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Presentation transcript:


声音是语言的外壳 我们不仅以貌取人,而且还以声取人。

轻松一笑 大家一起来学英语——China 不同的人有不同的读法: 光棍读:“妻哪?” 恋人读:“亲哪?” 乞丐读:“去哪?” 穷人读:“钱哪?” 医生读:“切哪?” 商人读:“欺哪?” 官员读:“权哪?” 强盗读:“窃哪?” 地产商:“圈哪?” 贫民读:“迁哪?” 政府读:“拆哪?”

英语26字母读音 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj /ei/ /bi:/ /si:/ /di:/ /i:/ /ef/ /dʒi:/ /eitʃ/ /ai/ /dʒei/ Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt /kei/ /el/ /em/ /en/ /əu/ /pi:/ /kju:/ /ɑ:/ /es/ /ti:/ Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz /ju:/ /vi:/ /'dʌblju:/ /eks/ /wai/ /zi:/

元音和辅音: 声带振动,气流不受阻碍: 元音。a, e, i, o, u 气流受到一定的阻碍: 辅音。b, p, k,,, 声带不振动的辅音: 清辅音。t, p, k,,, 声带振动的辅音: 浊辅音。d, b, g,,,

元音(20个) 单元音 前元音 /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ 中元音 /ә:/ /ә/ 后元音 /ә:/ /ә/ 后元音 /a:/ /ʌ/ /ɔ:/ /ɔ/ /u:/ /u/ 双元音 合口双元音 /ei/ /ai/ /ɔi/ /au/ /әu/ 集中双元音 /iә/ /eә/ /uә/

前元音 /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/

长元音。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,舌部肌肉紧张,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平型,像微笑一样。 /i:/ 长元音。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,舌部肌肉紧张,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平型,像微笑一样。 (字母 Ee 的发音。) Say cheese! (说“茄子”!)

/i:/ 单词听读练习: he eve we bee sheep week keep tea eat sea leave seize receive deceit thief field niece police machine key

in the tree in the street in the deep sea 短语听读练习: in the tree in the street in the deep sea have a meeting eat meat keep a dog 谚语: Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。 Deeds are fruits and words are leaves. 言是叶,行是果。

/i/ 短元音。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,但比 /i:/ 要低,舌部肌肉比 /i:/放松,唇形扁平,开口比 /i:/ 大些。

/i/ 单词听读练习: big pig dig copy gym pity expect careless goodness business minute village private build guitar honey monkey women foreign busy

短语听读练习: a big city a pretty lady a lovely baby a busy day a private villa milk a cow a little monkey a foreign language Everyone’s business is nobody’s business. 三个和尚没水吃。 A merry company is music in a journey. 有个好伙伴,一路音乐声。

/e/ 短元音。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭稍抬起,开口比 /i/ 大些,上下齿之间可容纳一个食指尖,口型自然放松,双唇稍扁。

/e/ 单词听读练习: get desk cent help best any many weather head sweat bread said friend guest request

a red letter day a best seller get wet take a rest 短语听读练习: a red letter day a best seller get wet take a rest make friends make a request for help 谚语: Better late than never.迟做总比不做好。 Better an empty purse than an empty head. 宁可一文不名,不可胸无点墨。 All’s well that ends well. 结局好,一切好。

/ æ/ 短元音。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍 抬起,比 /e/ 低些,开口比 /e/ 大些。 可以容纳食指和中指,双唇向两旁 平伸。咽喉有收缩。 (此音人称“不带长音符号的长音”)

/ æ/ 单词听读练习: fat plan chat family happy have hand plait plaid 短语听读练习: a black bag a happy family a fat cat hand in hand have a chat plan a trip a bad apple a rabbit in a trap

谚语: Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 天机不可泄露。 Marry your match. 和相匹配的人结婚。 Many sands will sink a ship. 积沙沉船。 Every bean has its black. 凡人各有其短处。

中元音 /ә:/ /ә/

/ә:/ 长元音。舌身平放,舌尖中部抬起 至中间位置,牙床开的较窄,嘴唇 展开程度似 /i:/

/ә:/ 单词听读练习: birth first shirt third her service mercy person work worst worth fur curb hurt early learn journey courtesy myrtle

-r 音节: -re 音节: -ar, -er, -ir, -or, -ur; -r 音节再与 e 组合,构成 –re 音节: -are, -ere, -ire, -ore, -ure. (注:美式发音只有在有这些音节的地方卷舌。)

turn red at first on earth serve a customer give birth to a son 短语听读练习 turn red at first on earth serve a customer give birth to a son 谚语: Even a worm will turn. 狗急跳墙。 The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 手中一鸟胜过林中两鸟。

/ә/ 短元音。舌尖中部抬起,比 /ә:/ 低,牙床半开,双唇扁平。 此音俗称 “懒音”,张口即可发出。此音只出现在非重读音节。

/ә/ 单词听读练习: terrible possible library along chorus minimum correct seldom protect gentlemen September author visitor labor teacher water sugar Saturday lecture

number 10 in September at ten o’clock 短语听读练习: number 10 in September at ten o’clock on Saturday post a letter draw a picture from cover to cover 谚语: Finders keepers. 谁捡的就归谁。 Custom is the second nature. 习惯是第二天性。 Creditors have better memories than debtors. 债主的记忆比债户好。

后元音 /a:/ /ʌ/ /ɔ:/ /ɔ/ /u:/ /u/

/a:/ 长元音。舌尖离开下齿,舌身平方 后缩,舌后部稍抬起,口张开,开 口最大。/a:/在美式发音里,在/n/, /m/, /s/, /θ/, /f/前发/ æ/: ask and answer bath half sample

/a:/ 单词听读练习: star park far car dark card vast bath after answer class father calm half clerk heart aunt laugh 短语听读练习: take a bath staff room starting time for example the last 3years 谚语: He laughs longest who laughs last. 笑到最后笑得最好。

/ʌ/ 短元音。舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,双唇向两旁平伸,开口较大。

/ʌ/ 单词听读练习: up cup but duck study subject hut son love dove come front money enough young double cousin tough blood

come on enough food a flood of tears 谚语: Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 短语听读练习: come on enough food a flood of tears subject matter front runner roast duck 谚语: Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 Well begun ,well done. 善始善终。 Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you. 不要自找麻烦。

/ɔ:/ 长元音。舌尖离开下齿,舌后部上抬, 比 /ɔ/ 高,双唇收得比 /ɔ/ 圆而小,且向前突出。

/ɔ:/ ( /ɔ:/ 在美式发音里读作/ɔә/,只限-r音节。) 单词听读练习: horse short nor bought ought always although water ball walk caught daughter autumn dawn law before more board broad floor door four ( /ɔ:/ 在美式发音里读作/ɔә/,只限-r音节。)

短语听读练习: a tennis court at dawn raw water before long in autumn a drawing board go for a short walk eat like a horse 谚语: More haste, less speed . 欲速则不达。 Pride goes before a fall. 骄傲使人落后。 Fingers were made before forks. 先有手,后有刀叉。

/ɔ/ 短元音。舌尖离开下齿,舌身尽量 降低、后缩,开口大,几乎同/a:/,双唇稍稍收圆。

/ɔ/ stop knock clock job long what want cough knowledge 单词听读练习: stop knock clock job long what want cough knowledge sausage because 短语听读练习: have a bad cough hot dog an office block on holiday in the long run

A little pot is soon hot. 量小易怒。 谚语: Waste not, want not. 不浪费,不贫困。 A little pot is soon hot. 量小易怒。 Art is long, life is short. 生命短暂,艺术永恒。 Imagination is more important than knowledge. 想象力比知识重要。

/u:/ 长元音。舌尖离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起,较高,双唇收圆,口型最小,且向前突出,口腔肌肉始终紧张。 (字母 Uu 的发音为 /ju:/ (信阳同学须注意此音,不能发成双元音әu 。)

/u:/ 单词听读练习: 短语听读练习: do who lose tooth too shoe canoe group through soup you rule June flew crew fruit blue 短语听读练习: a glass of juice in June blue moon in the soup food and drink a stage crew the school rules

谚语: Soon ripe, soon rotten. 早熟早烂。 Too-too will in two. 过分亲密会吵嘴。 He who loses credit can lose nothing further. 人无信不立。

/u/ 短元音。舌尖离开下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起,双唇收圆,稍向前突出,比 /u:/ 放松。

/u/ cook good foot hood wood hook could should woman 单词听读练习: put push sugar pull full bush cook good foot hood wood hook could should woman 短语听读练习 a good- looking woman a gas cooker full speed in the wood by hook or by crook 谚语:Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 Good to begin well, better to end well. 开头好重要,结尾好更重要。

合口双元音 /ei/ /ai/ /ɔi/ /au/ /әu/

双元音的特点 1.从一个元音快速不停地滑向另一个元音。 2.音长相当于长元音。 3.两个音前强后弱,前长后短。

/ei/ 口型由 /e/向 /i/ 滑动。 发音过程 中,下颚向上合拢,舌位也稍稍抬 高。 (字母 Aa 的发音)

/ei/ 单词听读练习: ate cake game day way wait rain fail eight weight break great they gauge 短语听读练习: break away weight lifting a sail boat go away rain cats and dogs

谚语: Call a spade a spade. 实事求是。 When the cat is away, the mice will play . 山中无老虎,猴子称大王。 顺口溜: Rain, rain, go away, Rain, rain, go away; This is mother’s washing day. Come again, another day.

/ai/ 口型从/a/滑向/i/, /a/是前元音,舌位介于/ æ/ 和 /a:/之间,发音时舌尖抵下齿,发音过程中,下颚迅速向上移动,开口逐渐缩小。(字母Ii的发音。) 注意: 区别 双元音/ai/ 和 单元音/ æ/。

单词听读练习: by fly cry side time night high lie tie aisle either height buy dye eye 短语听读练习: day and night a quiet life fly a kite wine and dine sb. behind the times

谚语: Beauty lies in lover’s eyes. 情人眼里出西施 Like father, like son . 有其父必有其子 Great minds think alike . 英雄所见略同 Time flies. 光阴飞逝

/ɔi/ 口型开始部位在 /ɔ/ 和 /ɔ:/之间,由此向 /i/ 滑动,同时唇形由圆变扁。下颚活动没有 /ai/ 显著。

/ ɔi / 单词听读练习: boy toy oil coin join noise loyal royal 短语听读练习: boy friend a toy dog enjoy one’s job join the army make a choice boil over the royal family oil and vinegar 谚语: Spare the rod, spoil the child. 不打不成器。 A cheerful wife is the joy of life. 快乐的妻子能给生活带来乐趣。

/au/ 口型由/a/ 向 /u/ 滑动,双唇逐渐收圆,舌后部稍稍抬起。

now how cow out ground around mouse 单词听读练习: now how cow out ground around mouse flower power bower our sour hour 短语听读练习: go sour speaks loud hour hand house plant down in the mouth power behind the throne

谚语: Knowledge is power . 知识就是力量。 Many drops make a shower. 积少成多。 There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。

/әu/ 由/ә/ 向 /u/ 滑动。发音过程中下颚稍抬高,双唇由扁平收圆。 (字母 Oo 的发音。)

单词听读练习: so home told throw show oak load toast boat soap though shoulder toe hoe sew 短语听读练习: go home throw away soap opera load game toe shoes boat race shoulder to shoulder

谚语: As you sow you shall mow. Little strokes fell great oaks. 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆。 Little strokes fell great oaks. 滴水穿石。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔 。

A song: Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream; Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.

集中双元音 /iә/ /eә/ /uә/

/iә/ 从 /i/很快滑向 /ә/。注意发 /i/时的双唇扁平,发音过程中,双唇稍稍展开。

单词听读练习: idea theatre realize really ear dear year clear industrial imperial beer deer here mere various 短语听读练习: a sheer rock clear idea be all ears year in year out clear up the desk 谚语: Never judge by appearances. 人不可貌相

/eə/ 口型从/e/ 向 /ә/ 滑动。 bear wear pear air hair chair 单词听读练习: bear wear pear air hair chair stare mare rare there where area parent various their heir scarce 短语听读练习: holiday wear here and there scare buying hair dye a spare tire prepare a medicine 谚语: Money makes mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。 Fairest gems lie deepest. 珍物难求。

/uә/ 口型从 /u/ 快滑向 /ә/。注意发/u/ 时舌位不要太高,以免发出/u:/ 。发音过程中双唇由稍圆而展开。

/uә/ 单词听读练习: poor moor usual February tour sure lure pure during curious fury purity furious 短语听读练习: go on a tour during the day as usual poor soil purified salt cure a patient Prevention is better than the cure. 预防胜于治疗。

半元音 /w/ /j/ /u/ /i/ (音质近似元音,功能为辅音功能--- 不能构成音节核心。半元音没有音长。)

双唇音。舌后部向软腭抬起,双唇收圆而小,并向前突出。该音一经发出立刻向后面的元音滑动。 /w/ 双唇音。舌后部向软腭抬起,双唇收圆而小,并向前突出。该音一经发出立刻向后面的元音滑动。 (注意区别 /w/ - /v/) Wit and will strive for the victory.

/w/ quite choir /'kwaiə/ one once language 单词听读练习: west away twice when what quick quite choir /'kwaiə/ one once language 谚语:Once bitten, twice shy。 一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳 Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

/j/ 硬腭音。舌前部尽量向硬腭抬起,双唇向两旁伸展成扁平形。该音一经发出立刻向后面的元音滑动。

单词听读练习: year young you your yolk unit use feud new beauty 谚语:No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。 Virtue never grows old. 美德永不老。


双唇 唇齿 舌齿 齿龈 后齿 硬腭齿龈 硬腭 软腭 声门 清 浊 爆破 破擦 摩擦 鼻音 舌侧 半元 /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ 破擦 /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /t∫/ /d3/ 摩擦 /f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/ /r/ /∫/ /3/ /h/ 鼻音 /m/ /n/ /η/ 舌侧 /l/ 半元 /w/ [j]

清、浊辅音对照 10对 清 辅 音 /p / /t/ /k/ /f/ /s/ /∫/ /t∫/ /tr/ /θ/ /ts/ 浊 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /z/ /3/ /d3/ /dr /ð/ /dz

清浊辅音与词性转换 bath - /bɑ:θ/bæθ/ --- bathe - /beið/ life - /laif/ --- live - /liv/ breath - /breθ/ --- breathe - / bri:ð / cloth- /klɔθ/ --- clothe- /kləʊð/ advice - /əd'vais/ --- advise - /əd'vaiz/ describe- /di'skraib/ --- description- /di'skripʃən/

有时不发音的辅音: hour honest comb climb knee know two write whole white doughter high listen fasten castle whistle rustle Christmas psychology

/p/ /b/ 爆破音。双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔发音。 /p/: 清辅音,发音时声带不振动; /b/: 浊辅音,发音时声带振动。

Every couple is not a pair. 单词听读练习: play people pig peep keep cup deep apple map passport help big bus beat beep bell web lab herb rabbit shabby cabbage 谚语: Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧 Every couple is not a pair. 天下夫妻多,珠联璧合少。 Birth is much, but breeding is more. 教养比出身重要。

/t/ /d/ 爆破音。舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后突然下降,气流冲出口腔发音。 /t/: 清辅音,发音时声带不动;

Do not hold a candle for the devil. 单词听读练习: tea test what eat better fat hot do day dog hard bed middle shoddy 谚语:Time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人 Do not hold a candle for the devil. 勿助纣为虐

/k/ /g/ 爆破音。舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔发音。 /k/ 清辅音,声带不振动;

cat cot cut clinic clock kick key work 单词听读练习: cat cot cut clinic clock kick key work character six fax technical exercise go give dig leg egg beggar giggle guard guide ghost vague dialogue exam 谚语: One can not set back the clock. 光阴一去不复返。 A good name is worth more than gold. 美名无价。

/f/ /v/ 唇齿音。下唇轻触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙中通过引起摩擦发音。 /f/: 清辅音,发音时声带不振动;

单词听读练习: fix flat feel half cliff phone photo enough laugh very vest vivid love move clever 谚语: First come , first served. 先来后到。 Forgive and forget. 勿念旧恶。

/s/ /z/ 摩擦音。舌端接近齿龈,但不要紧贴,气流由舌端和齿龈间流出,摩擦发音。 /s/: 清辅音,发音时声带不振动;

单词听读练习: sick bus six fax miss kiss rice face science scene process cite cycle zeal zest zip zoo buzz his has easy please possess [pə'zes] example 谚语: Self do , self have. 自作自受。

摩擦音。舌前部抬起,舌身抬起靠近上腭,形成狭长通道,气流由此通过摩擦发音。双唇稍向前突出,略成喇叭形。 /ʃ/ /3/ 摩擦音。舌前部抬起,舌身抬起靠近上腭,形成狭长通道,气流由此通过摩擦发音。双唇稍向前突出,略成喇叭形。 /ʃ/: 清辅音,声带不振动; /3/: 浊辅音,声带振动; (注意,此音不同于汉语的“诗”、“希”、“虚”。)

ship wash sure sugar issue pressure mission 单词听读练习: ship wash sure sugar issue pressure mission machine situation patient social delicious ocean usual vision measure treasure garage seizure leisure pre'stige 谚语: What shall be shall be. 要发生的就发生吧。 Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 进食可随意,饮酒要适量。

绕口令 She sells seashells on the seashore . The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure; If she sells seashells on the seashore, Then, I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

/tʃ/ /dʒ/ 破擦音。舌尖舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲破阻碍摩擦发音。冲破阻碍后,舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝。(做爆破音 /t/ /d/ 准备) /tʃ/: 清辅音,声带不振动; /dʒ/: 浊辅音,声带振动。

单词听读练习: chat cheat each much catch watch fetch lecture picture job jeans general danger suggest page judge ridge bridge adjust soldier procedure A stitch in time saves nine. 及时行事,事半功倍。 Every Jack shall has his Jill. 每个男人都会找到妻子。

破擦音。摆好发 [r] 的舌位,然后舌尖上翘贴在上齿龈后部发出短促的[t] 后立即发[r]。(做爆破音 /t/ /d/ 准备) /tr/ /dr/ 破擦音。摆好发 [r] 的舌位,然后舌尖上翘贴在上齿龈后部发出短促的[t] 后立即发[r]。(做爆破音 /t/ /d/ 准备) [tr]: 清辅音,声带不振动; [dr]: 浊辅音,声带振动。

单词听读练习: tree try truck trade trace stress strong street factory dream drop dry dread drag dragon hundred 谚语: Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁。 Wit and will strive for the victory. 智慧加毅力一定会胜利。

舌齿音。舌尖在上下齿间,略微伸出气流由舌齿间的窄缝流出,摩擦发音。 /θ/ /ð/ 舌齿音。舌尖在上下齿间,略微伸出气流由舌齿间的窄缝流出,摩擦发音。 /θ/: 清辅音,声带不振动; /ð/ : 浊辅音,声带振动。

单词听读练习: think thumb thought three thirsty throat health north death fifth teeth breath than this the these though father other clothe with breathe 谚语:Good health is above wealth. 无病就是富。 They who know nothing fear nothing. 初生牛犊不怕虎。

/ts/ /dz/ hands friends sands beds sends leads reads 单词听读练习: cats dates hats pets sits gets meets fights hands friends sands beds sends leads reads 谚语:A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口 Diamonds cut diamonds.强中自有强中手 (此两破擦音一般只出现在单词末尾,因变化而得)

/m/ /n/ /ŋ/:鼻辅音。 /m/:双唇音. 准备发 /p/ 或 /b/, 鼻子送气。 /n/:齿龈音. 准备发 /t/ 或 /d/, 鼻子送气。 /ŋ/:软腭音. 准备发 /k/ 或 /g/, 鼻子送气。

单词听读练习: must mom mat make film team not name answer dance man one sing song young drink sink bank 注:字母 n 在字母 k ,g 前发/ŋ/音

谚语: Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘谬以千里。 What’s done can’t be undone. 覆水难收。 It’s never too late to learn. 活到老学到老。 To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. 学而不思就如食而不化。 The three foundations of learning:seeing much, suffering much, and studying much. 求学的三个基本条件:多观察、多吃苦、多研究。

/h/: 声门摩擦音.口自然张开,气流不受阻碍自由冲出口腔,只在通过声门的时候产生摩擦发音。口型依后面的元音而变化。声带不振动。 hat his head happy who whole Mr. White

/w/: what where which when /h/: who whom whose /hw /: white why where (美式发音) He, who has an art, has everywhere a part. 一招鲜,吃遍天。

/r/:舌尖向上卷起,停在口腔中央,舌前部下陷成凹形,舌身两侧收拢,双唇略突出,气流从舌面与硬腭间流出发音。 read write road sorry Friday No cross, no crown.未经苦难,不得荣冠。 Rest breeds rust. 久疏则废。

/l/ 舌侧音 清晰 /l/: 用在原音前。舌端紧抵上齿龈,舌前向硬腭抬起形成阻碍,气流从舌的两侧发出,故名“舌侧音” look left league early feeling believe hello college

含糊的/l/:出现在辅音前后和词尾。舌尖紧抵上齿龈,舌中下陷,舌后上抬,舌面形成凹槽,气流从舌两侧流出发音。 tall ball tell battle apple help build fail file feel fill fell fall (此音是难点,发不好会成原音而无法和后面的原音连读。)

谚语: Live and learn . 活到老学到老。 Like will find like . 物以类聚。 Self-help is the best help. 自力更生最保险。 It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。


元音字母在重读音节的发音规则 Aa: /ei/:tape make --- 开音节(本音) /æ/: tap lack --- 闭音节 Ee: /i:/: we me be --- 开(本音) /e/: wet met bed --- 闭 Ii: /ai/: bite ride site --- 开(本音) /i/: bit rid sit --- 闭

Oo: /әu/: note hope go --- 开(本音) /ɔ/:not hop got --- 闭 Uu: /ju:/: cute mule use --- 开(本音) /Λ/:cut must dusk ---闭 Yy: /ai/: by fly my --- 开(本音) /i/: gym physics --- 闭

元音字母在非重读音节中的读音:多数读 /ә/ 和 /i/ ago manage review camera divide inform obey polite success support city rainy (类似弱式)

辅音字母的读音规则 1.多数辅音字母只有一个读音: dog tea; fit vine; pig big; jack moon red yes him kite wet zoo 2.少数辅音字母不止一个读音: Cc: cat cot cut clean crow music cent city cycle (看字母c后的元音) 3.辅音字母重出只读一个: rabbit happy daddy ball egg better sorry suggest

4. 一些常见辅音字母组合的读音: pick panicky trafficking sing song what where /w/ whole whose who /h/ (White why AmE /hw) she shake photo phone ghost tough bath bathe chick technology Chicago

5.有些辅音字母不发音 hour honest comb climb know knock write two phsychology daughter through listen fasten castle whistle Christmas

-ed 的读音 - 清清浊浊 1. 在清辅音后读清辅音 /t/: looked tapped laughed passed watched 2. 在浊辅音后读浊辅音 /d/: begged stabbed lived seized judged 3. 在/t/, /d/ 后读 /-id/: started created loaded founded

以-ed结尾的词 如果是形容词读: /id/ a learned man /'lə:nid/ an aged man /'eidʒid/ 如果是过去分词则按过去分词的读音规则 (清清浊浊): We’ve learned 8 lessons by now. /lə:nd/ He’s aged a lot. /eidʒd/

音节的划分 元音是音节的主体,是必要的。一个音节可以只是一个元音,如 /ai/,也可以由一个元音和多个辅音构成,如 /bʌs/ 。一个单词可以没有辅音,但必须有元音。一个元音一个音节。如果辅音重叠,即一个归前一个归后: ap-ple, rab-bit, sor-ry, hap-py。 前一个音节为闭音节。 以元音字母结尾的音节叫开音节;以辅音字母结尾的音节叫闭音节。

划分音节的意义: 1.确定重读位置。重读位置的确定是依据音节而定。有重第一、第二、倒一、倒二、倒三音节的。 'happy ma'ture trai'nee eco'nomic possi'bility 2.词形转换时需要双写末尾辅音字母,条件是重读闭音节结尾、末尾只有一个辅音字母,而辅音字母前只有一个元音字母的,双写末尾的辅音字母再加词缀 –ing, -er, -est, -ed, be-ginning bigger tapped li-stening (-sten不是重读音节)

有趣的元音利用 CU= See you. IC= I see. U2= You too. I h8 U= I hate you An IOU note= 欠条 I owe you 说n容易,说o容易,说no不容易(文字游戏)

词重音的一般规律: 1.双音节词的重音多数在第一个音节上。 'daily 'matter ' happy 'clever 2.带a-, be-, en-, for-, im-, in-, mis-, trans-, un -,pro-, pre-, to, 等这些不可分割的前缀的双音节词,重音常落在第2个音节上。

a'bove be'lieve en'dure for'get im'ply in'deed mis'take trans'port pro'vide pre'pare un'less to'day,

3.多音节词的重读倒数第3个音节: 'satisfy mag'nificent im'mediate in'telligent e'conomy natio'nality 'educate 'adjective 4. 以-ic结尾的形容词,重读倒数第二个音节: eco'nomic spe'cific ener'getic patri'otic 5.有些拼法-ia, -ie, -io等属于元音重出,虽有时只发一个音,但可当成两个音节,可按多音节词重读倒数第3个音节: 'special 'social mu'sician dic'tation so'ciety 'curious

6.以ee,等后缀结尾的多音节词,重音落在最后一个音节上。 intervie'wee emplo'yee trai'nee 7.以词缀 –ity 结尾的词,重倒三: possi'bility natio'nality i'dentity re'ality 8.三个音节以上的词除了主重音外往往还有一个次重音。多为派生词,次重音在原词重音位置。 pro,nunci'ation ex,ami'nation ex,agge'ration ad,mini'stration

一般后缀不影响重读: 'absolutely im'mediately de'velopement e'volvement 'educator ad'visor per'centage per'formance as'sistance 'national 'personal 'purify 'beautify 'careful 'careless 'childish 'manhood 'popularize

em'ploy - employ'ee 'interview - interview'ee 影响重读的词缀: e'conomy - eco'nomic de'mocracy - demo'cratic a'cademy - aca'demic 'educate - edu'cation com'pete - compe'tition re'solve - reso'lution em'ploy - employ'ee 'interview - interview'ee en'viroment - enviro'mental 'accident - acci'dental 'fundament - funda'mental 'possible - possi'bility 'real - re'ality 'nation - natio'nality

on the 'increase --- to in'crease the speed 重音移动改变词性: the 'import of oil --- to im'port cars from Japan on the 'increase --- to in'crease the speed to hurl 'insults to sb.--- to feel in'sulted a great deal of 'upset --- to up'set one’s cup to make 'progress --- His work is pro'gressing. the rules of 'conduct--- to con'duct oneself well 'records of birth --- to re'cord the progress(待续)

at 'present --- to pre'sent oneself by 'contrast --- to con'trast the two sisters at 'present --- to pre'sent oneself an 'object of attention --- to ob'ject the plan a 'permit --- to per'mit smoking a 'refuse bag --- to re'fuse one’s help good 'content --- to be con'tent with sth. ten 'minutes --- a mi'nute examination in 'August --- an au'gust man 'frequent changes --- to fre'quent the bar

句子重读 'There is a'hole in the 'bottom of the 'sea. 双音节的介词或连词可以重读: 1.名词、动词(实意动词)、形容词、副词、数词比较重要的词都要重读: 'There is a'hole in the 'bottom of the 'sea. 'There is 'nothing we can 'do 'now. 2.虚词:冠词、连接词、介词、人称代词一般都不重读。 双音节的介词或连词可以重读: 'after be'fore u'pon be'cause

3.不重读的词的元音要弱化,按元音字母在非重读音节中的读音规则发音。 4.在句子中每个重读音节间相隔的时间大致是相等的,就像音乐中的打拍子,特别要体会一轻一重或一重一轻的节奏感。 Good , better, best, Never let it rest. Till good is better, And better best

在以下这些情况下,虚词在句子中也可以重读: 1.要特别强调或突出某个虚词或动词be时: He said he might be able to come. Yes, I am sorry for what I have done. 2.疑问代词以及在句子中作主语或宾语的指示代词和不定代词要重读: what can I do for you? This is all I can tell you. Who came to see me this morning?

3.在句首的介词可以重读: On the day of his arrival his father died. 4.在句末的动词be和助动词一般要重读: Do you live in town? Yes, I do. 5.动词be及助动词和副词not结合在一起时要重读: I can’t hear you. 6.动词be和助动词在句首时可以重读,也可以不重读: Is she any better today?

7 表示对比的虚词也须重读: I said “a” book, not “the” book. Your pen is “in” your bag, not “on ”it. I said “apple ‘or’ peach, not “apple ‘ and ’ peach,” so, you can take only either one of them.


强读式和弱读式的一般规律 1. 非重读词(介、连、冠)一定要用弱式,如: Pass me the book. / 'pa:s mi ðə 'buk/ You can come later. /ju kəŋ 'kʌm 'leitə 2.单词单独出现时,无论词性都采用强读式,如: do /du:/ for /fɔ:/ sun /sʌn/ clean /kli:n/

3.句首或句末的单词,无论词性都采用强读式。 That is 'my 'sister. / ðæt/ 4.在句中被特别强调的实词或虚词,采用强读式,如: I am Peter. 句中的be动词am 被强调,采用强读式,读作/æm/ Who are you? ---I’m 'Peter. Are you Peter? --- 'Yes, I 'am Peter.

虚词的强读式和弱读式 虚词弱读的读音变化规律 1.长变短。 she are do 强式: /ʃi:/ / a:/ /du:/ 弱式: /ʃi/ / ə / /də / 2.元音前面的辅音被省略。 have has him her 强式:/hæv/ /hæz/ /him/ /hə: / 弱式:/ əv/ / əz/ /im/ /hə , ə / 3.辅音前面的元音被省略。 am some 强式: /æm/ /sʌm/ 弱式: /m/ /sm/

4.元音一般弱读为/ə/。 can could from 强式:/kæn/ /kud/ /frɔm/ 弱式:/kən/ /kəd/ /frəm/ 5.部分虚词有多种弱读形式(视语速而定)。 would :/wəd/ /d/ have :/həv/ / əv/ /v/ them :/ðəm/ /ðm/ /əm/ /m/

音 的 同 化 音的同化就是一个音因为受了另外一个邻音的影响而发成了这两个音之外的第三个音。 几种同化现象: 1.因发音时舌位的影响而发生同化: Did you see him?I need you. ---/d/+/j/ = /d3/ Glad to meet you. I want you. ---/t/ + /j/ = / t∫/ I miss you. this year ---/s/ + /j/ = /∫/ as usual Does she …? ---/z/ + /j/ = /3 /

有些词的拼法与清浊音的同化有关: 2.因清浊音的影响而发生的同化(清化) What’s this? used to /ju:st tu/ of course /əf/ You should have told me ./həf/ with thanks - /wiθθæŋks/ 有些词的拼法与清浊音的同化有关: describe-description five-fifth

3.因唇的影响而发生的同化: in bed 中n受到双唇辅音/b/的影响而发成/im’bed/. 同样,前缀 im- 其实就是前 in- 的变体,im-用在以双唇音开头的词前:/p/, /b/, /m/。 impossible imbalance immortal 另外,il- 用在以l开头的词前;ir- 用在以r开头的词前。 illegal irregular

不完全的爆破音 1.爆破音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/相邻时:前面一个发不完全的爆破音,后面一个是完全的爆破音: (1) Ted has a bad cold today. (2) She took good care of the children. (3) actor suitcase lamppost blackboard

(2) Have you read the book about the child? 2. /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/在/tʃ/ /dʒ/ /θ/ /ð/的前面时: (1) I don’t like the way Frank talks. (2) Have you read the book about the child? (3) picture object good-bye bloodthirsty grandchild

3./t/ /d/在/m/ /n/ /l/ /s/ 前面时: /t/ ,/d/受后 这些音素的影响发生鼻化、旁流、破擦等 现象: (1)We heard David sing last night. (2) I would like to have a little piece of the chocolate cake. (3) Good morning! I don’t know. (4) Friendly mostly outside midnight

连 读 1.在同一意群里,如果前一个词的末尾是辅音,后一词的词首是元音,要连读: 连 读 1.在同一意群里,如果前一个词的末尾是辅音,后一词的词首是元音,要连读: take a look at it make an effort a bottle of wine spend a lot of time in an hour take out everything I’ll be back / in half an hour. Shall we meet at eight tonight / or ten o’clock tomorrow?. 3)At four o’clock we had a break, / and each of us had a sandwich /and a cup of tea.

2. 末尾有 r 的词,在短语和句子中和以元音开始的词相邻时,r 要和后面的元音连读: for ever, answer it, a pair of socks, after all, on your own, father and mother, cheer up, here and there, more and more (1) There is a pair of shoes. (2) There are four apples on the plate. (3) An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

/l/ 的连读练习(难点) financial assistance physical education Could you tell us…? all in a sudden a bottle of wine a bundle of flowers Will you please…? I’ll explain it. an apple a day all along the road travel overseas I feel a bit thirsty. double o all of us facial expression We all agree with the plan.

/ŋ/ It’s no use crying over spilt milk. No joy without being annoyed. How about eating out? He’s calling us. Turn that thing off! He’s coming out. She’s reading a book They’re living a happy life. Sing us a song. Anything else? Nothing else.

/n/ 的连读(难点) an apple in an hour an orange on a day all in a sudden make an effort all in all in a hurry find an ATM an average person as an adult on earth in August at ten o’clock in Autumn in an emergency in order to plan a trip Anyone else? No one else. 6918 an object of attention when I was young… for seven hours on end wine and dine sb. She’s an actress. I’m an actor.

连读加音 当前一个单词以元音结尾,而后一个单词又以元音开头时,须在中间加一个半元音/w/ 或 /j/。具体是: 当前一个元音是收口音/u:/,/u/ 或 /әu/,/au/时加/w/: two eggs, do it, too easy 当前一个元音是/i/或/i:/时,加/j/: three eggs, I can see it, say it again

清辅音浊化 重读音节里 /s/ 音后的清辅音读成其相对的浊辅音: /p/ - /b/, /k/ - /g/, /t/ - /d/ sky school score star stay stand speak sport spy strong street strike experiment experience expect

语 调 1.降调 2.升调 3.降升调 4.平调 ~ —

升调和降调是英语基本语调 降调: 2. Where did Mary live? 降调的基本含义是“结束”、“肯定”。一般陈述句、 命令祈使句和特殊疑问句等用降调。 例如:1. He is reading a sad story. 2. Where did Mary live?

升调: 升调的基本含义是“未结束”、“不肯定”。 例如: 1.Are you interested in the film? 2.Will Joan go to the cinema?

常用句式的语调 1.陈述句用降调: I know. There is a book on the desk. My name is Jim. I want to reserve a room. Mary is a driver.

2. 特殊疑问句一般用降调,句首疑问词重读: What time is it? What is your job? Why did you fail the examination? How long did it last? Where do you live?

3. 感叹句表示强烈感叹用降调: What a beautiful car ! What a nice day ! How cool ! How nice it is ! Good heavens! How heavy the box is !

4.一般疑问句用升调,它的简略回答用降调: Is this your book? Yes ,it is./ No, it isn’t. Are you from America? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Do you like English? Yes, I do. /no, I don’t.

5. 选择疑问句前面的选项用升调最后一个选项用降调,or 用平调: Shall we walk or go by bike? Would you like coffee or tea? Do you go there by bus or by taxi? Could you come on Monday ,Tuesday, or Wednesday?

6.反意疑问句没把握的用升调;有把握的用降调: He is from China ,isn’t he ? They went to library, didn’t they ? You will go to the cinema, won’t you

7.祈使句表命令的用降调: Don’t open the door . Don’t make any mistakes. 8.祈使请求的用升调: Stand up, please. Come with us. Thank you.

Thank you!