.实施科技兴国战略。 “科技兴国”中的“兴”字可以译成 developing,也可译成invigorating或revitalizing, 这样便可以加强语气,增强感情色彩。该句译为Implement the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and technology.“科技兴国”也可译成revitalizing China through science and technology. 42.中国正在发生日新月异的变化。 这句话直接译为China is changing with each passing day.从整个汉语句子来看,积极意义较强。因此,英文changing 尚不能体现“变化”所包涵的积极语气,显得强度不够。可将changing 改为progressing来加强语气,这样更为贴切。

第二节 翻译实例评介 学者以及具有经验的翻译工作者都认为,汉译英同英译汉一样,翻译人员要能够“钻得进去,跳得出来”。“钻得进去”是指对原作要进行钻研、或是对说话人的原意要充分明白和理解,要吃透精神;“跳得出来”就是要能够摆脱原文语言或者讲话者的一些谴词造句的习惯带来的影响和束缚,设法按照译语的表达习惯把原作或原意重新表达出来。有的人钻得进去却跳不出来,其原因是,仅仅为了忠实于原文形式,常常置译语表达习惯于不顾。结果,译出来的东西不符合译语的表达形式,生硬、晦涩、费解、甚至不知所云。反之,也有人只是为了译文的“优美流畅”,而置原文于不顾,译出来的东西与原文大相径庭。实际上,这是对原文的歪曲和捏造,这样翻译出来的东西从严格意义上讲是不合格的。汉译英的时候尤其如此,因为,根据时代的发展和要求,经常会有很多应时代需要而产生的新词、新语汇、新的表达方式。翻译讲究的就是尺寸和火候,这是翻译工作者的一大难题。 43. 五讲四美三热爱   如果直译成five speaks, four beauties and three loves, 意思不但不清楚,还会闹笑话,因为,不懂的这个背景的外国人一定会纳闷,4个美女和3个情人从何说起。 《邓小平文选》第二卷中是这样翻译“五讲四美三热爱”的:There are “five things to stress, four things to beautify and three things to love”,似乎还不够明晰,同时再加以注释说明其具体的内容。如果是现场翻译,建议还可以更具体化一些,可以译为:the movement of “five stresses, four points of beauty and three aspects of love(stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and moral; beauty of the mind, language, behavior and the environment; love of the motherland, socialism and the Communist Party).

44.外办事机构的设立,将是推动两市关系发展的长期起作用的因素。 这句话中的一个关键表达式是“长期起作用”,译法当然不止一种,比如说可以译成The set-up of the overseas office will play a role to push ahead the long-term relations between the two cities. 为了把“长期起作用”译得更清楚,似乎可以译作The set-up of the overseas office will constitute a factor long at work for pushing ahead the relations between the two cities. 45.欢迎贵国工商界人士到四川去投资。 “欢迎”算得上口语中使用最多的语汇之一。某代表团在海外招商时,有一幅标语上这么写着“We welcome people from the business community of your country to make investment in Sichuan.”这句话这样翻译似乎不妥,因为这不太符合“欢迎”的英文习惯表达,最好译为:People from the business community here in this country are welcomed to make investment in Sichuan . 也可译为:We hope that people from the business community here in this country will go and invest in Sichuan . 46.建立社会主义市场经济体制,就是在社会主义制度下,使经济活动通过市场和价值规律的作用运转。 翻译这句话时,我们首先考虑到“建立社会主义经济体制”是动词词组,然而动作意义不太明显。它的重点放在社会主义市场经济的特征上,而不是放在如何建立上。因此这句话可译为:In a socialist market economy, economic activities are guided by market forces and the law of value within the framework of the socialist system. 翻译时将动词词组转换为介词词组,使原来的主语变为状语,并未改变其意义,而句子的结构更妥当。 47.积极引导外资参与企业技改。 Guide 这个词只有两种verb pattern 适用它:动词+宾语; 动词+宾语+副词短语、动词+宾语+副词性小品词。如果译为:Efforts will be made to guide foreign capital to go to the technological upgrading of enterprises.这不符合guide的习惯用法。可改译为:Efforts will be made to guide more foreign investment to the technical upgrading of enterprises.

48. 中国进入了百年来发展最快最好的历史时期。 这句话的主干是“中国进入(一个)历史时期” China enters a historical period.“历史时期”前面有两个定语:“百年来”,表示时间,可用in或者over来表示。第二个定语“发展最快最好的”,表示伴随状况,可用with短语来表示。两个定语分别译为( in )the past one hundred years ,in this century; (with) the fastest and healthiest development 这样全句译为:China has entered a period with the fastest and healthiest development in this century. 49.技术改革需要引进外资。 引进外资:名词是the introduction/import/attraction of foreign capital 动词是import/introduce/attract foreign capital 这句话可译为:We need the import of foreign capital for technical innovation. 我们知道,名词是可以作宾语的,动词需要变为不定式或动名词才能作宾语,因此,该句也可译成“We need to import foreign capital for technical innovation. 或译为:We need importing foreign capital for technical innovation. 50.民族地区的经济社会获得不断的发展。 翻译实践经验告诉我们,翻译时可以不用原来的主语,而是从原文的主语或谓语部分摘取某个词语作新的主语,并以此为根据重新确定谓语动词,组织句子。 A)翻译该句如果以“民族地区”(the minority concentrated regions)作主语,那么,谓语可以考虑选用“经历”“见证”(to witness, to undergo, to experience)然后,再考虑“经济社会不断的发展”的译文:continued economic and social development 全句可以为:The minority concentrated regions have witnessed continued economic and social development. B)如果以“民族地区的经济社会”(the economy and society of the ethnic minority areas)作主语,那就考虑用被动语态,译为“民族地区的经济社会被不断地发展”。全句译为The economy and society of the ethnic minority areas have been developed continuously. C)如果以“经济社会的不断发展”(continued economic and social development)作主语,就可以把句子变为“经济社会的不断发展在民族地区已经被实现”全句译为Continued economic and social development has been achieved/attained in the minority concentrated areas.

51.现代化的交通与传播手段使世界变得越来越小,整个国际社会好似一个巨大的世界村。有着不同文化背景的世界村的村民们在文化交流和文化冲撞中和睦相处。当代社会的任何一个民族,其先进文化不是孤立的现象,而是与其他民族进行广泛交流的产物。当然,任何一个民族的文化,其根基与主流必须具有这个民族的鲜明特征。文化交流不是让外国文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富和充实本民族的文化。 “世界村”,一般不用world village,也不说international village.习惯上译为global village 。“世界村的村民们”不要 直接译成the villagers of the global village, 最好译为the residents of the global village。在翻译“当代社会的任何一个民族,其先进文化不是孤立的现象”这句话的时候,应改换词序,将“任何一个民族”放在“先进文化”之前,可译成the advanced culture of any nation, 这样译文更自然贴切。“孤立现象”不宜译成a phenomenon of isolation,而应该译作an isolated phenomenon。“吞没”可用短语lose oneself to来表达,不可用lose oneself in,该词组意为“沉湎于……” 整个段落可考虑译为:Thanks to the means of modern transportation and communication, the world is getting smaller and smaller. The whole world community appears to be no more than a large global village, where the residents come together with different cultural backgrounds and values. While experiencing the inevitable cultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the residents seek to live in harmony. In this modern world, the advanced culture of any nation has never been an isolated phenomenon, but the product of extensive exchanges with other cultures. Of course ,the root and the main current of any culture must bear its own distinctive national features. Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture, but to enrich a nation’s own culture.

10)各民族之间建立了平等、团结、互助的新型关系。 让我们来看看“各民族之间”的译文:between all ethnic groups,这是个介词短语,在英语中不可能作主语。该句的谓语动词是“建立”,谁建立呢?所以在这里要加主语“我们”,再将句子调整为:“我们在各民族之间建立了平等、团结、互助的新型关系”。可以译为:We have established a new type of relationship characterized by equality,solidarity and mutual assistance between different ethnic groups.“建立”还有宾语,可以用宾语作主语,变为被动句,“平等、团结、互助的新型关系被建立在各民族之间”。译为A new type of relationship of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance between different ethnic groups has been established. 52. “APEC模式”是在自主、自愿基础上的协商一致,既承认多样性,又允许一定的灵活性。 如果把这句话翻译成:The “APEC model” means consensus on the basis of self-decision and voluntarism, while diversity is recognized flexibility is, to a certain extent, allowed. 看上去也是通顺的。但是,APEC 模式的重要特点之一在于,任何决议和决定都是通过协商一致达成,而不是以表决方式作出。“协商一致”应该是翻译的重心,“自主基础上的协商一致”是说,在独立自主思考的基础上发表意见,以此达成意见一致。在这里self-decision与consensus是不一致的,汉语的“允许”包含积极和消极两个层面,这里是通过主动鼓励,从积极的角度来说明和解决问题和争议。把这句话这样翻译比较好些: Under this “APEC model”, decisions are made by consensus based on independent thinking and voluntarism, giving some scope to flexibility while recognizing diversity.

53.一踏上贵国就感到置身于友谊的海洋。现在又与你们欢聚一堂,共叙友情,倍感亲切。 有译者这样翻译:The moment we set foot on your land, we found ourselves in such an ocean of friendship. The happy gather-together we are now having with you to renew friendship has added to our feeling of intimacy. 汉语里我们常常把某种场面比作什么海洋。比如“友谊的海洋”、“欢乐的海洋”等,但在英语里要注意词语搭配的问题。“友谊friendship”是抽象意味的词,与“海洋ocean”不配搭。另外,情感词汇的恰当选用也是翻译时应该注意的。“亲切intimacy”通常是指密友、知己,有时也指过分亲密,甚至也委婉地指性关系,所以用在这里欠妥。似可译为:The moment we set foot on your land, we were overwhelmed by an immense warmth of friendship. Now it gives us special joy being with you to renew our friendship. 54.“化”字的几种翻译处理 中国人用这个字的时候相当多,比如“美化”、“优化”、“市场化”、“专业化”等等。请不要一见到“化”字就不加分析和区别,一概在某个词的后面加上后缀-zation. 比如说:“美化环境”---to beautify the environment “优化资本结构”---to make the best use of the capital structure “机械化”---mechanization “国民经济的市场化”---market in the national economy “干部队伍的革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”---to make the rank of cadres more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more competent professionally

第三节 翻译技巧训练   实践角度上的翻译技巧, 涉及的内容十分丰富,只有把学到的各种理论上讲的翻译技巧用于尽量广泛的翻译实践,在翻译中学习翻译,在实践中不断地磨练,不断地推敲,不断地琢磨,不断地归纳总结,细细地品味,才能真正掌握一些翻译的基本要求,同时享受到翻译带来的乐趣。否则,只是停留在理论上讲翻译,犹如纸上谈兵。有志于从事翻译工作的人,应该尽量多地接触了解各个领域的特征特点,特别是我国处在由传统的计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变,社会经济快速向前发展的历史时期,应该对诸如国际关系、国际贸易、国际劳务、国际法、银行金融、保险就业、工业农业、行政管理、市场营销、合资合作、医疗卫生、文化教育等方面的知识由所了解和接触,正所谓to know something ofeverything。 基于此,我们就不同的题材提供一些翻译实例,进行汉英翻译比学习。这些实例比较灵活地运用了翻译学通常介绍的一些翻译理论和技巧。除此以外,这些实例还说明了一点,作为一名翻译人员应该尽可能地涉足广泛相关领域,了解有关专业的一些具有特征性的表达形式和方式,以适应我们国家在经济快速发展,走向世界经济一体化,融入世界大家庭的进程中对翻译的迫切要求。 1)关于体制改革 为了转换企业经营机制、促进政企职责分开、开辟新的融资渠道、筹集生产建设基金,国家经济体制改革委员会决定扩大股份制企业试点。 With a view to transform the mechanism of the operation of the enterprises, encourage separation of the functions of the of the Government from those of the enterprises, find new financing channels, raise funds for manufacturing and construction, the State Commission for Restructuring the Economy has decided to expand the pilot project of Joint Stock Enterprises.

审查企业前三年的年度会计报表。应根据中国注册会计师协会颁发的有关规定,按照现行会计准则和审计准则,查核企业前三年的财务状况和经营成果。财务状况的核实主要包括:资产总额、负债总额和资产净额。经营成果的合适主要包括:销售收入、成本税金及其他支出、利润总额和税后利润。   Examine the enterprise’s annual statements for the past 3 years. The certified public accountant should examine and verify the enterprise’s financial position and operational results in the past 3 years based on the relevant regulations promulgated by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants as well as the accounting and auditing standards currently in force. The evaluation of an enterprise’s financial status includes the examination of the total assets, total liabilities and net assets; while the evaluation of an enterprise’s operating results includes the verification of sales income, cost of taxes and other expenses, total profits and after-tax profits. 审查实行股份制当年(即基准年)的会计报表时,应着重核实资产的数量、质量、单价和金额;负债数额以及资产净值,以便作好资产评估工作。 When examining the accounting statements of the current year, that, the base year, the accounting should place the emphasis on the verification of the quantity, quality, unit price and the total assets as well as the total liabilities and the net assets in order to do a good job in assets valuation.

实行股份制的企业为了转移产权,确定资产价值而委托注册会计师按照《国有资产评估管理办法》的规定,对资产进行评估。其中,厂房、机器设备及建筑物可由会计师聘请建筑工程师和机械工程师评估,其余资产由注册会计师评估。评估工作按照申请立项、资产清理、验证确认等步骤循序进行。评估方法根据各类资产具体情况,分别采取收益现值法、重复成本法、现行市价法、清算价格法以及其他的方法重新评估,最后由注册会计师核实净资产、增值数额和增值率,并报请四川省国有资产管理局确认。   In order to assign the property rights and determine the values of their assets, an enterprise which has decided to adopt the joint stock system would entrust a certified public accountant to evaluate their assets in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the “Measures Governing the Appraisal of State-owned Assets”. The certified public accountant may engage a construction engineer and a mechanical engineer to evaluate the buildings, factories, and machinery and equipment. The remaining assets are to be evaluated by the accountant. The evaluation is to be conducted in the following order: filling an application to the relevant authorities for the evaluation; examining the assets; appraising the assets; verifying. Considering the specific conditions of the type of the assets, the following methods may be used in the revaluation of the assets: the present value of the income; the replacement cost; the price of current market; the settlement price, and other recognized methods. Finally, the accountant would verify the total net assets, the incremental value, and the rate of increment of value. Then he would submit it to the Administration of State-owned Assets of Sichuan Province for confirmation.

按照规定,企业实行股份制前应提交可行性报告,其内容包括:公司名称、地址、公司生产经营情况,紫讯状况和投资能力、总投资额、股本总额、股份溢价发行测算,所需借贷资金、净资产占总资产比例,资金投向、规模、建设周期与费用估算,产品或经营范围、发展方向及市场供求状况、经济效益预测和其他情况。   Based on the relevant regulations, an enterprise needs to submit a feasibility study report before the adoption of joint stock system. The report has to cover the following items: name and address of the enterprise; the business operation; the creditworthiness and investment potential; total investment and total capital stock; the projection concerning the issuing of stock; the amount of the loan capital needed; the proportion of net assets to total assets; the orientation and amount of the investment as well as its estimated life and expenses; the products or the scope of the enterprise’s business; the development orientation, and the market supply and demand of the products; the projection of the economic benefits, and other relevant information.

2)关于企业文化   文化可以说是无处不在,因此很难对它下一个确切的定义。这个词代表着共同的价值观、哲学原则、道德观念、群体的风俗习惯,以及被一个特定的民族接受并代代相传的后天型的行为模式。文化的差异是那么的明显,以致于很容易总结出固定模式,尽管有时可能准确,有时可能不准确。对文化的不同理解可以在很大程度上影响一个人对正确的管理领导行为的看法。 Culture is so pervasive that it is difficult to define precisely. The term denotes the shared values, the philosophical principles, the ethical concepts, the mores, and the patterns of learned behavior that are accepted by a given people and passed from generation to generation. Culture differences are so apparent that they readily give rise to stereotypes, which may or may not be accurate. Cultural definitions are greatly influence one’s idea of appropriate managerial leadership behavior.

欧洲的公司管理人员往往远比美国同行更倾向于怀旧,并对传统和现有习惯的重要性相当敏感。前者很可能重视社会和阶级区分,他们通常关心哲学问题,并试图在事业、道德和闲暇活动中取得一种平衡。另一方面,大多数美国企业界人士更倾向于面向现在和将来。他们崇尚迅速的文化,而不是缓慢的演变。他们对白手起家的怀有好感,并努力跟普通人取得一致看法。专业技术知识和任务的完成常常优先于哲学方面的考虑。人们往往认为职权不是通过指挥链向下传递,而是自下而上的。人们既不是在继承也不是在特权的基础上进行统治,而是以证明为良好的能力为基础,而且,即使能力已经得到证明,也会希望得到被管理者的赞同。   European executives tend to be far more oriented toward the past and sensitive to the importance of tradition and established custom than most of their American counterparts are. The former are likely to have a regard for social and class distinctions. Philosophical questions generally interest them, and they seek a balance among business, esthetic, and leisure-time activities. Most American businessmen, on the other hand, are oriented toward the present and future. They prefer rapid change to slow evolution. They entertain an affection for the self-made individual, and seek to identify with the average citizen. Know-how and getting things done often take precedence over philosophical considerations. As often as not, authority is viewed not as coming down the chain of command but rather as rising from the bottom up. People govern on the basis of neither heredity nor peculiar right but rather on proven competence, and even then with the consent of the governed.

管理人员对待任务时的心情和他们的管理方式在世界各地是各不相同的。在某一社会体系中被公认为惯例和常规,在另一个社会体系中却显得很古怪。在美国,有这样一种说法:“让我们着手干,干完就万事大吉。”在其他国家,无休止的时间---至少在美国人看来---似乎被浪费在准备工作、草案和礼节上。   The cast of mind with which managers approach their tasks and the way business is conducted varies throughout the world. Conventions and formalities that are the accepted norm in one social system seem odd in another. In America, there is a saying, let’s get on with the matter and be done with it. In other nations, an interminable amount of time---in the American view, at least---seems to be wasted in preliminaries, protocol, and proprieties. 历史地看,许多公司(尤其是在高层)往往由当地接受过大学教育的。属中层偏上或上层偏下阶级的人来进行管理。而劳动力的很多部分则由从未上过大学、属中层偏下或下层偏上阶级的移民或第一代本地人组成。存在这种差异,产生矛盾也是在意料之中,因为这显然是不可避免的。这种不同点和碰撞一直延续至今。 Historically, many organizations have been managed, especially at the top level, by native-born, college-educated, upper-middle-class or lower-upper-class people. Much of the work-force, however, has consisted of immigrants or first-generation natives who did not go to college and belonged to the lower-middle or upper-lower class. With such disparities, conflict was predictable because it was inevitable. The differences and the clashes continue to this day.

在大企业的高级管理层的发展规划中,“社会准则”是一个颇受青睐的词。它指的是最盛行的精神---也即在社会中被接受和尊重,并且占主导地位的社会、哲学、政治、道德和宗教观念。它代表着在一个特定的社会环境中,哪些观念和行为类型会受到尊重、容忍;哪些又会让人不快或者被认为不能接受。从社会准则中产生行为准则—即“游戏”规则。   Ethos is a favorite term in top-management development programs in large corporations. It refers to the prevailing spirit---the dominant economic, social, philosophical, political, ethical, and religious views accepted and esteemed in a society. It signals the kinds of ideas and behavior that will be highly regarded, tolerated, frowned upon, or considered impermissible in a given milieu. From the ethos come the norms of conduct---the rules of the game.

3) 关于旅游城市   乐山是一座拥有独特旅游资源的城市,以世界文化和自然遗产峨眉山乐山大佛为中心,还有4处国家级文化遗址、2处国家级风景名胜、1处国家级自然保护区以及15处省级风景区和森林公园。旅游项目丰富多彩,如观佛拜佛、旅游探险、民风民俗以及以保护生态为宗旨的旅游活动。乐山大佛峨眉山成为了环状旅游线路的中心。2001年1月乐山被评选为“中国优秀旅游城市”。旅游经济持续得到发展,2000年的旅游收入达人民币二十一亿七千七百万元,乐山还被列为“全国44个重点旅游城市”之一,名列全国A级旅游景点。 Leshan is a city featuring with unique tourist resources. With Mt. Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha the world’s cultural and natural heritage as the core, located are 4 state-level cultural relics sites, 2 state-level scenic attractions, 1 state-level natural protection zone and 15 other provincial-level scenic spots and forest parks. The tourist programs are diversified with full ranges such as Buddhist temple and Buddha worshiping, exploration, folk custom, and ecology orientation. Leshan Giant Buddha—Mt. Emei becomes the center of a circle of tourist routings. In Jan. 2001, Leshan was honored ”Top Tourist City in China”. The tourist economy has increased steadily. The year of 2000 saw a tourism income of 2.177 billion yuan. Leshan is also listed as one of “the 44 key tourist cities of the country” and ranked among the Class A tourist spots in the countrywide.

中共乐山市委和乐山市政府采取积极措施和方法把旅游资源转变为城市经济和产业。旅游成为乐山四大产业支柱之一,数以百计的专家和学者应邀参加了5次旨在促进乐山旅游开发的讨论会,分别出台了“乐山旅游发展规划”、“旅游发展评论”以及“加强涉外旅游市场管理的暂行规定”,专门成立了旅游领导小组,组织旅游发展资金,在旅游管理和旅游环境方面作了大量的工作,同时,还把改进旅游基础设施和开发新项目作为重点。鼓励进行各种各样的促进旅游活动,如竞技比赛和讲演赛,鼓励加强旅游宣传和旅游促销。乐山已经承办了6届国际龙舟赛交易会,3届国际旅游和乐山大佛节,数十次相关的旅游促销活动,乐山吸引了数以百万计的中外旅游者和客商。乐山已经成为最受欢迎的旅游城市,最重要的旅游区域。   The city committee of CPC and the city government take the most necessary measures and approaches to convert the tourist resources into economic and industrial advantages. Tourism is regarded as one of the 4 industry pillars. Hundreds of experts and scholars have been invited to participate 5 workshops focusing on Leshan tourist development. “Leshan Tourism Development Plan”, “Opinions on Tourism Acceleration” and “Temporary Provision on Management Enhancement of Foreign Related Tourism Market” were issued. The city tourist leading group is founded and the city tourism development fund is organized. A lot of work has been done on the tourist management system and tourist environment. Also the focus is tourist infrastructure upgrading and new projects. Different activities are encouraged such as competition and contest. Enhancement on tourist publicity and marketing is advocated. Leshan has held 6 trade fairs of International Dragon Boat Race, 3 International Tourism &. Giant Buddha Festival. Dozens of tourist promotion activities are conducted and millions of tourists and businessmen are attracted to Leshan from abroad and at home. Leshan has become a popular tourist city and one of the best and most important tourist zones.

在西部开发的进程中,乐山将充分利用西部开发带来的有利政策,增加旅游投资,更好地规划旅游产业结构,进一步改善旅游环境,建立人员培训机制,适应国际规范要求。乐山还将按照法律规定、市场规则和市场管理,进行旅游研究、旅游生产、旅游营销一条龙的工作,进一步发挥旅游产业这一优势,使旅游产业成为城市经济的有力支柱。乐山正在朝着成为国际旅游城市的方向迈进。   Taking the chance of the west development, Leshan will make the best use of preferential policies for the west development in order to increase tourism investment, to make better structure of tourism industry, to further improve the tourism environment, and to establish a system of personnel training meeting with the international standards. The city will work on the systematic line of research, production and marketing, abide by law and stipulation on market regulation and management. The city will also produce the advantage of tourism industry to back up the city economy on quicker steps and greater strides. Leshan is marching towards an international tourist city. 乐山提供了优良的产业基础,包括能源、冶金、建筑材料、食品加工、机械纺织、化工医药。近年来,乐山一直在致力于进行经济结构的改革,致力于传统工业的改造以及管理机制的转变。把电子、医药、建材、旅游发展成本市的4大支柱产业。 Leshan has provided with an excellent industry foundation of energy, metallurgy and building material, food processing, mechanism and textile, chemistry and medicine. Recent years Leshan has made efforts on economic structure reforming and traditional industry renovation and management mechanism transferring. Electronics, medicine, building material and tourism become the 4 industry pillars of the city.

电子:电子工业在乐山的工业经济中起着相当重要的作用。乐山无线电公司和一美国公司合资建立的乐山-菲尼克斯,是中国最大的半导体元器件生产商,占了国内百分之九十几的市场,国际市场占百分之十。峨眉半导体厂是最大的科研机构和硅材料生产厂,其产品占国内市场百分之六十的份额。   Electronics: It takes the decisive role in Leshan industry. Leshan-Phoenix, a joint venture between Leshan Radio Co. and a USA company, is the largest producer of semiconductor components in China, with a 90 %-plus domestic market shares and 10 % of international . Emei Semiconductor works is the biggest research body and producer of silicon material. It’s products takes 60% of the domestic market. 医药:抗生素原药、输液、传统中医药在国内有很好的市场,同时还销往北美和西欧。主要的药品生产商有999-乐山长长征制药公司,四川蜀乐医药公司,大千制药公司以及爱丽碧丝集团公司。 Medicine: The medicine such as antibiotic raw material , fluid and traditional Chinese herbs are well sold in China and North America as well as west Europe. The principal local producers are 999-Leshan Long March Pharmaceutics Co., Sichuan Shule Medicine Co., Daqian Medicine Co. and Elegbacae Group Co.

建材:乐山是水泥和陶瓷生产的基地。人造林产品公司(PTP)为一家合资企业,这家公司是中国最大的中密度纤维板生产商。四川方舟铝业公司正在开发新型建材。陶瓷生产占全省同类产品的三分之二,乐山努力建成西部瓷都。   Building Material: Leshan is the place to produce cement and ceramic tiles. The Plantation Timber Products(PTP), a joint venture is the largest producer of mid-density plywood in the country. Sichuan Fangzhou Aluminum Co. is developing new types of building material. The production of ceramic tiles takes 2/3 of the production of the same kinds in Sichuan Province. Leshan is building the city a Ceramic Capital of west China. 旅游:旅游优势已经成为乐山经济的一个重要组成部分。旅游项目丰富多彩,如观佛拜佛、旅游探险、民风民俗以及以保护生态为宗旨的旅游活动。乐山大佛峨眉山成为了环状旅游线路的中心。2001年1月乐山被评选为“中国优秀旅游城市”。旅游经济持续得到发展,2000年的旅游收入达人民币二十一亿七千七百万元,乐山还被列为“全国44个重点旅游城市”之一,名列全国A级旅游景点 Tourism: The tourism advantage becomes one of the important parts of Leshan economy. The tourist programs are diversified with full ranges such as Buddhist temple and Buddha worshiping, exploration, folk custom, and ecology orientation. Leshan Giant Buddha—Mt. Emei become the center of a circle of tourist routings. In Jan. 2001, Leshan was honored ”Top Tourist City in China”. The tourist economy has increased steadily. The year of 2000 saw a tourism income of 2.177 billion yuan. Leshan is also listed as one of “the 44 key tourist cities of the country” and ranked among the Class A tourist spots in the countrywide.

4)关于合资企业 两个或更多的人为组建一个独立的企业而联合起来时,他们就组成了合资企业,或者叫合资风险。通常,这种企业的存在期有限。在这段相对短的时间里,每一位投资者都负有无限责任;但是,企业的经营管理往往集中在一个人身上。在合资企业中,一个外国公司和一个本国企业共同享有所有权,共同对在本国成立的新合资公司进行管理。与在外国经营的独资企业相比,合资企业的资金及经营管理由两个或更多的公司来共同承担,从而使每个公司在企业管理中发挥各自专长。合资企业的另一个好处是它减少了被本国政府强行接管的可能性。当一家外国公司和本国著名公司联营的时候,新的合资企业往往在本国享有特殊的地位。 Joint Venture: When two or more persons joint together for the purpose of a single undertaking, they form a joint venture, or joint adventure. Usually the undertaking is of short duration. During this relatively short life, each participant has unlimited liability; nevertheless, the management is frequently delegated to one individual. Under a joint venture, a foreign firm and one established in a host country share the ownership and control of a third company in the host country. Compared with operating a wholly owned business in a foreign country, a joint venture spreads the capital and management requirements among two or more companies that each contribute their expertise to the operations. Another benefit is that a joint venture lessens the probability of an unfriendly takeover by the host country. When a foreign firm combines with a well known domestic company in the host country, the resulting joint venture often is accorded favorable status by the host country.

5)关于保险   为货物保险以防旅途不测,这是商业惯例。旅途险情包括碰撞、渗漏、扒窃、火灾、暴风雨等。如果货物保险适当,出口商和客户均不承担任何损失。买卖双方间的风险转移应安排适当,以避免对双方责任可能产生误解。从理论上讲,在装运港船方交货的条件下,出口商对货物的保险至货越过船舷那一点终止,买方负担此后的责任风险。但在实施中,在以装运港船上交货,或装运港船边交货成交合同下,客户通常买下由出口商仓库至目的地的全程保险。“海上保险”这一术语有时可延用于指为内陆水域或陆路上路段保险。将海上保险范围扩大,不仅可以为海上保险,也为货物由卖方仓库至发货港,由到达港至买方仓库的陆上交通保险,这已成为商业惯例。 Insurance: It is customary to insure goods against the risks of the journey. These risks include collision, leakage, pilferage, fire and storm etc. If goods are properly insured, neither the exporter nor the customer suffers any loss. The passing of risk should be arranged properly between the buyer and the seller to avoid possible misunderstanding with regards to the responsibility of both parties. Theoretically speaking, the exporter insures the goods up to the point where the goods pass over the ship’s rail and the buyer takes responsibility from then on in a F.O.B. contract. However, in practice, the customer usually buys insurance to cover the whole journey in F.O.B.,F.A.S. contract from the exporter’s warehouse to the final destination. The term” marine insurance” can sometimes be extended to protect the assured against losses on inland waters or land. In export trade, it is a common practice to arrange an extended marine insurance to cover not only the sea voyage but also the transportation of goods from the warehouse of the seller to the port of dispatch, and from the port of arrival to the warehouse of the overseas buyer.

6)关于信用证   一张典型的信用证可能需要如下单据:发票、提货单、海运保险单、装箱单、重量单、商检证和原产地证。在跟单信用证交易中,有关各方实际上不是在进行货物交易,而是在进行单据交易。因此,双方银行一定要认真地审查单据和证件以确保这些单据和证据与信用证上的条款一致。作为卖方,应该始终保持清醒的头脑,以要明确你在签订一项买卖合同之后所要承担的风险,二要明确买方是否有付款能力和所在国的政治、经济和法律以及什么样的跟单信用证付款---可撤销的信用证、不保兑的不可撤销的信用证,或者保兑的不可撤销的信用证。此外。出口商还应该在如下问题上作出正确决策:信用证的准确类型、有效时限、运输路线、运输形式、保险范围、价格基础等等。实际上,信用证有多种类型,最常见的一种是即期信用证。即期信用证的意思是,受益人在呈交规定的船运单据之后,当即就可得到付款。此外还有30天付款信用证、60天付款信用证、90天付款信用证。 

Credits: A typical letter of credit may call for the following documents: an invoice, a bill of lading, marine insurance, a packing list, a weight list, an inspection certificate and a certificate of origin. In documentary letter of credit operations, all parties concerned actually deal in documents, instead of goods. Therefore, banks must examine all the documents with great care to make sure that everything is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit. As a seller, you should always have a clear understanding of your risks in concluding a contract of sale and requirements in relation to the worthiness of the buyer, the political, economical and legal situation in the buyer’s country and the buyer’s own liquidity. This helps you to decide what kind of documentary letter of credit you may require---revocable letter of credit, unconfirmed irrevocable letter credit or confirmed irrevocable letter of credit. Besides, the exports also should make correct decisions on the exact type pf credit, the period of validity, the transport route, the mode of transport, insurance cover, the price basis and so on. As a matter of fact, there are several types of credits. The most commonly used type of credit is the L/C payable at sight. That means the beneficiary gets the payment immediately after presentation of the stipulated shipping documents. There are also L/C at 30 days’ sight, L/C at 60 days’ sight, L/C at 90 days’ sight, etc.

7) 关于知识产权 中国的知识产权法律基本上是现代化的,但是由于起步很晚,经济发展水平还不够高,某些方面的协调工作尚未完成,因而在一些方面的保护还未达到发达国家的水平。这尤其体现在著作权法的某些条款上。然而,我们不能苛求初生婴儿应该长得象成人一样高,只要给他时间并加以关照,他就会迅速成长起来的。中国目前正在修改专利法和商标法,拟议要修改的许多内容正在向国际标准和国际化靠拢;有些内容即使准备分两步甚至三步走,那也仅是为了作好协调工作,稳妥前进,避免欲速而不达。近年来,中国对农药专利从不保护到保护,对涉及 微生物保存的要求从严格到比较灵活,在商标注册方面由国内商品分类法改用国际商品分类法等等,所有这一切说明了中国在这方面的意愿和努力。特别是,继中国于1984年和1989年分别加入保护工业产权巴黎公约和商标国际法注册马德里协议后,目前正积极考虑加入保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约、世界版权公约和专利合作条约等国际条约。  

Intellectual Property Rights: China’s intellectual property laws are basically modern, but as it has had a rather late start, the level of its economic development is still quite low, thus the protection in a number of aspects has not come up to the level of developed countries. This is reflected especially in some of the provisions of the Copyright Law. However, we cannot demand that a newly born baby should stand as tall as an adult. Given time and care, it will grow up rapidly. Chins is at present revising its Patent Law and Trademark Law, and many of the contents recommended for revision are coming closer to international standards and internationalization; in respect of some other contents, although preparations are being made to revise them in two or even three steps, it is only for the sake of accomplishing the task of harmonization properly, ensuring steady progress and avoiding the hazard of “more haste, less speed”. In recent years, China has progressed from non-protection to protection of agricultural chemicals, from stringency to comparative flexibility in the requirements for the deposit of microorganisms, and from its national classification of goods to the International Classification in trademark registration. All these have demonstrated China’s aspirations and efforts. In particular, following its accession to Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial Property in 1984 and the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks in 1989, China is actively considering its accession to other international treaties such as the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the Universal Copyright Convention and the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

8)关于最惠国待遇   最惠国待遇,是对一国提供与其他最惠国同等的贸易机会。主要作法是通过使原来的双边协定多边化促使各国之间贸易机会均等。作为国际公法的原则,它在贸易政策方面确认了各国主权平等;作为经济政策的手段,它为竞争性国际交易提供了签订协议的基础。 Most-favored-nation treatment, guarantee of trading opportunity equal to that accorded to the most favored nation; essentially a method of establishing equality of trading opportunity among states by making originally bilateral agreement multilateral. As a principle of public international law it establishes the sovereign equality of states with respect of trading policy; as an instrument of economic policy it provide a treaty basis for competitive international transactions. 这种保证贸易机会均等的种种意图,早在17世纪初就被列入商业条约和协议的条款中。1860年由理查德 科布登 和米歇尔 谢瓦利埃商订的英法条约,成了后来许多条约的样板。这些条约建立了一系列连锁的关税优惠,通过最惠国待遇推广到全世界。 Attempts to guarantee such equality of trading opportunity were incorporated into the provisions of commercial treaties and agreements as early as the beginning of the 17th century. The Anglo-French treaty negotiated in 1860 by Richard Cobden and Michel Chevalier became the model for many subsequent agreements. They established a set interlocking tariff concession that were extended by most-favored-nation treatment throughout the world.

这种待遇主要用于征收进口关税上,但其特惠条款已使最惠国的原则扩大到国际经济交往的其他领域,如一国国民在另一国领土上开办企业,在别国领水上航行,不动产与动产的权利、专利、工业设计、商标、版权、著作权等无形产权、政府采购、外汇分配和捐税等。 Such treatment has always applied primarily to the duties charged on imports, but specific provisions have extended the most-favored-nation principle to other areas of international economic contract---for example, the establishment of enterprises of one country’s nationals in the territory of the other, navigation in the territorial waters; real and personal property rights; intangible property such as patents, industrial designs, trademarks, copyrights, and literary property; government purchases; foreign exchange allocations, taxation. 最惠国待遇分为有条件和无条件两种形式。有条件最惠国待遇是只向缔约国无偿提供那些原先无偿提供给第三国的优惠,或只在同等条件下或为换取同等利益的情况下,向缔约国提供原先作为交易的一部分而获得的优惠。无条件最惠国待遇向缔约国提供给予第三国的一切关税优惠,这是1948年《关税及贸易总协定》所包括的原则。 There are two forms of most-favored-nation treatment: conditional and unconditional. The conditional form grants gratuitously to the contracting party only those concessions originally made gratuitously to a third party and grants concessions originally obtained as part of a bargain only under equivalent conditions or in return for equivalent gains. Under the unconditional form, any tariff concessions granted to a third party is granted to the party, a principle that was included in the 1948 General Agreement on Tariff and Trade(GATT).

9)关于大众卫生   长期以来,我们就已经知道减少盐或钠的摄入有助于降低高血压患者的血压。高血压是一种悄然而至的疾病,它可增加心脏病发作和中风的风险。迄今尚不太明确的是减少食物中钠的含量是否也有益于那些血压正常的人们。现在有一种说法,即限制食盐事实上也能降低正常的血压水平。在《新英格兰医学杂志》上发表的一份研究报告认为,虽然其作用不是那么明显,但仍然颇为重要。 We have long known that cutting back on salt or sodium can help lower blood pressure in folks with hypertension, a silent condition that increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. What hasn’t been so clear is whether reducing the amount of sodium in the diet will benefit those whose blood pressure is normal. Now comes word that restricting salt can indeed lower normal blood-pressure levels. Though the effect isn’t as great ,it’s still important, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. 血压降低的发生与种族或性别无关,也不管研究志愿者是否吃“典型的美国人饮食(含饱和脂肪高并仅用极少量水果和蔬菜)或所谓的DASH(防止高血压的饮食法)饮食(强调进食多量的新鲜食品、低脂肪奶制品、鱼和少量的甜点,并于1997年被证明可降低高血压)。这项研究的记录表明。接受实验的人中血压降低最多的是那些采用DASH饮食以及将钠的摄入量减少到每天1200毫克的人。 The decrease in blood pressure occurred regardless of race or gender and whether or not study participants ate a “typical American diet”, which is high in saturated fats and skimps on fruits and vegetables, or the so-called DASH(for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)diet, which emphasizes lots of fresh produce, low-fat dairy, fish and fewer sweets and which was proved in 1997 to reduce hypertension. The biggest decrease in blood pressure in this study were recorded in subjects who ate the DASH diet and reduced their sodium intake to 1,200mg a day.

为什么效果如此显著呢?公共卫生专家们估计,平均起来,美国人每天消耗大约3500毫克钠,相当于9可盐。现行指导原则建议:每天钠的消耗不要超过2300毫克,即大约6克盐。这并不是说我们用盐瓶的手法太重了。我们饮食中大多数的钠是在食物加工过程中被加入的。要想将它下降1200毫克,你就得远离大多数熟食、外卖食品以及餐馆菜肴。   Why is this significant? Public-health experts estimate that Americans consume, on average, about 3,500mg of sodium—equal to about 9 grams of salt—each day. Current guidelines recommend consuming no more than 2,300mg of slat—about 6grams of slat—daily. It’s not that we’re that heavy-handed with the saltshaker. Most of our dietary sodium is added during food processing. To get down to 1,200mg, you’d have to forgo most prepared foods, take-out deliveries and restaurant meals. 正如有些人间歇性地工作到很晚才回家,那时已筋疲力尽得不能再做什么事了,只能打电话叫一些颇咸的泰国食品。我知道始终吃自己烹调的食物是极不现实的。但是只要稍加计划一下并有一些自我警觉,你便能避开那些偶然的疏忽。毕竟,盐对于生命是必需的。聪明的做法是选定一种全面的健康生活模式, 而不是偏重于任何单一的事情来弥补不良的习惯。 As someone who periodically comes home late from work too pooped to do anything but dial up some sodium-packed Thai food, I know that eating home cooked meals all the time is not terribly practical. But with a little planning and some self-awareness, you can work around those occasional slips. Salt is, after all, essential to life. The trick is to adopt an overall pattern of health living and not depend on any one thing to make up for bad habits.

因此要注意一下你如今摄入的食盐是多少,但是不要忘记让水果、蔬菜和全谷食物构成你饮食的大部分。它们将帮助你降低你的胆固醇水平以及你的血压。更要做到的是,若要喝酒的话,只喝一点点。减轻体重—即使只是4.5公斤—以及一周中的大多数日子每天至少运动30分钟也会对血压有明显的影响。 So pay attention to how much salt you’re eating, but don’t forget to make fruits, vegetables and whole grains a larger part of your diet. They’ll help lower your cholesterol levels as well as your blood pressure. Be sure to drink alcohol moderately, if at all. Losing weight—even just 4.5kg—and exercising al least 30 minutes most days of the week can also have a marked effect on blood pressure. 有肾脏疾病的人在减少食盐之前应向他们的医生咨询。如果你已决心减少食盐摄入则需逐渐地进行,以便让你的味蕾有时间去适应。你也可以试着用柠檬、西芹、胡椒或牛至去替代食盐。 Folks with kidney problems should check with their doctor before cutting back on salt. If you do decide to cut down on salt, do it gradually to give your taste buds time to adjust. Try substituting lemon, parsley, pepper or oregano for salt.

要核查食物标记。各类果酱、三明治面包和速冻食品常常含有很多的钠。还要记住的是,即使你目前还不必为此担心,但最终你很可能得面对它。半数美国成年人的血压至少在120/80mmHg,该水平被认为是理想的上限,而血压通常会随年龄增长而升高。DASH-钠研究会会长和波士顿步拉汉姆妇科医院的弗兰克 萨克斯医生说“我们无法让每个人都接受药物治疗。”但每个人都可尽量减少一点盐的摄入。 Check food labels. Pasta sauces, sandwich breads and frozen dinners often contain lots of sodium. And remember, even if you don’t have to worry about this now, you probably will eventually. Half of U.S. adults have a blood pressure of at least 120/80mmHg, which is at the high end of what’s considered ideal—and blood pressure usually increase with age. “We can’t put everyone on drug therapy,” says Dr. Frank Sacks of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and the chairman of DASH—sodium study. But everyone can try to do with a dash less salt.

10)关于反腐倡廉   腐败作为一种社会历史现象,古今中外许多社会都有。现在世界上没有哪一个国家能说已经完全消灭了腐败现象,只有程度的不同。中国正处于由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变的时期,各方面的制度还不完善,在加上中国几千年封建社会的残余思想仍然存在,这就使腐败现象仍有滋生蔓延的条件,也加大了反腐败的难度。我们始终认为,反腐倡廉是顺利进行改革开放和现代化建设的一项重要保证。我们在反腐败问题上的态度是:坚定不移,坚持不懈,决不姑息,决不手软。 Corruption, as a social and historical phenomenon, has existed in all countries ,both in the past and at present. No country in the world today can claim that it has completely eliminated corruption. The only difference in this regard is that corruption is more serious in some countries than others .As China is in a transition from planned economy to a socialist market economy, its various systems need to be improved. In addition, there are vestiges of feudal ideas that have existed for thousands of years .All this has given corruption the hotbed to breed and spread and has added difficulties to our campaign against corruption. We have always believed that to combat corruption and build a clean government is an important guarantee for a smooth reform, opening-up and modernization drive .Our attitude towards corruption is that we will fight it unswervingly, unremittingly and without showing any tolerance or mercy.

反腐倡廉,既要治标,更要治本。实行 标本兼治,教育是基础,法律是保证,监督 是关键。要通过深化改革,不断铲除腐败现象孳生蔓延的土壤。民主选举和舆论监督都有利于抑制腐败。我们在这方面做了许多努力,也取得了积极的成效。   To combat corruption and a clean government calls for efforts not just to address the symptoms, but more importantly to tackle the root causes. In this regard, education lays the groundwork, law serves as a guarantee and supervision holds the key. We should get rid of the soil that breeds corruption through deepening reform. Democratic election and media supervision will help check corruption. We have made many efforts in all these areas and achieved positive results. 中国共产党的领导干部、各级政府的领导人、各级人民代表大会的代表都是选举产生的。民主选举,有利于督促干部保持清正廉洁。我国的国情决定我们的选举制度与西方国家不会完全一样,也没有必要完全一样。舆论监督是人民监督的重要组成部分,中国新闻媒体在对政府官员监督方面发挥了重要作用,很的很多报刊、电视台、电台和其他媒体都有专门栏目,揭露了不少问题。 The leading carders Communist Party of China, leading officials of government at all levels and deputies to the people’s congresses at all levels are all elected. Democratic elections encourage officials to be honest and just and stay away from corruption .But conditions in China have decided that our election system will not be exactly the same as that in Western countries, and it is not necessary to have exactly the same election system. Media supervision is an important part of people’s supervision. Chinese media have played an important role in supervising governmental officials. Many newspapers, TV stations, radio and other medias have columns or programs devoted specifically to this issue and have, in fact, exposed quite a lot of problems.

11)关于文化交流   乐山古称嘉州,钟灵毓秀,人杰地灵。早在公元三千年前就是蜀王开明的故治。乐山大佛和佛教胜地峨眉山蜚声国内外,是闻名遐迩的旅游胜地。乐山是中国历史文化明城,书法艺术源远流长。古代苏东坡被称为“宋四家”之首,其书德之高尚,书法造诣之精深,可谓一代宗师,百世楷模。现代文坛巨匠郭沫若的书法也独具风采,誉满中华。 Leshan, a remarkable place producing outstanding people, was called Jiazhou in ancient times. It was once the capital of the State Shu as early as 3000 years ago. The Leshan Giant Buddha and Mt. Emei, the Buddhist Sanctuary, enjoy a high reputation both in China and abroad. Both sites feature many famous tourist spots. Leshan is one of the cultural cities in China, where calligraphy art goes back to ancient times. Su Dongpo, the most well-known of the “Four Calligraphers of Song dynasty” was highly esteemed as the master of generations for centuries because of his noble morality and profound achievements in the calligraphy field. Guo Moruo, a giant of the contemporary literary circle, also left behind his calligraphy with unique characteristics.

当今的乐山书坛,面貌独具,生机勃勃。乐山人普遍喜爱书法,因而书法作品业已进入千家万户。乐山市的书法家始终坚持继承传统基础上的创新,因而其作品既蕴含着深厚的民族文化素养,又荡漾着鲜明的时代气息。集师广益,博采旁搜,积极开展对外交流,经常参加国内外各种级别的展览,也是乐山市书法家十分重视的一个方面。 Nowadays, the Leshan calligraphy field puts on a new face and shows its vitality. The people of Leshan are fond of calligraphy and one can enjoy such works in thousands of families. The local calligraphers constantly look for innovations while adhering to the traditional means. Their works not only contain a sense of national cultural accomplishment, but also permeate with the bright flavor of the age. Another sphere with which the local calligraphers are concerned is the importance of collective wisdom and the absorption of all useful ideas; the development of foreign exchanges, and the participation in different levels of exhibition at home and abroad.

12)关于生活 生活宛如一条蜿蜒曲折的小径,周围鲜花绽放,彩蝶飞舞,美果压枝。但是,我们有很多人却不惜花费许多时间舍近求远去寻找幸福。其实,幸福就在脚下,府拾即得。而我们却不肯弯腰拣起享用。生活中,我们都渴望得到满盛完美而永恒幸福的“金罐子”。与此同时,对配不上即将实现的宏愿的细枝小叶,却视而不见;对起不到立竿见影功效的一砖一瓦,却置之不理。幸福就在我们周围,但它往往以小小颗粒的形式出现。只要我们一粒一粒把它收集起来,很快就可以装满一篮子。看看此刻,我周围有什么点滴的幸福呢? Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruit, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner. We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just at our feet. In our desire to reach the “pot of gold”, complete and lasting happiness we all want to fill our lives, we ignore anything which doesn’t seem worthy of such a large ambition, or which can’t give us the whole thing all at once.Happiness is all around us, but it often comes in small grains. When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful. What small pieces of happiness surround me right now?

13)关于克隆技术 对于许多不是科学家的人来说,克隆多利引起了他们对克隆人的恐惧。教皇立即呼吁全世界禁止克隆人;美国国家生物伦理咨询委员会出于安全考虑也建议禁止克隆人,因为供体细胞可能发生致癌突变,对克隆孩子造成危险,克隆出来的人可能会未老先衰。美国一次民意测验显示,90%的人反对人类无性繁殖。到1997年底,40国欧洲理事会颁发了第一个在法律上禁止克隆人的国际禁令。 To many non-scientists, Dolly’s cloning raised the specter of human cloning. The pope promptly called for a worldwide ban on human cloning. The US National Bioethics Advisory Committee also recommended a ban—for safety reasons, such as the risk to clone human cloning. The US National Bioethics Advisory Committee also recommended a ban—for safety reasons, such as the risk to cloned children from cancer-causing mutations in donor cells and the risk of their ageing prematurely. A US opinion poll found 90 percent opposition to human cloning. By the end of 1997, the 40-nation Council of Europe had imposed the first legally binding international ban on human cloning.

克隆技术给实验动物带来的影响也遭到了批评。从胚胎克隆出来的小羊和小牛出生时是政常大小的两倍,这样给替身母体造成了相当大的压力。在生长速度、身体状况和行为方面,转基因动物可能经历不良的变化。克隆动物是否衰老得更快呢?随着年龄的增大,基因会逐渐磨损,这可能意味着18个月大的多利其实具有8岁羊的基因和生理机能。如果是这样,她是否将比不是克隆出来的同伴们衰老得更快、死得更早呢?科不家们正在密切关注着。 Cloning has also been criticized for its effects on the experimental animals. At birth, lambs and calves cloned from embryos can be twice the usual size, creating considerable stress on the surrogate mother. Transgenic animals can experience unpleasant changes in their growth rates, physical condition or behavior. There is also the question of premature ageing. Do cloned animals wear out faster? Genes tend to accumulate wear and tear with age. This may mean that 18-month-old Dolly really has the genes and physiology of an eight-year-old. If so, will she age and die faster than her non-cloned pals? The scientists are watching closely. 14)关于信息技术 今天,在世界上几乎每一个角落的几乎任何一个产业里,都有许多企业通过运用信息技术来占领竞争优势,向竞争对手展开挑战。我认为我们正在目睹信息技术进入所有划时代的技术都会经历一个重要阶段,它们不再只为少数专业人员所掌握,而转变到为大众所接受,并无处不在。 Today, in almost every industry in almost every part of the world there are many examples of enterprises applying this technology to seize competitive advantage and to create enormous challenges for their competitors. I think we’re seeing information technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals, and they cross over to mass acceptance and ubiquity.

虽然网络技术尚处于初级阶段,但是它已经可以被称为一个新的大众媒体。万维网诞生还不到五年,全球已有九千万人在使用它。不需要多久,使用它的人就将数以亿计。在中国,自去年10月到现在,互联网络使用者的人数翻了一番,达到100多万。我所掌握的统计资料表明,到2001年,中国互联网络使用者将超过7百万人。 Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has reached already the point where we can call it a new mass medium. Less than 5 years after the birth of the World Wide Web, some 90 million people are online around the world, and that number will be hundreds of millions before too long. Here in China, the number of Internet users has nearly doubled since just last October, to more than 1 million users. And I’ve seen statistics that say your Internet population sill exceed 7 million people by the year 2001. 15)关于读书的乐趣 古往今来人类的一切智慧结晶,数百年来一直使人津津乐道的故事,我们都可以轻而易举地在书本中得到,而且也无需很多的花费。但是我们必须懂得该如何来利用这笔财富,如何最大限度地从中汲取养分。世界上最不幸的就是那些人——他们从来没有发现过读好书是何等令人愉悦的事。 All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind foe centuries are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books – but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most from it. The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books.

读书是一种精神享受,这意思是说读书好象一种运动。你的渴望感,你所掌握的知识以及你的机敏程度,这些都将决定你是否会成为一名善于读书的人。读书很有乐趣,这不仅仅是因为作者向你讲述什么,而是因为读书能使你开动脑筋思考。你自己的想象同作者的想象不谋而合,甚至超越作者的想象。你的经历同作者的经历相对比,会使你得出与作者相同或相异的结论。当你领会了作者的观点以后,你自已的观点便形成了。 Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his. 只有把读书当成乐趣,它才会成为乐趣。如果你只集中精力阅读别人要求你读的那些书,那么你可能永远也不会以读书为乐。相反,如果你把自己不喜欢的书搁在一旁,试读另一本书,直到找到一本对你有意义的书,然后轻松愉悦地读起来,那么你一定会感到很惬意。假如因为博览群书,你变得更加高尚、更加聪慧、更加善良、更加文雅,那么,你就不会觉得读书是苦差事了。 Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you “ought” to read, you probably won’t have fun. But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time – and if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process.

16)关于运动 和游泳、骑自行车、跑步一样,散步是一种有氧运动。通过增加向皮肤和肌肉输氧来增强能量输出和身体耐久的能力。这项运动也许是预防心脏病和循环系统疾病的一个主要的因素。 Walking—like swimming, bicycling and running—is an aerobic exercise, which builds the capacity for energy output and physical endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to skin and muscles. Such exercise may be a primary factor in the prevention of heart and circulatory disease. 大概由于散步是一种最不易紧张、最安全的有氧运动,所以人们最乐于接受它,参与人数也最多。以最适宜本人健康状况的速度散步,可以通过刺激心肺来增强心脏呼吸系统的功能,散步是在循序渐进的情况下进行的,这是其它任何形式的运动都不可比拟的。 As probably the least strenuous, safest aerobic activity, walking is the most acceptable exercise for the greatest number of people. Walking at comfortable speed improves the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system by stimulating the lungs and heart, but at a more gradual rate than most other forms of exercise. 有人曾做过这样一个试验,即让一组40—57岁的男子每周快速散步4次,每次40分种。结果表明其效果和同一年龄段每周3次,每次慢跑30分钟的人相同。他们在平静状态下的心脏跳动频率和体内脂肪都明显下降。这些变化说明,散步可以带来一些颇为重要的——甚至是至关重要的——好处。 In one test, a group of men 40 to 57 years of age, walking at a fast pace for 40 minutes, four days a week, showed improvement equal to men the same age on a 30- minute, three-days-a-week jogging program in the same period. Their resting heart rate and body fat decreased significantly. These changes suggest some of the important- even vital- benefits walking can bring about.

17)关于通讯工具 我们生活在信息时代,而且确也无愧于这个时代,发明了那么多的通讯工具用来接收信息、交换信息和最终利用信息。传(寻)呼机和蜂窝式手(持电话)机是这些有益的发明中的两种。作为使用者,我们中国人在20世纪80年代以前一段时间大大地落后了。然而,在这方面,也跟生活中的其他方面一样,往往后来者居上。《中国日报》宣称,“传(寻)呼和蜂窝式手机正在全国盛行。”1994年,“全国传呼机使用者增加了70%,总人数超过1700万。这使中国成为排列美国之后的世界第二大寻呼机使用大国。” We are living in an information age, and we are worthy of it, having invented so many communication means to receive information, exchange information and finally make use of this information. The pager and the cellular telephone are two of these advantageous inventions. As their users, we Chinese had fallen behind for some time before the 1980s. However, in this respect, as in any other fields of life the newcomers sometimes surpass the forerunners. “Paging, cellular phone business sweeps the country,” declares China Daily. In 1994 “Pager users in the country increased by 70 percent to exceed 17 million. This makes China the world’s second largest pager user after the United States.”

18)关于作家海明威 欧内斯特·海明威是20世纪最重要的作家之一。他简洁、直接的文风极大地影响了其他作家。1899年7月21日,海明威出生在伊利诺伊州的橡园。其父是位医生,其母为结婚而放弃了自已的歌唱事业。 Ernest Hemingway was one of the 20th century’s most important writers. His simple, direct style greatly influenced other writers. Hemingway was born July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois. His father was a doctor. His mother was a singer who had given up her career to marry.   欧内斯特从他父亲那里学到了自然、狩猎和捕钓知识。海明威一家人常到密执安州北部的沃尔龙湖边避暑,因而欧内斯特很快就精于射击、捕钓和游泳。他也比常人早一年入学,因此他必须努力学习以赶上比他年长的同学。欧内斯特阅读广泛,尤其喜欢冒险小说和科学。他学会了拉大提琴,这样他就能参加家庭演奏会。在中学他一直名列第一,是校报编辑,管弦乐队乐手,他的一些轶事还被写进了学校年鉴。 Ernest learned about nature, hunting, and fishing from his father. The Hemingways spent their summers on Walloon Lake in northern Michigan, and Ernest was soon able to shoot, fish, and swim very well. He entered first grade a year younger than usual, so he had to work hard to keep up with his older classmates. Ernest read a great deal. He especially liked adventure stories and science. He learned to play the cello so he could take part in family concerts. In high school he got straight As, edited the school paper, and played in the orchestra. Some of his stories were printed in the school annual.

1923年,他的《三个故事和十首诗》在法国出版。1924年,他的第二部小说《在我们的时代里》又问世了。此后,海明威下决心致力于独立创作。他开始创作第一部严肃小说《太阳照常升起》,书的扉页上题写着格特鲁德·斯坦的警句,“你们是迷惘的一代”。该书在1926年出版时,就成为畅销之作。 In 1923 Three Stories and Ten Poems Was published in France. A second book of stories, In Our Time, appeared in 1924. Hemingway then decided to give all his time to independent writing. He began work on his first serious novel, The Sun Also Rises. Its motto was Gertrude Stein’s remark, “You are all a lost generation.” When it was published in 1926, it became a best seller. 1953年,海明威的中篇小说《老人与海》(1952)获得了普利策奖。该书讲的是一个古巴老渔夫的故事。这本收还为海明威赢得了1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。海明威一直住在古巴,直到1960年,他才离开古巴,定居在爱达荷州的科楚姆。他疾病缠身,情绪低落。1961年7月2日,他开枪自杀了。 In 1953 Hemingway’s short novel The Old Man and the Sea (1952), about an old Cuban fisherman, was given a Pulitzer Prize. The book also brought Hemingway the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. Hemingway had been living in Cuba but he left in 1960 and settled in Ketchum, Idaho. He was ill and depressed. On July 2, 1961, he shot himself.

19)关于儿童阅读 西方一些教育家们认为,五分之一的九岁学生觉得课堂上讲授的基础知识难以掌握,可能几年里他们都考不及格。许多孩子阅读困难, 若以同年龄平均水平来看,其阅读能力远远低于应有的水平,十分之一的九岁儿童阅读能力只相当于六岁孩子。 One in five 9-year-olds is struggling with the basics in the classroom and is headed for years of failure, according to some educationists in the west. Reading is a battle for many children, with one in 10 performing at a level three years below what is considered to be normal for their age. 那么,是不是孩子们全面学习“3R”课程,即阅读、写作和算术时,学习质量就会自动下降呢?1990年的一份全球读写能力调查表明,许多国家的“3R”教育都搞得不错,但是,确实有某些国家在教授孩子语文基础和运算技能方面存在着相当大的困难。 Are standards slipping when it comes to children learning the “three Rs” of reading, writing and arithmetic? A 1990 international literacy survey found that many countries were doing well. But others were facing real difficulties in the teaching of basic language and numeracy skills. 1996年对9岁和12岁学生所作的一份调查发现,在所列出的九项课余时间活动中,阅读普遍最少。人们担心,如果这种现状不彻底改变,好些国家今后几代将会有大批因成绩差而退学的人,国家将因此而难以发展。 A 1996 study of 9-and 12-year-old pupils found that reading was least popular from a list of nine spare-time activities. The worry is that unless this is turned around countries will be disadvantaged by future generations of low-achieving dropouts.

20)关于拯救大熊猫 在中国陕西省秦岭山脉的竹林中,北京大学的动物学家潘文石和他的助手吕植正在匍匐前进,他们将要看到一个在野外罕见的场面:一只大熊猫和她新生的幼仔。 Creeping through a bamboo forest in the Qin Ling mountains of China’s Shaanxi Province, Beijing University zoologist Pan Wenshi and his assistant Lu Zhi are about to witness a sight rarely seen in the wild: a giant panda mother and her newborn cub. 潘文石是在游水河支流附近的一个洞穴里发现姣姣的,她是一只8岁大、体重80公斤的熊猫,是潘文石研究了6年的30只大熊猫之一。她怀里抱着老鼠一般大小的幼崽。 In a cave near a tributary of the Youshui River, Pan discovers Jiao Jiao, an eight-year-old, 80-kilo panda, one of 30 he has been studying for up to six years. In her arms, tiny as a mouse, is her baby. 潘文石挤向洞穴,伸出手臂,缓慢地向姣姣靠近。他已经很了解她了,而现在,姣姣对他的信任程度也出乎人们意料,竟允许他轻轻地拍她。对于这位将毕生精力奉献给挽救这些濒临灭绝的动物的55岁的科学家而言,这一刻多么令人欣慰,多么令人难以忘怀。 Squeezing towards the cave, his arm outstretched, Pan inches closer to Jiao Jiao. He has come to know her well, and now the panda, exhibiting amazing trust, allows him to gently stroke her. It is a joyous, unforgettable moment for the 55-year-old scientist who has devoted his life to saving these endangered creatures. 潘文石给那只雌性熊猫幼崽起名叫“希望”。自1992年8月“希望”出生以来,他就一直在从事中国最引人注目的熊猫研究项目——“秦岭”项目的研究。 Pan named the female cub Xi Wang—Hope. Since her birth in August 1992, he has continued working on the Qin Ling study, China’s most exciting panda research programme.

他的发现拓展了我们对这种生性胆小的动物及其天然栖息地的了解,推翻了人们长期以来对其行为所形成的看法,将世人关注的目光集中到了大熊猫所面临的窘境上来。 His findings have expanded our knowledge of these shy animals and their natural habitat, overturning long-held beliefs about their behaviour and focusing the world’s attention on their plight. 世界自然基金会负责国际保护的官员斯图来特·查普曼说:“潘先生将全部生命都投入到大熊猫保护事业上,他太了不起了!”1996年,荷兰王子伯恩哈德将金方舟奖授予潘文石,以表彰他为挽救大熊猫所作出的不懈努力。 “Pan has dedicated his life to pandas; he is remarkable,” says Stuart Chapman, World Wide Fund for Nature’s international conservation officer. In 1996 Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands awarded Pan the Order of the Golden Ark for his unrelenting efforts in fighting for the panda.

21)关于饮食、锻炼与睡眠 如果你只吃少许的早餐或者根本不吃早餐的话,你在上午的中段时间就很有可能感到疲乏,这是你的身体和大脑赖以活动的能量——血糖降低的结果。为在上午时间获取最大能量,你一定要进一些合适的早餐,含糖量要低、蛋白质要高些,这样的早餐将在整个上午给你稳定的血糖供应。咖啡和面包圈几乎比不吃还糟,它们只能使你在短时间内精神抖擞,而后便会陡然不振。 If you eat a skimpy breakfast or none at all, you're likely to experience midmorning fatigue, the result of a drop in blood sugar, which your body and brain depend on for energy. For peak energy in the morning, be sure to eat a proper breakfast, low in sugar and fairly high in protein, which will provide a steady supply of blood sugar throughout the morning. Coffee and a doughnut are almost worse than nothing, providing a brief boost and then letting you down with a thud. 一天中别的时间里情况也是如此:经常吃甜食是一种不可取的快速获取能量的方式,它会迅速地使你比一开始的情形还要糟糕。坚持定时、适量、均衡的饮食有助于保持完美的身材。身体过重会令人身体和心理上都疲倦。而把体重降至标准水平使青春焕发,则可能要花很大的功夫。  The same goes for the rest of the day: Frequent snacking on sweets is a false pick-me-up that soon leaves you lower than you were to begin with. Stick to regular, satisfying, well-balanced meals that help you maintain a trim figure. Extra weight is tiring both physically and psychologically .Getting your weight down to normal can go a long way toward revitalizing you.

与你想象的相反,体育锻炼不是消耗体力而是增加体力。有规律的体育锻炼,比如慢跑、骑车或游泳,能增强身体承受工作负荷的能力,从而抵制疲劳。于是,你便不会那么快地感到疲劳了,因为你身体的承受力增强了。 Contrary to what you may think, exercise enhances, rather than saps, energy. Regular conditioning exercises, such as jogging , cycling, or swimming, help you to resist fatigue by increasing your body's ability to handle more of a work load. You get tired less quickly because your capability is greater. 体育锻炼同时还具有人们公认的安心静神的效果,这有助于你以更为轻松愉快的心态工作,而不至于被一天的紧张拖垮。一天结束时的体育锻炼能缓解你积累的紧张,给你的晚间补充更多的能量,帮助你更平静地入睡。 Exercise also has a well-recognized tranquilizing effect, which helps you work in a more relaxed fashion and be less dragged down by the tensions of your day. At the end of a day exercise can relieve accumulated tensions, give you more energy in the evening, and help you sleep more restfully. 如果你知道自己因睡眠不足而感到疲劳,解决办法很简单:早些上床睡觉。每个人睡眠所需的时间不尽相同,一般是随着年龄的增长而减少。找到对你最合适的睡眠量,并朝着这个目标去做。对于失眠症和其它的睡眠病症不应用安眠药、酒精或镇静剂来治疗,它实际上会恶化病情。 If you know you're tired because you haven't been getting enough sleep, the solution is simple: Get to bed earlier. There's no right amount of sleep for everyone, and generally sleep requirements decline with age. Find the amount that suits you best, and aim for it. Insomnia and other sleep disorders should not be treated with sleeping pills, alcohol, or tranquilizers, which can actually make the problem worse.

一 污染乃是一个肮脏的字眼。污染就是弄脏,就是因为带来杂质而使某种东西变得不洁净而无法使用,从而毁掉了这种东西。污染以多种形式出现。客观存在不仅看得见,闻得出,尝得到,喝得着,而且我们还常常被它绊倒。的确,我们生活在污染之中,呼吸着污染的空气,而且,不足为奇的是,污染正在开始威胁我们的健康,我们的幸福,甚至我们的文明。 二 控制空气污染是另一关键目标。没有食物,人类可生存大约五个星期;没有水,只能生存大约五天;而没有空气,人只能生存五分钟,因此纯净空气必不可少。造成空气污染的罪魁祸首是汽车。汽车云集的地方像我们这样的大城市里,空气污染就非常严重。我们的汽车必须装上污染控制装置,以便有效地减少发动机里排放出来的有害气体。 三 发电厂、工厂及公寓大楼要避免空气污染,就应该尽量使用像煤气和油料这样的干净燃料,建筑物的烟囱应该装备过滤器及其它减少烟雾的装置。 我们能将污染全部消灭吗?也许不能。现代的人类干任何事情都会带来污染,因此完全消除污染则需要采取非常措施。所有发电厂都得关闭。所有工厂都得停工。我们还必须将汽车放在车库里不用。所有公共汽车,卡车和飞机也得停下来。这样就无法把食品运到城市,也不会有暖气和照明。在这种情况下,人类不久就会灭亡。 四 既然不能采取这样的非常措施,我们就必须下决心唤醒公众一起行动。纵使我们不能完全消除污染,但只要人人努力,我们就可以减少污染。检查汽车的污染控制装置是否工作良好。请节约用电。空调真的有必要装吗?不要向陆地或水面排放垃圾或其它废弃物品。要求政府采取强有力的措施防止污染。我们要么拥有一个清洁的世界,要么一事无成。选择权在你们手中。

五 在过去的几年中,个人电脑(PCS)已变得更好,功能更强,速度更快——那些插到电脑上的东西(外加设备)也是一样。] 这些被称作外设的东西可以像计算机内部的任何部件一样对计算机的用途产生同等程度的影响。例如,有孩子的家庭近几年在印制高质量彩色照片方面的收获可能比从计算机技术的最新发展方面得益更多。而另外一些家庭在给他们的个人电脑插入一个调制解调器与因特网联通之后发现了一个全新的领域。 六 这些取得优异成绩的学生,他们最重要的“秘密”其实并不那么神秘。对大多数优等生来说,他们父母的作用是至关重要的。从孩提时起,父母得就谆谆教诲他们要热爱学习,为他们定下了高标准并帮助他们达到这些目标。父母们激励子女们在学习上奋进,但从不代替他们学习。总之,父母培养了孩子的责任心,而孩子们则把这种责任心充分发扬光大了。 七 要想记单词,死记硬背是最慢最难的办法。用这个方法记单词,你会发现第二天你就已忘记了大部分。那么,正确程序是什么? 是这样。 首先从上下文看单词:在单词出现的段落里看单词。读段落的感觉会使你对单词的意义略有所知——即使你从没见过这个单词。要想理解所读的句子结构,很自然你急切想知道这个单词的定义。其次,你的方法是间接的,心理上的,因为你想获得的这份知识不是目的,而是达到一个目的的手段。你意识到懂得单词的含义就能懂得句子的含义。你采用的方法之所以被称为新归纳法,是因为你首先发现这个新词在起作用,它促使你去思考,猜测它的含义,然后你可以查字典确认或者检查你的猜测。

八 查尔斯是在同一时刻看到小鸟和女孩子的:那只白色的小鸟正从公园的树林里飘然飞出,而那位坐在轮椅上的女孩子则沿着小径悠然而来。小鸟滑翔而下,栖息在草地上;女孩子则平稳地驾驭着轮椅,穿行在阳光下婆娑的树影之间。她那辆折叠式金属轮椅可能装有马达,载着她运行得那么轻快。她停下来看了看池塘里的几只鸭子,当她再次用手推轮椅时,查尔斯一下子跳了起来。“我来推你好吗?”他一边喊道,一边穿过草地朝她奔去。那只小鸟嗖地飞上了树梢。 九 9月不觉来临,又即将悄然逝去,他终于收到另一封熟悉的来信。字写得并不漂亮,但无疑是她的笔迹。邮戳标明寄自另一个遥远的城市。他心灵深处重又激起一股情感的震动。他撕开信封,最初还以为里面空无一物,随后才发现桌上有一根从信封中飘落的洁白的羽毛。他的脑海里幻化出那只小白鸟,它振翅飞翔,一片羽毛从它翅上抖落。倘若不是鸟儿在离去时留下这片羽毛为证,有谁会知道小白鸟的确曾经来过?他幡然醒悟:艾米再也不会回还。不知过了多久,他才让那根羽毛从手中悄然滑落。 十 市场对各种经济信号的反应被用来促进供求的及时协调。中国经济学者的研究成果不权受到国内经济决策层的重视,也受到国际上的重视。国际货币基金组织(IMF)与中国人民银行每年磋商一次,就中国向市场经济过渡改革的措施进行研讨。中国人民银行经济学家的研究成果往往被IMF所接受,而IMF向中国提出的合理建议,也被中方所接受。 十一 这是一个美好的傍晚,这时万物归于一体。一切自然力对我而言,都是极度地宜人。尽管天色已黑,风还在树林中呼啸,波浪还在湖中冲溅,万物的声息此起彼伏。睡眠永远无法真正安宁。那些最猛的动物没有休息,而是在寻找它们的猎物。它们是自然的守护者,连接起生机勃勃的日子。

十二 我发现用大部分时间来独处是有益的。与人相处,哪怕是跟最好的人相处,也很快就会让人厌倦和消耗精力。我喜欢独处。我还从来没有找到比孤单更亲近的朋友。我们到海外人群中漫游时,大都比我们独自在家时更孤独。当人思考和工作时,总是独自一人的。衡量孤单的,并不是人与人之间相隔的空间距离。真正勤勉的学生,哪怕他处于校园人群喧嚷的一个房间内,也如沙漠中的隐士一样。农夫能在田间或林中独自工作一整天,锄草或劈柴都不觉得孤单,因为他在工作着。当他晚上回到家,他就不能再独处了。他必须处于能“看到家人”的地方,而且他想,这是对他一整天独处的回报。所以他不理解学生怎么能整日整夜的呆在房里而不感到厌倦和“忧伤”。这只是因为农夫没有认识到,尽管学生坐在房里,他仍然在他的田间工作、在他的林中劈柴。 十三 风平浪静的日子里泛舟海洋,浩瀚无垠的海面好像均匀地伸向了遥远的天际,广阔平坦的海水伴着宁静的波动轻轻起伏荡漾。然而,即使是在风平浪静的时候,各个海洋也不都是绝对平坦的。宁静的海面并不等高,根据海底深处地形的不同,各处可以相差从几英寸到几英尺。 十四 报告列举出一个有15年教龄的美国高中教师的年薪为36219美元,略高于该组织各国的平均工资31887美元,但低于其他7个国家,还不及瑞士同行工资(62052美元)的60%。由于美国教师的课堂负担重——他们的教学时间比外国同行几乎要多三分之一——所以他们实际上每课时的工资只有35美元,低于该组织成员国41美元的平均工资(丹麦、西班牙和德国每课时教师收入50多美元,韩国为77美元)。

十五 在55岁至64岁这一年龄段中,美国的高中毕业生的比例最高,但在25岁至34岁这一年龄段中却降至第5位,排在挪威、日本、韩国、捷克共和国和瑞士之后。老一辈人中的大学生比例,美国名列前茅,但在年轻一代人中,美国名列第3,次于加拿大和日本。尽管在各年龄段人口中,持有高中文凭的比例美国仍然高达88%,但各成员国的平均比例也在提高,从45~54岁年龄段的58%上升到35~44岁年龄段的66%,继而上升到25~34岁年龄段的72%。在挪威、日本、韩国、捷克共和国和瑞士,年轻人拥有学位的百分比高于美国。 十六 在世界具有如此两重性的同时,世界的每一部分也是如此。事物的整个体系表现在每个粒子之中。有点像海潮的涨落,昼与夜,男与女,松树的一根针叶中,谷物的一粒核仁内,以及每一动物族类的个体中。自然力巨大的反作用在这些微小的领域之内循环重复。例如在动物界,生理学家已经观察到任何生灵都不是宠儿,而是有某种补偿平衡着每一天赋和每一缺陷。同一生灵的一部分过多,另一部分就减少。如果头和颈太大,则躯干和四肢就会短小。 十七 语言在不断演变,而这种变化是正常的。100年后,那些含义适用于20世纪文化的单词为了适应21世纪的文化很可能发生惊人的变化。现在你们的课程已经结束了。下一章将是复习测验。如果我们告诉你在这些课中你的词汇量比普通成年人在10年到15年中所增加的幅度都大,你就会了解自己的进步有多大。25岁以后,除非我们按计划努力去扩充词汇量,否则我们的词汇量就不再增加了。 十八 什么是戏剧?戏剧就是舞台上用语言和动作讲述故事的演员加上一个导演和我们观众。为什么戏剧一直是那样吸引着人们,无论地域,无论古今?西方的戏剧始于公元前534年希腊的狄奥斯庆祭活动上。宗教和戏剧的关系既非偶然,也非附带:二者都包含创造戏剧效果的典礼、仪式及场面,使人们投入感情与智慧,因为它们讲述的故事具有普遍性。

十九 言语是指每个角色的语言标准及恰当性,比如,一个受过良好教育、富有和老练的人物应该用什么样的语言比较恰当;而一个居住在大城市贫民窟或偏远乡村的、未受过教育的、粗鄙的外乡人用什么样的词汇则比较恰当?每一个角色的言语有助于限定和让人识别那个人物。如果一个受过良好教育和老练的人突然变得粗鄙不堪、言语又不合乎语言逻辑的话,我们一定得问这是否是作者的错误,抑或,角色言语的这种突变是有充分理由的。每个角色都必须保持言语的标准,而这个语言标准在剧中所描述的生活中是恰当的。口音、地区方言、俚语和俗语属于言语的范畴。 二十 在近年来奥运会的历史上,中国在奥运奖牌榜上持续樊升。中国在1984年洛杉矶奥运会上首次赢得奖牌,在体操和轻量级举重项目中表现出特殊实力。在1988年汉城奥运会奖牌榜上,中国巩固了地位,在国家排行榜上列居第11位。中国在刚刚列入1988年汉城奥运会的新项目—乒乓球项目中显示出其夺牌威力:男子夺得双打,女子在单打项目中囊括了金牌、银牌和铜牌。 二十一 在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上,中国夺得16枚金牌,在金牌榜上列第4。在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上中国保住了这个位置。在悉尼奥运会上,中国毫不客气地攀到第3位,赢得28枚金牌、16枚银牌和15枚铜牌—总共59枚,令人肃然起敬。在以前的奖牌总数排行榜上,在200个国家中中国列居第23位,共36枚金牌、41枚银牌和37枚铜牌。然而从1956年到1984年的夏季奥运会上,中国一直缺席。排行榜上第一是美国,第二是前苏联,然后是英国。

二十二 当今经济发展的趋势告诉我们,未来经济会不断发展、永不停歇,未来全世界会是一个财富不断增长而欲望节节上升的世界;一个为达到富裕不断角逐而导致文化差异尽失的世界;一个建立在信仰科学和智力并相信人类有最大的能力塑造自己命运的世界。具有讽刺意味的是,在最后一点上,历史的经验教训似乎告诉我们事物的发展并非如此:人类别无选择,并不能掌握自己的命运。最后,经济发展的结果不是人性战胜物欲,而是物欲战胜人性。 二十四 假使你正驾车行驶在公路上,在你行进的方向上有三条车道,遇到的过路收费区设有六个收费岗亭。三个收费亭位于行车车道正前方,另三个则在路右方。你该选择哪条车道呢?情况通常是,不论你选哪条,等候时间都差不多长。通常有很多人试图寻求最短的队列,其结果足以使所有队列的长度大致相等。如果一支队列比其他队列短许多,汽车就会快速驶入该队列,直到使各队列等长为止。通常有很多的驾车者都寻求最迅速的队列,其数量也足以使一般等候时间均等。

二十五 美国人的价值观在家庭中受到热烈欢迎。许多家庭治家都很民主。家中每个人都有发言权。平等的观念广泛存在于美国的家庭中。孩子们把父母当成好朋友,而不是惧怕他们。夫妇经常延彼此分担家务。许多家庭的孩子都有自己的卧室,可以享有隐私权。孩子们从很小的时候起就有了理财的责任。他们可能每周得到零花钱甚或干些零活。父母亲常常会给孩子们自己做决定的自由。学龄前的孩子可以自己选择穿什么衣服或买什么玩具。青年一般可以自由选择职业和结婚的对象。 二十六 我认为,初恋可能会最深地刺痛我们,并给我们留下印迹。而持久的、日益发展的爱情能做到这一点是因为它将两人最珍贵、最美好、最高尚的东西连接在一起,并给予滋养。还因为它能理解和原谅一些逊色的东西。 初恋可能会侵入血液,令人头晕目眩;而永恒的爱情则在灵魂深处找到归宿。因此,这种爱具有血肉之躯远远不及的力量。它使我们成为完整的人,给我们一种整体感,使我们得以平安度过一生。 二十七 我的爷爷和奶奶认为,你要么是诚实的,要么不是。不可能介于两者之间。在他们起居室的墙上挂着一幅简单易懂的座右铭:“生活好像一片刚刚落满白雪的土地;我走到哪里,我的每一个脚印就会出现在哪里。”他们无需就此加以评说—他们是以身体力行的方式来证实这幅座右铭的。 二十八 他们本能的理解是,诚实意味着具备一定的伦理道德标准,既不看风使舵,也不随着眼下的形势而转移。诚实是判断你行为的内在标准。遗憾的是,如今,诚实处在短缺状态—甚至越来越稀罕。然而,它却是社会各个领域真正的思想上的底线,而且是必须要求自己严格做到的。

二十九 真诚、坦率地展示真实的你。那些缺乏真正的基本价值观念的人,为了使自己感觉良好而依靠外在因素—相貌或社会地位。他们势必尽一切可能来保全这种表面形象,却很少会去培养自己内在的价值和注重个人的成长。不经设法掩盖你生活中令人不快的方方面面。艰难时刻要顽强。换言之,要正视现实。面对生活的挑战,要老成持重,应付有方。 三十 世界人民团结与友谊万岁”—北京火车站前一幅标语这样写道。鉴于我们的“地球村”里冲突频繁的现实,人们可能对此说法表示怀疑是可以理解的。然而点燃一支蜡烛总比单纯咒骂黑暗要好。而就加强各国人民的团结而言,编出一本实用、可靠的双语词典所起的作用就不是一支小小的蜡烛可比的了。这里加强的乃是世界上使用人数最多的两大语言家族—汉语民族和英语民族之间的团结。