China ten most wonderful highways


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China ten most wonderful highways 中国十大最美公路导航 2014-08-10 成功故里 China ten most wonderful highways

杭州湾跨海大桥是世界上最长的跨海大桥,全长36公里。 1. 杭州湾跨海大桥 杭州湾跨海大桥是世界上最长的跨海大桥,全长36公里。 Hangzhou Bridge World's Longest Trans-oceanic Bridge, total length 36km.

2. 挂壁公路 挂壁公路是在悬崖峭壁上开凿而出的,我国一共有六条挂壁公路,主要分布在太行山及晋东南,有锡崖沟(陵川县)、郭亮(辉县)、陈家园(陵川县)、回龙(陵川县)、昆山、井底(平顺县)。其中郭亮被称为“第九大奇迹”、“世界最险要十条公路之一”、“世界十八条最奇特公路之一”。 China has 6 such hanging highways one of then is Quabi Highway in Taihang Mountain as shown.

A photo shows view along the Guoliang guabi road, a special road built into the wall of a steep mountain, in Huixian county, Xinxiang city, Central China's Henan province. This Guoliang guabi road is one of the six such roads in China built on the wall of mountains.

3. 终南山公路隧道 秦岭终南山公路隧道国家高速公路包头至茂名线控制性工程,也是陕西“三纵四横五辐射”公路网西安至安康高速公路重要组成部分。单洞长18.02公里,双洞共长36.04公里,建设规模世界第一,中国公路隧道之最,需15分钟才能穿越。 其中为缓解驾驶员视觉疲劳,保证行车安全,特别设置了目前世界上高速公路隧道最先进的特殊灯光带,值得一去。 World longest double-tunnel 18km Zhongnanshan Highway in Qinling, Shaanxi Province.

Photo taken on Jan. 17, 2007 shows the general view of the Zhongnan Mountains Tunnel in northwest China's Shaanxi Province. [Xinhua Photo]


An 18-kilometer-long, double-tube and four-lane highway tunnel, the longest double-tube highway tunnel in the world,

Japan is currently home to the world's second longest double-tube highway tunnel, which is 10.9 kilometers.

Aizhai Highway with 13-turn in Hunan Province. 4. 矮寨盘山公路 矮寨盘山公路,为国道319干线(旧称湘川公路)公路奇观。自下而上经13处弯道始达坡顶。山势陡峭险峻,近坡顶处有一公路天桥,全国罕见。山顶建有“湘川公路死事员工纪念碑”及“开路先锋”铜像。 Aizhai Highway with 13-turn in Hunan Province.

A twisted mountain road along the Aizhai Highway in central China's Hunan province is considered the most beautiful of its kind in the country.(Photo / IC)

5. 矮寨大桥 矮寨特大悬索桥,位于湖南湘西矮寨镇境内。矮寨悬索桥,距吉首市区约20公里,跨越矮寨镇附近的山谷,德夯河流经谷底,桥面设计标高与地面高差达330米左右,全长1073.65m,悬索桥的主跨为1176m。该桥跨越矮寨大峡谷,主跨居世界第三、亚洲第一。 Aizhai Bridge in Hunan Province, height 330m, span 1,176m. World No. 3, Asia No. 1.

6. 天门山盘山公路 张家界天门山盘山公路有“通天大道”之称,盘山公路全长10.77公里,海拔从200米急剧提升到1300米,大道两侧绝壁千仞,空谷幽深,共计99个弯,180度急弯此消彼长,似玉带环绕,弯弯紧连,层层迭起,被誉为“天下第一公路奇观”。 Tianmen Mountain Winding Highway Zhangjiajie Hunan Province, Length 11km, height from 200m to 1300m sea level, total 99 bends. On top of the mountain there is Tianmen Temple.

If the Aizhai Highway is the most beautiful, the mountain road reaching the top of the Tianmen Mountain in Northwestern Hunan province must be breathtaking. The 11 km road lifts visitors from an altitude of 200 meters to 1,300 in 99 turns.(Photo / IC)

Tianmen Temple complex 上山的天门山寺 Tianmen Temple complex

天门山寺 Tianmen Temple

7. 二十四道拐 二十四道拐是个地名,是一段二十四道弯的公路,贵州晴隆“24道拐”抗战公路,是“史迪威公路”的形象标识。古称“鸦关”,雄、奇、险、峻,有一夫当关,万夫莫开之势。从山脚至山顶的直线距离约350米,垂直高度约260米;在倾角约60度的斜坡上以“S”型顺山势而建,蜿蜒盘旋至关口,全程约4公里。 24道拐盘山公路,堪称险峻公路建设史上的杰出典范。是中美两国人民英勇抗击日本侵略者历史的真实写照,是中国抗日战争大后方唯一的陆路运输线及国际援华物资的大动脉,被誉为“中国抗战的生命线”,又称“历史的弯道”。 The “24-zig” is in Guizhou Province, it has 24 sharp bends on a high mountain. The Burma Road was largely built by Chinese during World War II to bring supplies to beleagured China, to help Chinese resist the Japanese invasion.

This mountainous track in the photo is nicknamed the "24-zig" road for its 24 sharp bends on a high mountain. The 24 zigs stretches 3.7 kilometers and has a 300-meter vertical drop.

8. 塔里木沙漠公路 沙漠公路南北贯穿号称“死亡之海”的塔克拉玛干大沙漠,对于渴望穿越塔里木沙漠的游客来说,塔里木沙漠公路无疑是提供了最好的条件,自驾车穿越整个沙漠,耗时将在5个小时左右,沿途可看见奇异的沙漠景观和千年胡杨。 Tarim Desert Highway, also known as the Cross-Desert Highway (CDH) or Taklamakan Desert Highway, crosses the Taklamakan Desert from north to south, 552 km long. It take about 5hrs by car to travel the whole length.

This highway links the cities of Luntai (轮台) on National Highway 314 and Minfeng (民丰) on National Highway 315, on the northern and southern edges of the Tarim Basin. The total length of the highway is 552 km; approximately 446 km of the highway cross uninhabited areas covered by shifting sand dunes, making it the longest such highway in the world.

PetroChina gas station in the middle of the desert

Tarim Desert Highway isn't entirely protected by live vegetation Tarim Desert Highway isn't entirely protected by live vegetation. In this stretch of the road, the sand dunes are stabilized with straw.

9. 入藏公路 川藏、青藏、滇藏、新藏,四条入藏的公路风景都是极好的,是骑行者的天堂。其中川藏线是与国道318一部分,是中国的景观大道。 4 Highways enter into Tibet namely Chuanzang (Sichuan-Tibet Highway), Qingzang (Qinghai-Tibet Highway), Dianzang (Yunnan-Tibet Highway) and Xinzang (Xinjiang-Tibet highway) Highways.

川藏公路 Chuanzang Highway The Sichuan-Tibet Highway is a high-elevation road that begins in Chengdu of Sichuan on the east and ends at Lhasa in Tibet on the west. The road has a length of 2,142km. Make sure you get your vehicle and yourself well-prepared before driving this road. The construction of the highway began in April 1950, and on 25 December 1954 it was open.

川藏北线 川藏北线从成都出发,经雅安直接进甘孜后,经炉霍、甘孜、德格过岗嘎金沙江大桥入藏,再经江达、昌都抵南北线交合点邦达后,经波密、八一往拉萨,全程2413公里。 川藏南线于1958年正式通车。南线从雅安起与国道108分道,向西翻越二郎山,沿途越过大渡河、雅砻江、金沙江、澜沧江、怒江上游,经雅江、理塘、巴塘过竹巴笼金沙江大桥入藏,再经芒康、左贡、邦达、八宿、然乌、波密、林芝、墨竹工卡、达孜抵拉萨。川藏南线成都至拉萨全长2142千米


川藏公路 Chuanzang Highway

川藏公路 Chuanzang Highway

青藏公路 Qingzang Highway Qing Zang Highway (青藏公路) - The 1,160 Km long Qing Zang Highway is paralleled with the renowned Qinghai-Tibet Railway (青藏铁路). It runs from Golmud (格尔木) of Qinghai (青海), crosses the Kunlun Mountains (昆仑山脉), vast grasslands and ends at the city of Tibet (西藏) - Lhasa (拉萨). Being the world's highest elevated road (averaging 4,000 m ASL) hence travellers need to carry supplies of oxygen and altitude sickness medicine. The Highway was completed in the early 1970s and just celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Qingzang Highway and Qingzang Railway 青藏公路和青藏铁路 Qingzang Highway and Qingzang Railway

Qingzang Highway and Qingzang Railway 青藏公路和青藏铁路 Qingzang Highway and Qingzang Railway

青藏公路 Qingzang Highway

青藏公路 Qingzang Highway

青藏公路 Qingzang Highway

习近平就川藏青藏公路建成通车60周年作出重要批示 强调要弘扬“两路”精神 助推西藏发展 2014年08月06日 19:12 来源: 央视网  央视网消息(新闻联播):中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日就川藏、青藏公路通车60周年作出重要批示,要求进一步弘扬“两路”精神,助推西藏发展。 习近平指出,今年是川藏、青藏公路建成通车60周年。这两条公路的建成通车,是在党的领导下新中国取得的重大成就,对推动西藏实现社会制度历史性跨越、经济社会快速发展,对巩固西南边疆、促进民族团结进步发挥了十分重要的作用。当年,10多万军民在极其艰苦的条件下团结奋斗,创造了世界公路史上的奇迹,结束了西藏没有公路的历史。   60多年前,西藏和平解放后,中国人民解放军、四川和青海等省各族人民群众以及工程技术人员组成了11万人的筑路大军,在极为艰苦的条件下奋勇拼搏,3000多名英烈捐躯高原,于1954年建成了总长4360公里的川藏、青藏公路,结束了西藏没有现代公路的历史,在“人类生命禁区”的“世界屋脊”创造了公路建设史上的奇迹,铸造了一不怕苦、二不怕死,顽强拼搏、甘当路石,军民一家、民族团结的“两路”精神。在改造、整治和养护过程中,一代代交通人秉承传统,以路为家,不断丰富和发展了“两路”精神,为西藏交通运输事业的发展注入了强大的精神动力。

滇藏公路 Dianzang Highway Dian-Zang (Dian is the abbreviation for Yunnan Province, Zang is the abbreviation for Tibet) Highway was built and opened to traffic in 1974. It starts from Xiaguan of Yunnan in the south, traverses Jianchuan, Zhongdian and Dechen to Zhikang of Tibet in the north and covers a distance of 714 km. It joins the south part of Sichuan-Tibet Road in the north. It is the fourth trunk line from hinterland to Tibet. People all consider it the most beautiful highway in China and all over the world.

滇藏公路 Dianzang Highway .

新藏公路 Xinzang Highway Xinjiang -Tibet Highway, the No 219 National Trunk Highway, starts from Yecheng county of Xinjiang and ends at Lhaze county of Shigatse Prefecture in Tibet. It runs 1,455 kilometers, winding its way among mountains and rivers.

新藏公路 Xinzang Highway

新藏公路 Xinzang Highway

10. 台湾的苏花公路 苏花公路,是台湾东海岸的一条省辖公路,为省道台九线的一段,北方起点是宜兰县苏澳镇,南方终点是花莲县花莲市,临海道路全长118公里,大致依海岸线修筑,间或蜿蜒进入平坦河口三角洲腹地。沿路可看太平洋海景与峭壁山色,为世界著名的景观公路。 Taiwan Suhua Highway is a 118-kilometre section of the Provincial Highway No. 9 in Taiwan, starting at Su-ao Township, Yilan and ending at Hualien City, Hualien. it is a dangerous yet scenic drive. Famous tourist stops include the Chingshui Cliffs.

Taroko Bridge in Suhua Highway 蘇花公路的入口:太魯閣大橋 Taroko Bridge in Suhua Highway

Taiwan 2009 CingShui Cliffs on SuHua Highway

In a photo taken on April 29, 2014, two young men on bicycles stopping to take in a sea view from the costal Suhua Highway, which starts in Ilan county in Northeastern Taiwan and ends at Hulian county in eastern Taiwan. Local people love to cycle the road for the sea breeze and relaxing views.(Photo / IC)

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Only in China Pictures and captions: Internet PPS by: Oei Hui Kiat, Singapore Date completed: Thu. 28 Aug. 2014 Music: 我的祖国