魚 油 Fish Oil © 2015 美安台灣公司版權所有 僅供內部教育訓練使用.


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魚 油 Fish Oil © 2015 美安台灣公司版權所有 僅供內部教育訓練使用

脂質的定義 脂質不溶於水。 其中脂肪酸(Fatty Acid)為構成脂質之主要成分。

脂質的功能 脂質構成細胞膜 有絕緣效果,能維持體溫並保護內臟 增進食物美味,並且促進消化 是主要的能量來源 提供身體不能製造的必需脂肪酸

脂肪酸的分類 非必需脂肪酸:體內可自行合成,不需由食物供應的脂肪酸。 必需脂肪酸:人體無法合成或合成量不足,需仰賴食物供應的脂肪酸,包括亞麻油酸(omega-6)及次亞麻油酸(omega-3)。

必需脂肪酸 Omega-3 ALA,α-次亞麻油酸,一種必需n-3脂肪酸 EPA,n-3脂肪酸 DHA, n-3脂肪酸 身體難以生成EPA 和 DHA Omega-6 LA,亞麻油酸,一種必需n-6脂肪酸 AA,n-6脂肪酸 GLA,n-6脂肪酸 ALA - C18:3 – legumes, leafy vegetables, flax, flaxseed and canola oils LA - C18:2 – vegetable oils, seeds, nuts EPA and DHA – fish oil, algea

為何需要魚油? ω-3與ω-6應維持平衡 Omega-6 Omega-3 By supplementing with MarineOmega and consuming more omega-3 fatty acids in foods, we are able to balance our essential fatty acid nutrition in favor of the anti-inflammatory scenario. At the same time, we should reduce our intake of omega-6 fats, which come from common cooking oils and meat products. ω-3與ω-6應維持平衡 6 6

為何需要魚油? 現今飲食導致兩邊極度不平衡 Omega-3 Omega-6 Over the past 150 years, our diet has drastically changed, resulting in a pro-inflammatory scenario. Remember that omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized into pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. 現今飲食導致兩邊極度不平衡 7 7

為何需要魚油? 魚油平衡必需脂肪酸營養 補充魚油 Omega-6 Omega-3 By supplementing with MarineOmega and consuming more omega-3 fatty acids in foods, we are able to balance our essential fatty acid nutrition in favor of the anti-inflammatory scenario. At the same time, we should reduce our intake of omega-6 fats, which come from common cooking oils and meat products. 魚油平衡必需脂肪酸營養 8 8

認識EPA與DHA EPA DHA 促進膽固醇水平的正常 支持記憶和學習能力 促進血管健康 抗氧化劑 有消炎作用 促進神經系統功能 促進心血管系統整體健康 為視網膜發育功能所需營養

魚類是大腦的食物 魚類富含DHA;腦中有很高的DHA含量 除了水分以外,腦部有超過一半以上的重量是脂肪 這些脂肪大部分是DHA 研究也發現EPA對腦部功能相當重要 Nucleus: 細胞核 Dendrites:樹狀突 Axon:軸索 Synapse: 突觸 Cell body: 細胞體

懷孕階段 在初生階段用以支持嬰兒的健康 在最後三個月最重要 食用魚肉有其風險,因為汞汙染 每天應食用至少300毫克的DHA If someone chooses to take supplements, they need to first consult with their physician.

懷孕階段 臨床實驗顯示攝取較多DHA的婦女其嬰兒的認知發展分數較高,幼兒也會有較高的智商 Daniels, J.L. Fish intake during pregnancy and early cognitive development of offspring. Epidemiology. 15:394-402, 2004 Cohen, J.T. A quantitative analysis of prenatal intake of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cognitive development. Am. J. Prev. Med 29(4):366-374, 2005

懷孕階段 證據顯示攝取較多DHA的母親生下的小孩睡眠狀況較佳 Cheruku, S.R. Higher maternal plasma DHA during pregnancy is associated with more mature neonatal sleep-state patterning. Am. J. Clin. Nutri. 76:608-613, 2002

Omega-3攝取量少與懷孕期的憂鬱有關 每星期從海產中攝取1,500毫克omega-3的婦女與不攝取omega-3者相比,較不容易有憂鬱症狀產生 Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Epidemiology 2009, Jul; 20(4); 598-603 Depression during pregnancy has adverse consequences for both mother and child. Although common in western countries, depression appears to be virtually absent in countries with high seafood intake. This study had mothers at 32 week’s gestation complete a questionnaire that included symptoms of depression along with a questionnaire from which the amount of omega-3 fatty acids from fish was calculated. Analyses showed lower intake of omega-3 from seafood was associated with high levels of depressive symptoms. Women consuming more than 1.5 grams of omega-3 from seafood per week were the least likely to display depressive symptoms.

懷孕階段 懷孕期間攝取較多的DHA/EPA(每天150毫克)會讓初生嬰兒的體重較重,並且減少早產的機率 Lucas, M. Gestational age and birth weight in relation to n-3 fatty acids among Inuit. Lipids. 39:617-626, 2004. Olsen, S.F., Low consumption of seafood in early pregnancy as a risk factor for preterm delivery. BMJ. 324:1-5, 2002

哺乳/嬰兒階段 母乳中的DHA含量相當低,因為哺乳婦女約10天才吃一次魚 (平均一天80毫克) 每天食用11,000毫克ALA的婦女,其母乳中DHA含量仍低 每天服用300毫克DHA,可增加母乳脂肪中DHA含量從0.14%到0.39% Although DHA is beneficial to a newborn’s development, DHA levels in breast milk is very low because fish is only consumed about every 10 days. Even when consuming 11 grams of ALA/day, DHA levels are low in breast milk. However, by consuming 300 mg DHA/day, DHA elevates to beneficial levels.

哺乳/嬰兒階段 哺乳婦女攝取魚油EPA/DHA與嬰兒在4個月大時的視力有正相關 Lauritzen, L. Maternal fish oil supplementation in lactation: effect on visual acuity and n-3 fatty acid content of infant erythrocytes. Lipids. 38(3): 195-206, 2004

兒童階段 過動兒的血液中DHA含量較低 一項研究中使用omega-3的功能性食物來源提供514毫克的DHA與100毫克的EPA,這使得兒童的侵略性大幅降低 Hamazaki, T. The effect of DHA-containing food administration on symptoms of ADHD – a placebo-controlled doubled blind study. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 58:838,2004 Voight, R.G. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of DHA supplementation with AD/hyperactivity disorder. J. Ped. 138(2): 189-196,2001 Based on evidence that essential fatty acids are necessary for the proper development of brain function in growing children, EFAs have been tried for the treatment of ADHD and related conditions. This study looked at omega 3 supplementation in 26 children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This was a double blind, radomized, placebo controlled study; however the number of subjects was not large. These studies found some evidence that consuming DHA might improve ADHD symptoms, especially a reduction in aggression towards others.

Omega-3能幫助避免成人全死因死亡率與心臟病發生率 針對563名64-76歲男性,連續三年的有安慰劑對照組實驗 受試者接受飲食諮詢與每天攝取2.4公克的 EPA+DHA Omega-3使全死因死亡率降低47%,心臟病發生率降低11% Einvik, G. et al. Euro. J. Cardiovas. Prev. & Rehab. 10 April 2010 (online) This study showed that supplementation with Omega-3 EPA and DHA was associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes and a reduced risk of cardiovascular events. The researchers studied 563 Norwegian men aged 64 to 76 years for three years. After considering age at the time of the study, smoking status, hypertension, body mass index and serum glucose, long chain omega-3 supplementation reduced all-cause mortality by 47% and reduced risk of cardiovascular events by 11%.

成人三酸甘油酯的控制 魚油能有效降低三酸甘油酯 每天攝取2-4公克的EPA/DHA能降低三酸甘油酯達 30-50% 可在醫師監督下與史達汀類藥物(statins)一同使用 Bucher  HC, Griffith  LE, Guyatt  GH.  Systematic review on the risk and benefit of different cholesterol-lowering interventions.  Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.  1999;19:187–95. Fish oil is hypothesized to exert several separate effects that act together to help protect the heart. The most important action of fish oil may be its apparent ability to reduce high triglyceride levels. Like cholesterol, triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood that tends to damage the arteries, leading to heart disease. According to most, though not all, studies, fish oil supplements can reduce triglycerides by as much as 30-50%%. In a detailed review of 47 randomized trials, researchers concluded that fish oil is capable of significantly reducing triglyceride levels with no change in total cholesterol levels and only slight increases in HDL (“good”) cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Randomized controlled trials have shown that, along with statins, fish oil is the only other lipid-lowering agent that can decrease all-cause mortality in patients with known heart disease.

為什麼需要由營養補充品補充Omega-3? 當飲食中的omega-3轉化成活性型態時,會受到下列因素影響而被抑制: 反式脂肪 (爆米花、餅乾等) 酒 精緻糖 過多的膽固醇 缺乏維生素C,鎂,鋅,維生素B6等 即使是亞麻籽油轉化成可利用的EPA和DHA,也會受到這些飲食因素的影響。 所以,必須由營養品中補充可用的活性型omega-3。