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Presentation transcript:


So Young

Today we have the fifth groups to introduce one of the recent release, very controversial film《So young》

致我们终将逝去的青春 So young “So young" adapted from the novel of the same name,, is Zhao Wei's directorial debut, is also the director of the Beijing Film Academy master's graduate work, the film written by Li Qiangren, Hongkong director Stanley Kwan, producer Chen Zhiwei clips, theme song is sung by Faye Wong. 致我们终将逝去的青春》 《改编自辛夷坞的同名小说,为赵薇的导演处女作,也是其北京电影学院导演系硕士的毕业作品,该片由李樯任编剧、香港导演关锦鹏监制、陈志伟剪辑、主题曲则由王菲演唱。

Because the film is Zhao Wei's directorial debut, so much attention Because the film is Zhao Wei's directorial debut, so much attention. The film is scheduled for release in April 26, 2013 in mainland China, Taiwan and Hongkong. 由于本片是赵薇的导演处女作,因此备受关注。影片定于2013年4月26日在中国内地上映,台湾与香港则未定。

2013年4月18日,第三届法国中国电影节宣布《致我们终将逝去的青春》为中国11部参展影片之一。 In April 18, 2013, the third session of the French Film Festival of China announced that "we will be lost youth" as one of the 11 Chinese films

经典台词  classic line Once we think we can die for love, but love die, it will only in the most pain place a shot on the bar, and then we want to cry without tears, we toss and turn restlessly, we long illness into the hospital, we be toughened and hardened into steel. You are not the wind, I also not sand, then touching to the horizon. 曾经我们都以为自己可以为爱情死,其实爱情死不了人,它只会在最疼的地方扎上一针,然后我们欲哭无泪,我们辗转反侧,我们久病成医,我们百炼成钢。你不是风儿,我也不是沙,再缠绵也到不了天涯。

The eastlands for only a moment together with your lover, she wanted to take the relationships we hold forever, she ever thought that there will be today? Love, thought that the man is his own life, unfortunately, once, I was standing in another person's side. 当年舟车劳顿只为与爱人片刻相依的她,一心只想把那份感情守成天长地久的她,可曾想到会有今天?爱着的时候,以为那个人就是自己的一生,谁料到一朝梦醒,就站在了另一个人的身边。

My life is in a building can only build a building, I need to make it accurate, not exactly to a cm - so, I was too nervous, afraid of bad step wrong. 我的人生是一栋只能建造一次的楼房,我必须让它精确无比,不能有一厘米差池——所以,我太紧张,害怕行差步错。

别让我再等你,我怕我没有足够的勇气一直等在原地,更怕我们走着走着,就再也找不到对方了。 Don't let me wait for you, I'm afraid I don't have enough courage to have been waiting in the same spot, more afraid of us walk, can't find each other.

Youth like a song, when listen to, refreshing, suddenly finalizing, lamenting the youth no longer, but the melody is babbling, experience is long cover is new 青春之歌 青春如一首歌,当用心聆听之际,沁人心脾,恍然间曲终人散,感叹青春不再,但旋律却萦绕耳际,历久弥新

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