Hip Hop.


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Presentation transcript:

Hip Hop

Language Date Bank dance to 20世纪70年代街区舞会上音乐的主持人(DJ)播放很多灵乐,他们注意到大家很喜欢乐曲中的打击乐,因为打击乐非常适合跳舞。 The DJs at block parties in the 1970s played a lot of soul music and they noticed that people preferred the percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to ________ ________. dance to dance to …:随着……跳舞 你喜欢跟着节奏快的音乐跳舞吗? Do you prefer to dance to fast music?

Language Date Bank brought with 2. 纽约有许多牙买加人,他们从自己的国家带去了有关音乐的理念。 There were a lot of Jamaicans in New York who ___________ the idea _________ them. brought with bring sth. with sth. 随身带去某物 你下次来的时候带点钱。 Bring some money with you next time you come. bring … into 使……处于某种状态,使卷入 bring down 使倒下,使(价格等)降低 bring in 邀请,生产,逮捕,介绍引进

Language Date Bank side by side 3. 这些打击乐通常很短,但埃而克和其他音乐主持人利用摆放在一起的两个唱盘将两盘录音反复播放,使打击乐播放时间更长。 The percussion breaks were usually short, but Herc and other DJs made them longer by using two records on two turntables, ________ ________ _________. side by side side by side:一面又一面地,反复地,并排地,肩并肩地 The couple sat side by side. 那对夫妇肩并肩坐着。

Language Date Bank experimented with 4. 后来他们尝试用不同的发声和奏乐方法,所使用的压韵词汇,经常是来自美籍非洲人的文化当中。 Later they _____________ _____________ different vocal and rhythmic approaches, using rhyming words, often words from African – American culture. experimented with experiment with …:to try something new, especially in order to gain experience 用……做实验 他们正在实验新的教学方法。 They are experimenting with new methods of teaching. by experiment:通过实验 make / carry out / do an experiment on / upon / in / with 做……实验(试验)

Language Date Bank The moment 5. “我一听”他说,“就知道这是一种全新的音乐。” “_______ ________ I heard it” he said, “I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” The moment the moment = as soon as 一……就…… 我一拿起听筒就知道是有人打错了。 The moment I picked up the receiver, I realized that somebody had dialed the wrong number. 引导时间状语从句的连词类似的有: the second, the minute, immediately, directly, hardly (scarcely) … when, no sooner … than

Every time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back. I’m going to see him next time he comes to Shenzhen. He left Europe the year World War Ⅱbroke out. He had impressed me that way the first time I met him. 2.某些表示时间的名词词组,如 the day, the year, the morning, every time, each time, next time, the first time等,也可以引导时间状语从句。

I got in touch with him immediately I received his letter. My sister came directly she got my message. The machine will start instantly you press the button. I’ll tell you about it the moment you come. 3. 有些词,如 immediately, directly, instantly, the (very) moment, the minute, the instant等,当用于 as soon as 的意义时,也可以引导时间状语从句。

Grammar(1)-5 Observation 1. She had no sooner heard the news than she cried. 2. No sooner had she heard the news than she cried. 3.They had hardly started to work when the trouble began. 4.有些关联从属连词,如 no sooner … than / hardly … when / scarcely … when 等,也能引导时间状语从句。 △ 如果把no sooner, hardly, scarcely, 置于句首,它所连带的这部分就要倒装。

我一见到他就告诉他这个消息。(as soon as) 2. 她一来到教室,就开始读英语。(as soon as) 3. 我刚一到家天就下雨了。(no sooner … than…) 4. 他刚做完试卷,铃声就响了。(hardly … when…) I’ll tell him the news as soon as I see him. As soon as she came into the classroom, she began to read English. I had no sooner got home than it began to rain. No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. He had hardly finished the test when the bell rang. Hardly had he finished the test when the bell rang.

5.他一来,你就可立即离开。(immediately) 6.我一见到你,就认出你来了。(the moment) 7.每次见面,他都向我问候,说“你好!”(each time / every time) 8.到18岁的时候,她已大学毕业了。(by the time) You may leave immediately he comes. I recognized you the moment I saw you. He greeted with “hello!”each time he saw me. By the time she was 18, she had already graduated from the university.

Language Date Bank Secondly were bored with in decline 6. 其次,人们厌倦了当时的流行音乐---20世纪70年代中期迪斯科和摇滚乐都在走下坡路。 _________, people _______ _______ _______ the pop music of the day – disco music and rock music were both ________ ________ in the mid – 1970s. Secondly were bored with in decline be bored with …: 对……厌烦 她已经对过去的事情不感兴趣了。 She has been bored with the past. in decline:在下降,在衰退中 他对电脑游戏的兴趣开始减退。 His interest in computer games is now in decline.

Language Date Bank took advantage of 7. 嬉蹦乐利用了这一点,为那些不喜欢迪斯科的人们提供了别样的迪斯科音乐! Hip hop _________ __________ _________ that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco! took advantage of take advantage of :利用 她建议他利用这个机会。 She advised him to take advantage of the opportunity. 你应该利用这好天气去郊外踏青。 You should take advantage of the fine weather to go for a walk in the country.

Language Date Bank spread to 8. 这种风格很快就传到了美国的其他地方。 The style soon ________ ________ other parts of the United States. spread to spread to a place:(指消息等)传到某个地方 The news soon spread to other cities. spread解释为“传播”时还可与其他介词连用。 In the 1980s, hip hop spread across the world, to Japan, India and many parts of Europe. The fire spread from the factory to the houses nearby. The illness spread through the village.

Language Date Bank rather than 9. 歌曲是说唱的而不是敲打出来的。 Songs that are spoken ________ ________ sung are called rap. rather than rather than:与其说…倒不如说…,宁愿…不愿… 该短语为从属连词,引导比较从句,而且这个从句经常是省略的。其用法有: 她在工作中的表示是好,而不是坏。 Her performance in work is good rather than bad. 我决定写信给她,而不愿打电话。 I decided to write to her rather than telephone her. 与其说他是位诗人,不如说他是位作家。 He is a writer rather than a poem.