新概念 1.


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Presentation transcript:

新概念 1

Lesson 71 He’s Awful !

awful awfully adj. 让人讨厌的、坏的 He is awful. = He is very terrible. ? n. 非常 = very ? I am awfully sorry. I am very sorry. ? =

telephone telephone v. 打电话 telephone sb. = phone sb. ? = call sb. ?

time n. 时间 【U】 n. 次(数) 【C】 twice 两次 once 一次 four times 四次 three times 三次

answer answer v. 接(电话) 接电话: answer the phone n. 回答 回答问题: answer the question

last week/last year/last month adj. 最后的、前一次的 最后一个 the last one last night 昨晚 first adv. 第一 the first one 第一个 引导过去式的时间状语: last week/last year/last month

phone n. 电话 = telephone ? answer the phone 接电话 rise off the phone 挂电话 hang up the phone

Remember to phone me at 7:00. v. 打电话 phone sb. 给某人打电话 Remember to phone me at 7:00. 记得今天7点打我电话。

again adv. 又一次地 say it again = repeat ? read it again = reread ? write it again = rewrite ? play it again = replay ?

说 say said said 说 speak spoke spoken tell told told

say 后面就跟内容,说的内容或对象 结构: say sth. to sb. say to oneself 自言自语

tell 往往具有告知的含义 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell a lie 说谎 tell a story 讲故事

May I speak to Pauline, please? 后面往往是跟语言或人 speak to sb. 与某人说话 May I speak to Pauline, please? 请让波琳接电话好吗?

I' d like to speak to Pauline, please. 后面往往是跟语言或人 speak to sb. 与某人说话 I' d like to speak to Pauline, please. 我想请波琳听电话。

语法:一般过去时 be动词的过去式有两种形式: was were

语法:一般过去时 其他动词的过去式变化形式 规则变化 其他动词 不规则变化

语法:一般过去时 规则变化 规则变化的方式就和名词变复数一样 名词加s,过去式加ed look looked 一般情况 watch watched

语法:一般过去时 规则变化 规则变化的方式就和名词变复数一样 名词加s,过去式加ed smile smiled 不发音e结尾 like liked

语法:一般过去时 规则变化 规则变化的方式就和名词变复数一样 名词加s,过去式加ed hurry hurried 辅y carry carried

语法:一般过去时 规则变化 规则变化的方式就和名词变复数一样 名词加s,过去式加ed pat patted 重读闭音节 ban banned

语法:一般过去时 不规则变化 go went get got say said do did

the day before yesterday 语法:一般过去时 一般过去时的时间状语 yesterday 昨天 前天 the day before yesterday 昨天上午 yesterday morning

语法:一般过去时 一般过去时的时间状语 yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 昨天晚上 yesterday evening 昨夜 last night

This is Edward calling from London. 语法:打电话的情景 This is Mary speaking. 我是玛丽。 This is Edward calling from London. 我是爱德华,现正在伦敦给你打电话。
